Adobe Illustrator Beginner Tutorial: Create a Vector Peach from Sketch (HD)

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hi everyone this is dom designs here and welcome  back to today's tutorial today i will teach you   how to draw this cute looking peach as a  flat design vector in adobe illustrator   if it's your first time on my channel and you're  interested in learning how to create logos   icons and illustrations in adobe illustrator  then please consider subscribing to the channel   and hit that bell icon so you never miss an upload   as always i like to plan my illustrations on  paper before working on the program itself i try   to get as close as possible to the final render  by adding details and shadows to the sketch once   the sketch is completed you can take a picture of  it with your phone and transfer it to your desktop alright so i imported my sketch on a 1920 by 1080p   canvas in illustrator you can place any  image on your canvas by doing command   plus shift plus p on your keyboard you can  then center it and turn it into a template once we have our template layer let's begin by   creating the outlines on a new  layer which i will name outline let's begin by tracing out  the leaves using the pen tool   you'll see me overlap the shapes of the  leaves i do this so i can create two separate   closed shapes what i will do is select both shapes  and bring up the shape builder tool which is shift   m on your keyboard i'll then click on the area  of the back of the leaf to create a new shape   then you can just delete the  unwanted shape in the middle since the pj sketched is very circular i will use  the ellipse tool to create most of its outline   so let's create a circle which aligns  with the left part of the peach like so we will then bring up the pen  tool and click on the stroke   to create new points at the top and at the bottom   once we have those in place we can delete the  points on the right to create a semicircle like so   to delete the points on the circle you  will need to bring up the white arrow tool   which is a on your keyboard let's repeat  this step on the right side of the peach   alright so as you can see our stroke  has overlapped over the leaf part   that's not a problem because the shape builder  tool can fix this for us let's select the leaf   and the stroke and bring up the shape builder  tool and then all you have to do is to carefully   option click on the stroke in the leaf to delete  it perfect now let's finish tracing our sketch since i sometimes struggle creating  smooth lines with the pen tool   what i do is create a straight line and then  manually curve it using the curvature tool   i find that our outline is a little  thin so i will select all and bring   up the stroke thickness to about 11 points  awesome we have one final step before we   begin our coloring process i would like  to vary the thickness of the strokes to   give our illustration a more appealing look  so for that let's bring up the width tool you can then click and drag to vary the weights of  our strokes i like to taper off the ends like so   and we are finally done our outlining  process now's the time to add our colors   for starters i'll create a new layer  below the outline and name it color   this ensures that when working with  colors we do not affect the outline   let's start with the easy part and add the  base color to the leaves since these were   created as closed shapes we can select them  from our outline layer we can then go down to   the layer panel and while holding option on your  keyboard you can copy over the little red square   down to the color layer all we did is copy over an  exact replica onto our new layer now all we have   to do is invert the stroke to fill and change the  color to a bright green finally we will add the   remaining base colors by retracing our outline on  the color layer with a color fill all the colors   being used in this illustration are available in  the description below but if you're interested   in purchasing my personal coloring palette then  head over to my etsy shop link in the description   now usually peaches have a  yellowish hue to it as well   so let's add a gradient going  from yellow to our peach orange also make sure that your gradient is set to  radial beautiful i love how the gradient just   makes the illustration stand out now let's add  some shadows and highlights to the illustration   with the pen tool i'll draw the  shadows with a dark orange color i will then bring down the  opacity to about 60 percent   all we're missing now are the highlights following  the same method of the shadows we just created   i'll add a highlight going along the right side  of our peach i'll give it a soft yellow which   i'll dim down its opacity as well as you can see  i drew the shape going outside of our illustration   i did that so that i can just delete the  overlapping shape using the shape builder tool   all you have to do is option click on the xs  shape to delete it this saves me from having   to do extra pen tool work let's finish off the  illustration by adding the remaining shadows and highlights so and there you have it this is how  you draw a peach in adobe illustrator   i hope you enjoyed this video and if you  did please leave a like and let me know   your opinion in the comments below see  you in the next video everyone cheers
Channel: Dom Designs
Views: 889,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to design logo, logo design tutorial, sketch to vector, adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners, adobe illustrator vector tutorial, flat design, shape builder tool illustrator cc, pen tool illustrator, logo design process tutorial, sketch to vector illustrator, flat design tutorial, illustrator step by step, illustrator easy tutorial, adobe illustrator tips and tricks, character drawing, easy, vector peach, peach, how to draw a peach, draw fruit, draw food, food vector
Id: dyzBZizFruU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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