Adobe Fresco: Live Watercolor Brushes!

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foreign need to check out these live brushes they have both watercolor and oils and they work a lot like the real thing let's check them out they are the second icon on your toolbar the icon is a little brush with a droplet next to it I'll click on that and it'll open up the live brushes panel and in there I have watercolor brushes I can choose from or oil let's start with the watercolor and check it out all right so I'm going to pick one of these brushes I think I'll pick the watercolor um let's see wash soft and then I'm going to select this teal color and make my dab of my brush really large and go ahead and put it down here and I let go the watercolor is still expanding if you've ever worked with watercolor this is one of the traits that makes it so amazing and the other thing is when you mix so let's mix a color let's do maybe a really light yellow or something okay I'm gonna do a light yellow here let's go close up and when I let go you'll notice that the way the watercolor is mixing is it's it's kind of blossoming and spreading out with the water in there that's a natural world effect that that I've been just waiting for a digital paintbrush to do um and here we go so let's try a different color try maybe this purpley color or magenta and you can see how it's like this fuzzy Edge where it's bleeding into it that's what they call it in watercolor it bleeds into the other color and spreads out and Blossoms now if I want to help encourage this there's these little water droplets in here where I can increase the flow now I already have the flow pretty high but I could do something else where I go to the color panel and instead of a hundred percent paint go all the way to zero where all that is going to be left on my paintbrush is water and I can add water to it to help increase the flow I'm going to go along the edges first and notice how I let go and it's pulling out where I left the digital or virtual water I'm gonna try over on these edges see how that's happening it's pretty incredible I think it is important that if you're going to be an artist to try some real traditional tools because then you will really appreciate this um and let's do like maybe in the center here where it's letters let's see if I can get the colors to kind of bleed into each other starting to happen I'll increase the flow of the water to a hundred percent there we go oh yeah I love that it's as far as I can tell it seems very random and non-digital it seems very natural and I just love it let's do some of the splatters here there's also a splatter brush in here let's do the wet splatter and add some of those now I'm on clear so I need to move that back up to 100 of the paint and I think I'll do a deep blue spatter okay and then let's see what size I have okay let's try it and see the spatter is inside the wet paint it's like the paint is staying wet and then when I add in here it continues to act like it's wet paint um that is pretty remarkable and then out here it the splatter is a little bit different where it's hitting supposedly the dry paper right and then let's see I'll put a little spatter in there try it maybe an orange splatter so this watercolor is staying wet and allowing me to rework into it and use it with those natural capabilities that you would expect with real watercolor um and then if you want to dry it there's actually a way you can dry it you go over to the watercolor layer here and you say dry layer as a little fan there you just press it and now it's like you went and put a blow dryer over it and dried it out so that it's not so wet when you go to work in it let's try it now okay so now it did smear it there now let's find out now it doesn't it's more like I'm laying wet watercolor on top of a dry um watercolor it's not re-wetting it so that gives you an opportunity to layer your watercolors in different ways so I can keep it wet or I can dry it and then let's see here once I've dried it I don't believe I can undry it no I all I did was dry the other layers so so keep that in mind um in you know if you want to keep it wet or if you want to dry it and and have different effects happening that's what you can do pretty remarkable stuff Have Fun try those watercolor brushes out and um and then if you haven't used real watercolor like the ones I have up here get a cheap set and try it out and then go back to your digital brushes you will just be thrilled thank you
Channel: Eris Klein
Views: 7,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe fresco tutorial, adobe fresco watercolor, adobe fresco painting, live watercolor brushes, adobe live brushes, adobe fresco live brushes, digital watercolor
Id: HxGBWk04Lm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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