Adobe Illustrator Skillshare Bonus Tip - Realistic 3D Inflate in 5 minutes using live text!

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in this video we're going to dive deep on the new 3D and plate tool within illustrator you might have seen this online where you can turn something into kind of like a really hyper realistic bubble you can make like bubble letters for example and I'm actually going to use our dkng initials as an example so I'd recommend starting off with something that looks a little bit more kind of bubbly in shape because it actually will help so right here I have actual live text and you can see that it's not expanded which is going to give us a lot more flexibility in the future and I'm going to have it selected and go into effect 3D materials and then go into inflate and what happens is you're going to get a couple default settings it adds some light source it adds some bubbling and you can see that some of the things that you can change are the rotation I'm going to give this a little bit more of an interesting rotation so it's like leaning backwards I'm going to have it kind of change the y-axis a little bit I'm going to just kind of keep the z-axis minimal at this point and you can also change the depth for example you can make um the letters really thick I'm going to keep those a bit more standard the volume at which this inflate can actually be inflated is something you can adjust so for the sake of kind of showing the full nature of the capabilities of a plate I'm going to just go full percent and then another interesting thing you can do is play around with inflating both sides so I'm going to click on this button and to show you what that looks like I'm just going to spin around the y-axis and you can see that both sides of the text is fully inflated so I think that this looks pretty good so far but I'm also going to play around with materials this is where you can add texture let's say I want it to look a little bit more texturized like it's painted with white paint or it's got a wood texture for example but for the sake of this uh lesson I'm just going to play around with the base materials and just show how robust those are and you can see that in the base properties of this you have a lot more options so metallic is something you can really bring up and it adds a lot more shininess and reflection to the actual text and then roughness is something to play around with as well so if you kind of want more of a satin or matte finish you can go higher up if you want it to be a little bit more metallic you can go lower and then lighting is something you can play around with as well so once you click on lighting you can actually change your light source let's say I'm going to bring in a little bit of light to the left here and I'm going to bring the intensity up so it's even brighter now it's starting to really look like bubble letters which is pretty cool and then another thing you can play around with is the actual Shadows so this also by default is not clicked but I'm going to turn it on and you can see what happens basically it's giving Shadow to the actual elements that were created and the shadow bounds if you bring that up will allow you to see the full Shadow the distance at which that shadow is casting is something you can also adjust um and beyond that this is not fully rendered yet too so this is just like the preview version of everything we're talking about once you click on this top right button you're rendering with Ray tracing and this is where the hyper realism really settles in so I'm going to go ahead and click that and see where we're at and you can see that something really interesting happens it's still live text but we're getting a whole bunch more detail involved here now it doesn't stop there once I click out of that preview area I can make some micro adjustments let's say in the materials area I want roughening to go all the way down so it's as shiny as possible and I want metallic all the way up so that's super shiny and I'm going to take a look again at rendering it and see if that makes any difference now we're getting it to look really like just metallic letters and this is getting really interesting now again there's other things that you can do to actually adjust this so I'm going to go in and make a couple micro adjustments as well I'm going to bring roughness up a little bit so it's not quite as dark somewhere in between I'm going to go into lighting and let's say I want to bring the softness of these Shadows up a little bit and this whole process is just kind of like a back and forth kind of figuring out like the perfect happy medium but the trick is to make the adjustments in the preview mode so this to me looks great um but I'm gonna go even further I'm actually going to change the background color and right now I have it set to white but let's say I want to make it let's say like a pink color a little bit more intense I can also adjust the text itself the color so let's say I want to make the text a little bit more interesting like yellow and right now I have it fully rendered so it might take a couple seconds and just by a couple clicks we're getting a lot more going on now one thing I want to mention too just one additional tip is that you can add more light source to this if you wish I'm going to turn off preview just to show this a little bit faster I'm going to add an additional light source right now we just have white kind of coming in from the top left this little plus add light button I'm going to click and I'm going to change it to this pink color that's similar to our background and I'm going to change where that's coming from maybe near the base and what this is going to do for me is kind of show that this reflection is actually having some sort of a relationship with the background and it's going to make things look hopefully really really uh realistic so I'm going to go ahead and render and see what that looks like now we're getting something that's fully rendered and it's taking into account the background color a little bit and it looks hyper realistic and what's really cool is that this text is still live so I can go back to my preview mode and even change the text let's say instead of it saying decan G I'm going to go ahead and just spell out my name and then go into rendering one more time and it keeps all the same effects that we created but I can change the text on the Fly what's really interesting is that this text being live and also having this hyper realistic look can happen in the same world you can actually change the text on the Fly you don't have to expand anything and in the process still have something that's fully rendered so it gives you complete editability and you can basically change anything on the Fly [Music]
Channel: DKNG Studios
Views: 43,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan kuhlken, nathan goldman, dkng, dkng studios, process video, gig poster, poster, silkscreen, screen print, adobe illustrator, illustration, design, vector, tutorial, timelapse
Id: YkqtQWGmKk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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