Adobe Illustrator Tutorial for Beginners

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hi there my name is Dan Scott and in this course you are going to learn how to make beautiful Graphics in illustrator now you won't just learn how to use the tools uh you'll learn them while creating beautiful real world uh portfolio ready projects we'll start easy and fun by learning how to draw with simple shapes you'll finally Master the pen tool giving us amazing creative freedom you'll be giv your own unique mini brief for your very own Farmers Market product you'll explore creative brushes lines and Strokes to enhance your designs you'll be empowered to create seemingly impossible illustrations using the latest tools including some of the new generative AI features in illustrator so cool you'll Master how to create and manipulate type like the professionals do you'll finally learn where and how to pick great type and color combinations once you've mastered the tools you'll have fun putting your new knowledge into creative action and you'll learn how to get your designs out of Illustrator ready for all sorts of different applications so if you've never opened up illustrator or you've opened it and you struggled a bit with it this my friend is the course for you we're going to start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step hi everyone hey it's time to get started uh first thing we need to do is you need to download the exercise files uh there'll be a link on this page here so download them and unzip them you'll be ready for the course uh inside those exercise files there is a handy dandy uh EG what is it called uh short cut sheet that's what it is so I've made a shortcut sheet for us uh so print that off stick it next to your desk and be ready to circle the ones that are really important um so yeah download exercise files print off the shortcut sheet uh what next oh yeah download the software uh so go to this link here uh download Adobe Illustrator okay there is a free trial if you do use my link though uh Adobe gives me a small reward for sending you there or you can go to Adobe directly up to you either way make sure that ad dubie illustrator is installed the other thing is is that I can get quite excitable and talk really fast especially in the morning after coffee so if you find me too quick or too slow that happens uh there is a cog down in the corner click on that find it there's like a playback speed in most players uh and set me to a slower speed I sound a little weird but you will get used to me you can speed me up up to you lastly uh the software updates all the time really fast and uh just check there might be a popup like this one okay over here Taylor does pop-ups if there is just a small change if it's a big change I'll re-record it if it's super new you might check out the comments the comments is a great place to see if um you know I might have left a note another student might have left a note you might have a really unique problem and one other unique person might be down there having the same problem and found a solution check the comments um but for now let's get started with the course hi hey this video we are going to talk about what illustrator is great at what it's kind of mediocre at but still gets used for and what it's not good at when you should maybe look at some of the other uh products to go and use so the things that it are really good at I'm going to check my list before I get started wait there okay hopefully I've memorized them all okay the big ones are things like illustration and drawing perfect uh logo design branding illustrators perfect uh Flyers posters stationary stickers icons fashion patent making oh I'm gonna have to check the list wait there all right there was post and sign uh sign writing that I didn't say got close though uh so you get a sense of what illustrator for what it gets use for by lots of people and you can totally do it but it's probably not the right tool for it just so you know um is say web design and UI design is one of them um mainly because there are you can do it and you can there's lots of features in here you can do for that sort of stuff okay but there are products like Figo or XD or Envision Studio or there's lots of other products that are just more focused on doing it you can design them an illustrator but adding all the interactivity can't be done here so it's better to go to those tools um the other thing that it's probably not good at that gets used a lot for is um newsletters and magazines and Books Okay um but earlier on I said it's good for newsletters it's great for newsletters that are really small okay and not physical size but more two pages four pages maybe eight pages the problem with it is illustrat is designed like under the hood I don't know why but it's designed to do illustration amazingly quickly and beautifully and it's great but as soon as you add lots of volume to it like lots of pages it starts struggling especially if you start throwing in lots of big high quality Images Oh gets tired and slow you can do it but you will eventually go okay and that is where something like Adobe in design that's what it does okay it does a little bit of what of Illustrator does okay but it allows you to do multiple Pages load you know you can throw in design and say open a 300 page document and then design will go okay now you're open if you say that illustrator it kind of curls over dieses and steam comes out of its ears like it just can't do it okay so um few pages fine an illustrator lots of pages you need to move to in design um the other big thing that's in the gang of Illustrator okay he's got in design by his side often you'll be back and forth with those if you're a designer a book publisher or um those things okay um on the other side is Photoshop okay where does that go so Photoshop is for retouching images Illustrated you can do tiny changes you can do tweaks and color shifts and but you can't mask anything you can't cut anybody out that is photoshop's job okay so any sort of photo manipulation masking and cutting um gets done in Photoshop Illustrated does all the illustration and creating lots of little elements okay icons and buttons and titles and drawings and all sorts of cool stuff and then um end design is over here for if it gets published in a larger book um did that help hopefully it helped anyway that's what illustrator is really good at and average yet and can't do it all 300 Pages steam uh all right that is it I will see you in the next video we'll actually open the program let's do it hi everyone hey in this video we're going to do a quick tour around illustrator and do some of the basics to get us going all right first up let's open up a file so with illustrator open let's go to file let's go to open and I want you to find the exercise files that you've downloaded um one thing sometimes people try and open up the zip file that comes down you just need to double click that okay and open it so in this case I double click the thing I downloaded and this file has everything that I need in it okay if you don't know how to unzip double click it if you still can't do it just Google unzipping on my computer you'll get there all right the file that I want you to uh open is something called getting started so open up that one there it should look something like this everyone's is going to look slightly different couple of things I want us to do just to make sure that we're all the same when we're walking through it yours doesn't look too different from mine is up here at the top it says window once you go down to workspace and you should be on Essentials give that a click okay and then go back into here and say reset Essentials just so that everybody's is the same and looks like mine hopefully next thing is is that some people are centimeters and millimeters people and other people are inches so with nothing selected so what I've got is I've got my Black Arrow this is kind of like the default thing that we normally go to as a tool um click on the background in this gray area okay so that means you got nothing selected and over here under the properties tab depending on where you are click on the properties Tab and here it says units look at that pick your unit of choice the next thing I'm going to do for this course is I'm going to make my UI bigger so everything's quite small I got a lot of space but it's not good for these videos because you need to see everything and you might find this quite useful if you find everything's just too small to read okay so go up to illustrator go to preferences on a Mac okay if you're on a PC it's in a slightly different place it's under edit okay and down the bottom here will be preferences so whichever one you want I'm on a Max I'm going to go to click on illustrator and go to preferences and I'm going to find this one that says oh where is it user interface that's it and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go do I want it small medium or large I'm going Mega large just so that you can see it easy you pick the size you like I'm going to have to restart it'll say you need to restart illustrator for this to work and I'm going to say okay and I'll be back in a second there you go giant illustrator for your viewing pleasure up to you so I'm going to go back to file open and actually I'm gonna hit cancel I'm going to go to file open recent there he is getting started handy okay so everything's bigger I'm pretty sure this will work for the course it's pretty ginormous but hey the other thing that's going to change depending on when you start this and what version of Illustrator you have is this toolbar changes quite a bit they add bits to it they move them around they cut it down so uh let's have a look at it so see these little dotted lines right down the bottom here okay I've got these currently illustrator or adobe have decided that these are the ones were going to be really important and then they go ah then we're going to move this one off and shuffle them around what you can do is if something's missing through this course and you're like hey he's got this tool I don't have it or I have too many what you can do is click on this little dotted lines down here and there's all of the tools I've ever made loads of them so have a little look you might be like a there's the one he's using okay the polar grid tool which I'm not going to use you can click on it there you go got the tool click hold drag and you can kind of find a spot spot for it there you go now you got the pole L grid tool I'm going to drag it out but if you do lose a tool it's probably in these little dots down the bottom here the other thing about the toolbar is that see this depending on the size of your computer that you're using the monitor Okay small little laptop big screen it might be in single or double okay so see this little tiny little uh shivr on here if you click them two columns one column up to you I'm going to leave m one column next thing is the page size so we call it Pages everyone calls it a page illustrator call them artboards okay so pages are artboards I want to change the size of my artboard AKA page okay to do that you've got a tool for it it's this one here okay if I click on it okay I don't know how to describe that and rectangle with little slashes off the side it's the outboard tool it just selected my outboard I didn't have to do anything and over here gives me things like what's the width what's the height and you can go down here and say actually I want it to be like us letter but I want it to be portrait or landscape okay or I can just type it in up here I need it to be I don't know 10 cm wide now okay so that is how to change your page sizes I've gone and wrecked mine I want to put mine back to that postcard size this gives me an opportunity for this tool so go to edit and there's undo edit undo edit undo edit undo and you can click that like a madman um you can go to edit and see the shortcuts here all the shortcuts are listed next to it I'm going to Mac so mine's command Z so I never go up to edit undo I just hit command Z repetitively to go back okay on a PC it's control Z there you go undos forever another good point Mac versus PC you can totally do this course with either I'll try and give you the shortcuts for both of them the whole way through they're same same there's no better using one or the other I'm using Mac for this course you can use PC no problem okay a couple of the basic tools just so that we can get them out of the way um there's the two arrows at the top here there's I call them the black arrow and the white Arrow cuz that's what they are and but there's the selection tool and the direct selection tool okay so we're going to start with The Black Arrow the selection tool and it does what you think it does it's the main tool that you'll use you'll click on things okay and move them so click it once and then click hold and drag with your mouse that is the selection tool move stuff around his best buddy that we use Lots but not as much is the direct selection tool this selects parts of parts so let's click on this part here you'll notice that I'm going to actually we're going to jump to another shortcut and actually no no no hold off on the shortcut stand and the direct selection tool means instead of moving this whole thing which it kind of can you got all this other detail what means is let's click this top Point once you see it's kind of a dark blue and all the rest of them are white I can click and drag that so direct selection kind of selects Parts within a part okay like little these they're called anchor points okay and you can click on this one click hold and drag it over so you get into the details so I'm going to hit undo hands up who knows what the undo key is ah good work command on a Mac control on a PC and Z okay I'm going back those couple there you go we're going to use these two loads if in doubt be on the black tool be on The Black Arrow it's like your default not sure what tool to be in be in that one now the shortcut I didn't want to give you is the zooming in and out because there is a way there's a tool down here it's magnifying glass you can click on it and then you click once to zoom in okay hold down the option key Mac all ke PC and click once to zoom out okay or I click twice okay so let go of any key zoom in option on a Mac Al on a PC and click to zoom out nobody uses that you can though there's no rules but the shortcut is and I'm not going to go into too many shortcuts cuz this is the essentials of course just the basics okay is hold down command on a Mac control and a PC and hit the plus key hey I go in and then the minus key okay so hold down command on a Mac control on a PC plus or minus to zoom in and out there are many other ways to zoom if you know them you're awesome leave them in the comments so other people know the ones that you prefer if you do get lost like this like I just did I was clicking away and I don't know where I'm at now you might be over here you'll be like everything's gone okay uh to get back okay you can go to view okay and there's this one called fit upboard the window okay that's the kind of get everything back on screen and I'm lost okay so View fit artboard to window you can see there's a shortcut there I want to tell you that one but nope let's save the shortcuts for a little bit later the other one you'll need is let's say we zoom in so what was the shortcut you remember command plus Control Plus on a PC so we get down here and you're like oh awesome I just want to go over there a little bit you can use these guys see there little scrubber bars we know these ones right everyone knows these okay it's easier though to learn a shortcut remember not too many just the real ones just the essentials we need okay hold on the space bar key on your keyboard okay you see my little cursor changes from an arrow to a little hand and we can click hold drag around look he grabs it grabbing grabbing clicking and dragging around okay that's how we navigate or drag these next thing let's go to file and let's make a new document okay so file new and you can pick from let's just pick whatever's first in your whatever one you can see anything everyone's will be a little different okay I'm going to pick us letter and I'm going to man this UI is actually maybe too big I'm GNA have to make it a little bit smaller um cool Let's ignore that and let's go to create what happens in illustrator and most Adobe products is you end up with two tabs look this is the document that I made and this is the old thing I was working on you can have lots of them open and you can get between them by just clicking the tabs the last thing I want to show you is where everyone gets lost really early in the course uh is uh something called isolation mode okay so I'm going to go back to view and let's go to fit upboard to window what I'm going to do is I'm going to group a couple of things together okay and then show you we you're probably going to get lost okay so I'm going to go to my Black Arrow there he is there I'm going click this once okay I'm going to hold my shift key down on my keyboard okay and I'm going to click this once and I can select multiple things this way so I'm holding shift down the whole time just clicking a bunch of stuff okay and I can move oh what's that I'm not sure what that is Let's ignore that um so what I've got them all selected I'm going to go to group so over here in my properties panel there's a group okay or you can right click it and there's a group they are grouped nobody's lost aha but if you're a double clicker if you love double clicking stuff okay uh you will get into this area so if I click on this look it's one unit but if I double click it everything else goes washed out and like I can't click on this it's not working I can work on this okay in a little bits but I can't work on this how do I get out the easiest way to escape isolation mode we'll do it properly later in the course but just to head anybody off if they do get stuck you can double click the background okay that gets you back out of it as well okay double click to get in double click to get out double click to get in or see this little arrow here you can go back and it just takes you out as well that's where you might get stuck we can go back a couple of arrows there we go all the way out it's called isolation mode this to do with things that are grouped and if you double click stuff you'll end up in there uh but that is it uh boring walkthrough done let's get into some exciting making stuff in the next video um in between videos though I'm going to make my UI a little smaller look how gigantic it is seemed like a good idea but I can't this way too big let's find a middle ground and I will see you in the next video see you there hi everyone in this video we are going to draw this sleeping Fox okay we're going to draw it with simple shapes uh rectangles triangles Stars lines curves just basic stuff so that we can learn the fundamentals of Illustrator we're actually only going to get about this far two triangles and a curvy rectangle but there's lots of foundational fundamental stuff in this video so don't skip plus we'll learn how to bring in images and lock them in the background so that we can trace over the top all right let's get going all right uh first up we are going to create a file either click this button here or file new up to you there's a bunch of preset sizes along the top here okay we're going to go to an easy one that we probably all know and love we're going to use us letter if you're a metric person just use letter okay so I'm going to use letter and over here I'm going to go uh portrait I'm going to go landscape okay okay and get started the other thing we're going to change is under color mode down here okay we're going to change to RGB okay uh we'll talk about color later on in the course RGB is kind of more of a computer screen color cmk is more for commercial printing our is going to stay on the computer you have more colors in RGB so we're going to keep that things are brighter and nicer we're not worried about rust effects at the moment leave it whatever it is and then let's click create next up uh we're going to all draw from a pitch that I've drawn okay like a hand drawing we're going to bring it in and Trace over the top of it um just to keep everybody doing the same thing and not getting too lost so we're going to go to file and we're going to go to this one called place okay file place is the same as file import illustrator likes to be different like the only program ever okay so go file place and I want you to look in your exercise files okay and there's one in there that should be called sleeping Fox okay and before you bring it in what I want you to do is there should be some stuff down the bottom here on a PC and a Mac I'm not actually sure if it's on a PC as well but if you can't see the stuff down the bottom there's a little options button show us the options because we want to do this template I'll show you what it does instead of just bringing in an image okay what it'll do is it'll do some fancy stuff for us let's click place okay what's fancy about it Dan uh it is kind of washed it out so we can draw over the top of it normally this would be solid black if we go to our layers panel over here in the top right okay it's put it on its own layer that's this one here it's locked it so we don't wreck it okay and we can turn up visibility on and off so we can see it but see that little lock there it's locked it and it's made another little layer for us to draw on so it's just a tracing layer that's why it's good they call it a template thank you illustrator okay go back to properties and we'll start drawing first thing we're going to draw is we are going to draw a rectangle very exciting there it is there click on it okay if yours is somehow on something else okay any of these tools that have see the little uh shivon or the Little Triangle in the bottom corner that means there is if I click hold hold hold my mouse down there's stuff underneath it some of them don't have it but a lot of them do okay so if you got something other than the rectangle tool click it hold it down pick the rectangle tool okay so what we're going to do is draw the body here so I'm going to start at a point I can see click my mouse down hold it and just kind of cover it we're going to be really rough here we're not going to be like surgical position but you can kind of see that looks like it kind of covers the body nice once you have drawn it if you've done it terribly what we can do is is we can resize it okay and that is The Black Arrow see this one here okay remember this has kind of like really big movements and the direct selection tool does a little parts so let's click this top one okay and you can grab any of these uh squares and any of the corners to go yep okay move it around and kind of get it close and drag it along there you can grab the corner ones and resize it okay there you go so get it something like this it doesn't have to be perfect now what we want to do is play around with the stroke and the fill so depending what last Drew yours might look different from mine yours might look the same um we've got over here a fill of white and a stroke which is the line around the outside of black I want to give it a fill so click on the little uh this little square here next to the word fill if it's not there okay grab the Black Arrow okay if it's gone you got to click on the object okay and if you can't click on the objects maybe click on the edge of the object if it doesn't have a fill means you can't click the center so you might have to click the edge so Black Arrow have it selected you should see see the fill over here and we're going to pick a fox colorish anything you like you can have a green Fox a Blue Fox okay next thing I want to do is I just click off and that little panel drops back in there I'm going to get rid of the stroke at the moment if I click off in the background can you see there's a black stroke around the outside if I select on it and say you my friend so click on that box there that has the stroke color okay you might have this one here you might not this is the nun the little red line means I have no stroke you can do it with the fill as well I can have no stroke and no fill it's not very useful it's a rectangle okay and it's really hard to select afterwards so uh don't do it you can't go the edge though okay but I'm going to have a fill and I'm going to have a stroke of none here we go we've done a rectangle only took us a couple of minutes we'll get faster as we go the other thing about Phil and stroke we're using this one over here you can totally use this one over here same same okay I can click the fill actually got to double click it and I can drag this slider up and down to pick different colors I can move this little circle around to pick colors within Shades within that color okay and same with the stroke I can click on this one here the stroke of the background double click it okay and and the same thing here I can drag this around and drag within the Hues of here to pick a stroke and a fill color I'm going to hit cancel and to get rid of this I can go up to here and just pick orange that'll work but I can use the undo so undo is under edit undo the shortcut it's one of those shortcuts you're going to use a lot okay it's on the shortcut sheet that you print it off or write it down okay on a Mac it's command Z control Z on a PC okay and you can go back loads I don't think there's a limit on it okay so just keep hitting undo either coming up here or using the shortcut to go edit undo until it's back to where we didn't break it all right the next thing we're going to do is the radius of the corners let's do something fancier now with my Black Arrow okay I can click any of these uh see these like little Targets in the corners if I click hold and drag it look at that we got rounded corners look at us but you'll notice that if I move this out way I only want two corners done so I'm going to undo undo okay remember mine's command Z on a Mac control Z on a PC and what I want to do is actually just do one corner okay so I can click on this once you can kind of tell can you see the target looks a little different yeah does it looks different H click hold and drag that one look at that same over here click that one once drag that up cool don't worry for this video we're just making it good enough but if you did want it to be perfect I'm undoing again you can click one hold shift and click the other holding shift and clicking multiple things will kind of Select both of them at the same time now with nothing held down I can click and drag one of them and look they're both perfectly the same and my drawing is not perfect so don't sweat it if yours isn't okay I'm sweating it cuz I want to move it out there you go uh there you go rounded Corners awesome next up let's draw the head we're going to use the polygon tool which is uh triangle as a polygon there's no particular triangle tool okay we got the polygon tool remember to get to all these other tools just click hold it down hold hold hold and pick polygon Now by default it probably picks this I just clicked and dragged out okay I don't know octagon no that is a pentagon hexagon pentagon I think so anyway um what we can do if we want all the options because we want triangle we just want three sides okay what you do is with the tool selected just click once and you get given things like the radius which is the size of it and how many sides I'm going to want three cuz I want a triangle Whatever Gets drawn will do okay it doesn't matter if yours is bigger or smaller or if it's crooked or not crooked okay we have got a triangle what I would like to do now is scale it and rotate it to kind of sit over the top of this okay so what I'm going to do is uh show you how to scale and rotate grab the Black Arrow now you can do it over here look if we want it to go 90° you can just type it in 90° and I didn't want it to go 90 degrees you can get it to go minus 90 or 270 whichever you prefer okay so that's one way the most common way of doing things is actually just doing it with the Black Arrow tool so look at this and when I'm hovering above these Corners there's two options there's this one the little Double Arrow and then the one just a bit further out there's this like no man's land right like this this one here is actually scale we'll do him in a sec but the rotation one is not there but just a little bit further out but not too far because it goes back to the arrow somewhere in here is this magical land of rotation so what we're going to do is Click hold once we see it okay if you can't see it remember have this selected find the magic Zone click hold and drag it you can drag it any which way you like okay what I want to do is get it to locking to kind of commonly use um angles which is holding the shift key down so I'm still dragging hold shift and it goes in 45° angles there you go so I want it pointing that way okay the next thing I want to do is play around with size okay and we kind of saw it before any of the corners you can rotate or do Size Doesn't Matter um up to you so I want this little stretchy arrow thing okay and I can drag it any size I want okay if I want it to be like I don't want it to kind of distort okay you can hold down the shift key like we did with the rotation that really common that shift key okay to get things to kind of go to normal sizes or in this case it Con strains the height to be the width as well so it kind of gets proportionally bigger so get it close move it I'm going to grab the center of it sometimes you need to grab the edge of it if you don't have a fill okay I'm going to get it close to it hold my shift key down you can hold shift before you start dragging or afterwards get it close enough all right so we got ahead it's a big triangle and I want to do a couple of things but I need to be able to see the thing in the background so we've added fill and remov the stroke and all of this I want to select this hold shift to select the head as well okay so I got them both selected and then I'm going to say that fill that we just picked I'm going to switch you to none and the stroke okay I have to kind of click off to get the little box and close up okay so I just kind of click off in the background if you do click off in the background like I accidentally did now kind of on purpose not really okay is even though I can't see it it's got no stroke no fill I can kind of hover around and eventually there's this thing that says hey there's something here it's got no fill or stroke but I can click on it once hold shift try and find that one now I've got them both selected they both have no fill both have no stroke let's give the stroke black okay just so I can see the outside of it and clicking off the background cuz what I want to do is get this to be the right size okay I pretty much got it before it's close enough okay and I want to play around with the corner options down here so I'm going to click off and click here I want the corner options down here I want to around this one it only has one target at the moment okay so what I can do with a triangle is we've been using the Black Arrow I told you that you use that mostly and use the direct selection tool which is the white arrow for little pieces okay cuz what I really wanted to to do is just do all the rounded Corners just kind of ignored these down here okay just didn't have them so if I go to the uh like direct selection tool which is like the details tool it gives me more details I'm going to click on just this target okay and drag this one up nice so you end up toggling between these two loads on back on my Black Arrow it's my like default tool is the one you end up falling back to now let's draw the nose we're going to do another triangle just to practice so we want the polygon tool okay I'm going to if I click out and drag you notice it going from a pentagon to a triangle automatically it just remembers the last thing you've done what I want to do is I don't want it to come out at some random shape and angle and size I'm going to hold down maybe the key that kind of constrains things do you remember what it was that's right hold down shift key you can see it kind of locks it into position and I can pick a rough size and for good measure we are going to look at The Black Arrow and we are going to get in that no man's land not size we're going to rotate it hold down shift so it kind of gets it into the right angle that that we want now it has no fill I can see no fill no stroke it remembers the last thing we did okay and I'm going to drag it over you can either I end up dragging the the line you can drag the dot in the middle okay that if you find that more handy okay I end up dragging the line for some reason so we're going to get it down to kind of where we need it and then we're going to zoom in who remembers what zooming in is that's right plus that's right command plus on the Mac Control Plus on a PC come in nice and close remember hold down the space bar with a hand tool just to kind of get it in position and what we want to do is we want this I got nothing selected so just click in the background I want this to line up perfectly with this sometimes if you try and do it watch is if I grab the edge here so it's this is what happens it's easier to have it deselected cuz I want this point to line up with this point if I grab it to start with and what you'll notice is there's all these words right okay they're called smart guides and they're helpful it says do you want to grab the anchor you're like yep do you want to grab this path which is the line nope I want to grab the anchor okay if you can't see any of those words go up to view and make sure your smart guides has a little techniques to it okay and what we're going to do is grab the anchor and say you go and match that anchor and it kind of gets close to it and it should snap in if you're zoomed out which is command or control minus it's little hard to do it watch this if I try and do it out here kind of jump and that's what can frustrate people in illustrator but if I zoom in it kind of says I'm really focused on this area okay so I can drag you and it's just a little bit you know nicer to work when you're zoomed in okay and you see in this case what it said was intersect would you like this anchor to intersect with this one yes please it's a bit big so I'm going to hold down my shift key and make it smaller then grab it again so remember I deselect it off and then just grab the anchor get it in there look at that what I like to do is give it a fill of black and does it need a black stroke it can it can't I'm just going to turn it off okay so it has a fill but no stroke command or control minus to zoom out there we go got a head with the nose all right it's a long video and we haven't done a whole whole lot what we can do is we go to our louders panel let's turn the visibility of our template off and this is it we hit the big time uh but it's giving us a sense of the tools let's get on to the next video we'll draw the ey and the whiskers and the stars and all the rest of it and start coloring it in and making it look awesome all right I'll see you in the next video hey everyone in this video we draw all the rest of the stuff stars and grass and ears and whiskers and things okay going to learn primarily the line tools The Arc tool the star tool but there's just so much other foundational stuff that we'll cover in this video so let's jump in and draw more Fox quickly before we get started um I was looking just about Ex side and I was like my pencil has a line through it I know what's wrong but if you were following me and kind of fiddling around with your layers like I was in the last video actually I did it for the intro and it was because I had locked that layer or turned the eyeball off on it okay I can't draw on it it goes well I can't see it okay so you can't draw on it so if you do find yourself locked like this with a pencil that says uh-uh okay uh make sure the layer is turned on and you might have to click on the word you see it goes blue means that I'm working on that particular layer that's more important when you have multiple layers but there you go you know all right let's actually get started okay my properties panel I am going to draw the whiskers okay so what I want to do is let's grab the line tool the lime tool is hiding underneath the uh all the rest of these ones okay so rectangle tool hold it down line segment tool just drawing a straight Old Line okay I'm going to zoom in again so command or control+ space bar hold that down move it around or remember if you prefer you just drag the little sliders and I've got one two three little whiskers to draw so all I'm going to do is Click hold and drag down there okay so clicked one hold and drag mine looks weird because it has no fill no stroke see there it remembers that because that's the last thing I did at the end of the last video I was messing around with fills and strokes okay so what I want to do is I've still got it selected if you've lost your selection okay so remember Black Arrow Okay click off in the background I'm going to click on my line that I can barely see and I'm going to say you have a black stroke okay no fill you can have a fill on a stroke so this line here can have a fill but you'll never see it because it's just one single line okay so I'm going to go back to none and the next thing I want to do is with it's selected I want to bump up the width the moment it's a bit thin one point okay a point is the default the illustrator uses okay so we're going to go 1 2 3 I don't know four five four five okay I'm going to use five points for this okay I'm going to grab my line tool again okay I'm going to click hold and drag this one remember it remembers the last thing I did I'm going to try and do this one as well it's kind of overlapping this that's okay now one thing I've done is I've made sure to draw these separately just to make this exercise easier because watch this if I try and get them all from the same point look one and I go two two I'm trying to draw from that corner there but it just keeps moving it okay if you do want to do that okay grab your black selection tool click off in the background it's called deselecting back to your line tool then you can click and drag okay black arrow click off line tool there are cooker ways of doing all of this we'll get into them in the course but that is the easy peasy way to get them all going from the same point but I just made them all separate okay so one two three the next is going to be the I we're going to use the arc tool okay the arc tool used to be in the tool panel here but they've gone and moved it like I said at the beginning under the these three little dots lots of tools we it's shuffled over here cuz not many people use it once they've learned the pen tool the pen tool which we'll learn later in this course is a little bit trickier to learn than the arc tool so getting started scroll down scroll down where is the arc tool I can see it there it is there okay so I'm not going to drag it over into my toolbar because we're not going to use it much but it's really handy to get started to draw simple things I'm going to click on it okay and over here I'm going to click hold and drag something now it's not going to line up perfect and I'm okay with that okay so I'm just going to draw something that kind of resembles the right Arc and then I'm going to rotate it the right Arc is up the wrong way it's okay okay so maybe what I'll do is I'm undoing and I'm going to start over here and get it kind of right it's closer but now I need to rotate it but we know if we'll go to our Black Arrow okay and we grab this random area we can rotate it around and get some sort of Ary goodness here we go perfect The Arc tool now we're not going to do it in this video cuz I drew no circles but your eyeball could be open and we could just use the ellipse tool which is hiding in that same group and we could just drag out a circle if you want it to be a perfect circle imagine what key we could hold down what could it be it's the shift key there you go you could draw a open uh or an awake Fox it's not what I want okay so I'm going to grab this drag the stroke over here here we go if you are finding it hard to move remember grab the actual line here maybe not these edges okay these will just resize it but if you grab that line part you should be able to move it around making sure use The Black Arrow woohoo the next one we're going to do is the star tool okay so the star tool is mixed in with all of these fun guys there he is there star tool okay and I'm going to click hold and drag out and kind of get it close knowing that later on I can grab my Black Arrow and I can resize it okay holding shift so it doesn't go all squidy and I can rotate it okay by clicking in that kind of like no man's land so practice during the first two stars my stroke remembers the thick stroke I had here so I'm going to switch him back down to one for the moment actually no I want them up at five there we go and grab the star tool click and drag this one if it's in the wrong position Black Arrow grab the edge not the fill because I don't have a fill and just kind of get it close and um just a quick little note for the star tool if you want something other than the traditional uh star okay like we do the triangle just click once okay and you can get how many points well if you want your stars to have six points and there you go and if you want to I'm going to click once again H if you want it to be more spiky you can make the distance between these wider okay so at the moment these are half and half you see 12 and six yours might be said inches but it'll still be half if I make this say 20 can you see it it'ss more spiky so the inner radius is that one there and the outer radius is that so if the further apart they are the more spiky it gets you can do the same where if you get this pretty close if I make this 18 you get a pretty lame star all right and and click once go back to I had 12 by six and I'm going to do five stars I use the Tab Key to go through these little Fields you don't have to but I did it and I forgot and I assume you're going to go how did he do that there you go um so there we go we've got one two do the third one rotate it around and then I'll show you another thing we'll do is instead of just using the star tool we can copy and paste these so with it selected with our Black Arrow uh copy and paste on a Mac it's command C command V on a PC it's control C and V okay your normal copy and paste so I'm G to go copy I'm gonna go paste and then you can go yep yep okay and make your own sound effects doing it okay copy paste and let's do this last one and another one all right let's zoom out um sometimes it's good to just zoom out completely so instead of going uh command Min usus minus you can actually just go command and hold down that's control minus- minus on a PC instead you can hold down the command key or control key on PC and hit zero on your keyboard see in the top layer there there's 1 two three hit zero command or control Z just kind of goes out to the full screen and then we have our Stars woohoo all right let's start coloring this thing back in so I'm going to select on the edge of this and I'm going to go you have a fill of that you also have a fill of maybe just a lighter version of that okay I'm going to have no stroke I want to do it to both of these okay so I'm going to select this first one hold shift grab both of them and say the stroke is none okay you see this is a fill the fill says I don't know why is it saying question mark it's because I have two different fills a lighter orange and a dark orange and it doesn't know what to display it doesn't matter okay but that's what that is next thing I want to do is everything's looking all right let's do this air here so I want to use my triangle tool again so it's under polygon I'm going to click once to make sure it's set to three perfect Black Arrow okay I'm going to move to my shortcuts for The Black Arrow if I hover above this um tool can you see it gives me a little example of it but also has the shortcut key same with the direct selection tool it's a so I use V and a loads look at my toolbar over here okay if I go V and I go to a and I go to V and I go to a okay it just toggles between those tools just save some time you don't have to uh it's on your shortcut sheet but there you go so I'm my V key and I'm going to go y I'm going to drag you close enough I'm going to give it a fill I'm going to give it a stroke of the um that light orange that I'm using and going give a fill of white CU that's the kind of thing I want I want the stroke size to be up I don't know four looks good I'm going to zoom in okay command or Control Plus and I'm going to resize it to make it look kind of like the air that I had to make it a bit bigger so it sits behind the head now we're going to bring up a very important point layer height or they call it a range okay the moment the last thing you drew is on top that's worked out so far but now I want this behind the head so I've got it selected I'm going to go to this one that says arrange and I'm going to say send to back okay and it will send it all the way to the back okay so now it's at the bottom of everything there we go you can select it and right click it and say exact same thing arrange okay there's a few different places you can get to it even shortcuts eventually that you'll get used to all right so my ears behind it let's finish this off basically we're going to kind of use flavors of what we've already learned now so you can skip ahead if you're like I can make that tail go and make the tail if you want to watch and do it together let's do it together so I'm going to grab my rectangle tool click and hold down okay grab my rectangle tool draw them out okay remember with smart guides on it should snap D can you see it's snapping to the bottom of the tail there and I'm going to do a couple of things I want it to have a fill of the orange that I'm using that orange I'm going to have a stroke of none I'm going to play around with the corners cuz I can't remember Black Arrow what do we got that one and that one so I'm going to go you hold shift and grab that one and drag them both up perfect now I've got two options now I can draw another rectangle to get this kind of Center bit and do the exact same thing but I'm going to go copy paste and I'm going to shrink it down I'm going to put them in there I'm going to give him a fill of white okay cuz this what I'm looking to do and get them kind of in there drag him this way oh he snapped there weirdly watch this I can't make it any smaller okay and I was like huh it's because that big radius watch this when I get down to here you see the radius is kind of forced and it won't go any further and you're like huh why would that go any further okay so I'm going to say you get smaller so that I can shrink this smaller do you get what I mean that radius is still holding it open but not as far now so I'm going to do something like this something like like this something like that good enough for me and while I was drawing it I'm thinking does a sleeping Fox have his tail up I think he should be like this so holding shift to click both of these so generally what I do is I go click once hold shift click the second one give a wiggle that way I know I've got both of them selected and I can use my rotation I totally missed it give me a rotation holding shift so it locks down like is that a bit of sleeping Fox I might have to change the color of it but maybe that's a bit of sleeping anyway you decide M ones are like alert sleeping so he's going to be I'm going to hit under a few times so back to where I got it all right there's the tail what else we need to do um we're going to change all the colors of these so you can go click once hold shift grab the edge grab the edge that works totally but sometimes with The Black Arrow you can just drag a box around stuff it's easy because there's nothing else in the background if you drag a box around all of this watch that we grab too much of the fox that's bad so I'm going to grab all of these and I'm going to hold shift and grab these two that could be a little bit of a time saer otherwise shift click them all to select them all I'm going to make this stroke uh orange I'm going to finish off these guys okay my little uh grassy things in the background so what I might do is actually I might just pop him over there I'm going to grab my polygon tool and I'm going to draw out a triangle hold shift to get it perfect and then going to go hit the V key to go back to my selection tool and just kind of make some grass Parts okay so I'm going to go some something like that Q I want to make mine kind of like an off gray color it's going to be like that nighttime scene you saw at the beginning so oh I'm going to go copy paste so I got two of them okay rotate them around actually I might shrink it down first then rotate them around using any of the corners use your own Z shortcut voice uh sound effects okay I'm going to get mine to kind of overlap same here sometimes it is tricky to get the rotation you can see me master of Illustrator clicking and dragging and missing I'm going to shift click all these copy and paste them I got two copies and then this one can be over here and I'm just going to shrink the whole lot of them okay holding the shift key down it's just a smaller one there okay next thing I want to do is uh command minus control minus to zoom out put this back when I want to put this back I want it to kind of snap in there so I'm going to go you snaping there remember if it's not snapping to stuff properly you need to double check that view and the one called smart guides is on all right last thing I want to do is put a sky in and a background so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab my rectangle tool okay there it is there and I'm going to start in this bottom corner drag up I want to kind of get it so it you'll see it kind of like sneaks to the bottom of my fox it's pretty good at snapping to the edge I'm going to go fill that same light color okay and now I'm going to do another rectang angle okay that goes up the top there covers everything and ruins it but we know that I can see actually let's give it a fill color I'm going to give it a dark gray color and I'm going to go arrange sand two back there we go look it's our Fox cool huh just some simple shapes and lines and I don't know you can get quite far in illustrator just with the basics um a couple of takeaways before we move on is that it could be easy to draw over the top of something uh especially you don't have maybe history of illustration it might be easier like me to draw it first trace it use an image as a reference from I don't know Google images okay and draw over the top of that stay tuned to the end while I show you my actual drawing All Is Not What It Seems the other thing to remember is that we are sticking in this course just to the basic shapes you'll end up doing kind of combinations of tools to get the desired results some shapes some pen tool some shape Builder all the stuff we're going to learn we've stuck to just the basics here so there's loads more to come and the other thing is that if you have got lost okay like I said in the earlier video if you double click anything you end up in isolation mode everything Grays out you can't click on it who remembers how to get back out you can head away at this arrow for a while or just click double click on the background anywhere or hit the Escape key okay that'll get you out as well so if you get stuck in isolation mode Escape using the Escape key there you go oh and one thing before we go is that we've covered our background so under our layers panel if you do not have this I'm just clicking it and hitting my delete key you can see all the lines poking through in the background to turn it off this is our like visibility icons if I click on this okay it will remove that template that we're drawing over the top remember if I turn it back on turn the top one off is my drawing gone so I don't need this now but because if I go undo undo undo a few times undo undo I've covered mine so it can be on it can be off nobody's going to see it but if you can see the background you might want to turn it off and last thing I said I'd promise is that we've been following this drawing here oh look how sharp that is it's not sharp but it's very clear right the actual drawing that I would have drawn from was this one oh wrong screen there it is look at that gem that's the design I was going for so what often what I'll do is I'll draw it by hand and then would I scann that and redrawn it in illustrator probably not too rough okay this one could have okay could have easily just scan that one or take a photo of it bring it into illustrator as a template and drawn over the top this one here not quite a little bit rough all right so that's it you don't need to be a great drawer to uh work an illustrator I just rough it out on paper you don't have to you might choose to sometimes I go straight to illustrator um but yeah there you go that is it I will see you in the next video hi everyone welcome to the exciting world of scaling stroke and effects and Corners woohoo I show it to you early because this is going to happen you're going to select your Fox and you're going to want him to be smaller and you're like okay cool what's happening what happened to him okay the stroke stayed the same size but the actual object got smaller so they just end up with these big chunky lines and not sure what happened to his whiskers though the exact right size they were but they didn't scale down how do we fix that sometimes the opposite happens you've drawn this okay to try and match this but it's the wrong size let's make it bigger okay I've got it the right sort of size but the lines got really chunky now I want the stroke not to scale how do I do it let me show you all right to find the settings uh you have to have nothing selected okay so either just click in the back background like we've been doing there is the long way select deselect okay if it's grayed out means I've already deselected it's done okay and if you've got nothing selected you'll notice over here in my properties panel there is these two scale corners and scale stroken effects I can't think of a time where I have only one of them on and just the other one off okay I turn them both on and both off I'm sure there's a really good use case I don't know what it is what we'll do is let's with it off okay let's just move this background over here and just so it's a little bit easy to select and watch this if I scale it down a little bit so I've selected everything Black Arrow grab it all and over the top here I want to scale it proportionately what do I hold down that's right shift okay so it scales down if you do this you'll probably not notice I'm going to turn the background layer off just uh tidy things up okay you probably just notice like it looks fine but once you get down to this look what happens look what happens to my PO Fox Okay a command with control Plus+ plus okay and oh no okay so it is keeping it's not scaling The Strokes and it's not scaling the radiuses as well the corners weirdly it's clearly scaling these ones but not this one that seems to happen when we do just two of the corners not the whole thing if we did all four corners it'll scale like this one here and get it'll try and retain the original Corner radius okay so we want to turn that off so I'm going to undo so it goes back to Giant version uh command or control zero on my keyboard to see it all okay and to scale this properly we'll have nothing selected okay and go over here scale stroke effects and scale Corners now when we make it smaller okay it all comes along for the ride look at you command Plus+ Plus+ Plus or Control Plus on a PC okay so there'll be times where you need it on and off when do you need it off because most of the time you'll have it on that's the good default just have it on all the time uh the time you'll need it off let me show you for instance so I'm going to undo till it's big command or control Z and I'm going to grab or you can all do it go to file open okay and in your exercise files there's something in here called the icon heart okay so open that up okay and I've got it here I've drawn a little heart for us we'll draw hearts later in the course but let's say that're using our current tools we've got this icon I need a search icon which is going to be we're going to use the ellipse tool okay and I'm going to draw out an ellipse actually I'm just going to click and drag it holding shift so it's a perfect circle okay I'm going to get it to about this sort of I'm going to do mine a bit weird like let me just do mine too small by accident okay so you're either drawing in different documents bringing people's different icons together okay the other tool we know to use line segment tool okay and I'm going to go click and drag there's my fancy search icon so why did I do this because icons they need to have the same uh width to be consistent right the stroke width has to be the same so if I select this and go or have nothing selected okay and say those are both on okay so i d said leave them both on most of the time unless I sck both of these and I go I need you to be a bit bigger can you see it's scaling the stroke and now they don't match this one's got a big thick chunky stroke of 76 and this one has the appropriate 40 okay so you be like ah how do I do that it's because I can select them they've both got 40 now but I can say nothing selected turn those both off grab you and scale it up and it keeps the stroke width okay it doesn't change it over here with a off it's a pain in the butt okay things get smaller here we go select hold shift scale okay it kept the stroke size and the rounded corners and we didn't want it okay whereas in this one it's handy to have them off because we want to get it to the right size but keeping all our strokes and all radiuses so that things match up a bit Advanced but I guess I can't show you one without the other and people run into that problem all the time okay by scaling things and things just not doing as they expected let's play it out a a little bit more just to drive it home so I'm going to select both of these copy and paste it from this document which they're an appropriate size let's say to our Fox we paste it in here you're like ginormous okay and if I have this uh scale stroken effects off like it was okay select all three of these quite tricky okay and scale it down oh no so the thing that was useful in this document matching them is now pain in the butt okay so I'm going to undo turn this off okay and there's actually two ways to getting to that uh scale stroke and Corners okay there is the way I've already showed you by having nothing selected or see and transform under this because I don't really want to deselect cuz it took me a little bit of ninja selection to grab all three of these okay so what you can do is go into here they're hiding in here as well so the properties transform it's because I got some stuff selected I can do the exact same thing there's no difference okay just means I don't have to deselect and try and reselect these uh perfect now they're going to be great icons for my I don't know FOX app okay so there you go scale stroke and effects um a couple of things I wanted to point out is um you can get to it two different places you often turn them both on together and actually that's all I wanted to tell you I'll show you one other example we do this later in the course okay we redraw some uh famous logos okay so with it off so with it off we have massive problems okay and with it on there we go it works perfectly so there's lots of occasions where you actually just want things to scale so you have them on and there's occasions where you want to turn them off wow long- winded version of this what I thought was going to be this video there you go hopefully you got a good understanding of scaling stroke and effects let's get on to the next video I'll see you there hello you've been holding your breath so have I he's like he hasn't saved his document in this whole video series it's still Untitled three what will happen if his computer crashes that is a very good point I've been not saving just because I wanted to have this video in the course we're going to talk about uh saving to the Creative Cloud versus just saving locally to your desktop like we normally do or have done let's talk about the pros and cons and let's get it done right so let's save it I have been holding my breath um it's been a few days kind of over making these videos I'm like luckily the software and my computer have played ball and nothing has crashed so don't do this I just wanted to save it for this particular video so we didn't have to cover it too early in the course okay so uh I'm going to hit save which you should do just after making a document and you'll get this option which you might have bumped into already and you're like hey I'm going to save to my computer go away so the thing you can do is don't show again and it'll remember the setting that you want okay and but this little thing is a good talking point so let's talk about why you would save the computer versus Cloud when this first came out I just went saved to computer cuz that's what I knew and loved now I only saved to to the cloud okay there's very few times where I saved to my computer and so why is the cloud so good you can still save to computer okay no big deal it's the same as it's always been okay but the cloud has some perks the big perk well the big drawback what people think is the problem is if I'm offline and I've saved to the cloud I can't get my file that's not true okay there's a special file on your computer that'll be up to date that you can open it even if you don't have an internet connection and when you do get your internet connection back it syncs it up with the cloud version okay so it works like exactly like working off your computer okay um this one here it's great I don't use it that much so syncing to all devices if you're using more than one computer okay you can have access to this file without having to share it with them or put it in Dropbox or it's just available in your Creative Cloud account so if I've signed into my Adobe account on my I got a PC as well as a Mac I'll have access to both files which is handy I don't use that much you might be switching between computers and that might be super handy uh this is probably the biggest one is it's always Autos saving so you know if you save it to your computer if you haven't saved for a few hours and it crashes you're doomed whereas the Creative Cloud one is always sinking and always updating and it's not like if you've got a really big say Photoshop file open or illustrator file open it isn't trying to upload that huge thing every time so if you got a really weak um internet connection it's pretty clever it only updates the things you've tweaked so only the layers that you mess around with or it's only updating the new text layer that you've added to the file so it's quite precise uh version history we'll talk about later on you can go back through your documents we know well you might not know but with a desktop version once you've closed the document you can't go back and go undo undo undo undo okay you can do it while the program's open but with the Creative Cloud version you can keep going back till when it was first created all the different stops anything that was accidentally deleted you can go back to for me one of the big perks is sharing okay it's called invite to edit I can share it with other team members colleagues people people and I can share this document I don't have to like email them a link or I don't have to um you know email the file or try and zip it up and send it to them you can just share it and there's an option up here which will cover later in the course so there's loads of perks what happens if you fill it up I haven't filled up mine yet and I use it you know I'm pretty heavy user with the Creative Cloud I think I've got 100 gigabytes check your plan how much you've got it'll be around that sort of number um yeah uh if you're on a teams or an Enterprise license it'll be a lot higher you get terabytes but for me I still haven't bumped into my 100 GB limit you can pay to upgrade that okay or clear it out or but I haven't um had to worry about that just yet so there's loads of storage um so I'm going to save to the cloud actually let's put the don't show again in case you've done this already and I if I go save to cloud and you're like oh I want to save to the cloud now there's an option to say save on computer okay and over here switches back to save to Cloud on your computer save to Cloud it's a bit kind of confusing so if you have ticked that off going I'm never saving to the cloud okay you can get back to it there okay and back to cloud documents so I'm going to save mine uh mine's going to be called sleeping Fox V1 okay and I'm going to save it here now in our case we have a document uh that is linked to this document and in our case here we have a file okay the traced image maybe the handdrawn one that is actually linked to this file and it's just saying that this is on your computer and not in the cloud version when we get to the end of the course when we're a bit more handy with illustrator I'll show you how to embed them so you don't have to worry about this but for the moment it's just letting you know that we have a file on my computer okay that is currently not saved with the cloud version let's click okay if you did then okay get to this and you're like ah I don't want it to be on the cloud you can go to file save as and save it on your computer now the last thing with uh difference between desktop and Creative Cloud is when I close this either hit the cross or go to to file close Okay so we're kind of out of that um you've got a couple of ways of opening documents okay often I'll be at home this is probably the easiest way cuz down here you'll see stuff that I've worked on uh there you go okay doesn't matter if it's on your desktop or if it's in the Creative Cloud okay that little tick means uh it is available offline and it is a cloud document this one here is just something on my machine and this is one of those things where you're like hey why has he saved it to his computer there are times where I do it a lot of time it's for your exercise files for this course okay cuz I want to give you a nice handy zip file and often I'll do things like that is actually something that was 3D printed and needs to go off to a uh my 3D printer here so it can't be on the cloud because I need to actually stick it onto USB stick and carry it over to my 3D printer okay so home is the best place to open these things you can go to open okay like normal and it can go to your desktop okay or you can open Creative Cloud documents and it opens up this one again on your computer opening Creative Cloud documents and you can see stuff you've been working on another way of opening uh files that you've been working on is actually probably the handiest one of all is file open recent files okay and it's got stuff that I've been working on okay and there it is there many ways to open files all right let me know in the comments are you a Creative Cloud person were you old school and want it on your computer all the time let me know if it's just habit or whether there is some special things you need to kind of be aware of or in your job and if you're watching this video take a look at the comments there might be something that is useful to you to know about the differences all right saving files who would have thought it' be such a long video and now I can finally close illustrator it's been open for a few days and cuz I've got finally got a save file all right on to the next video good morning it is time to talk about exporting uh I've had lots of caffeine and I am bursting with enthusiasm luckily we're talking about exporting which kind of tames it down a little bit um but we need to do this early on in the course we're not going to get get too deep into exporting now okay we're going to do that at the end of the course you'll see there's a big chunk on getting really good at what and how to export and for the moment though early on in the course I want you to share your files so I'm going to have to show you how to share files so we'll just do a little run through of exporting so let's jump in okay to export just go up to file go down to export we're going to use export as okay and there's a few formats down the bottom here okay that you should be able to go to the drop down there's some that you'll recognize some that you won't the main food groups in terms of exporting images is PMG jpig and webp which is the new one this is the one I'm going to encourage you to use through this course okay it's new it's great the quality is great the file size can be kept very small and it's the kind of new kit on the Block and it really well supported now let's do this one first and then we'll use PNG as a backup so do webp okay and I'm going to put mine on my desktop in an exporting folder that I made I just made a new uh folder to stick stuff in and I'm going to save this um now in terms of these settings here okay from illustrator we're not going to get too much in the weeds here we're going to go lossless okay and down to resolution okay screen tends to be too small medium is great high is too high for what we need in this course unless you're going out to print again we'll cover it more detail later in the course but the basics is lossless and 150 leave everything else alone and you will be perfect let's click okay okay so we have a webp the file size is nice and small it looks great quality okay the other one webp is newish if you're like oh my goodness I'm not using webp it's too new um we can go to file we can go to export there will be stuff where you might be uploading it it'll go I don't understand what a webp is okay and in that case go to file export export as and go to the alternative that is almost just as good okay a PNG and do the exact same thing let's go to export and in this one use Medium as well often screen is too small high is too big print really crappy version medium is great right in the middle again leave everything as is and you'll end up with very similar files with very similar file sizes can you see the PNG is just twice as big and the quality is indistinguishable that's what we like webp especially on the internet where file sizes is super important if it's going out to print you t-shirt printer your sticker printer it won't matter and you might find that webp is not accepted because I don't know it is really Commish but you'll find some systems that are old and just go nope I don't know what that is I don't want it give him a PNG instead uploading files for this course webp unless you get stopped somewhere and then use a PNG all right so we'll cover the again this letter in the course there's an exporting section okay we can get Nery on this I love getting Nery on it um try not to get too Nery now cuz we're trying to keep your enthusiast itic about illustrator and we're not going to talk about raster settings and lossless and all sorts of other good stuff later in the course we can n it out together for the moment that's it uh that's how you export from Adobe Illustrator let's get on to the next video hi everyone it is class project time that sounds like homework Dan it is not homework it's a class project it's very different it's not very different but I promise you the people that go to the trouble and bother doing these small little class projects that are throughout the course are the people who are going to remember the TOS better get better at their creative work so how do you get started um so in the exercise files you will find a PDF in there called class projects open it up it'll tell you what to do I will walk you through now okay so if you haven't signed up for illustrator the software you should have by now but you can do it there as my link um then I want you to go to this thing that me and the team created called random project okay you'll end up here and go look for the one that says illustrator Essentials click that and then into these two things and we're going to give you a brief to work from why is this useful it means that we're going to all create stuff throughout the course that's not the exact same thing we're not all drawing the same Fox and we'll kind of build on top of things as we go through the course so that you've got something for your portfolio at the end so do the class projects that's my advice to get started with your own very unique random project enter your village so I live in adaar okay or very near adaa it's my little village town suburb and then pick a name my hint down here you can pick anything you'd like uh I've said use your own name use your grandmother or grandfather's name or your child's name your dog's name I don't mind okay so I'm going to use my nna's name her name is m she is awesome and we're going to create my project and there you go kind of made something kind of unique but we're all doing the same thing so we have been asked to make a farmers market uh product design so mer has come to you Rel leas the person who is making M special Source okay yours will be different it'll be your name plus random um Farmers Market product that I've put in there for you so I've picked all the ones I could think of that's will make your branding unique let's talk about what we're going to be asked to do so you've been asked to create a brand for a new business uh called M special Source you can read I'll read it to you um so the client is a small company they're looking to sell their product at your local farmers market okay uh they make and package everything themselves hope you get the vibe of what it's kind of like small Time stuff right making in their basement or in their kitchen whatever it is I've got a target audience okay woman higher average income levels that's the generic age for people going to farmers markets in general okay a little bit more about them have a little read now what they want is they want from you a logo a flyer product deck a business card and some Social Media stuff we'll do that through the course together now for this video this is the main part is they want you to pick an appropriate creature okay so think of something not a fox because that's what I'm doing for my special Source through the course um so pick uh anything um and I we're going to use it to draw and practice throughout the course and we'll use it in The Branding so save it down the bottom here we've got a download as PNG should be webp okay but download as a PNG save it so that we can use it as part of the course so you remember what product you got don't hit retry and what I want you to do is just use whatever you got as my Farmers Market product it's great to push yourself outside of things that you might not know and so yeah don't hit retry definitely don't hit it three times whatever you do you've been warned Okay so we've got our brief uh let's have a look at the class this class project so it says do that we've done that okay into your name location we've done that uh save it to your computer okay draw your creature so choose a creature don't spend too much time don't spend half an hour searching the internet for creatures you might use just pick one doesn't have to be particularly well aligned with the brand it's not really what that's kind of more of a technical uh course okay but I don't want you getting hung up here that's what I'm saying you can change it later on I'm not going to know cool and your actual project that you need to do for this one is you need to draw it so I want you to create a new document and illustrator okay save it give it a name and I want you to use the basic tools we've done for our sleeping Fox Okay so no more than what we've learned here some basic shapes some rounded Corners add some color don't get too deep into it okay just limit yourself to the simple shapes that with you so far even if you know a a little bit more of Illustrator just keep it simple now in terms of drawing your creature that can be tricky you might do what I did in this is I drew it first okay and then um traced over the top of it an illustrator you might do it that way or you might find an image on the internet okay find it download it and do the exact same thing bring it in as a template and draw over the top of it at least get the basic shapes in there or just make it up wing it this is the big part don't stress if it ends up being an awkward animal just leave it just pick one it doesn't matter if it comes out not your most exciting fun amazing thing that you had planned get in there do it we will get better as we go as well through the course and you can come back pick a different creature or just live with the crazy creature that you picked what I don't want this project to be is a kind of a roadblock for you doing any other class project through the course CU they're really important so when you've done it I want you to save it okay remember we did the file save as in the last video save it as the webp or PNG just save it as a webp if you find find it troubling trying to upload it to places most places except webp now you can do a PNG then what do you do with it there's two things okay there is there should be a class projects okay or comment section on the page that you are now okay upload it there okay and the other thing is I'd love to see it on social media okay good bad ugly do this because I bet you you will find if you put this one and especially if it's not your best it's okay cuz you can say this is my first ever thing and illustrator and you can kind of diffuse the tension of like oh this is not amazing why is everyone else's amazing get yours up there and if yours is bad guess what it helps other people who have bad ones go huh mine's not as bad as that one okay so get your bad ones up there share it and the good thing about it is later on in the course when you do get a little bit better you'll be like ha look at that one look how much better I've got there you go share it with the assignment section and on social media here's my main places uh follow me okay in Instagram Twitter those are great places make sure you tag me okay or put it into these groups here these public groups so there's a Facebook group here called bring our laptop online there's a LinkedIn group with the same name whichever your flavor is upload them there I'd love to see them one thing is though is I can't respond to everybody's questions there are hundreds of thousands of people doing the course it's mad I know so I can't get to everybody so there is a rule for doing the course okay if you upload something one thing you upload your little creature okay I would like you to comment on two other ones that's the way this thing can work cuz I can't get to them all and the comment it can just be positivity can be love what you did here great colors and if you're new to illustrator and you're thinking what have I got to say use that kind of the commenting as a really good excuse to practice your critical feedback okay and it doesn't have to be bad like I don't like what you did here okay if you're going to have something that's maybe critical and say I love what you did here but that often is a great way of framing especially at this kind of level where everyone's quite new so I love the face and but I think you should try the legs using the oval tool or you might experiment with using um you know triangles for the ears so try and diffuse a little bit of your harsh critiques cuz everyone's just getting started here but everyone loves feedback and comments so a bit of positivity maybe a little bit of critiquing keep it positive keep it in the what you might try rather than you've done that wrong get the vibe so we're all going to have to chip in I chip in loads for the comments but I just can't get to them all so you help me upload your stuff don't be afraid if it's bad in your eyes that's okay we're at the beginning so go get your brief create your crazy creature and post it it's probably my funnest part of a whole course is seeing all the different creatures that come out good bad ugly beautiful um get it out there love to see it enjoy the process uh and be comfortable where you're at we will get better through the course all right that is it I will see you in the next video of course only after you've done your like not homework okay go do the project and I'll see you in a bit hi everyone uh in this video we're going to cover something called the shape Builder tool it is by far my most favorite tool or most used tool in illustrator it's going to let us go from this kind of real basic shape that we start with to these things super quickly super easily joining bits breaking bits off coloring them and if you wait right to the end I kind of find like some mystery shapes in that same shape look it looks like a heart and leaves and then somehow I think I found a is it a lion kind of monkey thing can you see it could just be me anyway loads of shapes to find in these few circles let me show you how the shape Builder works all right first up let's close our sleeping Fox down let's go to file let's go to open and in your exercise files you're looking for one called shape Builder o01 open that one up for me now I'll show you how I made this at the end of the video cuz it's not really the purpose of it but um we are here to learn the shape Builder okay and so I just it's just a bunch of circles right you can pull it apart okay but at the end I'll show you how I made this it's not very exciting what is exciting is the shap Builder tool so what we're going to do is the shape Builder tool needs uh everything selected so I'm using my Black Arrow cuz there's nothing else in the document we can go to select all okay or what I tend to do is just drag a box around the things I want select Ed great then we're going to go to this tool it's this one here it's the most magical best one of all of Illustrator okay and we're going to click on it once and what it allows us to do there's two modes there's the add can you see the little arrow has a plus next to it if we H down our option key there's a minus plus minus okay it has one other secret power so what are we going to do we're going to join some stuff up okay because at the moment they're separate shapes I can't color them there's lines in between everything so what I can do is watch this I can click hold my mouse key down click hold and drag a line between these two and I joined them look at that man this tool is cool okay you can decide how you want to join them okay I'm going to draw all of those look at that we've made a going to deselect on the background click this Edge drag it out a giant apostrophe or a tadpole okay I'm going to undo a few times remember our shortcut command Z what do I want to make I got a rough idea so back to the um sheet Builder tool okay and I'm going to drag I'm going to make that little I showed you at the beginning right so I want to do it's hard to to visualize it right like let's do that one so we're going to start down here go you you you you yeah let's do those ones how many with that four let's try and do the next one one two three four oh we're doing it we're doing it cool hey we got this kind of like I don't know photo lens uh Microsoft Edge logo thing going on let's undo it a bit and show you one of the other ways we can use the shape bus I'm undoing undoing undoing so I'm going to go back to my shape Builder tool okay and I'm going to go I'm going to delete these ones okay so to delete them you hold down the option key on a Mac ALT key on a PC and my little arrow goes from a little plus to a minus plus minus I can just click once look at that g on gone gone I can click and drag a bunch of them to get rid of them cool huh all right I'm undoing again to go back to the beginning remember I'm using the shortcut edit undo okay and the shortcut I'm using command Z on a Mac control Z on a PC and I'm actually gonna copy and paste it so I've got two versions of it Black Arrow and try and move just one of these over okay grab all of these and drag this one over I'm using my Black Arrow and I'm going to have two things okay go two different directions um the shortcuts along here okay you know I use uh shape Builder all the time can you see the shortcut it says shift M so that's the one I use loads hold down shift on your keyboard and hit M and then I toggle back to the V key which is the move tool okay I use these ones so often can you see the selection to to it says uh is the shortcut is V this one has the shortcut of shift M here we go so shift M I've got everything selected I'm going to go and do two different options you play around too okay I'm going to do this one this one and this one and I'm going to delete all those chunks I'm going to H on my option key okay ALT key on a PC okay and I'm just going to drag all of those they're gone look at that it's like a surfy wave thing now I was playing around with this before remember space bar to move around select select them all shift M for the shape Builder tool best tool in the world I'm going to delete these cuz I ended up with something that looked like a croissant so let's go U youu youu drag drag drag drag drag drag drag man it's hard right it's like spirograph anybody hands up who remembers that let's delete this bottom one delete that one so I'm holding option and I just in that case instead of dragging across which works you can just click once as well if you just want one chunk to go away there you go it is a cloud I thought it look like a croissant it's more of a clout but have an experiment with that okay get to a point you're going to end up undoing because you're going to get rid of too much or it's going to not work out took me a little bit to practice to make two things that looked kind of interesting and once you're ready uh let's show you the other secret ingredient for the um shape Builder tool let's do it with this one so I'm selecting it all with my Black Arrow which is the V key going to go shift M okay back to my shape Builder tool and I'm going to go over here and it's really good at filling things in so I'm gonna say I would like you now for whatever I click on to be a color so I'm on my swatches you might be over here pick on your swatches and just pick three colors I'm going to go for where's three actually I'm was going to pick three random colors when I say random I'm going to pause the video and try and pick three great colors let's start with this one we're going to hope for the best okay the cool thing about it is this little thing that pops out needs to kind of go back into its home before we can actually do anything often what I do is just kind of click off here and no man's land in the toolbar that closes down now look my tool has special poers and I'm going to go boom click once cool he click once click once I can start oh why can't I fill this one you know cuz I didn't select it first so if I undo undo undo and I want to do all of these things have them all selected shift M to go to my shape Builder tool pick my color okay then I can go Bam Bam Bam Bam nice e all right uh I'm going to go through and pick a couple of colors you wait there okay I'm blaming the limited amount of selection in the uh all came out all right cool enough colors if you want to get rid of the lines you're like I don't like the black lines select it all okay we looked at this earlier over here it says stroke click on the little stroke icon here okay and say you I would like no stroke which is the Little Red Line okay do we do this already can't remember it's been a small break in between making this video and the last one so uh let's go to none so it's got no stroke so click on the stroke and say you have none which is the little red line then click off on the back back ground click off in the background again and we got nothing selected look how we did just with some simple shapes practice coloring this one as well if you have used illustrator in the past and you're kind of like doing a refresher and you're thinking could we just use a Pathfinder this is kind of the replacement for Pathfinder there's a small use cases where the Pathfinder is still good if you have no idea what the Pathfinder is don't worry for those of you do you know it's the click undo click undo click undo until you find the right setting but the shape Builder does pretty much all of the jobs go to the shape Builder all right all right we're going to use it more in the course but for now let's leave this here and I promised at the beginning I show you kind of how I drew the parts just you can skip on but just I'm going to draw some circles line them up if you're like I probably got that and move on to the next video if not I'm going to show you how I got to that point so I'm going to grab my lips tool you know the the point of when you opened it up okay um so I grabbed my lips tool I had a white fill by default that was what the program kind of came with so I drew out a circle who remembers what I hold down to get A Perfect Circle that's right shift okay then I drew another Circle okay and I just guessed it I went about that sort of size I want them to overlap it needed to be a little bit bigger than this so remember I can hold shift grab one of the corners there you go so now I'm going to go back from my ellipse tool to my uh Black Arrow which is the V key you got it and what I'm going to do is click off in the background and you'll notice that when I move around here can you see path path path path path anchor path path path anchor these is like like the tippy top has an anchor point this Tippy side has an anchor Point okay what's this I can go to this one here's my anchor at the top okay I can click it hold it and because smart guides are on it'll do things like intersect okay if your smart guides aren't on go to view go to smart guides make sure they're on and then I went copy paste clicked off in the background found that Anchor Point and then found it there copy paste and that's what I did there are fancier ways of doing it but probably just as quick to do it this way and we haven't covered that in the course yet so this is how I got almost to where we're at all right the only other thing I did was I selected it all with my Black Arrow and went you have no fill which is none which is a little red line and that is the thing that you saw when you opened up this video there wasn't anything special other than just a bunch of duplicating circles but if you do it with the smart guides on you can line things up now select it all grab shift M and we can start destroying it oh man look what we found there's are cool shapes in here not you oh we found loads of Cool Shapes why am I so excited by the shapes kind of like a leaf heart thing anyway all right that is it for this video the shape Builder tool is awesome for making things but loads more to go in the course more awesome tools uh let's get on to one of them hi everyone hey just want to jump in here see how you doing check in on you how is the course going so far it's going good it is going good right you made it this far if it is going good can you give the video a like on YouTube it helps out subscribe to the channel as well I got loads of other content coming in the future you don't want to miss out um the other thing is is I wanted to jump in a and explain that this is remember this a short part of the longer uh Illustrated Essentials course so if you do if you're like man this is awesome I'd like to go further guess what there's a lot further to go this is like the first maybe 20 videos of like a 100 video course so uh there's a link in the description for that um come check out the full course uh there you go um otherwise enjoy the rest of this kind of snapshot at the beginning and maybe I'll see you in the full course in a little while all right on with the video hi everyone in this video it's class project time not homework time fun drawing icons time what I've done is I've drawn like hand drawn some icons okay just so that you can redraw them using the skills that you've learned so far mainly the um shape Builder tool okay and I want you to redraw over the top and they'll end up something like this they don't have to look perfect okay I'm not worried about whether things are balanced and uh perfect and there'll be a little Notch probably in this and this kind of looks more like a beach hut and this is a phone I had to add the little raise here um cuz no phones look like that anymore and I don't know I simplified mine for this task so it's a phone I want you to try and redraw it but they go from easy to hard don't worry if if you don't get the whole way through what I've done is the very next video is the completed version of this where I just go through and redraw it but I don't want you to skip there I want you to start here make sure on your layers panel you're on the drawing layer not the background layer sometimes that happens and if I use my line tool on the locked background layer and work let got to make sure we're on our drawing layer back at properties start using any of the shapes okay like we did with the sleeping Fox so rectangles and triangles and lines okay to start drawing it and then start kind of like adding and subtracting so that we can uh sorry using the shape Builder tool so that we can get to here but again doesn't have to be perfect you don't even have to get the whole way through you might give up halfway through it's totally okay see how far you get on your own then in the next video you can compare your way of doing stuff to my way of doing stuff it is in the class projects okay where are we there's class project doc so open that document use any of the tools we've used so far especially the shape Builder give them colors pick one color for them all and the deliverables I'm just going to say save an image now I'm going to assume that you know webp PNG export as okay so save an image like we did in the last one upload it to the assignment section you don't need to share this on social media because they're all going to look the same okay so if you're doing the class projects do that okay upload it to that section but don't post to social media you can if you want if you're really proud of it or you do it better um but for the moment though it's just a practice for us to do on our own all right my friends good luck drawing icon on take as much time as you need and I will see you in the next video where I reveal what I did all right see you in a bit hello hey uh how did you go in the last video with the class practice of the sheet Builder tool making the icons and this video I'm just going to do the exercise that I set for you um so that if you got like I don't know only a little bit way through it and got stuck I can show you the solution or if you got to the end it might be interesting to see the different ways of doing it because I bit you whatever way you did it I did it slightly differently okay um so yeah let's jump in and let's build the icons together all right so I hope you tried it on your own uh you shouldn't have run into this problem but sometimes um I've got a background layer that I've locked that's got my drawings in it and then I've got another layer on top um where we can draw from uh it shouldn't be a problem but it might happen in the future where you got the background selected you grab your first tool and you get nowhere and you go it just won't draw it's a bit Advanced but I guess it's m might happen so I just want to mention that so make sure your drawing layer that's what I should leave it on so when you open the file it's ready to go all right next thing zoom in command plus space bar hold hold the space bar down and just click and drag the mouse and let's check out this guy all right we're going to start with the let's do the rectangle tool this is an easy one I'm going to click hold and drag Dan's drawing is not perfect so it's a bit wonky so right we're trying to draw these I don't know perfect D okay and what I might do is to see the center of this okay I want to turn the fill To None just so it's a bit easier to see okay what I want to do is grab any of the I need to close this down click off in the background okay and I can grab any of these Targets in the corner I can just drag it till it gets close to my drawing is good enough the next one is a triangle okay so remember it was the polygon tool if you're like there was no triangle okay there it is there polygon tool who remembers did you remember how do you get it to go cuz like when I draw it it goes Pentagon okay who remembers how to get it to a three side oh you remember good work click once okay sides three radius I'm not worried about because I'm going to change it back to my Black Arrow okay and I'm going to do the rotation remember is just outside here so not that there and drag it around how do I get it to lock into um kind of like even increments hold shift you got it okay and it goes nice Big Blocks I'm going to scale this one down okay I'm holding shift again okay but I'm using that little stretchy icon okay to get it down to something something appropriate grab if you're finding it with no fill as well and you're like I can't drag it it's not dragging you can either grab this dot in the middle okay or I end up just you'll see in this course I just grab the line that's what I end up doing all right shrink it down move it into space a little tip for you early on the course with something selected you can just use your arrow keys can you see just kind of like nudg it around there we go close enough and that is good next I need to shape Builder it okay so I'm going to select both of them this is where everyone might have done something different okay there's lots of different ways of doing this I'll do it one way if you got to the end your way high five let us know in the comments that the way that you did it was different from mine yours might be better okay so I got them both selected remember I could fill with a color if I just go to my shape Builder tool okay where is he there and I'm going to go a fill color of I'm going to pick a color for all of them uh pick that one okay remember click off to close that thing then you go there what I'm going to do as well is I'm going to go stroke no stroke that is totally optional Why didn't it work okay it didn't work there I didn't even realize it didn't work in that case okay so I went stroke no stroke and didn't disappear it's CU I'm using the shape Builder tool I'm kind of doing something a bit different I'm trying to like mess around with it so if I go up with a Black Arrow okay Black Arrow select it all and then go to stroke no stroke here we go we''ve got a little icon and I can see through it look at that all right so this's my first icon let's go on to the second one how do we do this one first of all it's a bit wonky that's okay wonky roof going start with my polygon tool and going to probably click and drag because I don't need to click once because it's already um you know triangle I've already changed that setting it resets every time you close and open the document hold shift to get into right spot then what did you do how did you get it to be like this you do what I'm going to do here we go good enough oh there's rounded corner at the top how did I get a rounded corner at the top but not the sides because if I do one of them look they all go and I also want to go fill no fill for the moment I've got no fill no stroke I'm going to have a stroke that is I'm going to pick a crazy color this tends to be what I do I pick one of the neon fluorescent colors so I can see it against the background sometimes Black's not very good contrast so if I click on the background I can see green easier okay next thing I want to do is I want to get just the curve at the top so I'm going to grabb my black no white Arrow the direct selection tool and I click just this top point and now I can just work on one of them that might have caught you out it's all right we know now all right how do we do these two I'm probably going to grab the rectangle tool and I'm going to go add your own sound effects uh I can probably do all the corners cuz I'm going to slice that off I'm going to copy and paste it so I got another one back to my move tool which is the V key okay and I'm going to try and line them up and if yours is not like doing cool stuff like this intersecting and lining up um remember go to view and make sure smart guides is on the handy shortcut command you control you on a PC okay what I find as well is when you're over here it's going to try and line up with his buddies but if you find it doesn't okay I kind of move it closer and it gets more easier to know it's lined up and also illustrator knows a bit better about like Oh you mean this guy that you're really close to not this thing that's all the way over here okay line up so if I get it close can you see it kind of like locks in and then I can just like drag it straight out straight out straight out if you spent ages getting these perfectly distanced apart we're not doing that today you could draw a rectangle on this side and use it as a spacer on this side we're not going to I'm just going to like close my eyes well squint my eyes poke my tongue out and go close enough why am I following the drawing because I have a teeny tiny ledge this side and a big one that side um this top one here is nice and easy rectangle tool and I'm I'm just going to draw something like that now we're going to grab the shape Builder tool okay Black Arrow actually select all of this going to go to my shape Builder tool shift in and I'm just going to color it all in I'm going to pick my fill color again you can do this afterwards or before okay it's going to go you you I'm going to get rid of the stroke which we know I have to go back to my selection tool say you have no stroke buddy here we go what you can do as well is go to layers and turn the eyeball off on the background layer so you can say how's that look it looks not much like a house but it's going to do for this video our business card all right and so let's have it on let's go back to properties how did you do this one now I said in the last video doesn't have to be perfect I'm not going to do it perfect here because we don't quite have the tools yet or the skills yet to do it absolutely perfect we're going to get it perfect dish so I'm going to start with the lips and I'm going to drag it out holding shift to get it perfect circle Black Arrow get it in the right spot I'm going to get go fill no fill stroke neon green okay that's good enough I'm going to copy and paste it oh what did I copy and paste so I didn't copy it copy paste okay going line them both back up and I want it to get bigger actually I'm going to make it bigger First grab the center of it okay and try and get it close to that guy is that good enough that's good enough then now how' you do this you do it with a triangle you can so do it with a triangle okay click and drag get something kind of perfect it's roughly the right size rotate it around go to my um selection tool okay which is V on the keyboard hold shift to get it to be poting down and this is where it gets a bit tricky okay getting this thing to line up perfectly is where you might have spend a lot of time okay I want mine a little bit more stubby and it is tricky can you see I can kind of get it to intersect it's not going to be perfect there is a way of getting these things perfect but it's kind of some hardcore skill we need later on you might have spend some time just kind of getting it a little bit taller a little bit out and can you see this you might have just done this can you see if I drag this out but also be close to this can you see it still goes to the right point because I'm still dragging this right hand one okay but if I kind of still drag the right hand one if I follow that line can you so you can kind of get it to where the Apex is come on apex that'll do and this one here good enough enough there we go good enough now in terms of the rounded Corners I'm probably going to grab my direct selection tool okay we're going to end up going back and forth between the selection tool and the direct selection tool this one is V we kind of know that now this one is a a on my keyboard V on my keyboard AV a a v toggling between those two tools I'm going to be on a click on just the bottom one and go yep kind of roughly to what I had in the drawing now what do we do select it all with a Black Arrow go to your shape Builder tool go minus these two so I'm holding down my option key on a Mac alt can of PC I want to join of these so I don't hold anything down and we're kind of there you might have cleaned it up I remember saying in the last video don't worry if there's bits left over but let me show you what we can do so we'll go to our layers let's turn off the background so we can see it a bit better and you'll notice on my one zoom in a bit these is like little bits hanging off okay what you can do is grab your black arrow click off in the background they probably are just click on the once little bits kind of hanging out now mine looks perfect it shouldn't if yours looks like it's got a big kind of like donk in the side like this H probably not that bad but like if there's some sort of weird Bend in the side that's what I expected and that's when I'm practicing this lab happened some reason today I made a real good one but don't feel bad if yours has a bit of a ding in the side don't worry we'll fix that later on when our skills get better for the moment something roughly like this all right what I'm going to do as well is I'm going to zoom out a little bit now I can select it all and grab my shape Builder and fill it with color okay like we've done in the last two but because this is kind of a solid shape now let me just select with a Black Arrow let me see if I can just fill it with my color there we go give that a try yours may or may not be able to do that if it's not a complete shape should be or just use your shape Builder tool that's a good way of coloring any old thing and also I'm going to go stroke no stroke there we go I'm going to turn my background on and let's do this last one oh how did do this okay this one you probably spent ages of and gave up and actually I've got mine crooked here um what I'm going to do actually now is I'm now I'm thinking I'm like man draw that crooked you'll notice in the last video it was kind of perpendicular straight up and down so I'm going to go and do that now and be right back fix the file cuz drawing to draw a crooked you do it at the end you kind of just rotate the whole thing but uh let me be back in a second all right we're back I just kind of moved it around in my little Photoshop scan so this one how do we do this let's just get started eh let's start with the easiest bits okay let's go to the rectangle tool and draw this thing it remembers the last fill and stroke you have which is these um so mine keeps going back to that even though I go and change it here okay to these ones if I draw something now it'll remember just whatever the last fill in stroke you did so let's have a look I want to do just the side so it's roughly this right size I'm going to grab grab my a tool for my direct selection okay grab the U plus u and some holding shift okay to grab both of those and then just drag one of them and get them kind of close now I'm going to go back to my Black Arrow this might have been interesting watch this you might have bumped into this problem where if I have that selected and I go copy paste it kind of worked but left chunk of it behind it was only selecting those anchor points that we selected with the direct selection tool so if I have just one thing selected and and I go copy paste I end up with just the line so whenever you're copying and pasting make sure you're doing it with the the kind of default tool the move tool the selection tool what do they call here selection tool okay so copy it I'm just selecting it copy paste and I'm going to have two of them okay remember space SP to move along make sure they're lined up is when you are dragging them okay when you're dragging them down you can hold shift so it's how get them lined up on top of each other right you're lined up on top of each other okay if I drag it down it'll probably line up there we go actually perfectly does there a pink Arrow you can hold shift while you're dragging things remember shift is kind of like the resizing things proportionately drawing complete perfect circles it's the same when you want to drag something in a complete straight line hold shift while you're dragging the edge of it that's going to be good enough now this parts so let's grab the rectangle tool I'm going to draw a rectangle here is that what you did or you do something different cuz you could draw a rectangle add circles it could be in ellipse in there I don't mind okay uh I'm going to do that is I'm going to go you is here we go I just drag them all cuz I'm actually going to bend all this stuff and next thing I want is the ellipse okay or the circle and I'm going to go you and what's is it going to be perfect circle probably not because I want to try and get that edge there so dragging it with the selection tool am I going too fast otherwise this video will be forever so you might have got through really fast or you might be struggling and you can pause the video for the bits that I did probably needs to be just a little bit bigger that way a little bit bigger that way using my arrow key to kind of line it up and that's probably going to be good how do we do this there's two ways of doing this Gap here okay so you can grab a rectangle and just go and it should line up I'm going to copy and paste them so I got two okay one down the bottom as well or you could do it slightly different way you can use a line tool this is a kind of a secret bonus for watching this epically long video is I could grab the line tool just go remember how do I get it to go straight hold shift and I've got that that'll work the same way with the um shape Builder tool so I can grab my selection tool I can grab all of these I can go to my shape Builder tool and I can say uh option on a Mac alt on a PC so go away go away and I'm going to say you go away as well and there's a line at the top here or a rectangle I can actually just click on these lines to get rid of it holding option key down the whole time or alt on a PC these bits here I don't really want to kind of mess with I want to see if I can go back to my Black Arrow and go yeah you get rid of that I don't want you what this stuff down here get rid of you get rid of you you might have run into that problem like what to do with all these extra shapes you could join them all up and delete them that would work too I know that they're experience that you know if they if I haven't messed with them the good stuff is probably still underneath and I can just kind of peel it off or again you could start hacking away with the shape Builder tool it's up to you now how did he do these if you're like hm you worked it out well did you do it with the lipes that's the long way the quick way is we looked at it kind of briefly earlier on remember the um sleeping eye on the fox ah you're like oh yeah forgot all about that where do they hide all those weird tools that we don't really use very often under the edit toolbar little down here click on this one there is my arc tool okay and I'm going to try my very best to dra an arc there'll remember it's kind of hard to draw stuff I got it kind of the right Arc now I'm going to grab my black selection tool I'm going to rotate it around give you and I'm going to go you I'm going to make it a bit longer squish it up a little bit actually not the corner going to use this side squish it up a bit rotate it around there is bit tool tools we're going to use later in the course but we're using what we got and what I want to do is give it a stroke of the color that I'm using I'm going to give it a nice big thick stroke to kind of match what I've got there and then I'm going to go copy paste and I'm going to go this one's a little bigger probably a lot bigger there we go one more copy paste and make this one bigger again yep too big all right that'll do how' you do the rounded ends I wish I didn't draw them because it's a later part of the course that's all right let's do it now select all The Strokes go to stroke sh advanced stuff don't tell anyone but under stroke if you click the word there's this one here okay click on round cap by default we're on this unfortunately named uh capping okay so mve to round cap and you'll get that in there you had no chance of figuring that out that's all right if you did do it let me know okay you might have done with circles oo not sure how you might have done it but let us know in the comments if you did do it I'd be interested okay with these ones here I'm going to select them all and I'm going to go to fill of that or and a stroke of none or you could do if you're not sure is you can select them all grab your shape Builder tool and then pick your fill color where are you fill and if you go no stroke here you can say bam bam bam it doesn't remove the stroke though go back to the Black Arrow then remove move this truck all right let's turn the background layer off gazed our amazing icons remember command or control Z on your keyboard to go all the way out see everything that your OCD kind of line everything up a little bit better Dan there you go OCD is not quite there oh it's just ignore it it's laid out good enough so how did you do other than this looks more like I don't know some sort of beach hut than a house I think we did good hopefully you figured it out you might have done it a different way you might have a different look that's totally okay I don't mind it's practice if you did run into other troubles let me know in the comments cuz other people will be having similar problems and they can check out your problems and solutions and if you see one down there that you worked through chime in answer their comments Say Hey I was doing that and I tried this but this is the way I figured it out all right my friends we made some icons I hope it was helpful seeing me make the icons um I'll see you in the next video hi everyone we're going to talk about layers it's this little tab here I'm going to start off by saying we just don't use them and in the original version of this course I just ignored them because we don't use layers very often in illustrator um but it confuse lots of people because they really want to touch them and click on them and add them so this will be a little kind of like overview of what layers are when you use them why we don't use them a whole lot in illustrator and we use things like a range instead but we'll make some layers we'll get them working we'll lock some stuff move stuff around and I'll try and convince you why we don't actually use them that much great video Dan uh show people how to use a tool they shouldn't use ah has to be done uh let's jump in all right to get started let's close down anything you've got open and let's open up a new document okay when I'm open up a new document either file new at the top or click this button over here okay and just as a good starting point let's go for something that's 1,000 pixels by 1,000 pixels it doesn't really matter about the size at the moment okay but getting a new document set up probably the main thing is to make sure it's on RGB we'll cover that later on in the course properly basically RGB looks better on a screen than cyk this is more for print more for screen all right th000 pixels by th000 pixels let's click create okay so we want to draw three things the text the circle and the background we're going to make the background color so by default you get given one layer and often with illustrator you can just leave one layer and just never do anything else unlike Photoshop let's check out Photoshop okay I've got my layers over here if you've come from Photoshop you'd be like we have multiple layers illustrator doesn't really use layers that much where it's Photoshop let's add something real quick okay bit of a cross sale for my Photoshop course if you haven't done it go check it out I'm going to put in a classic car some of the generative fill stuff was pretty spectacular wait that it's pretty amazing what it can create but in creating that it created a new layer for us and by the end of a large document you might end up it's not uncommon to have have 20 50 layers okay whereas an illustrator actually before I go you should check out my Photoshop Essentials or photoshop Advanced course go do those all right back in illustrator though often you can have one layer and that's it I'm going to show you a for instance where we don't just you you get a sense of layers you might open somebody else's document I don't want you getting lost so let's do a couple of things so let's go rectangle tool and go back to our properties let's make sure the your smart guides are on okay little tick next to it so that when I'm hovering in the corner it says intersect and I drag it this nice big box yours is probably going to be white with a black border whatever you want I'm going to pick actually I'm going to grab the fill and I'm going to give it this kind of gray color here one of these gray colors that one there doesn't matter which one it is make sure if you're on color mixer go to swatches pick a color I'm going to have no stroke okay next going to do is I'm going to have some type okay we're going to type more detail in a bit but for the moment click the type tool okay and just click once okay and this is going to be the impossible triangle we're going to do this more in the next video we're going to actually create the triangle for the moment though pick a font size so you can see it and with the text selected H go and pick a fill over here all right so we've got this we've got this okay let's draw a regular triangle that's not so impossible so go to polygon how do I get to cuz the moment it's going to do that you know click once pick three sides okay and this is an unimpossible triangle okay just a regular old shape if you're not sure what the impossible triangle is don't worry we'll do it in the next video but for the moment we're looking at layers and I show you this because I probably wouldn't touch layers for most of this course the only time we've used layers is when we're tracing on top of stuff but when we're drawing stuff like this there's no need to have lots of separate layers just the one what's trixy about illustrator is that see this little shev on here this little arrow click on that look at that we've kind of got layers inside of there there's my polygon okay to my eyeball on and off so that is my um that is my triangle there's my text saying impossible and there's another rectangle so they do have layers without you asking what you tend to do an illustrator is you forget about layers never go to the layer never go to the layers panel and what you do is go actually I want the and let's change the color of this so I'm going to change it to some other hideous color okay and let's say that I want it behind the text okay in Photoshop you'd have to go and arrange the layers whereas this one you just go right click okay or actually over here is probably the way I've shown you so far you go to arrange and you can either do two things you can send backwards or send to back what that means is back is all the way at the back so it's going to go behind the text and the rectangle which is maybe what you want I don't want it in this case so I'm going to go to edit undo there we go okay and I'm going to go to the other one where says arrange and I'm going to say send back wood what that means is it's going to go back one step instead of all the way to the back it's going to go just behind one thing nice if I have this one here I've got ellipse now that is another color okay if I say arrange backwards where is it going to go it's not going to go if I say back it's going to all the way to the back right undo I'm going to say backwards and it's going to go behind the text but not the triangle so backwards is that where I need it maybe we need it a little bit further back so backwards you get the idea it's just one step okay like a stack of cards on top of each other to back is all the way to the back of the pack whereas back woods just goes one down and if you've got like 10 50 layers you can be hitting backwards quite a lot and if that is the case there is a shortcut okay under object AR range so the exact same thing you can use this version or this version here you can see the shortcuts there backwood is on my Mac it's command and the first square bracket and on a PC it's control in the first square bracket all right so layers you don't use them very much um the times I would use them is this background it's kind of a pain because you're like I just want to deselect the background oh no I've clicked the background a why are you moving okay so what I do is let's go to layers and I want a layer okay the layers are all the way down the bottom here see way way way down here hello let's go to create new layer okay and let's go over here and double click it and say let's call this one background so I've got a layer called background there is nothing on it how do I know turn the eyeball on off it's cuz I drew everything on layer one so what I want to do is two things I want to move this thing to the background layer I can do that two ways let's select it with my Black Arrow you let's go to edit cut so instead of copy cut means like regular cut and paste right so we're going to go cut so it's in my clipboard now I'm going to say on the background layer make sure the Blue's here and this little triangle here can you see kind of it moves around okay where you click it so click on the web background and then just go to we're going to go to edit paste and now it's on the background layer excellent trouble is the background layer is on top of the layer one you imagine you're a bird looking down from the top of my computer or from the sky you see the background first then layer one so we need to grab this click hold hold hold hold can you see I can kind of I don't want to drag it inside of layer one that's bad I want to drag it underneath see that little line so there now it's underneath if it goes into it what go edit undo the cool thing about this now is that all of this okay I turn the eyeball off on layer one is on its own layer this is on its own layer and I can lock this layer the for some reason you meant to know that this magical empty spot here is the lock you know now but like this yeah this empty blank bit there's a locking icon what does that mean it means I can't move the background anymore I can select you on this other layer let's we'll give it a bit name let's call this one uh triangle triangle okay and that's good enough for me or maybe it's just foreground cuz I'm going to have everything on this layer you could have another layer that's called text I double clicked it instead of just yeah double clicked it that often I double click it over here getting the word and I just type it in there text if you double click kind of any other area it opens up the bigger version you can type it in there as well if you want okay so let's grab text I can cut it and I can select the text layer and I can paste it so it's on this layer a handy trick cuz it kind of puts it back right in the middle of the layer so you notice it was there and I cut it went to text and paste it it's stuck it right in the middle of where I'm looking so what I want to do is instead of just pasting it we're going to use this special one says edit called paste in place means I'm going to get it back in the place where I got it there you go so it's on the new layer now but just in the right spot now I could lock that layer if I wanted to and only mess with these guys okay my shapes in the foreground I guess I show you this because I want to prove to you that we don't use layers very often but you're going to get other people's files you're going to wonder why we aren't doing layers and yeah there you go we do use them sometimes one last little handy or two last little handy things is um we've done a lot of cut and pasting in place okay to go from layer to layer another little trick is I'm going to unlock this one let's say we want the text okay which is on its own layer to go back to the foreground okay I can uh cut click on foreground and go edit paste in place okay there is a sneaky trick watch this see this little random dot okay so I've got the thing I want to move got it selected okay um what you can do is say I want to move it to the foreground watch this you can just drag that and he moves across to what is the blue layer okay that's the other thing I wanted to show you so moving from one to another I'm going to unlock them all if I want this text to be on the background layer I just click it I so I go you select it drag the Little Dot to you now he on the background layer and he's underneath the foreground which is the triangle in the circle get in the hang of the layers too much information let's get it back to the top and the other interesting thing about layers is they get given their own default colors okay so if I select this can you see the the copy hasir a green triangle around it watch it if I move it to the blue layer it's still the text but it's got a blue let me move it so it's closer can you see it's got a blue thing around it see the red layer which is the background if I do that it's got a red thing around it just so that when you're clicking on stuff what layer is this one on the blue layer what is this one on the red layer which is the background gives you kind of just a visual cue of like what layers things are on all right so if you do nothing else I want a big rectangle um that is gray in the background I'd like it locked and I'd like a foreground layer I'm going to get rid of my text layer because I don't want to confuse things I'm going to move him to the top and you guys can stay there for the moment we're going to delete you in the next video when we make the actual impossible triangle all right so that's layers 101 hope it was useful let's get into the next video hi everyone in this video we are going to learn how to align distribute rotate do math in some of the fields which is super handy an illustrator okay all the while making this super cool impossible triangle we're going to start with these just simple just a whole bunch of lines but we're going to use a shape Builder to convert it into this the impossible triangle and in all honesty I get so lost in this video breaking stuff things not going the way that IID planned when I prepped for the video I want to re-record it but I know that you're going to probably stumble into these problems so I'll leave all of it in there but it is going to ruin any illusion of Dan's awesome can't be failed in Illustrated this which you I don't know at least in my head I see myself as the illustrator Master but anyway we get lost we fix it together you will learn I get humbled and we get to make a cool triangle all right let's jump in and by jumping in I mean we get lost straight off the bat let's go draw an invisible line good work Dan all right to get started um uh if you've skipped the last video just make a new document make it 1,000 pixels by 1,000 pixels make sure it's RGB and click create okay I've already got one of those and the only other thing is that I've made a background big gray rectangle I've locked it and I've got a layer on top okay I'm going to delete these guys I'm going to leave that text there all right so I'm working on my uh foreground layer remember if you're working on your background layer and then you grab the tool that I want which is the line tool remember hold hold hold down that one Whatever It Is rectangle or ellipse grab the line segment tool and it won't work you got to be on the layer that's not locked which is the foreground and go back to my properties so I'm going to draw oh this is going to be good okay accidental learning okay I want to drag out a line um who knows what I hold down on my keyboard to make it go straight okay we've done this particular thing before or similar okay hold shift okay and it kind of locks it into nice specific kind of directions I want mine to be nice and straight okay how big something looking like that and this is really interesting have a look at this line if I'm going to go my black arrow click in the background it's gone mystery where did it go it's because when I was drawing with it the last thing that I drew okay had I think a white fill and no stroke and I'm drawing with the line which is the stroke so it just went all right I'm Al line line with no stroke here you go it's there it's mysteriously there okay so if you are drawing lines and like you can be using any of the tools let me grab one another one if I grab the pencil tool which we'll do in a little bit with no stroke and I draw something I'm like ah yeah look at that and I click off in the background it's gone it won't print you won't see it it's there there it is there okay so just make sure when you're drawing okay that you draw with a stroke or afterwards you can drag around select it and say you are a white stroke I'm going to bump it up to 1 two 3 so this is a bit thicker so that we can see what we're doing okay um what do I want two thck two pixels two points okay I'm going to zoom in so we came here to align and distribute Den but we figured out how to accidentally not draw a line and we fixed it so what I want to do is select the line with The Black Arrow copy and paste it so I've got two of them okay mine did it up on top of each other paste it again okay I've got one two three of them and what I would like you to do is I'm going to zoom in I want to kind of get them kind of I'm going to not line them up on purpose you can use the smart guides and try and line things up I'm going to do it on purpose a little bit wonky because I want to show you if I select all three lines notice when I'm selecting I use The Black Arrow I don't have to go around them all I can just grab all the ends you see I can go just grab the ends of them okay got all three what I want to do is over here in my properties panel you'll see the Align panel you got some of the Align okay so we're going to look at the first one which is aligning left in this case cuz they're all the same size we can align left align Center or align right they're all the same length what I want is I want to find some of the distribution so there is uh I don't want to line top okay what I want to do is distribute them because at the moment the gaps are uneven I want them to be exactly the same so the Align panel like any of the panels here in the properties panel see these little dots there's so much more hidden in there they try to make them nice and like I don't know make the UI easy to look at okay rather than having every single setting available but you can dig into them easy enough so in here I want the one that says distribute objects and you can look at the little icons or do what I do and go that one no that one no that one that's the one I want okay so I just keep clicking them until I find the r i want there's a lot of clicking and undoing anyway so we've aligned them up Center we've distributed them excellent next thing I want to do is I would like to actually I want them a bit tighter watch this if I drag this one down so this one and this one will Define where this one goes because it'll always be the center so if I wanted to make them really far apart click them go to my distribute distribute centers okay so whatever the one is on the outskirt okay will kind of Define um how far apart they are you got it so I'm going to say align Center and distribute these guys I'm going to copy and paste them okay actually I didn't copy and paste them I'm going to select them copy paste okay so got all three lines and I want to rotate them around to be that triangle that you saw at the beginning now I know it needs to be like I don't know a triangle and this is where math in the fields really helps me out I'm terrible at working out numbers my brain just kind of mixes them all up so what I can do though in see rotation I can go into here and say oh I know it needs to be 180 okay nope my flips it upside down 90 okay 120 okay I can click on these and try and guess it you probably know what it is like um I'm going to go back to zero what I like to do is I know 360 is the full thing but I can do math in these fields so I don't want to flip it all the way around I want to go 360 divided by 3 here you go it's 120 then okay so you can do math in all these fields okay so I'm going to line this up kind of here I'm going to go copy and paste again I want it to be what and um 120 times two because I can't add either okay so the times in this case um the editor would have zoomed in okay you can see this often uses like an asteris okay that's the computer version of times so you can go plus two you get plus two degre well plus 2 degre it's not really what I want okay I want it to betimes two you can minus you can divide it's awesome times two Okay so we've got all this I want to kind of line these up doesn't really matter how much they line up holding space bar to get my hand tall moving around okay it doesn't really matter actually okay so that is the core of my impossible triangle you can see it in there now right and again we're going to even though this is a line and distribute we're going to end up doing some combo skill stacking okay we're going to do some rotation and also grab the line tool and do some shape building so what I want to do is where are we going to draw I'm going to try and connect there to there so make sure your smart guides are on click hold and drag okay and going go U to you oh nice okay space bar click and drag you to you space bar click and drag you you're looking for the intersects that's what you're looking for okay so we're nearly there now I'm going to grab my uh Black Arrow and this is the important bit that I might have not highlighted as much is everything needs to be selected for the shape Builder to do its job if you miss a few bits it's going to leave these lines out down the bottom even though they kind of look like they're um selected watch this see not selected so grab everything grab the shape Builder tool shift M and I'm going to start trimming it up it's really cool watch this if I hold down my option key on a Mac Oh key on a PC to minus things watch this I can just drag a line through all these lines look at that cool I love just kind of trimming it up that way if you've used the scissor tool in the past or the trim tool oh man it's a pain whereas this I can just start dragging these thing I can click on the oh I know all right I kind of had a bit of a meltdown there and I was like why isn't it working and I was like do I re-record it to look like a professional or do I show people cuz you're going to run into the same problem so let's diagnose what happened there you don't even know what happened uh let me explain it so I'm using my shape of the tool and I'm like oh I'm just going to like what what's going on here why is this thing doing some weird stuff and what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom in and what I didn't pay much attention to the beginning okay is that see my line there I didn't draw the line across you know from that point to that point I just kind of Drew an arbitrary line I just went and I wasn't really paying attention I was too busy trying to sound professional on the video okay so it's kind of just not working very well so I've got it all selected I'm grab my um shape Builder tool I can kind of delete it but it's kind of not working okay just cuz I didn't line up the lines properly so there's a couple of ways of getting around this there is going back in time hitting undo a million times and just lining it up properly so it'll work or double click this option here okay shape Builder just double click the tool there's this thing called Gap detection mine's off at the moment I don't know normally it's on I'm using a kind of a new new version of Illustrator it's normally on if yours isn't on go into Gap detection and say Gap length small okay or large it depends on how badly you drew it if you've got like the line nowhere near touching you might have to crank this up the large gap detection I'm going to leave mine at small okay let's click okay it means now that tiny Gap where is it oh problem with zooming with something selected it goes right into the middle okay it's a little bit of a pain space bar is there's a tiny Gap in there just the teeniest tiniest one I'm going to use my uh Zoom tool and drag around and drag around drag down look at that the teeniest tiniest Gap and by default that's normally on check yours now just see let me know in the comments is yours on if it's not okay turn it on and if you if the Gap is like way out here you might be able to get away with medium and large this is really good when you're doing more handd drawing stuff okay and illustrate later in the course you can actually turn this Gap detection up quite High to fill in big gaps there you go little bit more advanced for this uh video but there you go now we can do what we want if you get lost like I just did was I zooming in zooming out I wasn't sure command and control zero this video has gone a little bit sideways not going to lie to you okay so got them all selected got Gap detection turned on to small okay I'm going to uh hold down my option key oh can a PC get rid of that one all right where were we now we're going to make that little imposs triangly thing okay so this is quite the tricky brain teaser basically start from the inside go all the way to the outside and then along that's how I remember it anyway um so again start from from the inside go all the way along to the outside and up start from the inside this inside all the way up and down that's kind of it right last things we need to do is just click and drag across these two I'm not holding anything down just join these up thank goodness for Gap detection eh all right I'm going to leave it there we forget out align and distribute lots of extra settings are hiding in the little dots we work that we can do math in here okay I'll do one more bit of math before we go so this is at X and Y coordinates if I want to move it across maybe 10 pixels I can say plus 10 and it would just move over 10 pixels all the math in any of the field you need the stroke to be twice the width or three times times three that did not work cuz we didn't have it selected with The Black Arrow we were on the shape Builder tool it didn't know what to do another good tip man this one's full of getting lost but we're all working it out okay so we tripled it don't worry about the little points we'll talk about Strokes in a bit more detail later on so math and Fields align and distribute getting lost we needed to upgrade the uh Gap detection I bet you yours is probably on and fine and there you go actually before you go if you have been drawing with me save it call it impossible triangle I'm going to save to the cloud in the next video we will actually color it and set it as a little class project so let's do that in the next video see you there hi everyone it is class project time the impossible triangle I want you to draw it okay and then I want you to color it okay change the background color change the color of or at least add color to the ossible triangle and then submit it if you do have time you'll see in the notes here it says add some creative flare it's optional but when I first created this tutorial many moons ago okay I assumed people would just color it and submit it and then everyone went crazy check it out these are just a couple of examples I got from the class projects I just went through and grabbed the last few of them and just amazing what people went and did with it so I figure give you the license to go a bit mad with it as as well could be subtle can be crazy up to you Basics are I just want the colored triangle but if you do have time and you do want to Tinker around with it go nuts once you're done save an image upload it to the assignments and share on social media love to see what people do with these things now the expectation is just to use the skills you've learned so far in the course if you do have other skills you can go do that as well but don't feel like oh I don't know how to do gradients don't worry we'll do gradients later on just a fun short exercise all right go do that and I'll see you in the next video hi everyone in this video we're going to take the simple line drawing and redraw it using something called the curvage tool it's really good at drawing curves hence the name also if you're one of those people who have used or at least tried to use the pen tool in the past and gone it's too hard not doing it then this tool is for you it's like the pen tool but easier so let's jump in start using the curvature tool which is super awesome super easy and much better than the pen tool if you have no idea what the pen tool is we're going to do that later it's fun don't worry H all right alien time all right first up H close everything down let's go to file new and just to be different we're going to go to print and we're going to use either us letter or A4 whatever uh zone of the world you're in okay I'm going to use us letter I'm going to go landscape okay so it's kind of like lying down I'm going to leave everything else and click create okay let's bring in an image that we're going to trace let's go to file let's go to place and your exercise files there's one called redraw image what I'd like to do is let's make sure it's a template and click Place puts it in the background on its own layer that's locked helpful all right I'm going to zoom in a bit command plus Plus+ Plus+ space bar that's Control Plus on a PC hold space bar down on either Mac or PC click hold and drag and we're going to use the curvage tool also this thing here is kind of a new thing that's just appeared in my version of Illustrator I bet it's been there the whole time for you I'm just going to move it by grabbing the corner and just pop it down there you wait there we'll talk about you later all right let's grab the curvage tool it is the fourth tool down at the moment these change so look for the one that looks like a pen but with a little tail coming out of it okay so that's the one we want the curvature tool if in the past you've tried the pen tool and you're like oh man that was too hard the curer tool is your savior it's the one I teach new people first because it's just so much easier to understand and work with and make stuff we'll do the pen tool but it's a bit more advanced and you can get by with the Cur tool most of the time so how does it work let's just give it a demo if I click once on the top of his head there nothing nothing really happens except you get a blue dot and let's go around to the side of his head and click once nothing really happens until you kind of move your mouse and you're like look at that not doing anything just kind of like starts appearing it tries to connect them up with a curve that's why it's called the curvature tool now we're going to go around and start adding dots everywhere first of all what we probably need to do is can you see this like weird white line it's kind of if I go over here can you see this white thing okay it's the fill so I'm going to undo and I'm going to say fill fill have no fill thank you very much click it to go back in there now where did these little dots go okay because like where do I put them like I don't know I'm going to undo undo undo undo undo undo undo I'm going to show you the technique so first I'm going to say Phil has no fill okay I got my first dot at the top there he is okay and then I do my second Dot and what you're looking for is the Apex okay like the biggest change of direction see here if I say that's a curve okay look for all the curves where's the highest or the most Direction Change it's kind of somewhere about here doesn't have to be in the middle okay just kind of somewhere where it seems to change the most cuz i' consider this a different curve because it's bending the other way okay so just kind of see if you can spot the big turn so somewhere around here there it is feels good now there is a little bit of just clicking getting them in there and then fixing them afterwards so where's the next big Apex let's say that's a curve kind of somewhere in the middle here click once and you're like that's not working until not doing anything just mooving my mouse out if that's that curve there's another curve here so where's the Apex kind of at this point here right clicking once see how we're doing here okay the Top's not quite right but that's okay we'll fix it up later on there is just kind of getting the Apex um they're called anle points getting those in fixing them afterwards so where's the next Apex say that's a curve probably somewhere there then this one here probably there you're getting the flow for like if that's a curve kind of somewhere in the middle if that's a curve somewhere in the middle that's another curve it takes practice like that's the one thing I can't give you in this course is you know experience drawing lots of mad things I'm going to try to okay and there's an advanced course to go to after this to get your skills right up but it just takes time to kind of go all right that's a good place for the Anchor Point and that's a good point and I need one there I know that you might be like I'm just going to go there and you're like ah okay but after a bit of practice I'm going to undo you go okay I probably need one there to kind of like keep it out there's another curve there here but it does come with a lot of practice okay so I'm Hing all these apexes boom boom boom after a while though once You' got a bit of experience it's amazing what you can draw quite quickly okay let's go all the way around and get our not quite finished um we're getting back to the beginning here this is important so it'll just keep adding stuff forever until you get back to we started and watch the icon change it goes from the little squiggly line pin thing to that if you got this target the whole time you're like mine's a Target it's not a squiggly line okay it's your caps lock on your keyboard everyone tap caps lock you know that makes it Go upper and lower case on your keyboard that's the difference between yours and mine potentially that's just more accurate as a little Target but it's not very fun the fun icon look at that to be honest I don't care which one it is whatever one happens to be on but if you are concerned hit the caps lock key all right next thing is what do we do can you see when we get back to here the icon changes from the squiggly line to a squiggly line with a circle it's going to kind of complete the circle complete the path path is another word for the stroke around the outside okay so I'm going to click once you're like that didn't work it's got a pointy head it's not exactly what we want but it's okay we kind of got the basics in how do we fix this okay so what we're going to do is stay with the K tool sometimes it's just moving them zoom in again okay I'm going to say this one here probably just needs to be up there a little bit okay so once you've made them you can move them around the other thing you'll notice is that it's trying to snap to stuff which can be good but in this case at the moment smart guides need to be turned off because I actually want to be quite precise I don't want it kind of jumping around so that's why that shortcut is quite a handy one uh command you on a Mac control you on a PC so now it's not going to try and jump around I can be quite fiddly with it and this one here probably needs to be down here somewhere and this one can be down here somewhere so you can adjust this by moving them around you can only get so far by moving them around it's trying to like average between them all there only so far you can get but depending on your drawing you might actually go that's enough or let's say that you want this but you think you just need a little bit more control maybe another Anchor Point somewhere so I'm going to put that one there so I just want another Anchor Point here to drag it down all I need to do is same tool I've make sure I've got the line selected okay go back to my curvage tool and you'll notice that when I hover above the line it goes from being this to a little plus see a little plus there okay I can say add one there and then I can click and drag it okay you get a bit more detail what ends up happening is the more anchor points you have the more control you have the problem with more anchor points though the trade-off is more control comes with not as smooth can you see this is nice and smooth if I try and do this look yep okay we're getting there right but if I select off can you see it's a little bit janky through there because it's trying to go through a lot of points it's not too bad actually okay but the more points you have if you're looking at yours going oh mine doesn't look very smooth it's probably just got way too many anchor points you can get rid of anchor points by using the curage tool hovering above them clicking one of them and hitting delete okay and you can say okay get rid of these guys and I'm going to go back to just having a couple of points the least amount of anchor points you can get away with the more smooth it'll be sometimes though you just need more like this one here probably needs a curve in here now curv tool is great for just kind of like throwing things in where the most control or adjustment comes from afterwards is you throw in all your points with your curvature tool then you switch to the white uh Arrow the direct selection tool and click on any your anchor points these magical handles pop out and zoom out a little bit these are the kind of hidden things that are controlling that line the curvit just says let's just do it nice and safely nobody's getting in trouble here it's not too messy it's not very confusing but we want to get confusing because we want the control go to the direct selection tool and go you and kind of drag you can drag the anchor points you can drag these things around okay and what happens with anchor points is is first of all if you've never done them before don't be scared of them okay the Anchor Point is where the line has to run through that's the anchor these things called handles kind of help direct the way the line goes through it grab any one of them okay of any of your anchor points and just give it a wiggle I want you to experiment with like what it does there's two things you can do with it kind of go around the clock okay to get it to go different angles okay and also watch this if I go in it's quite a sharp and if I go out it gets more smooth through that point can you see it's quite a it's smooth out that side but it's a little juny bit there kind of goes Jun okay it's cuz this is very tight into the Anchor Point but if I move that out you see it goes through there a lot smooth and it's a bit of a balance watch this if I drag the because this is too high it's kind of this is forcing it down this is forcing it up and there's this kind of like balance going on the illustrator is trying to find so what you want to do is say Okay I want you maybe it's a bit of you maybe it's a bit of you go up now so there's a little bit of jigle this jigle that jigle CH at this CH at that same with this one how do I get this line I'm going to go Anchor Point are you in the right spot that's about right now these two guys are fighting this line and I'm going to say you go maybe in and maybe up a little bit but when you are adjusting it learning go like this wiggle it around see what it does okay and then kind of slowly slow down your wiggle slow down your wiggle until you find something that might work and if you can't get it with that line it might be this one didn't click on them got to grab those tiny little dots these little anchor points are quite hard to select on as well the anchor points I leave it at this because I'm quite um experienced with it but I find when people are new it's better to go up to under on a Mac go to illustrator go to preferences on a PC go to edit go down to preferences it should be around here okay and we're looking for the one that says can't remember I think it's user interface click on that one okay and there's one in here that says actually a lie it's selection and anchor display so at the moment they're at default we can make these bigger I'll make make them ginormous oh just to show you watch this let's go my anchor points look how big they are should we leave it on for this course they're a bit big for my normal using but hey they look kind of cool here all right last thing we're going to do is we're going to fix this one here cuz I want them to be a curve not a little pointy head so I can select it with my uh direct selection to the white one okay and over here it says convert would you like it to be a corner a corner means the two handles kind of like a broken in the middle but curve boom they are like a seesaw we can't have one without the other one being influenced you can go to this one and say I want you to be a corner I want you to be a curve now I've wrecked my side of my head so I want you to work your way around okay curvage a tool to get started then use the direct selection tool to kind of start editing things well if that happens to you like I just did to me it's best to grab the handles to wiggle them if you grab the line it kind of works but it's a little bit tricky grab the dry um what now a massive meatballs now okay uh cuz I increased the the size grab those handles Anchor Point and actually we'll do two more things before we go um this we're going to do this eyeball so I'm going to grab the curvature tool now what you might be keen on doing is going one two oh okay so you can't draw a circle with only two dots because you can't you can try and do it with three one kind of two three you'll end up with a really strange kind of circly thing there's just not enough points basically with anything that's kind of an ellipse okay doesn't have to be perfect like the cball it really needs four anchor points uh I'll show you an illustrator if I draw an ellipse and I draw it out and then grab the Anchor Point tool can you see 1 2 3 4 okay they have four anchor points with the handles all equal that's what makes a perfect circle so just that's the kind of minimum for a round thing for good control so I'm going to go cover tool one two three four five nope didn't click it five nope still not clicking it why is mine not going to the end weird my wouldn't kind of connect up for a second there I don't know if yours does it it shouldn't it's never done that before I just went undo and then clicked it and it joined up you can see there pretty reasonable one now I could grab my direct selection tool to adjust this okay but I can use the coverage tool as well to the adjusting one last thing that kind of is annoying for me and people that are is the zoom if I have nothing selected it just Zooms in I'm using command plus or Control Plus on a PC just zooms into the middle of the screen and then other times you're like it's zooming in and like hiding over here you see it zoomed into to the alien okay it depends on what you have selected if you have nothing selected it will just go like see that that kind of I've moved it so the owl's right in the middle it'll just go into the middle of the screen undo if I have something selected though it doesn't matter where I am watch this if I hit uh command plus Control Plus on a PC it it zooms into the thing I have selected so just be aware of that often it's good to select the thing and then hit Zoom otherwise it kind of just zooms into the middle of the screen but now you know all right so what I want you to do is I want you to finish off our alien okay get it as close as you can if you're struggling don't worry we're going to use cover tool and lots of the other techniques throughout the course but have a practice get the alien going draw both eyes fill them with a color and I'll see you in the next video hi everyone in this video we're going to use the curv tool some more we've done straight Curves in the last video I'm going to in this one show you how to do straight lines and then show you how to combine them we're going to do straight lines and curves look straight bits curvy bits awesome ninja drawing I hope you're ready for this the curvage tool gets more awesome let's jump in all right let's start out by uh zooming in on the crown okay we're going to use the curvage tool so the curvage tool naturally wants to do curves hence the name okay so if I click on all these kind of like edges here I get this kind of like kind of works okay but I end up with a bit of a wonky looking Crown comb I don't know what that is best description in the comments gets a I don't know a thumbs up I'll check what is it but anyway a couple of things that might be happening to you while you're drawing is you might be getting this doing this weird stuff if that's happening while you're drawing it means that you've got a fill okay that you don't really need a fill right now okay so I'm going to turn the fill off I'm going to click on fill and say no fill I just want a stroke and I'm using kind of this um slimy green color so how do we fix this I'm going to grab my Black Arrow select it all delete it let's grab the curvature tool and the way make it go straight is just a double click so instead of clicking once for a curve okay I double click double click for a corner double click for a corner double click for a corner double click for a corner you get the idea just keep going and double clicking there will be times where you forget and you go click once and what does click once get you it's a curve what do I do you can just go back you can undo obviously and just use the double clicking or you can go back and convert it to converting you just double click it and it goes from being uh corner to a curve corner to a curve Corner okay so if you do forget you can just go back and double click it so remember I want a corner what is it double click I want a corner double click double click and eventually we double click enough come back to the beginning this last one is a weird one if I double click for that one it kind of like connected it up and then I clicked it again so that's the only wonky bit about this so double click for all the corners but when you get back to the beginning click once how will you remember that don't worry because if you don't remember you double click you end up with a curve okay so there you go that is the curvage tool doing straight lines and you're like why why are we using straight lines I could use the straight line tool it's because most of the time we're going to be doing a bit of both this is ninja time okay it has straight lines and curves this is more indicative of the work you'll do okay so let's work our way around let's start with an easy one a corner that's clearly a corner how do we do Corners is it a single click or a double click that's right double click double click for a corner then you go okay I'm going to go up here no look there's a curve in there so what do I do for a curve halfway through the Apex I click once cool got a curve then what do I do here that's right double click for a corner and then up here do I need a curve nope just double click here double click here double click here don't be tempted to go there because that's not a straight line there's a curve click once double click for a corner you get the idea let's keep going uh cut of round circle okay so we know kind of from Remember The ellipse that I showed you before it's kind of like cuz it's a curve click once and then cuz that's the weird thing you click once you're like I've done it wrong and then you kind of move your mouse over and you're like ah did it right click once again you're like oh I did it wrong but kind of coming over here that's why there's a little bit of like doing it a 100 times and you'll be like knowing where the anchor points go where they all stick out but while you're learning there's a little bit of just following down and trusting and just getting better and better I promise you there's nothing you can do other than draw lots of stuff with a curvature tool so where are we corner or a curve Corner click twice and remember if you do it wrong okay and you click once and you go over here you no double click it to trans you know kind of convert it back again click once for a curve double click double click now this one's tricky where do what do we do here there's a curve and a straight so what do we do um there's a curve that kind of ends there do you see that's kind of ending of the Curve so right in the middle of that the Apex I'm going to click once for my curve and then this is where the straight line starts so I'm going to double click for a corner or at least kind of yeah it is a corner okay double click again for a corner click once for a curve double click for a corner and then down here should be able just click once here we go let's look at this one here as well let's do this um around the eyes Okay where should we start let's click once for this corner Point here sorry curve okay down here is another tricky one this is the same kind of idea is this like should this be a corner or a curve this is a corner cuz it's kind of going into a straight line so I'm going to double click and you're like that doesn't work it's not working Dan have faith my friend watch this double click for Corner click once for a curve double click oh look at this it's working double click for a corner and then back here click once it all comes back to life there you go and if you're like why didn't he just grab a rectangle then grab all the corners that's what he should have done okay and that's what I do normally but we're learning the curv tool same with the circles in the middle I'm going to go my curv tool and I showed you before they tend to look better when there's a curve point in each four quadrants okay so one 2 3 four five Al a me go the curvature tool okay yes I just use the ellipse tool again here as well but we're learning all right give that a go and the problems that you're run into okay is when you've got a corner when there should be a curve we know how to change those so we'll select it first with a Black Arrow so grab the liner on the outside then grab your curvature tool and let's say that you just forgot that point well youve got too many points you want to get rid of it hit delete but now you want to add one you just click once you want it to be a curve not a corner that's kind of a curve I just click once it's just kind of not out far enough because you see it goes into a line and then kind of I'm not doing anything just yeah a curve needs some sort of like trajectory it needs to go from this point out to something okay but let's say it's now arm Spike we want to convert it there's two ways we can do it we can double click it or we can do what we did earlier when we're working with the alien grab our white Arrow get into way too much detail click on this I want you to be a corner okay and you know arm spikes other cool thing about the um direct selection tool is you can grab stuff you've got this like finite control okay so really tight and close don't be afraid to move the Anchor Point if you're trying to fix something and it's like this you're never going to get it cuz it's not actually on the line so grab the center it move it across or using the curv tool you can do it okay and the curv tool has a really weird shortcut I use it all the time see it says shift and then it's that apostrophe you can see that there the editor thank you very much will be zooming in okay so it's the shift plus that weird key hopefully if you're on a non-english keyboard you can find that one um or it might be different um but it should be there listed okay what it is um shift apostrophe it's up near my Escape key on my keyboard but I know it's different on lots of different ones so uh shortcut key you can move this around here all right we're going to call that one done so mixing uh curves and lines together you can get a ninja if you are struggling don't worry everyone struggles with the curvature tool at the beginning we're going to introduce this a few other times through the course get better and better I'm going to show you tips and tricks as we grow and move through the course so if yours is a bit of a wonky ninja that's totally okay don't worry we'll get better for now though let let's wrap this one up and I will see you in the next video will we start doing our stuff or at least I make you do it all right I'll see you there hi everyone it is class project time I want you to practice your curvage tool there's kind of like two projects in here snuck in two for the one class project so uh sub project one is I want you to redraw the owl okay to just go through and using the tools that we've got so far redraw the owl give them some color color all of your little characters as well curse a little bit because it's not doing what you want Miss with it a bit get it close enough if it's not perfect don't worry we're going to be doing the curvature tool a few times through this course once you've done that one the next thing I want you to do is I want you to sub project 2 is I want you to find an icon version of your creature that you picked for the course okay so remember in our brief you picked a character or creature I'm using a fox okay you can use whatever you like you can change it if you find the last thing was hard to find okay so pick your creature and I want you to find something you can draw over the top of okay basically we're tracing other people's work here and while tracing is you know we don't want to copy people's work and use it okay but in terms of practicing it's the best way it's good to find other people's work practice practice practice redrawing over the top of it but that's why in this uh the deliverables for this one is that I don't want you to share it on social media because we're copying other people's work upload it to the assignments for sure but because we're copying somebody else's work I don't want you sharing it around and if you do want to use it for anything you got to make sure that you go and get the appropriate license but the way to find something good to draw is okay go to Google Images type in fox or whatever your creature is if it's a cat type in cat and then put in either icon or logo afterwards and it should give you some results and what you're looking for is you're looking for something simple don't go and think I'm going to make that okay cuz that's way out of our league right now we'll get to there what we want is something that only has one color in just simple shapes so I'm saying no to that no to that what am I saying yes to Dan M wait there that's doable okay probably not the two half tone you could definitely do the two half tone this one here really nice easy shape okay I pick this one this one's getting pretty tricky one of these could work okay so just have a look and just keep it simple don't bite off too much at this stage this one could be done but tricky that one there perfect nice and simple so find some stuff do some practice upload it to the assignments if you are doing the class projects as we go along another good word is is silhouette so a word that I can never spell silhouet okay might be a better way to go the trouble is is can be quite detailed so use those terms either your creature's name and use icon logo or silhouette and you'll find something hopefully that is drawable something like that looks drawable practice it upload it to the class projects the one thing I will say before we go is where you might run into problems we looked at this way back at the beginning of the course is the dreaded isolation mode you're like what's happened I can't click on this it's grayed out okay and I can what's why is this on top now everything is lost the world is ending what do I do you remember you either just double click in the background to get out of isolation mode or double click to go in okay H these arrows a few times and come out okay that's one thing you might be getting lost in already but there you go use the tricks we've learned so far using the curvature tool draw the owl redraw your creature for a better practice and then I will see you in the next video don't skip the class projects all right next video hello hey in this video we are going to take our previously sleeping Fox and put them under some Moonlight go on not going to do a whole lot right we're going to add a moon but we're going to start using a few of the tools in combination I call it skill stacking okay so we're going to draw simple shapes then we're going to use the curvage tool to draw curvy lines and stuff and then we are going to use the shape Builder tool to kind of slice bits out and recolor them it's definitely a more of a real world use case of Illustrator right rather than using all of these tools in isolation like we do in the videos we're not going to combine them stack some skills make some Shadows all right let's jump in and make some Moonlight all right to get started open up the sleeping Fox that you've drawn if you haven't drawn it or it went horribly wrong okay you can open up the file called catch-up 01 in your exercise files okay and you can open and work with my one up to you all right so you're ready to do some skill stacking or combo tool doing stuff okay so we're going to start with a really basic one shapes that's what we started this course with Drew lots of shapes I'm going to draw a moon that has no stroke and a white fill cuz it looks kind of like a moon now we're going to use our curvature tool we're going to say I want the sun kind of hitting at that side and the you know the shadow of the moon on this side and I'm going to say click once for a curve click once for a curve click once for a curve now we could keep going around like this to make the shape okay or we just leave it actually and what I might do is give it no stroke and give it a feel so it's a little bit clearer to you what we're doing so I've drawn that curve I don't want to finish it off if you're like what do I do now this thing's attached that is a very good point Dan hit Escape or just go to your move tool okay or your selection tool The Black Arrow okay either way you'll disconnect it and we've got a line a curvy line and now we get to do the third part of the things we learned shape curvature tool select them both not the background so we should lock the background we should I'm not going to what I'm going to do is click this first one here with my Black Arrow hold shift grab the line so they're both selected go to my shape Builder and I'm not going to trim them off I'm just going to color it watch this I'm going to go darker gray color and I'm going to go poof there we go now what do we do with all this junk that's lying around the exact same thing we did when we did the impossible triangle look at us using all our Cool Tools so the shape Builder tool remember you hold down option on a Mac all on a PC and you can get rid of the lines you can draw a line through them okay it's what we did in the last one or just click them up to you and look at that it's a Mooney shadowy thing I want to do that better but that'll do for now let's do another one with the head kind of a shadow cast down the bottom here so I'm going to grab my curvature tool and I'm going to instead of just doing a curve I'm going to do a curve and a line you ready I'm going to show you one of the problems that happens when we do start combining tools okay you might run into this where we go all right click once for a curve click once for another curve then I want to start a straight line so I double click and great got a straight line but then if you get close to the edge Watch What Happens it kind of selects the shape underneath and you're like that's not what I wanted okay so that's one of the quirks for it okay so I'm going to undo um and often it's easy just to go past where you need it to be okay so I'm going past there and that's going to work I should probably make that a double click doesn't have to be again I could fill it up but I'm actually just going to switch it from being no fill to having a black stroke remember to let go of this you can hit Escape okay disconnects it or you can go back to your move tool okay or selection tool I call it the move tool cuz it's called that in Photoshop they call it the selection tool here I call it the Black Arrow lots too all the same thing I'm talking about so Black Arrow and I've got my line selected hold shift grab this and I'm going to color this part of the drawer in so I'm going to say I would like it actually I'm going to go to my shape Builder tool where is he I'm going to pick a fill color to go in there okay I'm on my swatches I'm going to pick something kind of in this swatches the foxy colors that I've got and I'm just going to click once there we go now I don't want it to be that kind of orange color I want it to be slightly different so I'm going to finish with the shape Builder tool so I'm going to hold down I'm going to delete these so I'm going to hold option key Alt key on a PC and delete these little lines and what I'm going to do is go back to my selection tool The Black Arrow okay deselect off grab this now he's like one chunk by himself I'm going to show you a trick that I do all the time for just changing the colors of stuff it's a bit Advanced but hey why not let's go to this one here so we've been using swatches Lots go to color mixer okay and yours by default would either be on RGB or CMYK depending on the way that you started this document both both of those are not very good the best one is HSB doesn't sound very sexy but H is Hue s is saturation and B is brightness it's really useful so I'm going to the Hue is changing the color okay uh the saturation okay is how bright that color is you can wash it out make it super strong and saturated and brightness is how dark it is okay so I find that good so I'm going to undo cuz I kind of wrecked it what I'm going to do is I'm going to say you are that original orange color and then I'm going to go to this my HSB and just make it a bit darker so that's what I'm going to do kind of looks like he's got a beard he's sleeping all right let's do some more uh let's put a line across there so let's grab our shape Builder tool you can probably skip the rest of this I'm just going to work my way through make a few Shadows it's not particularly new and exciting watch me on fast mode if you're Keen otherwise you can Skip Along okay's going to add some more Shadow so this one here I'm going to add a line no curve so just double click double click esape key a couple of times to disconnect grab your Black Arrow I got this selected I got this selected and you'll notice I didn't bother going and changing the stroke in the field to a black line that's not essential I just did that because it looks better on screen but you can just leave it like that I have a line with no stroke and a fill means I can't even see it but it's there and the shape Builder recognizes it's the most important part so shape Builder I'm going to pick a color I'm going to say for my swatches I'll probably pick just a slightly darker color out of there actually I'm going to pick the same color I used before and just go through and say I want that color but I'd like it to be a bit darker there we go that's going to be my shadow thing going on what do we think it's kind of a shadow here we go let's do his back and again let's go to the curvature tool and I want it to be a curve so click once click once again double click here double click here it is a bit tricky to know what we're doing right so I use my shortcut V key to go back to the Black Arrow grab you so I got them both selected shape Builder shift M okay I'm going to go to my fill and I'm going to say actually whatever color I've got let's make it a bit darker and go bam there we go the one thing I've got though is I've got this left over that sometimes happens I'm just going to delete it on my keyboard all right next one I want is this tail I could use my curvage tool again but you might be like why don't you just use a copy of the shape that's a really good idea so I'm just going to copy and paste it so I got two of them make one a bit bigger and then kind of lay it over like this let's change the stroke so you can see not necessary but let's do it anyway so no fill I've got a black stroke and I'm going to get it I don't know kind of like that maybe like that okay shift click both of them so they're both selected go to my shape Builder tool and I'm going to fill this one with one of those oranges but a slightly darker version there we go now all of this stuff see these lines we can delete with a shape Builder tool which which we happen to already have selected so I going to hold down my option key and go bam there you go I ended up with that stroke okay like I said before sometimes you end up with a stroke depending on what your original shapes were so now I'm just going to select on it with the Black Arrow say you actually do I need you I don't you're just sitting on top there you go let's do one more let's cast a big Shadow off the fox so I'm going to grab my shape Builder tool we could use the line tool here cuz we're only just going to draw a line but let's practice using the shape Builder Tool uh what do we need for straight line it's right double click o and it did it look it's connected this up so it's added a point to my rectangle so the curvature tool just so you know can be used in conjunction with like let's say I use an ellipse and then I can grab my curvature tool and go and add a point to it and start messing around with it okay that's not what I want right now okay what I want to do is actually grab my curvature tool I'm going to deselect in the background so got nothing selected curvature tool I'm just going to start quite far out here I'm nowhere near the edge of that line okay space bar click and hold and drag okay and I'm going to cast a line maybe down here remember double click for a line that's good enough escape to disconnect it grab my selection tool that's selected hold shift grab that selected now I'm going to switch to my shape Builder tool and I'm going to say a fill of the slightly darker version of that fill that in and hold down the option key ALT key I can delete it or I can grab my black selection tool and afterwards go and find it and delete it doesn't matter which way you do it there and this my friend is my finished Fox that now has a moon casting Moonlight on them I'm selecting all these cuz I don't like them with that line I'm going to make them white with no stroke that looks nicer all right I hope you find that useful uh a little project for you to do and the cool thing about it is that it is what tends to happen when you're drawing an illustrator you use shapes you use the cature tool you use a bit of the shape tool you use all the other tools we learn in the course and last thing I'm going to do is that seemed like a good idea it doesn't seem that great now because it looks like he's just got a like a is it a 5:00 shadow okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click both of these so Black Arrow shift click them both and shape Builder tool shift M okay and I just going to drag a box across them both you're back to being one thing look at that we broke it apart put it back together look at us doing cool stuff all right that's it for this video we stacked some skills we combine them together doing awesome stuff right I'll see you in the next video hi everyone in this video we're going to redraw these same shapes but we're going to use a different tool we're going to use the pin tool instead of the curvature tool for some of you the pin tool you might have shuddered there when I said the word you're like I hate it uh why do people not like the pen tool it's because it is trickier to learn why do we bother using it when we go the curvage tool the cover tool is great it does a lot of thinking for us but it not as much control you will find in your eventuality of career an illustrator uh you're going to need to learn the penil so we're not going to shy away from it we're going to get involved we'll learn about the pros and cons between the two tools but if you find it tricky it's okay it's a tricky tool but one that'll bring you much joy once you've learned it honest all right let's jump in okay to get started with this one I have kind of got it ready for you if you go to file open and in your exercise files uh exercise files is one called pin where is it pin tool open that one for me and you should have everything ready to go okay and this one we're going to start with the crown okay so zoom in command or control+ Plus+ okay we're going to redraw this one so here's our two tools right C tool we know and kind of love pen tool we don't know and you probably won't love why are we doing it it has way more control it's what people use an illustrator you're going to find tutorials on it and it's the one I use okay so we need to kind of we need to learn it so that you know we can either appreciate the curvage tool and never use the pen tool again or more importantly is probably just a little bit of practice with a pen tool sees it Pros sees its cons and eventually you will grow to love the pen tool and so let's go in and start so grab the penol and by default remember the curv tool if you click once you got a curve right click a couple of times you're going to C it's the opposite for the penil of course okay so I'm going to click once uh and click again and click again and we get Corners by default okay what happened here that might have happened to you already can you tell it's cuz it's got a fill it's got a white fill here can you see and it's trying to fill it in even though you haven't finished can you see it's trying to put a white fill in there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to fill and I'm going to say have no fill please and black stroke looks fine going to continue on my Mery way click once click once click once click once click once go go go Dan they're watching all right we do a crown so by default the pin tool click once get our corner so we want now do a curve so I'm going to go over here to our alien Blobby thing so uh let's do curves so we're going to start at the top like we did in the last one so instead of just clicking once to get a curve the penil you click and drag and you get a little handles so that's one of the perks for the penil is the handles are seen straight away whereas the curvature tool they hide them away to make things a little easier but we're are hardcore illustrator Learners and we want to see all of the goodness okay so again exactly like the curv tool we are looking for the apexes so I'm going to click hold and drag it down you can see oh there's my line okay and it comes out and I've just got a bit more control as I'm drawing whereas a curvit there's a lot of just clicking once and kind of moving around and getting close and then adjusting afterwards what we do with the pen tool is kind of adjust as we go which is more advanced a little bit more tricky but this is the I guess the end goal is getting you good at the pen tool cuz we do eventually need all the control so we're looking for the apexes now not clicking once we're going to leave that one actually won't we'll do curves so we're going to click and drag and you're never going to get it perfect that's just the way it is with both the curvature tool and the pen tool so we are going to continue and Go that one there and you're like oh what you'll want to do is go and fix that the problem with fixing this one on the Fly is that it's making this one harder but don't worry okay I'm like oh there's an apex there do it does the Apex go on that or does it get over here we can figure it out it's a bit of experience so let's go a curve here we can't get it you can try and fake it but but don't worry remember we can come back and fix this afterwards so I'm going to kind of line it up as good as I can find the Apex here click and drag click and drag and what ends up happening is the closer it is I've still got my mouse down I'm holding it down the closer it is to this uh Center Anchor Point the tighter the corner or like the curve gets really kind of angular and out here it passes through in a really kind of um you know straight through kind of way I'm going to leave that there cuz I've already broken it couple of things that you might do um like some of the other tools is you might accidentally get close to the edge and it does this actually let's drag this and you're dragging it dragging it and it go okay and you're off and you're like where am I okay the trick here is let's go to undo and let's go command or control zero to get right back basically we just zoomed off down the bottom okay it happens happens to the best of us let's zoom in a bit and the other problem you might have is you'll get to here and you be like oh excellent just leave that there cuz that perfect the problem is the next curve curve cuz we made it really really small cuz we wanted like oh yeah that's perfect okay we keep it nice and small and then we got to here and we're like there's no curve and you try and fix that one what ends up happening like that seesaw okay and the curvage tool when we're looking at it even though I don't really want it for this curve above I kind of need it for the next one okay because I need that to be flowing through and I can adjust this other one afterwards am I making any sense the penil man It's Tricky I'm going to work my way around and what you'll find is that when you meet another designer and there'll either be I hate the pen tool or I love the pen tool there's no middle ground people either hate it because they haven't made it work or they love it because they have finally mastered it which took a lot of work and the work is you need a little bit of a tutorial help like this okay from Dan but then you need a lot and lot of practice just comes with practice okay so I've gone all the way around we've got an average looking thing a little weird thing about the pen tool is you come back here and the C to we just click once and we got this lovely curved kind of line whereas now I'm going to undo okay I get here and I still want it to be a curve okay we know if I click once I get a corner know what I want I want to click hold and drag and then we get that other handle look at that sea excellent the other thing just to remind you you might have caps lock on okay some people love caps lock it does nothing different it's the same pen tool okay just with a little crosshairs instead of if I turn caps lock on my keyboard off get the little pen who used to be all about the target one I don't know and then I gave up caring now I just use the pen don't care but you decide I've had students restart reinstall illustrator to get rid of the caps lock turns out was just caps lock on so don't do that the other thing that can be handy when you're drawing is view make sure that smart guides I like them off when I'm drawing with the pen tool but when I'm using anything else I turn them back on the other one thing is that sometimes you end up doing something and you're like H get off get off who remembers how to touch it Escape key kind of just like if you keep hitting Escape okay it kind of gets rid of that connection and you can kind of start again the other thing is is if you deselect off let's go so I haven't finished it right I've grabbed my black arrow click off the background then I go how do I get this started again so I grab the penil okay and I hover above this can you see the little icon there so the little asteris start new line okay it's going to start new line undo undo undo but if I grab the pencil and get close to the end can you see it changes from the little asteris to the little slash line thing just means hey I'm going to pick up where we left off before okay um and with mine it's kind of picked it up cuz I clicked it once again oh here we go let's stop back okay pin tool and if I click once to connect it up what does clicking once do with the pin tool it's right corner so what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw that out go back to here grab my pen tool see the little line click and drag makes it a curve and I've connected back up again again we don't click once we click and drag and we get it all nice and fill all right so now that we're done we're going to go back to the direct selection tool which is the white Arrow which is the a key on keyboard and I'm just going to drag it out and remember make sure that it's on the actual line The Anchor Point these little handles now we can jiggle around and you kind of fix this one and this one's not quite right need to come out and then what's going on over here I'm doing really subtle movements because I kind of know what's going to happen but for you don't be afraid to go jiggle jiggle jiggle okay and kind of figure out what is it doing am I making it should it be in should it be out should be somewhere in between and if you can't make it happen maybe it's this other one if you still can't make it happen grab the pencil again okay and watch this if I go over the line okay let's find a place that I might need it more I need a loads of places let's say I want one here because I can't get it over say if I hover above the line that already exists can you see asteris new line hover above it plus I get the little plus okay so white arrow and I've added an extra Anchor Point the more anchor points the more control I have but tends to be not as smooth lines so it's kind of a nice balance of like do I need just these two anchor points or do I need this extra one in here let's have a look what do I think that one in there is needed I don't know up to you cool so we've got a few bits that need a bit of fixing like this one here okay remember we couldn't quite get it earlier on so now I can go back with my white arrow click on the Anchor Point point and go you're in that way and you maybe go more on the Anchor Point or you know on the actual line that I'm trying to trace same with you you definitely need to be a bit tighter same with you and you come down here you go down there you go there all right we're getting there okay and you just work your way around moving these little handles maybe adding some maybe removing some how do you remove them go back to the penil p is the shortcut to the pen tool okay and you might say actually I don't want that anymore can you see plus and if you hover over an ex the one you can minus it and see if we can do it without it we kind of can't need the pin tool back in oh pin tool back in grab the direct selection tool which is the a key okay the white arrow and we can fix it is there you go all right um let's penil click drag do this eyeball okay let's give this a go good enough dragging out on that last one is quite important and I'm going to cheat grab my black arrow click off click on this thing to make it all selected copy and paste it and then I'm going to hold shift shrink it down and go to cheat even though we're meant to be practicing the pen tool done enough all right let's have a look at now the ninja okay so the ninja is we did it before let's do it again um the only other difference here is we're going to convert some points okay so let's start with this cuz it's nice and easy do I click once for a corner or do I click and drw drag for a corner it's s right click once click once click once find the Apex click and drag down click once click once click drag let's say we click and drag and accidentally get a curve where we want a corner what do we do we can undo which is probably the easiest option but we can come back to it I want to show you later okay here I want this one to be a click once click once and Dr click once oh that's an interesting one so this one here you might let's say I start up here too far and I go back past it okay and I try and come back here and it does some weird stuff is because the handle's trying to pull it so far out but you put an anchor Point here so it's going up and then like gravity kind of like being forced back to the Anchor Point we can fix it up afterwards so we're going to leave it we'll tidy it up Okay click once click and drag for a curve click once for a corner now I'm going to draw this a little wonky on purpose not because I can't draw very well with the pin tool it's a bit of both okay and let's say I want to make this nice and symmetrical I'd use the ellipse tool that's what I would do okay but let's say why is this not looking good okay the big reason is is that for something to look symmetrical like this top one here needs to be flat cuz it wasn't okay how do I get it to go flat hold shift okay so it's nice and flat these need to be roughly the same length Okay so it's never going to be good when one's short one's long kind of get this and these two need to be perpendicular parallel whatever the one is these need to be straight and these need to be up and down okay so you can see this one's kind of poking off to the left and this one is mostly straight but way longer and if I draw an ellipse for you just get a sense for this one so I'm drawing an ellipse holding shift to get it perfect circle grab my direct selection tool click on this can you see what makes it go perfect these are the exact same length as these they both run parallel perpendicular away from each other whatever that word is okay so that's what I can try and mimic here I can hold shift so it go straight up and down I'm going to try and make them the same kind of I'm going to make sure they're there have a look at this one these ones are way longer so shorter shorter this one here needs to be longer that way bit longer that way can you see how just with a few like tweaks it's not quite perfect yet but I'm using my arrow key to move it around it's way more symmetrical all right I'm going to do this last one here so I'm going to say click once click and drag for a curve and while I'm dragging I'm actually going to hold shift cuz I get that straight up and down rather than fixing it afterwards I'm going to say y I'm going to get you close get you hold shift again can you see holding shift if I click once there it will join that one to that one in a straight line we're getting a bit Advanced here ignore that bit maybe oh look at us doing reasonably symmetrical stuff these things here need fixing okay so this need to be longer yep better you should be kind of like roughly the same thing this one should be roughly in the middle this should be a little bit further down oh up or down up up and then you spend half an hour getting it perfect grab your Black Arrow and then you drag it over there grab your ellipse tool because you can't stand it anymore uh grab your direct selection tool and that's what we do right one last thing is down over here can you see this this was a corner but it was meant to to be a curve so there is a tool for it so if you hold down the pen tool underneath it there's one called The Anchor Point tool okay so I'm going to grab that okay what it does is it converts Anchor Point so if I click it once it goes from a curve so I'm going to undo it from a curve to a corner if I want that to be a corner I click hold and drag handles out the wrong way if you do end up on a knot or it's doing something weird you're like what is going on give it a wiggle Don't Be Afraid cuz sometimes giving that wiggle you're like Ah that's what I'm doing but want to be a corner same with this one here you can be a corner you can be a corner o that one was neither a curve nor a corner it was this handle here was the problem so a key on my keyboard for the direct selection tool and I'm just going to move you down there don't be afraid to move the Anchor Point if it's causing you trouble right in the middle of the Apex is better for him there we go all right that is the pen tool it is tricky we're going to do it more in the course but you will find aent eventually that the curvature tool will get you most of the way and then after a while you'll be like I wish there was all this more control and then Bingo pen tools ready for you so start with a G tool but be ready that the pen tool is both um very useful in illustrator but it is the same pen tool that's in Photoshop it's the exact same pen tool that is in InDesign and it's in lots of Cad and 3D and drawing applications the pen tool sometimes called the be penol is everywhere all right my friends that is it for this video I'll see you in the next one happy penol hi everyone it is class project time uh I want you to do basically a repeat of this project um by using the penil so we're going to draw the owl okay and what I want you to do is draw The Owl and then put it next to the version you do with the curvature tool and let me know in the comments which you prefer using so we'll do it both for The Owl and the creature that you redraw okay from the last project may you redrew over the top of an icon or a logo do both of those put them into two categories pin tool C tool put your creature under here and save out the image okay probably put it on a new document copy and paste it or just take a screenshot of where it is yeah and post both of those things and let me know in the comments you coming around to pin tool what do you think You' be curvature tool for a while longer don't worry if it's yours looks a bit messy or not as smooth as mine I've got lots more experience doing it here you go all right and like the last one because we are copying other people's work um share it to the class projects but not uh to social media just keep this one between us so draw the ow redraw your creature using just the pen tool I want you color both of them and then basically put them side by side upload the image and then share it in the assignments all right that's it enjoy pen tool practice and I'll see you in the next video hey everyone uh in this video we are going to take some previous students pen Tool uh owls people that found the curv tool amazingly easy the pen tool a little bit more tricky okay they have been super kind and it said uh you can use my example okay one that has maybe some uh more challenging edges with the pen tool and I'm going to show you how I would go through now and fix them just so that you can if you've got some trouble with the pen tool as well how you might go to that next level you got all the anchor points in it looks like an now just got the edges and need a little bit of tweaking and a big thanks to these students here Rob Thompson tidal Eubanks Teresa digian Valeria Bolis laava these are the four past students that I reached out and every single one of them said anything to help future students so thanks Team all right so let's dive in and make some pen tool magic okay to get started I've actually included them in the exercise files just so that if you want to play along okay you can kind of Tidy them up with me okay they're in a folder called pin tool tidy up um I want to show you a trick before we get started you can open all of these up all at once okay so go into the folder and click the first one hold shift grab the last one and just drag them all into can you see illustrators open in the background going to drag it on top they should all open up okay and they're all open and tabs along the top we'll start with this first one we'll look at Rob's one and you can see curvage tool basically everybody had a better time with the curvage tool so I want to just show you how to go through and get the points in and how to you tidy it up with the pen tool okay so I'm going to zoom in and we're going to go I'm going to click on it and there's this new thing down the bottom here um you can click edit path okay and then all it does is switch from your Black Arrow edit path to your white Arrow to make it a bit simpler we know that we can just toggle the tools over here or use our sweet shortcuts V v a VA a VA a up to you okay so we're going to look at one of the most obvious ones this one here okay let's have a look basically we're going to have a look for anchor points so there's 1 2 3 four five these are little handles that are poking out and to get this curve what Rob's done is he's kind of got one that doubles back on itself that's this one here so have a look again so this if I untangle it can you see it's to get the straight line okay just sometimes when you're drawing you end up doing this you go you and you drawing it out and it looks perfect kind of but then it can look you know it's not perfect okay you've made it look good enough but if you un twirl it you'll find that actually okay we can tidy that up and the other thing I want to do and the big thing with this one is that there's just too many anchor points this one here is oh there's another good example see this handle is just these little things are like little gravitational moons they kind of pull the line and if you pull it past each other it eventually says I'm going to go this way no I'm going back that way and then trve this way when you do it just a little bit it ends up with this little kind of like crooked bit so what I'm going to do is say you go back there you go back there and I'm going to do it with the points he's got and then what I want to do is remove a bunch of the points okay because it's just really hard but you will find it really hard to get it perfectly smooth with so many anchor points okay that's a good enough go okay but if I grab this grab my penil hover above any of these anchor points you see it changes from a a little asteris or a plus to a minus I'm going to say don't want you and I don't want you I don't want you and that's just their experience I know that the least amount of anchor points the better probably just one here in the middle you might notice he's got anchor points off these Corners here it's a bit more advanced we won't cover that right now another little thing to tidy up is I noticed here that that's actually not joined how do we join it up it's a very good point okay grab the pen tool so P key on my keyboard like that'll work fine you know most purpose is fine except that little little Notch that's out of there so what I'm going to do is move that out of there grab the pen tool be very obvious to join them up okay so the pen tool when you're at the like a beginning or end point can you see it changes from a star to the little slash and I say you joins to you and we'll join them up so now it's complete path now pin to I don't need you okay so you kind of like force them apart connect them up and then delete the one you don't need the less anchor points the better okay so let's have a look and any other big obvious ones so what I'm going to do is penil I've got it selected I'm going to say get rid of you I'm going to get rid of you and I'm going to get rid of you okay and you can see I did nothing else other than remove some of the anchor points the more anchor points you have the more control the more like fiddly you can be but when you're looking for smooth the least amount of anchor points better same with this one selecting it pen to boop boop use your own Boop noise this is always tricky trying to get that to flow perfectly with this going to have my a key I'm going to bring it down and I'm going to do something like [Music] this weird noises okay you getting the vibe for it though okay this one here what you'll need as well is to get these to work perfectly see this Anchor Point see the angle that it's on and this one here they're at totally different angles I'm never going to get them perfect so what I'm going to try and do is kind of get them closer to each other so these two are kind of closer and get them at the same kind of angle that angle that angle and you'll notice that when they get closer to the same sort of angle and the same sort of length they end up flowing better as a curve it's better right okay and I could work my way around same thing a lot of just removing anchor points and let's have a look at this next one okay another interesting one so curve tool pen tool okay you can tell without even being labeled that the cature tool is just so much easier but doesn't have all the control and we do want to get better at the pen tool so let's have a little look so I'm clicking on this uh let's have a look at this one that looks like it's a corner point and that's kind of right that is one of the trickiest ones where this comes down and you're trying like she's done it perfect exactly how I said right there's this curve in the middle in the Apex and there's this one how do I get that to flow through really nicely it's a little bit Advanced so uh with your current skills you should be doing something just like this so you kind of pull it out so that it lines up and kind of Smooths out see that this bottom one here so I don't really want to get Advanced but I've already said some stuff so let's do that and what you can do is you can actually make this a curve so I'm going to click on it go back to my properties going to make you a curve so basically handles sticking out of it even though I want it to be a corner point you can actually have it so that as long as this one okay this back one is going completely strapp and down how do I to go straight up and down shift key okay so it doesn't really matter where it goes up here but it does have a handle out this side which helps ease that flow okay so there is one out here already over this side okay there's this one in the middle so I'm going to go something like this and this handle here okay holding shift again it kind of helps Force the line out advanced stuff okay how would I tidy up this one let's get that one there also I'm looking with it this Anchor Point is and this Anchor Point and I'm looking to see that the same kind of angle and the same kind of distance see that's that little change there kind of makes them more parallel what's going on over here okay I can see this one there is an anchor Point here that is the little uh handle here like the moon okay it's trying to force itself to go follow me follow me and then it doesn't it has to make a really hard right turn it ends up going up there what i' probably do is pen to minus okay and do the work with this one you're like how am I me to remember how to do that that is the thing with the pen tool and anchor points and handles they're tricky and a lot of his experience all right let's zoom out see what else we can keep working through it um what would you do now based on what you've seen how would you fix up this line what was the first thing you do you got it okay now that at the top one curve whereas here there's this one this one and just two many over here and you can see why right you're like I need to add anchor points here cuz I need to bring it down to my a tool for my direct selection and that kind of works but more anchor points means it kind of more of a wobbly Wiggly detailed line what I need to do is grab my a tool for my direct selection and grab this guy to say you come out here buddy there we go it's looking great uh let's have a look at this one actually ask this as an example and it's actually really nice gock Teresa what would I do I probably click on this and have a look there's just one thing that bugs me this one here okay and it's oh it's this Old Chestnut look so that there the moon's going come out here line and this one's saying no you come over here and because they're kind of going past each other okay they're fighting it out so if I just go you ease back that way you ease back that way just ease up on your controls there guys and just smooth that out so a look at this last one okay curvage tool na it pin tool little bit squiggly lines okay and let's have a little look um this would be a good example this one here is a broken Anchor Point so you can see it's kind of should probably had a bit of problem who was this one uh Valeria okay and this one wasn't connected up so this is a very good example of what do I do here I could just delete it and put it back in that's the easiest way but you can actually click on this Anchor Point and over top here okay it is from a corner to a curve okay let's go this one there we go okay now we've got something that's more like a seesaw you know you like drag one side the other side gets fixed and what should we do let's tidy them up let's grab my P for my pen tool say you go you go you go okay and I'm going to drag you down and I'm going to drag you up to get it to look like it flows out of that line remember we can do the Trixie thing where we say U can be a curve Point okay remember this is a bit Advanced so that we've got these extra handles that poke out okay and if we hold it shift okay while we're dragging it straight up and down means this Co line go straight through here and straight out of here gives me a little bit of control this way I can move him in and over here this looks like it is broken into a corner Point as well okay let's go to curve we'll just leave the anchor points that they've got and there's one here as well oh that looks good I like that one you probably going to go move it across sometimes as well I've got my smart guides off okay I like it I prefer it off okay so smart guides are ticked off in this case what I'm going to do is I'm going to sometimes use your arrow key so just click on the point and just tap the arrow key around I'm using the arrrow on my keyboard and in here done a pretty amazing job here can you see but it's have two so the before which it looks perfect but probably spend a lot of time getting all of these lined up nicely okay whereas over here watch this if I do it with just one Anchor Point so pen tool go to this one and just kind of drag that out and then drag that one down you're like H I need more control it's actually probably just needs to be moved around a little bit about there actually it needs to be a straight cuz there's a straight chunk there there's no straight Chunk on this one so what I might do is grab my pen tool and add one more point back in hold shift so these things go straight up and down and kind of move them underneath each other there we go now this can probably go down here so that that's kind of pulling it through there so just with one actually two anchor points now does that look much smoother down not really a little bit of this one a little bit of that one oh man pentel's tricky huh has he made it better has he made it worse I'm not sure singing to himself ah I think it's better can you see the little just the little subtle kinks in that one and let's have a look at this one versus that one what do you think they look the same yeah agree and I think cuz so much time was spent on this one but can you tell the an pointer is look there's got to be one there right is there not there is you can see just a little bump in there all right that is it that is kind of what I look for when I am helping students when I'm working on my own work that just needs a little bit of tweaking most of the time you'll see that it's just less anchor points and getting the handles from those anchor points to do more of the work and then a lot of what makes it look good is when this Anchor Point is in a similar part can you see this one here uh is in a similar angle and a similar part of the curve okay that one's not too close but close enough and especially because it's running the same kind of like angle and the same kind of links and things kind of run parallel and look nice all right I hope that was useful I threw it in the in the course anyway here you go so that'll be it I will see you in the next video another class project hello my friend are you ready for pen tool Redemption the basics is is that I want you to take the creature that you have been drawing okay with the pen tool okay maybe got frustrated with duplicate them and red draw them or at least tweak them like I did in the last video so the sub project number one is have a practice with the examples that our lovely students have shared with us okay so go through those and see if you can tidy them up like I did okay and then I want you to work on your own creature okay so remember mine would have been the fox whatever creature you drawing on top of from the last exercise okay so the penol version that you might have I don't know might have found some trouble with and see if you can make it better and before you go and make it better I want you to grab your creature and make a duplicate of it okay so copy and paste so you got two of them and then leave that one so we can see an example and see if you can tidy it up if yours was still really good that's okay see if you can make it even a little bit better and once you've done that I'd like you to do this like have a before original pen tool and then your penol Redemption version and save a copy of this I don't mind if it's just a simple old screenshot or we're doing member from earlier in the course file export and just see if you can make it just a little bit better even if it's like it's still really bad but it's better that is the right direction if you've made it worse that's bad okay but hopefully we making it even just a little bit better some of you will really get into the penal and others will struggle I've taught thousands of people and It's Tricky some pick it up faster but the only way to get better is to keep doing it so give it a try practice with the examples update your creature see if you can make him better share it with the projects and assignments and we won't share this one on social media mainly because we copied our creatures we'll get back into sharing in social media in a sec all right have fun uh redemp yourself it's not a word uh see you in the next video hi everyone in this video we're going to start with a drawing of a fox and then bam color them in what tools we're going to use we're going to use all of them everything we've learned so far in the course we're going to use uh the curat tool the pen tool the shap Builder tool the line segment tool the ellipse tool going to add some new stuff like outline mode to help us uh with our redrawing it's a little bit of a long video but I don't know I think you'll find it useful seeing all these tools and how they get used together rather than how we've been doing it so far where theyve been all on individual videos let's do some skill stacking let's jump in all right to get started let's go to file new and pick uh I'm just going to the one I pick mostly weirdly is web okay and I pick common it's just this one or this size here normally this size here okay it's just a good rectangle size it's always defaulting to RGB which is the bigger color space I want mine to be portrait though and let's click create okay let's bring in the uh image okay so I'm going to go file I'm going to go to place and I am going to go to exercise files I want awake Fox V2 let's make it a template so it goes on its own layer and gets grayed out a little bit okay so this is my drawing we're going to combine all our skills here so get it in and let's start building um I guess just get started then and we're going to start with some symbol shapes cuz they got all these easy curves that I could do with some basic shapes so hold down the rectangle tool grab the ellipse tool and which one do I start with I don't know draw a big circle now do these need to be perfectly round probably okay I want to get to a nice big one so hold down shift okay to drag it out okay and I'm going to say no fill please thank you very much and I'm probably going to pick a stroke so click off to kind of close the fill go to stroke and pick neon green just so it's easy to see that's not very easy go to Pink okay and I'm going to drag the edge of it not using the ellipse tool going to grab the Black Arrow okay so our selection tool and kind of line it up it's not big enough space bar tool drag it down and I'm going to hold shift here okay and just drag it a bit bigger and then there's a little bit of just like jiggling around you needs to probably be a bit bigger I'm holding shift so it stays A Perfect Circle all right and that's kind of about it so we'll start with some shape builder circly stuff so let's do that one let's just duplicate it copy paste okay and I'm going to grab it grab it on the edge okay with my selection tool this one is even bigger holding shift okay there a hand drawing so it's never going to be perfect okay I kind of got pretty close there okay there we go remember you can use your arrow keys just to tap it around that's good enough for me let's get this back one let's duplicate this guy again copy paste and I'm going to see not the right size I'm going to copy and paste this one hope it's close to what I want it to be still not big enough hold shift on any of the corners make it bigger go we're close there we go let's get it close let's do the ears and the face and then we'll do these other ones using the curvage tool or the pen tool okay so do I just keep copying and pasting rather than during new ones maybe okay holding shift to make sure it's a circle get this close I'm going to show you another little trick okay when we holding shift okay we can drag it that's fine but if you hold shift and option on a Mac alt on a PC so shift and that key as well watch this it drags from the center which is really handy because we've been dragging from the side and that's fine but sometimes it's nice to hold both of those key down so it's shift and option on a Mac and shift and Al on a PC and it goes from the center it's what I generally do by default okay another tip while you're here is that we've been copying and pasting and copy and pasting is weird it just kind of like plops it right in the middle of the screen if I'm over here watch and I paste just right in the middle of the screen it's never where you needed to be so another little trick for you is with your selection tool start holding so I'm just dragging it right so that's moving it but if I do the exact same thing start dragging it hold down the option key on a Mac ALT key on a PC can you see the original one's still there and see my little curses change to a little double arrow that means like while I'm moving it I'm going to make another version which is brilliant and now where I get it to where I want the trick is you got to go of your mouse first then your keyboard okay if you do it the other way around if I start dragging and let go of the keyboard first and then the mouse it just moves it okay so just make sure start dragging hold down that key and just make sure you get the mouse first that is like dragging and duplicating at the same time if you're like that's way too hard just copy and paste it's totally cool all right we're starting to get pretty complicated so I'm going to alt or option drag this to get this part of the ear and now we're all lost good work Dan okay that's going to be good enough for the moment so get this far have the big circles in for the neck okay and then all of these ones for the head and ears and now we're going to use our shape Builder tool okay we can go the long way or shift M okay on both Mac and pinkc we'll grab that icon there and now what do we do it's not working why is it working it's cuz I haven't selected it so I'm going to go my V key back to the selection tool okay the first tool in the tool bar select them all then I can go to my shift M for the shape Builder and now there's a lot of like I'm going to hold on the option key on my Mac all can a PC to delete stuff I'm going to say don't need you start with the easy stuff cuz it's confusing you're like what do I keep in here start with the stuff like I definitely don't need that or that or that I'm just dragging across I'm going to leave that there we'll tidy that up with the penil uh I don't need that bit don't need that bit and just kind of like drag across and work your way in and then go deleted the bed I need all right hit undo okay so let's Drew all of this you click in the middle of them okay with there so one of the things with the shape Builder tool is that you might end up with what's called artif effects or just junk we'll call it junk okay stuff flying around like what is that what is that so let's look at it first now if I click off actually go back to my Black Arrow sometimes you can't even see it okay sometimes it's just junk that has no fill or no stroke so let's go no fill no stroke okay and you're like I know it's there it's causing me problems maybe when I'm going to my like vinyl cutter I've got here or my printer or like it's it's just stuff that's getting selected and messing with my life so how do we get rid of it first of all we need to see it okay even these small bits are quite tricky to see so what we can do is we can look at something called outline mode outline mode is a way of looking at your document and x-ray vision okay there's the long way go to view and go to outline you'll notice that it has a really super awesome shortcut if it has a super awesome shortcut it probably means people use it all the time except I never use that one okay but command y on a Mac control y on a PC is a really handy one can you see it goes from all these lines let's have a look goes from lines and fills to x-ray mode command Y and like there he is can't see him there he is so it's really handy as well if I've got like if I select all this and give it a big strange stroke we're going to do this later on it's a dash stroke and it's all just looking a bit weird command y just shows me like a lovely little outline mode and if I turn my layer off back here okay everything just becomes a little bit simpler to work so when you're doing technical stuff command or control y can be a real Lifesaver because it allows you to do this command Y and say Black Arrow select that delete it select you delete it select you delete it you might end up with junk all over the place you can click on it and say get rid of you I needed that so I'm going to leave it back there so command Y is outline mode and is super useful I need to select all of this go to my properties we're going to do strokes a little later in the course so I'm going to turn my dash line off that'll be a fun project for later on and back to a one pixel stroke all right let's turn our library on let's turn this on let's have a look what do we need to do here so I'm going to select it all shift M for my shape Builder tool and I'm going to say that I'm not holding anything down remember I'm going to connect all of this up to be one shape this is going to be one shape plus that Co that's going to be one shape just I don't know what you recking we're getting there command y there we go so we use Simple shapes to get started mainly all circles then we use the shape tool to tidy them up so we're stacking our skills okay and then we used outline mode which was a new one okay next thing we're going to use is I want to join that up to here so from earlier in the course I have my smart guides off it's another handy shortcut command U control U on a PC because what I want to do is drain a line from there to there and I've got a line tool I could use my pen tool here okay pen is great at drawing straight lines okay or I could use my line segment tool I never Ed the line segment tool FYI because it's good but the pen tool does it plus much more so I end up using the pen tool you could use the curvature tool problem is is lining this thing up it's kind of working okay but if I want to line it up with this line here you're like where's my intersect okay so command you or control you on a PC is that smart guides on you turn it on you turn it off you turn it on you turn it off so what I'm going to do is go to you and hover above and it's going to say found an anchor Point like excellent and over here I found a path do you want to connect to it yes not the exact nose I was looking for but good enough now what do you do you're like get off how do we detach our pen tool from like get off it hit Escape or and of course you probably do this click click click get off there okay and then you go undo undo undo undo undo undo undo and Escape all right now I don't really need to do anything anymore CU I can fill this with a color because I know that if I select it all with a shape Builder later on I can say you remember we did this fill with a color okay I'm not going to do it now cuz I don't want to kind of like carve it out yet but that was really easy right penil just join it across so you need a bit of all of the tools uh have a look at the Circle here okay hiding under the line tool another little shortcut is see these M and L okay use a lot okay so M2 is the square and I'm just tapping L on my keyboard okay to get a circle M and L they're kind of near each other they make no sense M for square and L is definitely for a long Circle M and L don't make sense okay but we're going to do this we're going to draw a circle what do I hold down to get it to be perfect circle that's right shift okay but remember earlier on I showed you how we could scale stuffing by holding down the option key as well watch this we can do it uh with making stuff as well so instead of holding shift and going from like can you see from the top left kind of down we can hold down our shift and shift for a perfect circle and on a Mac it's option and on a PC it's alt so hold both of those down and look it drags from the center often it's easy to find with a center is and trying to guess in the top left so I'm going to say about here okay holding both these Keys Down Bam V key to selection tool grab it all shift M for my shape Builder I'm using shortcuts it's probably blown your mind okay but I'm reading them out shape Builder if you want to go the long way okay there are just ones that are super helpful and we use a lot I'm going to go through them loads in the course you'll know them by the end cuz you'll be like stop saying it okay so I want to just join both of these up actually and that two as well there you go cuz I want this kind of cutout slice pie shape for his eye okay next one is let's get these uh little things let's do this down the bottom we could make loads of circles but it did work but it would take too long so we're going to go straight to the pin tool or the curvature tool which one should we do let's use the curvature tool okay that's a little easier to use and we'll do the top one with the penol so I want to have my smart guides on remember Commando or control you I'd love it to be on that path or even outside of that path that's okay cuz if I'm on the path it's actually going to start adding to that line right then so we don't want that actually we want to go out here so I'm going to click once to get started click once in the Apex once here for a corner once on the curve once on the Apex once oh did that wrong how do I transform it back to a corner double click it you got it click once on the Apex for a curve double click for a corner oh I did that one too gez Dan uh click once for a curve and I'm going to go through it again not joining it up I don't want to try and attach it I'm going to go through it and say click double click for a corner this one over here I've done it wrong how do I fix it Okay click it once okay and just double click it there you go now how do I get the him from being attached that's right Escape key I'm going to go to my move tool select all of it I haven't grabbed the stuff up here okay can you see if I move this now look I've not grabbed all of that it doesn't really matter for what I'm doing I just need really these chunks cuz I'm going to grab my uh shape Builder tool okay and go minus and then I'm going to go minus minus then I'm going to go command or control U which doesn't work in the shape build at all I did not realize that okay used to and let's go back to our selection tool go command you still not working what's up command you am I using the wrong shortcut you it's command y uh what is command you it is um it is smart gues right I was just smashing that away going undo like command you on Smart gues on Smart guides off whoops so command Y is for outline mode okay so I can kind of just see it is there any like junk hanging off the edge here sometimes let's undo sometimes you don't really see this until you're in outline mode let's say it's just like a little tiny bit there okay and you're like it looks fine and then you like command y or contr y you can say ah there you are and you can either delete it with the uh shape Builder tool or you can grab the direct selection tool and say you and delete it we're going to select it all grab our shape Builder tool and say hold down the option K Mac alt C PC well there's still some junk in there what is that just there we go there can be lots a little bit of junk depending on how detailed your work is but we can delete it the sheet buer tool all right we're nearly there let's do this last one here with the pen tool so P for the the pen tool again I'm going to start through it okay so I'm going to go over here click once over here I'm going to click and drag and can you see the difference the curage tool just adds these ankle points on its own and it does a pretty sweet job whereas me I want to just click hold and drag them out and put them in myself cuz I don't know I don't want the computer telling me what to do at least not now Okay click once over here now click and drag over here and then it's hard to know right CU I know that there we go I'm going to leave it there cuz you like that's not right it's so that I can go back to my direct selection tool the a key and I know that later on I can go and fix this up and then adjust this around it's never going to be right perfectly the first time okay but I know with just a little bit of anchor points not too many okay nice smooth one through there that's kind of what I'm looking for so let's select it all with the selection tool go shift M for the shape Builder tool and I'm going to say I'm just going to get rid of the lines watch this you're going to say you holding down my option can Mac all Canon PC and go you get rid of that line there we're still in command y okay or control y on a PC for outline mode and that's okay now I think we can color them should we color them why not I'm going to select it all okay so my Black Arrow select everything if you're not sure if you've got everything what I do is do a selection and then kind of grab one of the lines and move it off and just see if there's anything left behind nope all good so I've got everything selected I'm going to go my shape Builder tool great for coloring things in I'm going to say fill and I'm just going to use these colors okay you can spend a bit more time looking for colors under here okay um clicking in here in the rainbow colors I'm just going to use the premat watches these happen to be good enough um Fox colors and I'm going to start clicking stuff um you you there we go and I'm going to say you are a darker color and the face is going to be even darker again and then the back a is going to be a little bit darker actually you can go to the full dark red we got there and for this bit here I want to be kind of like an off-white so that's white at the top here this is just a little bit gray so I'm going to say you out of that color and the bottom one's just going to be even darker again because it's kind of under his belly all right let's select it all let's remove all the stroke so go to stroke and go to none you see the fill now that're all selected has a question mark that just means like you've got lots of things with fills and I don't know what to show here so question mark means nothing wrong with it just like I don't know what you want to show there's so many colors you got selected and let's go to layers let's turn off our background and you will find that everything looks better on a black background so or a dark background I like going to my remember M&L okay M for a rectangle so the M tool um zooming out and I'm going to grab uh my smart guides are on so I snatched to the edges nicely I'm going to put a big background of dark gray I'm going to give it no stroke I'm going to send it to the back remember where it's selected over here to arrange let's go to back okay and I don't know is it just me Everything feels better on a dark background I'm not super happy with the colors so last thing I'm going to do is I won't actually show you it all but I'm going to go to the mixer and I'm going to mess around with this and probably pull some saturation out of it not really happy with that um orangey color so remember if you're on RGB or CMYK you can switch it to H justb in the corner here and start messing with the colors um I'm going to spend more time doing that but I'm not going to show you cuz the video is already long enough what I'm hoping you're seeing though is a mixture of techniques and tools and illustrator okay curvature tool pen tool shape Builder tool simple shapes the line tool we introduced outline mode all these skills kind of build on top of each other and kind of Stack our skills as we go through we're only in like the first quarter of the course imagine what you're going to be able to do by the end of it we got so many more skills to add to it we can going to be illustrator Masters by the end or at least not illustrator newbies somewhere in the middle all right so I hope you're working through the video if not start at the beginning work your way through see if you can get close to where we at because guess what the next video class project time hello hey it is time for some uh practice drawing I have drawn some stuff for you um they're called skill stack 012 don't check 03 it's the embarrassing one um so I drew some things that should be easily drawn with all the tools that we've known uh we know so far so there are some bits that I kind of ignore that bit and it kind of looks like Darth Vader so I'm not looking for like perfect exactness okay I just drew something that I think will be good to practice with and use all the tools we've learned but you don't have to follow it exactly so there's this one there's skill stack O2 as well started off as a swallow and ended up being generic bird but check out the class projects so I want you to bring them in to illustrator draw over the top of them okay and using things like the basic shapes with a shape Builder tool like we did with the awake Fox Okay use a pin tool coverage tool I want you to experiment with the outline view okay going to the x-ray mode and turning smart guides on sometimes and having them off and just practice draing these shapes color them when you're finished and when you're finished save an image upload it to the assignment section and share on social media i' love to see what you made especially if you get time to color them when you are posting on social media if there is a chance to say hey I'm doing this course here's a link to it you don't have to but kind of helps me if people know where you're getting these man good skills where they too can draw Darth Vader looking Swan thing it was better in my head and you know what was way better in my head that came out really badly uh skill stack 03 I'm not even going to show you you ever a look at that one I drew that one a long time ago for the original version of this course way back when and I thought it was great drawing and as soon as the course was live I was like the hell what is that it's meant to be a swan so I've redone myself with a different Swan a bit Swan but if you get a chance you can redraw O3 as well you're not allowed you're not allowed to laugh though uh just me all right so redraw one or three of them if you get time number three of you thereare you can totally modify it to make it look better I would be grateful make sure you share it online and one thing I do want to show with you though is when you are bringing in uh image to trace I've purposely not made them the right size up until now every time you've imported something it's being oh look magically the right size so what's going to happen is let's say that I'm using my uh web large I'm using it horizontal sorry portrait and I bring it in and I'm going to go file place and I'm going to bring in the new onean the B onean so on exercise files uh skill stack if I bring it in as a template it's going to go Kabam I'm way too big and if you're doing it maybe your own stuff and you got a super duper camera it might come in ginormous okay so to resize it here we just need to go to our layers panel unlock the template click on it and shrink it down okay now you need to hold shift while you're shrinking it otherwise you end up doing stuff like that okay the other cool trick is we've learned already there is another key we hold down we hold down shift and what else will go from the center so shift makes sure it's height and width locked but remember on a Mac we can hold down the option key and on a PC it's the ALT key you see it goes to the center so you might go like something like that so it fits on the page then lock it again make sure you're working on layer one otherwise if you stay on this layer and go to say your circle tour goes won't work okay so just make sure you're on your layer one and you go to properties and back to normal drawing all right so have fun don't follow the drawings too hard ignore the bits that look wonky and not the right size it was I don't know I spent a good 15 minutes making these things so I lie it was probably about 20 minutes maybe half an hour okay so they're not perfect you're allowed to take some cre creative liberal freedoms with it to make them look a little bit better or how you want to make them and then share them on social media all right I will see you in the next video looking forward to seeing what you make hi everyone in this video we're going to go from this plain old Fox to techno disco all sorts of cool colors for the fox and we're going to let AI artificial intelligence not Adobe Illustrator that's confusing now but AI do the recoloring by using prompts it's a great way to bust out of our regular old color schemes and explore new and puky colors some good some bad all done with artificial intelligence using something called generative recolor all right let's jump in and make some cool and not so cool colors not cool not cool okay cool cool ah the ratio is not great but hey it's really quick and easy to do let me show you how quick and easy it is let's jump in all right first up uh open something that needs to be recolored I'm going to use the uh Fox that we're redrawing the awake Fox I've also got sleeping Fox ready to go go um and the other thing is before you get started it needs to have some kind of color you can't have it um with no color or just one standard color can't all be black or all be white some variation of color even if you just go through and kind of fill it with any old Swatch you feel like okay and just need something to kind of grab onto the one thing though is that it will kind of keep or try and honor the dark colors replaced with dark colors light with light so put some a little effort into maybe not the color Hue but maybe the lightness you you can adjust them afterwards and so what I want to do is I want to select everything okay I want the background to change color as well and there's a couple of ways of getting to the generative recolor there's this little thing that pops up okay there's recolor over there you can go to edit uh edit colors recolor there's a thousand ways of getting to the exact same tool in illustrator so if you do find a way that you're like why isn't use that way just cuz I kind of have to cut it down somewhere nobody wants to see the 10 ways of getting to generative color you start off and recolor go to this one here and have a play around with clicking the sample prompts okay that's easy to do let's click on one give it a sec I'll speed this up and what you'll find is nothing changes over here until you click one and then it kind of applies it okay you can see all the different color variations so I want to get rid of salmon sushi and give you a few for instances of things that I like to type into it's kind of one of the new skills I'm trying to develop like how to talk to the robots Okay so we're going to go something easy Seaside and the nice thing is see it's generating four new variations but down the bottom is still those ones that Sushi mushroom thing that was there before so you can go back okay and you're going to go Seaside oh my goodness so bad you you oh I bet you if you type in Seaside yours will be different from mine it's amazing how like I guess it's not like this doesn't look like the seaside it's about getting you out of your own kind of way for choosing colors so that you don't end up doing the exact same thing every time you design a logo or a brand or a icon and if you're new to design in general and color It's tricky to kind of find colors that all work together and generative color does a really good job of it what else are we going to tell it let's type I like typing in cyberpunk it's one of my favorite things to type in for making cool colors let's have a look oh cool and you can see even the background color which is gray can you see it changes like that's a really warm one and that one's quite a cool grade the background so it's retain some of the lights and Ducks which is really cool okay oh cyber punk I think I like that one the best what other things can you type in so think kind of art movements okay that have distinctive colors pop out let's see what we got here oh some cool stuff oh I hate it what else artists you know okay um now everyone's thinking Andy W maybe that Marilyn Monroe kind of uh lithograph kind of print thing and it's kind of got lots of yellows in it for some reason I haven't got it so it doesn't know exactly what artwork you're talking about and I don't remember the name of it but think artist think movie think uh like I'm thinking uh movies that have really distinct kind of like color casts or color grading something like Blade Runner that's Bo is it that green I feel like this needs to be more purples in it but anyway uh AI is getting better and we're getting better at communicating with it as a designer and like the other thing is I typed in this the other day I was like on flag wonder what will happen does it know the New Zealand flag it kind of does it's red and red white and blue like the American flag there's no real color differences none of these are really close close-ish you can generate again say you did bad keep going getting worse Zealand flag very similar all lots of flags that I'm going to type in all have the same colors the pro New Zeal oh let's go Irish flag New Zealand flag not very unique looks like the Australian flag almost exactly the same British flag same colors the American flag and the Irish flag though oh I think we nailed it look at that good work artificial intelligence anyway so you might be way better at prompts than me think of cool stuff to type in have a play around with this one have a play around with the uh Fox as well right little update to the video a few people having problems with coloring it sometimes okay so I just wanted to throw this in um I've got this there is no fill okay on these Strokes so if I use generative fill okay I won't work it will color The Strokes but because there's no fill it won't color them in and because they're all the same stroke color you end up with the same stroke so uh same with this if I've got a fill and they're all the same color it doesn't work you you see the variations okay it's using the same colors and trying to recolor them but they're all the same so all you need is you don't need a lot okay but you do need some variation in brightness doesn't have to be color okay so I've all got Grays here but look at this I do not know what that will do hopefully it's good-looking colors wonder where it got it from anyway P I don't know from my file that it's keeping on me I love you Ai and but as long as you've got tone in there okay it will apply Color on top of it to an appropriate level dark light that's more me okay it's not more me but anyway get the idea just a reminder that you need to have some uh variation in tone to start with and then recolor will work great all right that is it I will see you in the next video you can experiment around but uh join me in the next video that's why I've come back and we do this on the next video as a class project so join me there we learn some shortcuts and do some cool coloring and some bag coloring I'll see you over there hi everyone in this video we are going to create a mood board for the product that we are developing okay uh it's not a particularly exciting video no real skills I'm just showing you what I do when I'm building out a new project and basically the Crux of the whole thing is find stuff you like stick it on an illustrator artboard that is it and why is the video so long I'm going to show you some places that I like to go to get inspiration for products and how to get screenshots and how to dump the All In illustr but it's actually not that hard find stuff stick on the page mood board done uh for those of you want to hang around let me show you the places that I get inspiration and kind of how I throw together a mood board all right let's get into it unless you're skipping it then I'll see you in the next video all right let's do it okay didn't make a mood board it's just a page with lots of stuff that set the mood um so when I make a file I make sure it's igb again for the bigger color range and I pick anything any size cuz what ends up happening is you end up with with this like um thing that ends up all over the place okay just a big mess it's not meant to be presented to a client although you can do um but for us for now it is just for us to get our ideas in one place and illustrator is a great place for doing this now my one member was uh Mill's hot sauce okay so what I went and did is have a look around a few sites and to get ideas for what other people are doing inspiration see the mood things that I like that it's out there already not to copy but to reference from and kind of I don't know parallel or use as a contrast you can do something completely different but um yeah we need to figure out what's out there first and a couple of places I go to is uh dribble with uh 3bs okay and just typing in hot Source hot Source okay and going through and finding the ones that you like also like using uh be hunts okay. net um another great place to get ideas from now often these are really heavily designed which are also beautiful but sometimes are not real products so often I'll go to Google Images as well to have a look at what's out there and you get a different mix of kind of like some super cool looking ones and then you have some like average made at home probably extinct brand kind of stuff as well so it doesn't matter where you get your inspiration from if something takes your liking doesn't even have to be hot sauce it might be something you know similar okay do some searching find some stuff and getting them into illustrator um couple of ways what I tend to do is just do screenshots I find something and I go on my Mac command Shift 4 and I drag a little box around it okay and there it is there it ends up on my desktop and I can ED it okay uh in on PC it's different you'll have to check how it works on a PC different versions of Windows do it differently normally it's print screen but have a little Google on how to do screenshots otherwise go into them right click them and say save as image okay and once you've got a pile of them what I tend to do I'll give you some tips for that is let's say I've got a new document okay and I found all the screenshots that I've taken and what I like to do is just have the finder window either Mac or PC open over the top of Illustrator then just drag the whole Chunk in there okay give it a second click into illustrator and you get them all dumped into there okay then it's just a matter of just kind of moving them around and like we could make them all official and line them all up but all the screenshots are different sizes and I think I like the mix collage look of just everything being a funny size and a random place and if there are things that you're like oh man I really like this okay you can do some sort of biasing with sizes so that when you go back to it later on you're like that was the one okay or when you're working with a client you can kind of influence like this is a really strong leader of what you think the brand should be heading towards or the kind of style and that's it presenting to the client we might spend a bit more time but for us for now um in the next video I'm going to get you to create a quick mood board for what we're doing but yeah just throw everything on the page if you want to resize your artboard okay remember you've got an artboard tool which is this one down here did I show you that already the outboard tool okay or have nothing selected and you can go to your edit Outboards and you can make the size see the height and the width here or just drag the edge of it to bigger to incorporate everything okay don't worry too much about it though don't worry about fonts and stuff unless you're want to do fonts and stuff we'll do that later in the course game will start kind of looking at fonts and how to get cool ones and same with colors as well just throw in a moment just kind of like products that kind of align with what you want to do even if they're not exactly the hot sauce just things that you think are interesting and would work for your brand all right that's it mood board 101 I'll see you in the next video hi everyone uh it is not homework time it is class project time which is way more fun uh this is an easy one I want you to make your own mood board just like we did in the last video so add whatever the brand that you're working on to the top and then just start searching and finding images that take your fancy put them on the page uh save it and upload it to the assignment section um you don't need to share the social media because it's kind of only for yourself and for us to see as part of the assignments so yeah make a document call it mood board uh research related products and imagery and stick them on the moodboard save an image from illustrator and you're away all right that's it make your mood board and I'll see you in the next video hi everyone I think it's time it is time that you take all the skills and you make your new amazing creature okay so the same animal that you've been working with or creature or insect or whatever it is um and I want you to build it out kind of like we've done here where we've redrawn something kind of uh stylized okay we've done some coloring using the skills that we learned that when we were redrawing the Swan and the what is the other thing the bird but for your own creature how do we get there uh start with your mood board okay and go out and have a look at other illustrations okay illustrations or icons or logos that use your animal even some real photographs of it okay different positions okay kind kind of iconic looks just dump them onto your move board I'm just on that same move board where did I put them randomly up here that's totally okay this is our rough place to work so throw them in there to get an idea and then you can either start drawing straight into illustrator okay just kind of like oh something like this and start drawing or you can start with pencil and do what I did here for the awake Fox okay and there we go and we draw over the top of it in illustrator bring it in now I got to put my hand up I never draw that nicely I never spend ages with the curves and I did this because we need to be able to redraw in this class I want to show you the original image where is it it is in your exercise files actually it's on the mood board as well it's called rough drawing have a look at that that is sleeping Fox original 101 and that see this one down here that is what I started drawing I didn't even take a h scan of it and start drawing over the top I kind of looked at I was like something's in there and then I started drawing an illustrator you know you don't have to be a great drawer you you don't even have to get it perfect in pencil just kind of I find it easier to get my ideas down on paper first you might be different you might be using a tablet or something else okay but I like doing these things and then kind of drawing them out and then kind of getting far enough and going oh yeah I'm close enough and then just start drawing an illustrator okay so however you get to it I want you to draw your creature then I want you to go through and use generative recolor to experiment with colors okay and pick one this is the one I picked so draw it pick a color and when you're sharing it share something like a screenshot of like all of this I'd like to see the final product plus some color variations I'd like to see uh any other versions maybe you've drawn it twice or three times because they all look not as you'd hoped okay so I'd like to see all the bad ones as well showing the bad ones really helpful for this class especially when we're sharing it online okay other people can see it and you know there' be great people out there sharing the stuff I want the people who did a really really one they're not super proud of sharing it as well like I'm not not super proud of this stuff but it's good to see cuz otherwise I don't know there's people out there think oh man I'm not amazing so I'm not going to do it show the bad stuff so that other people can go huh also my stuff is also bad okay and and a bit of shared confidence in the group we're all new we're all getting started some of us are better than others it's okay share the bad ones share the good ones even if you're not super happy with it you can write that in the comments say hey this is where I'm at it's not exactly what I'd hoped but this is where I'm at and say that you're open to some feedback there you go get it out there in the world so let's have a quick look at the overview here uh so research U photographs of your animal plus any existing logos and icons okay in illustrations if you're looking for that kind of swooshy thing if you use the search term gradient animals okay so I've just Googled gradient animals and it gets you to this kind of stuff that's quite in that scope and we'll do gradients later on but you can still get all this kind of curly whiy stuff that's really cool up to you you can go for any style but get them all into into your uh mood board okay there it is there there it is there then draw your creature use any of the skills that we've learned so far try and mix them up but use whatever you can to get it working okay remember starting directly in illustrator or hand drawing first experiment with the generative recolor to find some colors then save an image be great to see your final Creature if that's all you have that's okay but if you have drafts of uh I don't know versions that didn't work out okay and include any hand drawings that would be great upload it to the assignment section and Sh on social media please please please I love to see these sorts of stuff make sure you tag me let other people know what course you're doing and how amazing it is and they should go do it okay and yeah love to see what you're making remember doesn't have to be perfect baby steps small steps all right enjoy your amazing creature spend a little bit of time you might spend 10 minutes you might spend an hour up to you where you're at how much time you've got you might spend a whole day you might get readily into it either way uh that is it and I will see you after this homework in the next video it's totally not [Music] homework hi everyone hey it is me and the real life and in this video we are getting into the real life cuz I want to uh show you how to make a t-shirt not this one this one's cool but I want you to show we're going to take our designs and make it into this one and terrible jump cut there you go uh I put zero effort into that transition but most importantly I got a shirt okay so we make this together in a little bit um but yeah digital real world good fun uh I'm going to hand you back to the slightly younger version of myself and we're going to get started making this sweet t-shirt came out all right thank you future Den uh how did the shirt come out I'm interested cuz that was future me I haven't made the shirt yet proba looked all right even if it didn't I'm going to show you the steps to make it uh the reason why is that illustrator is such a like Gateway creative tool to so many things like we do digital stuff okay but there's so many practical physical things that illustrator is like the starting design point for and I want to show you those in real life and show a few of them in the course also I want to mention here that this is going to be the last thing we do together at least in this particular YouTube video and remember this is just like the first chunk of my larger illustrator Essentials course there's like another I don't know 85% to do okay there so many things to make I give away this free chunk to uh get you kind of started hopefully kind of got started and but also just to kind of I don't know get you excited about illustrator and show you know there's so much more I can do even if it's not with me okay find some s some extra education there's so much more to learn an illustrator so many cool things you can make illustrator is awesome uh all right making stuff let's go make the T-shirt actually we need to make files first start on the computer the files ready for the print all right to get our files ready for OnDemand printing that's kind of like oneoff t-shirts I found a few ones that I'll kind of give you a quick run through okay just companies that you can send your file off from illustrator and they will send you back one t-shirt or allow you to start a store and start selling your shirts so let's look at that first okay basically it's the same as Printing inh House like I'm going to do but let's get this file working okay so first of all create a new document cuz you might have junk all over this file just grab you need not the background okay because I don't want that I'm going to copy it I'm going to go to file new make a new document I'm not worried too much about um the uh size at the moment because we're going to resize it pick again web mainly because it goes RGB most of the uploading uh you know the print on demand sites they will say you need to use RGB they don't want to see CMYK not for the kind of one-off printing they do they have special RGB goodness to make the colors really bright so I'm going to leave mine at pixels just to show you to go between millimeters and inches is not hard so let's go I've G portrait okay because I've used it before I'm going to paste this in and first thing we need to do is tidy it up who remembers the shortcut to um viewing the x-ray vision mode the outline mode nice work you remembered command y or control Y in a PC and mine is fine what you can do is just grab it and kind of move it around we can undo this but just give it a wiggle around just to see if there's anything kind of like working this can cause problems especially if you're going to things like embroidery machines or other kind of things that want to follow this path the shirt's probably going to be fine but it's good to go around delete anything you don't need join all the lines I'm happy with that being nice next thing is I want to get it an appropriate size how big do we want this on my t-shirt so what I do is let me jump out to the camera so I grab my handy dandy measuring tool and I go myself and I go like oh yeah about that that big um about 180 mm that looks good 7 in and then I print it off and I print it off and I stick it to myself with a scientific uh C tape and say yes that is way too big look how big it is likely I printed it off in the real world and then I go back and I make a smaller version and I'm like ah this will be good and then I'm like yep that is good that is about there's 140 mm and about 5 and 1 half in I Googled that all beforehand I have no idea how to do the conversions but I was like yeah it should probably be be a pocket size right like a cool pocket size thing for the store but I want it kind of big and bold for this course intro so that's the size I'm going for maybe a little bit smaller yeah that is the high-tech solution I come up with just print it off and stick to myself um there you go so I've got a size 130 mm about 5 in I'm going to put that into illustrator let's go okay so get it the right size I'm going to select it all and you'll notice that we are on a width and height of we're using pixels it's not what I want so what we can do is you can type in over the top any sort of measurement you like okay so if I type in my original 180 U millimet okay so mm make sure the link is on so the height and width change at the same time hit enter on my keyboard and that is exactly 180 mm say you want it to be 5 in put that in there hit enter don't put 5 in pick they didn't like that so I'm going to delete everything off the field 5 in there we go that is 5 in see how close my calculations were so I wanted to be about 130 mm yeah close enough Okay so we've got our Fox the right size uh the paper is not most of the time it won't cause any problems but I like to wrap make sure the artboard is perfectly around the outside there's a nice easy trick to do this select uh all of our fox or whatever thing you're exporting and go over to the artboard tool okay this is the artboard tool helps us resize the artboard okay the page working on and what we can do is over here there's some presets okay so on your properties panel click on this scroll all the way up to the top and go to the one that says I want you to fit the um the artboard to the selected art so just make the artboard what I've got selected boom cool huh now I'm going to go back to my selection tool and I'm going to export it before we export just double check where an RGB you can kind of tell up there RGB along the top if it says same YK we need to change it okay so we need to go to file and go to document color mode and go from CK to RGB you'll notice your colors change a little bit when we get to the color section of this course I'll explain it bit more I know I keep kind of saying I'll do it later on but RGB often andless you're go to commercial print is the way to go and that's what all the print on demand sites want RGB so we're in RGB how do we export it we did some basic exporting earlier on let's do some slightly more advanced stuff um so let's go to file let's go to this one that says export and we're going to go to export for screens this one's handy CU it can export lots of different file types all at one go okay and I've already demoed this so let's tidy back up and so basically we've got one artboard and we're going to say I'm going to put mine on my desktop I'm going to make a folder on my desktop actually I've already got one let's use that same exporting one okay I'm going to click that stick it somewhere uh open it after export fine create subfolders is normally on I'm going to turn that off and down here we can decide what we want so most sites will accept PDFs but some sites don't so let's add all the kind of flavors that might be um useful and give us a good result so uh from format choose PDF from this one here this one's kind of fancy for when you're doing mobile devices um kind of ux design we're going to ignore all that and just go I want them all just one side size you don't want them three times the size just 1X the size okay so we're going to do PDF the next best is going to be an SVG and then the final one is going to be a PNG widely used great quality not as much used PNG um not as great as these ones okay the file format will look and print fine these ones will look better but some sites only accept pgs and that's just the way it is and we talked about webp it's kind of new most sites don't accept it so you might export that one here as well you can add a scale I want it just one size and I'm going to go webp and then you hit export and kick back relax and look I've got artboard one okay I've got a PDF I've got a PNG version I've got an SVG version and I've got a webp version and just kind of work in that order okay PDF SVG PNG in terms of what they accept let me show you just quick demo so I use printful quite a bit for work things personal stuff t-shirts you see in the course that I don't print myself other ones that I've used that I like there are so many out there look for print on demand that's cool that's kind of the general one but I've used spreadshirt loads uh I've used Vista Print loads uh I've heard good things about Printery and printful there's so many different versions most of them want you to set up like a business to start selling your t-shirts because they want you to sell like hundreds of them but pretty much all of them will allow you to order just one so I'm going to go speed mode I'm not going to take you through all of print forms going to get to the where we upload it but we'll do it in fast mode so you can kind of see okay they're all a little different but eventually you find a t-shirt you like and I'm going to pick I'm going to use navy cuz that's the shirt that I've got in the office here and I'm going to upload the design they're all slightly different places I'm going to upload a file okay and you should go and check the specs but I've done it enough that it as long as it's RGB and it's the right size and it's one of the formats generally a PDF I should be able to go in here and say you actually let's upload the webp see what it says couldn't support that one that's all right PDF is still going to print great I should have named it better it's called artboard one I'm going to click on it and Skip to when it's loaded bam it's in uh there you go we've got a shirt we can move the position around okay we can resize it in here there's lots you can do in a lot of these online editors they're pretty amazing what you can do um but that's it we can hit order and print it I'm not going to cuz I'm going to make it myself but the files are good even says look it's good it's Vector that's lovely but again all of these print on demand sites are slightly different one of those files will work look at all the cool things we can get it printed on look at us um all right let's go and get it ready for the vinyl cutter and we're going to print it on an actual t-shirt in real life right now okay so uploading to the vinyl cutter that I've got it's like a slicing machine it's called a Cricut and most people it's a pretty common thing Google it if you haven't seen Cricut um really cool home use um thing for cutting out stickers and card and all sorts of crafty stuff and there is a free bit of software called Cricut design space and that's what's going to control the little printer thing so what files does it want you can see there bunch of different files accepts lots of stuff SVG is the best one for uh this kind of work okay so I'm going to go to upload image and I get to use the SVG I've already exported earlier on when we did it for the print on demand stuff okay and there is my SVG hello there it is there okay I'm going to upload it I'm not going to go through all how Cricket works okay the software it'll change by the time we get there but just give you a good sense of like how you can take your Illustrator files and I'm going to add it to the canvas I'm going to say let's make this thing and I'm going to add it to a roll of color that I've got I'll show you in a sec and because I'm going to print them mine all on separate bits of color that's one slide that's another slice can you see all the different parts they're all kind of rotated around to be as squished in the top left as possible so not to waste any of the um vinyl okay but there's all the different parts to my fox cool huh let's jump out to the camera and I'll start printing some stuff off this is the exciting stuff making things all right so we stick it on the mat shiny side down remember to mirror it cuz it's a t-shirt I always forget that then fire in the here what stuff's different it's in a big joint row now what we do is what we call weeding which is a lot of just picking off the stuff you don't need it's therapeutic uh unless you've forgot to mirror it or cut the wrong side of the vinyl less therapy [Music] now we just have to iron them on and why iron them on when you can invest in a giant blue heat press that does basically the same thing let me show you smoke this thing heavy big blue I'm going to stick it right the the middle kind of line it up with this print out a about kind of there that looks [Music] good get it nice and hot and then do that PE old wait for the newclear Fallout siren and wait for it to cool he it off and hopefully sticks to the T-shirt jackpot step and [Music] repeat a all right came out all right there you go let's try it on all right what do we think that looks pretty good it's not really on brand colors but uh I don't know tshirt it's a little snug oh awesome so what do you think came out all right huh and the colors aren't kind of on brand what I was hoping for for my special source company but it's what we had in the drawers so that is what it is but come out right um I hope you found it nice to kind of get off the software and see some practical applications of Illustrator and we do lots more in the course um but uh this is going to be us the end of the um our little session together here uh if you enjoyed it uh make sure you give the video a like uh subscribe to the channel as well and if you want to go further um basically we if you start the course okay illustrator Essentials Link in the description and you basically pick up exactly where we finish here I'm saying goodbye and the course we carry on with lots more of the course we kind of start here the next step is taking your breath further and you'll create all sorts of Graphics to bring the brand to life you'll explore creative brushes and lines and strokes to enhance your designs you'll be empowered to create seemingly impossible illustrations using the latest tools uh including the generative AI features and illustrator super cool you'll learn how to create and manipulate type like the pros do you'll finally know where to go to pick great uh type and color combinations I'll share all the chicks of the trade and once you've mastered a lot of these tools we'll have fun together putting your knowledge into like creative action and experiment with cool effects and you'll also learn how to turn anything into a vector illustration in seconds plus you learn how to get all of your graphics out of Illustrator easy for all sorts of cool applications so come on join me for the full course bye
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 63,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Illustrator for Beginners, graphic design, illustrator, illustration, adobe illustrator, illustrator tutorials, illustrator tutorial, illustrator tutorials for beginners, illustrator basics, adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners, illustrator for beginners, illustrator tutorial for beginners, adobe illustrator tutorials, adobe illustrator tutorial, adobe illustrator basics, Dan Scott, free adobe illustrator course, free adobe illustrator tutorial, free illustrator course
Id: r9gaPGQ1EG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 255min 0sec (15300 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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