Assalamu Alaikum, welcome to GFXMentor, I'm your teacher Imran, And today's our 3rd class, we'll learn about Pen tool. Now with Pen tool we can make drawings
and tracing, though we'll see tracing later, but today we'll learn to use Pen tool, also a new tool
has been added called Curvature tool, today we'll see that too and I hope you'll love this class. now before starting let me tell you one thing, A friend of mine, Aamir, gave me a great suggestion that As I'm recording my screen, it'll be helpful if my viewers
and students can see what keys I press on my keyboard. Soooo, finally I got a good utility. And you'll know not only what keys I'm pressing
but also which mouse button I click. Like if I drag it'll show "Hold", right-click, left-click- it'll show everything, even if I move the scrollwheel, it'll be visible too in a small box. Whatever keys I'm pressing. So I hope it'll be very helpful for you all. Also hope you all will continue suggesting
to me so I can improve my videos more. So let's start today's class, on Pen tool. So... Pen tool, here it is, and notice it looks like a pen. We saw last time, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point and through Anchor Point tool we can do some modifications. Today we'll see how to make drawings through Pen tool. Now drawing through this is quite easy, Sometimes easy; some people find it difficult and... if you practice a bit then definitely you'll do better with it. In childhood, you surely saw drawing books in which we used to connect dots and the drawing would be made. exactly in the same way the Pen tool... if I just
click, see with my Pen a line gets attached. Now one more thing I tell you, this is noticeable only in the CC version, if you're using older versions then you
won't see this line attached like this. But not a big difference here, it's just guiding
you on where the line will tether. Okay? Now I click here and when I click there, it made a line. And... and this line will be moving continuously
whenever you click your Pen. So if you go back and click to that point you started with, notice as I come here, a small circle is indicating with my Pen, to close the path. Meaning of closing path; keep in mind
that as long as it's open, it's just a line. But just as you close it, this becomes a shape! So remember, we keep everything in shapes
so it can be filled with colours properly. We didn't read on Fill colours, inshallah doing it very soon, today I'll also discuss a bit about it. Alright, so I... am selecting and delete all these. For deleting you can press both Backspace or Delete button. Okay? And yes you may've noticed a small indication. Now [clearing throat]... So to make drawing with Pen tool... remember at this moment my Smart Guides
are turned on, which'll continue to help you. And as I click, notice because of smart
guide I can snap it totally straight, that is, I'm aware when my line is straight. But if you are making line straight and you don't want... any help of Smart Guides, please press Shift. See my cursor has gone far but the line's still straight. So I held Shift and as I click, a straight line is created. And so on, I'm going with Shift, and see I made a rectangle with Pen tool. If we want to make curves, remember that
you have to hold the mouse and drag. What do I mean by that? As I click and come to below; doing with Shift for straight line; and click here, but I didn't release the mouse button. That's because I started to drag this, meaning- I'm moving my mouse
while pressing its button, on the right side. Ahh... You can see a curve is made in 'C' shape. Keep in mind, if you want the curve in
opposite direction, or wherever you wish; for example if you need in the left side,
then drag your mouse to the right! Right, so I'm dragging on right side, exactly this side, and going a bit tilted. Remember if making a curve in a particular direction, you have to drag in just its opposite direction. Now I'm repeating it. So let's say there's a straight line from here to here. Okay? and from here I want a curve on the left side, like this. so what'll I do? I'll click here and drag on the right side. Right? So we've got this curve. Okay Pen tool is not gonna leave your back until you... press Esc, so if you don't want to draw further and want to keep it as open path, then simply press Esc key. your drawing will stop right here. And if selecting with Selection tool, then a line is made. Okay? Now, again I'm building some more things. one more important thing, if you directly drag here... and make a curve, observe here carefully. That... This is one curve handle, another is this. This handle is curving this part. So even if I close this, the curve will still remain. Okay? we'll later see why to close curves, the reason behind it, but if I don't close it what'll happen,
this handle will curve the incoming line. So... at this time I didn't drag anything,
nor clicked the mouse button, nothing. This line is automatically giving a smooth curve. And... if I simply click, it makes a curve by itself. If I want... a corner here, not a smooth curve,
then I need to close this handle. How to do this? Simply go to the last Anchor
point with your Pen tool and click again. As you click your curve handle will be closed, and now you can make this line with a sharp corner. Okay? I'm pressing Esc again. see this point; let me zoom in; it's quite a sharp point. Usually, try closing curves only at extreme
conditions, when you need corners, Otherwise please don't close it, okay? Yes unless to make your shapes smooth,
you obviously don't need corners. Alright, let's make something! So if I simply click here and... coming down with Shift and drag on the right side. I want to make a leaf shape. Now see here this curve is coming, if I close then a strange shape occurs. I'd like to have a corner over here,
so clicking on this point and close. and closing my path, if I just click and leave, then it'll make a half shape only, just like this. But if I click... I undo-ed already;
so if I click and drag, See this! This becomes your leaf shape (🍂) Right dear? Alright, now if I... wanna build a bit complex shape... let's say I click here, and moving to the right side... let me zoom in so you can observe properly, going to the right side I click and drag upwards. Like this. And I closed this curve handle and closing this path I bring it a bit downwards. This becomes Nike's shoes (😄)! I know it's too bad, the curve looks weird here, but then it's okay. Keep in mind that when... when building with Pen tool,
not necessary it'll be perfect at first time. You can adjust it later with Direct Selection,
so for example I select this point, see I can edit these handles later. So, not a big issue. Okay dear? [clearing throat] Alright let's keep it aside too. Some shapes are symmetrical types. Okay what's symmetrical shapes or symmetry? As an example, anything, like... my face or yours, our body parts have many symmetries. Symmetry is one kind of balance. What's that? If you see my face in half, one ear is
on this side and one on that side. This is called "Inverse Symmetry", even see a butterfly. Its one feather is on this side and the other is on that side. Right? Or if you cut an apple from the middle,
the two parts of the shape it gets, one part is this side and another part is that. This is "Inverse Symmetry", it's like a mirror. Okay? If you need to make these types of shapes, better just make it half and copy it. Now why do that? Let me tell you first. For example I'm gonna make a heart shape, let's see. I click here and take a curve, and coming below... did this, okay? As I closed this, now problem is that, at least I can't make this properly. See, this part I made is not exactly same as this, now if you know that you can't make one part great as another one, then you don't need to, because you can copy
that part and make it reflected. How to do that I'll tell you, but before that I
wanna tell you another small thing today, Rulers! What are rulers? If I press Ctrl+R, it'll give you rulers on the left and upper sides. And the purpose of rulers, obviously measuring but another interesting one, at the same time you can change the units of measurements. How? Simply right-click on the rulers and select your unit- points, Picas, inches, millimetre, centimetre, pixels etc- whatever you want, take it from here. But I'm not changing my units as I don't need anything with measurements. We'll see that later. Now... Ahh, the ruler on this left side If I click and drag it, then see here comes a thin and fine line. This is called "Guide". Okay one thing to keep in mind, by default these guides are locked. You can check if locked or not. take the Selection tool, then right-click.
and here's written "Unlock Guides". which means it's locked currently. If it was unlocked then it'd be written "Lock Guides". In older versions it's shown with a checkmark,
see that to check if your guides are locked or not. Why it's so important to lock? Because if you unlock, your guide will move around, then what guiding it'll provide?! Right? So ahh, yeah! Just keep it locked! I'm undo-ing and repeating again to show how to add guides. Simply press Ctrl+R, the shortcut; if you can't recall go to View, then Rulers and click "Show Rulers". Alright? Click here. And if I need this vertical guide, just drag from here and put it. Okay? if you want horizontal then take it from here. With this we can easily find the centre point of anything, it's very helpful. Now I don't need horizontal, rather only vertical guide. Now I take Pen tool again and start from the guide. Okay what's the purpose of starting from guide? See I want my vertical points to stay at the same level. Correct? I mean in the same axis. Because when I reflect and put it, perhaps
some gaps may occur in the middle. Right? So I don't want the gapes, now
my one part is complete so I press Esc, and... that's it! Our half shape is done. Now selecting this half shape with Selection tool,
right-click, and here you can see Transform. In here, there are many options which we'll learn in detail later, but for now only choosing Reflect. What'll it do? The way you see your face reflecting
in the mirror, it's always opposite isn't it? So I have to make it opposite too, reflect it. So clicking Reflect, you'll get this tiny dialog box and here you can turn on Preview, by this you'll
understand how it'll be created. Now if I press OK then it'll reflect only the part I build, But I don't want that, rather I want to generate a copy of that. And to generating, simply click on Copy. Okay dear? Now... I'm dragging this part with Shift, and keeping near it. See this! Our shape is complete. But a small issue. That is, at present this shape created here, it's not a shape actually, but two separate lines. Now if I want to merge into one shape; alright for now I'm hiding my guides as I don't need it. To hide, one way is to right-click and click Hide Guides, or there's a shortcut on keyboard- Ctrl+; (semicolon). There, your guide gets hidden. And, see it indicates what I pressed, quite helpful right? And [clearing throat]... Now what to do, we have to join them together, now... In the last class I told you, we can group them. Remember, grouping is to gather different shapes
together, not making into one single object! I don't want to group, rather merge into a single object or path. Just like we do welding or joining
solid things, that's what I wanna do! To join this, you have to do one work; let me zoom in. And... Select these two points with Direct Selection. Okay why selecting these? Remember Direct Selection is also important because, I gotta join these two points only, if you select with Selection tool, then dude, all the points will be selected and it'll turn weird! It won't even join, it'll show an error. Okay? But before joining I have to do a tiny work.
That I have to merge them. Okay let's... I'm stopping this for now, ahh, just for some moments; let me explain about the joining. Putting this aside for now. Let's say I have two lines, and I want to merge them from here. Select both points, right-click, and click Join. See what happens? it made a line between them. and obviously it was joined, but actually we didn't want like this, we wanted to join them as a single point. Like in a rectangle or square's corner, they all have one point, not two lines. If doing this on the two lines, it adds an extra line,
which I don't need. I want a corner here. For corner, surely I need to bring these closer, right? And now as I click Join, then... it's still not correct. How? Zooming in a lot to show you, notice carefully. Here one point is this, and here's the other point. It's still not joined properly, so the problem is... still recurring! What's the solution? We gotta bring it exactly on one place. Same as if you merge something with glue,
and even if you join haphazardly you're still merging dude! (😂) Since you have to join them finely, we have to bring them closer. Bring them closer as much as possible with your mouse. Then you got this nice thing-
select both with Direct Selection, right-click, and you have an option here called Average. What'll Average do? It'll align the points closer
in one exact place, a particular position. Go to Average, it'll ask me which
axis you need, horizontal or vertical, I need BOTH! There's another option named Both, it'll align
in one place regardless of vertical or horizontal. And I hope you can see this, both are
now in the exact same location. Now if I click Join- done! It's exactly a single point now. See this? Okay? So Average, I hope you've understood now. Now as I told you earlier... Let's say I made this object, and making a copy of, I reflected it. You either copy and reflect or go into Reflect
and copy from there, both are same. Okay? So if these two I... from here this... if I want to join these shapes from here, and I select whole, right-click and I click Average, Look, it totally disappears! Why?! You got my mistake already!
I was doing it with Selection tool this time. I did it knowingly so you understand that
it's not to be done with Selection tool. Why?! Selection tool selects all the points and when we average, all the points come together, so what'll be remaining left? Right? Just one point! And definitely you don't want this. Yes if with Direct Selection I simply select just these two points, right-click and click Average, and then I click Join, then yes it converted into one point. Alright? So now I come into that shape, the heart I made. Bringing them together. Again zooming in. Well our Smart Guide has helped us
to some extent, remaining for long. Still I click Average, for assurance. Average, and then Join. Similarly... I'm repeating the same process with the below ones. And... here it gets joined. Now it's completely a single path. or call it a single shape. You can fill it
with any colours or gradients as you like. If it wasn't joined, you still could fill colours,
but gaps might've come, problems could occur, I'll suggest, whenever making shapes, please join them. Okay? Alright. And... that's it for Average and Join. Let's make another shape with the help of Guides. That guide we used earlier, where'd it go? We hid it, it didn't disappear. Simply
right-click and click Show Guides. Okay? Let's make one more shape. I'm clicking on default Fill and Stroke. Now I'm building a spade (♠), as you've seen in cards (deck). Alright! So again [clearing throat] as I said, we can edit it later. I feel this part got too large so I'm gonna... select these two points with Direct Selection
and push upwards, while pressing Shift. Okay dear? And, yes! Selecting this whole part, right-click... Transform>>Reflect... Vertical, if doing horizontal then it becomes opposite so I simply need that; not even any particular angle, just reflecting vertically, and clicking Copy. Obviously moving while pressing Shift, since both are on the same axis so it won't create any problem. Anyways, Ahh... Selection tool's shortcut is A... No sorry! Direct Selection tool's shortcut is A (on keyboard). The Selection tool's shortcut is V. Currently I'm pressing A, so I can get Direct Selection Here I selected both points, click Average, and Join. Simply, that's it! Now the below part... Average, and Join. Done! Another shape is built, and I'm putting black colour as its Fill. black... no, be it dark grey. Okay dear? I hope till now you all are understanding everything. Right? Okay [clearing throat]... In Pen tool some things are still left. but before that I want to tell you something again that, now you all must be thinking why
do I build so faded boring things, why aren't we using any colours; yes we'll do that. But it's important to inform few matters
so you can make colourful things when practising. And now you gotta... understand these to some extent. so here by default you get... white Fill, and black Stroke. Black Stroke is this, white Fill is here. Some matters to keep in mind, you can turn off Stroke or Fill anytime. How? Fill is up here, and if I click None, it'll be gone completely. Okay? I did undo. If I want to remove Stroke, I have to click on it to bring to the front, and... (click) None. So currently, Only white Fill here, no Stroke. Naturally our object isn't visible, why so? Because it's in white background, see it's visible if I put here. But if you turn off the Fill too, Vanished! But not gone, the path is still there. Okay? So just go and click default Fill and Stroke. There goes one thing, another is [clearing throat]... On the same one; let's say if I change the colour- I take the grey colour. and taking the Stroke colour... pink. Okay? And if I wish to thicken the Stroke, or increase its weight, Notice on the above, the Stroke Weight is given, 1 point. Let's say I give it 8 points. Okay? Now, I wanted to, like, swap this grey Fill and pink Stroke, so it gets pink Fill and grey Stroke. Very simple solution for it- please keep it selected, notice this small tilt-like tool above the Fill and Stroke boxes, when putting your mouse here, it'll show "Swap Fill and Stroke" written. So if I click here, it'll swap the Fill and Stroke (colours). Alright dear? if you come below you know it's the
default Fill and Stroke, not doing it now. Beneath there are 3 buttons given. One is None as you've seen. This is the last colour that you've used. if you want to add gradients you can do it from it, like this, but we won't be going to gradients now, later we'll
learn in detail and quite interestingly. Many people use gradients in pretty weird ways. Leave it! We'll discuss later. I hope it's all clear so far, Fill and Stroke. So now, if you want any colour simply double click on it, select from here. Let me explain this box a bit. The hue is shown here. See there's a radio button turned on here- H,S and B. If you want to check the hue you can see it here, hue means basic colour. What is basic colour? Let me explain to you. Like blue, right? You must've heard many types of blue- blue, dark blue, navy blue, sky blue, royal blue, greyish blue, greenish blue; one thing is common in all of them- blue! Why? Because their hues are same. I think you've understood exactly what's a hue called by now. Right? So ahh... Coming to blue (colour), the hue is same; you see, you get different options like
how much dull or sharp you need. Saturation is the intensity of that colour. How much intense the color is. Let me explain more. In televisions you get the option to increase or decrease colours, actually you all decrease or increase the saturation that time. Correct, no? Similarly brightness, that's also present in televisions, how much you want to darken or lighten. but remember it's all about colours. So ahh... Nevertheless, I'm picking any colour, click Okay, and the colour comes here simply. Similarly if you go to Stroke and double click,
the same panel comes to you, you can select any colour from here. So, that's it! Yeah. The colours look too bad. (🙃) If you don't want Stroke, don't keep. Because... usually I also don't use Stroke. There are some problems with Stroke which I'll discuss later. Ahh... Keep it selected, and I click None. I believe you all have understood the functions of Pen tool till now. Alright dear? [clearing throat] I hid the guide. so inside Pen tool there's the Anchor Point tool, we had seen it in last class. Let me repeat once again for you. The Anchor Point tool has another name, which comes more in the older versions of Illustrator, Convert Anchor Point tool! Remember it's the same tool, okay? Convert Anchor Point tool or Anchor Point tool- it's the same tool through which you can add curves to any corners, or... you can remove curves. Right? So when I drag, see a curve generates. And... if I click on it, it'll be removed. Okay! Okay next, just nearby there's Curveture tool. Keep in mind it's a brand new tool, so maybe... ahh, maybe in older... older versions of Illustrator it's not found.
What "maybe"? I know, am sure of it. Curvature tool's function is same as Pen tool, but more easier now. You don't need to click, hold and drag it, simply it'll make only curves, how? I clicked here, clicked there, and as I progress, notice it makes a curve by itself. Right dear? Now if I put it in Fill, here it goes. Not that it doesn't have anchor points, of course it has, if I take Direct Selection, it can be adjusted easily. you'll get the same handles, but remember it'll provide you curves in more helpful ways. Okay dear? Well if you want to create a spiral like this,
no need to do so much toiling, inside the Line tool a Spiral tool is given already, you can make it through this, no need to work hard. Okay? So Curvature tool is quite beneficial in some aspects. And see this, from here I... Wherever I click, it's not giving any corners, And yes, even you can do this- go back and close your path, this whole curve... scribble if you say, that's created. Okay? So that's for now in today's class. Today we've seen how to make basic shapes with Pen tool. And I hope you all have loved it surely! So that's all for today's class. And I hope you've got many things to practice currently, ahh... please practice it. It'll take time to commend on Pen tool. Let me tell you, when you click Pen tool and drag, it becomes quite "emotional", so please move your hand lightly, Or you might lose your artboard or find your canvas vanished! (😆) Press Ctrl+0 (zero) and all your data
will appear in front of you. And... move your hand lightly, work slowly and with patience. Especially when I made the Nike one, usually this might happen. Okay? So, don't worry, press Esc, do undo and Ctrl+0,
so it may return back in front of you. That's it. Too awful, I know. let me bring it below and... It's still not right I know, it's just to give you an idea, to how to create different shapes with Pen tool. Nevertheless I'm finishing today's class here. Next class inshallah, we'll see how to do tracing. along with tracing we'll pick colours,
there the tool called Eyedropper will be used, some more things related to Path and Stroke, we'll see that too. Many things still remaining, we gotta learn those. So... you have to wait a bit for next class,
but you need to practice these very much. If you're watching my video first time
then please subscribe to my channel, so you get updates on my new videos. And if it's your first video then go and watch my previous two videos, so you can get an overview of how we're moving forward on Illustrator, and I'm going with a very basic level, so it's necessary that you cover up the previous topics so that it becomes easier for you to understand this. And I hope you loved this video, if yes please give it a like. if you don't like it then well, no problem... [clearing throat] but please tell your friends about this, and your familiar persons who want to learn this. Be sure to tell them to come to my channel, subscribe to it and watch my videos. I'm gonna teach you many things, all are free dude! You don't have to pay at all, I'm keeping it all free. Recently I saw some channels that are teaching Illustrator and Photoshop, ahh... I found it utterly mean that, some videos were made private there, so you pay and then they provide you the links
to those private videos so you can watch them. Please dear, I don't have any such moods,
I'm gonna keep everything free. I hope you'll understand this matter and ahh... guide more people to come here and please watch these videos. I'm distributing many things, come and collect them, it's all free. Thank you! (😊)