Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects workflow: Dynamic Link |

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after effects for compositing and Springer Pro for editing your videos to amazing tools for your post-production workflow but to programs what's the best workflow here to go back and forward between these two [Music] hey folks journey here for cynic on net welcome to the creative photography Channel now you might have already heard about its dynamic link it just thing that's almost any Adobe application has and it allows their different programs to communicate with each shutter so let's head over to the computer and see how this thing works but most importantly find a workflow that is fast and user friendly we are inside Adobe Premiere Pro and what you're seeing here are just some random shots as a demo for this tutorial it's just me sitting down on a chair and suddenly I see this letter laying down but it seems to be a bill so that's why this expression over here as you can see I'm not in the mood to pay that bill anyways we want to bring this into After Effects because we're going to do some visual effects perhaps lower the price of that bill or something we're at so animations to it so we're going to talk about the workflow of working with clips from and to after-effects there are basically two ways you can do that we can either bring the stuff from premiere into After Effects or bring the stuff from After Effects to premiere I'm going to start with showing you the first one bringing the sequence the entire timeline of Premiere Pro to After Effects and I'm going to take a look at the benefits of that first so right here I'm inside After Effects just an empty project and going to close the beginning screen here and I'm going to open up or locate the project file of Premiere Pro that we were seeing in the beginning and I'm going to drag that project file just inside After Effects just like so that will make a connection with dynamic link the stuff that I was talking about in the beginning of this video from there you can select the sequence that you want to import in here and match this video 1 press ok and it's imported as one single clip I can drag that into the timeline here to create a new composition and play that video back now the great thing here is that so we didn't have to export this from Premiere Pro and import it back inside After Effects there's actually made a link between these two and let me just show you quickly the benefits of doing that let's say that this shot right here I would like to color correct to do that very easily I can just go back to Premiere Pro stand on that clip and I'm going to change my workspace to color to change the color correction just going to do something drastic in here let's just add some more warmth into this shot so you can actually see it happening and just going to tap back to after effects and look what happens bang also the clip in there has been adjusted so there you can see the link working that this is all good if you have an edit lock as well and that is not really a technical term which is something that you have to mind your selves on once you're done which is edits that you're going to say to yourself it's locked right now I'm not going to change anything anymore in my edits because it allowed to go back to Premiere Pro and I'm going to move that clip here to a different spot we had this black hole and that is also visible inside After Effects as you can see so that means even though to do something with this particular shot I'm going to animate a miniature cart rising on this table for example well what I'm going to drag that clip to a different spot in premiere well then that car will just drive on top of a black video like we have right here also we don't really see the individual Clips in here so that's also something that you have to be aware of so why would this be good well if you are doing some general stuff for example you're just going to track some text in here making some very basic animations does anything where you're not really going to blend or cut or do anything individually with these clips and this right here is a pretty good workflow definitely because you can always go back to your premiere and do other changes like the color Corrections but there's also of course another workflow which is more popular and that is by sending specific clips to after-sex what I'm going to do is close After Effects and I'm not going to save this project we're going to start from a blank page going to undo this action unit as well now what we can do is select one or multiple clips in your and send them to after-effects so for the example I'm just going to select two right click on them and say replace with After Effects composition when you click on that After Effects will open up and to ask you to save the project file which is something that you have to do prior but just name this anything for example After Effects and press on safe and as you can see the two Clips has been imported plus a composition has been created and we can now work individually on these clips you can see the actual length of that clip which is also more convenient and if we are going to take a look back inside premiere you will see that these two clips have been changed by that one composition that we have also here in the project panel you can see that that composition has been imported so yes that does also means that we can drag in After Effects project files right inside premiere just like we're doing the beginning of the screencast now the benefit of this is that we can of course move this composition around in a timeline we can do other things like slicing that clip again doing color Corrections on its branch we're going to blend some lens flares onto it so we still have a lot of freedom we're kind of using premiere as the main editing place here where everything happens for everything comes together and after effect it's just one input source now let's go back to After Effects and do something here let's say that we want to add some pretty cool effects let me just head over to the effects and presets and I'm just going to track some stuff on to it don't mind it too much for example this blob wise what else do we have lens smear looks pretty cool as well make sure that we still see something in here something like that is smearing that out where years a little bigger there we go isn't is a pretty awesome pretty cool effect but this plays back pretty okay inside After Effects no the performance that's pretty ok but if we are going to go back to premiere with having this dynamic link in action the performance has been decreased a lot and that is one of your limitations of dynamic link I am able to play this back but as you can see it doesn't go that route Lee even though it was going smoothly in After Effects and that is one ugly face right there but there is a pretty good solution for that but that's wrappers this short break discover premium gates library of high-quality royalty free music and enhance your video with the work of professional composers with an array of files and jars unveil Abell it's easy to find your ideal track fast plus you can download free full length previews before purchasing to make sure that your track suits your project perfectly check out the link in description below to get listening welcome back folks now we can just render this clip by hitting the return key and now as you can see this little line here on top s turned green which means we can play that back real time because it's rendered but let's assume that we are going to do the color Corrections now onto its inside premiere that means I'm going to make changes to a clip that I rendered let me do that I'm going to decrease key exposure and already you see that that slyness turned red again because it's not the same anymore as its source file so that means premiere is telling me well your made changes to it you'll have to rerender this and that is an issue this is not really user friendly is not a good workflow it still plays back awful right now now luckily premiere came up with a pretty good solution for this what they can do is render this but also replace this clip with you rendered file and that is easily done by the functionality by just right clicking on this composition here in click on render and replace that will prompt you how you would like to render that and what we're going to do is make sure that this source is always on individual Clips because that will make sure that each clip is separately rendered always gives you more flexibility when you're going to move stuff around the format to DNxHD is pretty good as well that's going to go too deep and all of this basically what you want to do is just hit that ok' button and that will just render that clip as you can see inside the project panel also that rendered file has been added to it it has been replaced with the composition but the composition is still there also something important and also something that we're going to come back in just a minute the great thing is that we can do color Corrections onto it right now and we're doing that not on the composition but we're doing that directly on that render file so that's why we can always play this back in real time while making changes to it and that face really keeps creeping me out seriously I'm going to go back to After Effects and remove that effect cos I don't feel good anymore just remove all this year let's add something better to this for example the liquify which is also a pretty cool effect we just take stuff and smear that to different spots like that not that my face looks better now I still feel creeped out anyways let's go back to Premiere Pro and as you can see nothing has changed me so that is a little problem that we have so what we have to do here is make sure that we have an After Effects lock in our mind as well that means we have done our visual effects not going to make changes to it anymore and that's also the reason why we can render it inside premiere let's assume that you are making changes because you don't like your face in this shot then we have to bring the composition back in this place here let us luckily done very easily what we can do is just double click here on the composition so that means the actual source insights the program monitoring as you can see here this is the thing that we've changed now with a smear and since we had that in the source monitor open now we can right click on that render file and say replace with clip from source monitor and bang everything is back and also our color correction is still on that clip which is very important of course and now we can read render that again so this is one great workflow to make sure that everything stays at speeds in your timeline in Premiere Pro there's one last thing we show you guys and then as if you are working with text let's say that you have made a text animation well there's also there a pretty cool workflow let's set a different clip view after effects this one right here with the awesome expression try to click on - it's a replace with After Effects composition that will open that up and the same project that I have a natural facts right here so we don't have to create a new project let me just create any text in here like t text tool like say text goes here just drag that a little bit bigger and pretty cool thing is as long as we are keeping this as a text layer we can do anything to this so we can also add effects to it let's add that lens effects on to it let me just create a quick animation here something works kind of pops open just me keyframe for the size go a bit further in time and there we go in the text is there you know a text goes here I'm going to go back to Premiere Pro as you can see the text isn't there the animation everything it's here but you know I'd like to change that text for different ways you can do that we can go back into After Effects but you know I've already closed After Effects and didn't wish to open that again all no worries inside your project panel here just double click on that linked composition so that it's opened up in your source monitor and then headed over to effects controls and to look at that we can just change the text in here this is always something that you have to do on the source clip so you can double click here on the clip in your timeline so from here we can just change that text - to mr. awesome which kind of says something about the person here in this shot not sure who that is but does seem awesome to me so there we go with the animation everything that we've created a natural facts is still intact is still there just the text has been changed it's that simple you know if you are running an older version you do need to enable that option inside After Effects and you can do that so I'm just going to go back to After Effects here quickly inside your project panel make sure to right-click on your composition of this shot here and go to composition settings now somewhere right here and I believe it was already advanced at you will see use text as template or something and a newer version adobe has to remove that and just made it work by default but I believe somewhere around Creative Cloud 2015 or 2014 and not entirely sure you had to enable that and if you don't see this option and doesn't work as well that means you really have an old version and you should either update your After Effects to make that work so that says about you workflow from bringing Clips back and forward to After Effects and Premiere Pro you can click here above my head to subscribe to this channel or you can also click on the video here on my left to learn the very basics of After Effects and get started for stats program thank you so much for watching as always they create [Music] you
Views: 816,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dynamic, Dynamic Link, workflow, Dynamic workflow, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Adobe, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, cinecom, premiere, effects, adobe after effects (software), pro, link, after, adobe dynamic link, filmmaking, editing, online tutorial, dynamic linking, ae, tips, tricks, premiere pro tutorial, how-to, how, video editing, premiere pro effects, video, adobe premiere, to, effect
Id: 8SKZUuZkE08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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