How You Can Blend Pictures with Photoshop Elements - How To Violin Blend Background

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Hi I'm George Peirson and we'll be doing this Photoshop Elements Blending Pictures project, putting this nice kind of romantic background in behind this violinist. Now if you liked this video make sure you hit that Like button, and of course Share, you can support my channel through Patreon, also don't forget to Subscribe. I do a bunch of videos every single week, there's my current schedule. And take a look at my complete training for Photoshop Elements and there's a link for that right down there in the description Okay let's get to it [Music] For this Photoshop Elements Blending Pictures project we'll be using 3 photos and I have them right down here in my photo bin as you can see I have a sheet music picture, our violinist, and then just this nice still life of these images. Now we'll be starting off with this picture as our base picture because want everything to fit inside of this image so let's just close everything else down I'll close down our original back there and it's get these things closed down there we go so here's our original photo now we need to bring in those other two pictures and they're several ways to do that of course you could just open them up and drag and drop I'll just be using place this time just really easy to do go up to file come down to place and let's take our still life first place that in never comes in too small like this all you have to do is just resize the image I'll use my ctrl T keyboard shortcuts we have our control handles showing and just drag this up now the nice thing about the place command is that the image is automatically refigure from the original so it retains as much quality as possible now notice there we're a little wider then we are tall on the original image so let's take this clear to the top and then I'll stretch this out until it fits top to bottom as well and then this position it nicely I think there's more information that's useful on the left hand side so I'll cut off the right hand side which just has some leaves on it once that's positioned too okay there let's now bring in our sheet music same trick place there's the sheet music and again just grab your corners and let's drag this up if you hold the shift key down it will then drag this proportionally if it doesn't do that already for you there we go there's our sheet music okay so far so good now we need to have the violinist above everything else so I'm going to make a copy of this background layer right click duplicate layer choose okay there it is just pull that to the top there we go and you can then hide that background we're not going to be using that again on the background copy make another copy of that right click duplicate layer and choose okay they can hide that top one up there be working with outlast we can hide this layer now as well so leaves us with the still life right here and then above the still life we have this sheet music let's now blend the sheet music into the still life by adjusting the blend mode go to our blend modes here and come down to soft light and it just overlays the sheet music on top of that still life giving us a nice kind of a dreamy effect in here a bit of a double exposure with that on top now for this kind of a basic effect what works out well is if you have a nice background picture like this and then some kind of a texture picture on top I'm using the sheet music as my texture picture getting the texture in there of the notes and the lines of music okay the background is now done we now need to blend in our violinist into that background let's start off with this first copy here and it will change the blend mode on this and blend this into the background layer go up here to our blend modes and come down to hard light and that blends our in and kind of a nice contrast II way down here looks real weird up in there we don't want to have that we'll be fixing that in our next step and that's the final layer IPR top layer we need to do now is use this to keep the nice photo of the violinist in this area here look the arms blend into the background and we'll remove this background here not real nice easy way to do this is just to add a layer mask so here's our layer mask button there we go notice that we're white on the layer mask white shows everything is showing because the whole layer mask is white if we now paint black onto this layer mask it will then hide that part of this picture and show us the stuff underneath okay so over here make sure black is your foreground click on the paintbrush brush tool I have mine set at 300 pixels soft brush and the opacity down just a little bit below mid point down 44% so it's good large brush you can see it right there there it is easy to see now if I go up here upper right hand corner and I paint in here with this brush you can see what happens it's hiding this for grinnell picture and showing us the stuff we have in the background which is all those different blended layers so all I need to do is just come in here now and paint around and because it's at a 44% I'll have to go over it several times to get full density on that and I did it on purpose that we can fade in nicely into our foreground image so this first get around the violinists like this does basically get in the background in place and again go over several times get the full amount in there now I want to keep the arms in from our blended arms so I'll just paint right in like that there we go same thing on the right hand side let's go right under the arms you get a little bit of that sheet music showing through there on the hands and then around the head that just come in just until we're just touching it like that there we are and then right down in there as well and there we go it's really that easy to do just again that you're nice and full in our areas out here and around the bottom side there we go and there we go real fast real easy doing a romantic background change by blending these three different pictures together and if you had fun with this fast project make sure you hit that like button and share don't forget to check out patreon you can support me on patreon also subscribe and take a look at my complete training course for photoshop elements and again as a link for that right down there in the description [Music]
Channel: HTG George
Views: 5,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop elements blending, photoshop elements blending pictures, photoshop elements blending options, photoshop elements blending modes, blending photos in photoshop elements, photoshop elements blending layers, photoshop elements blending two photos, adobe photoshop elements blending options, adobe photoshop elements blending modes, photoshop elements, photoshop elements blend two images, photoshop elements blend modes, photoshop elements blend layers
Id: 8jYNBj8S8cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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