Adin Ross Lost $11Million in 8 Hours Of Gambling

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uh you see Aiden Ross what's wrong with Aiden Ross bro buddy was on the stream gambling crazy he always do though know I'm saying but bro this time I think was pissing off Dana White nah bro last uh I think it was last night or two it was last night or two two nights ago whatever FaZe Banks had to call him bro oh he he had to call him on stream and say bro stop please like like like chill does he be making bread though bro he he went through 13 million in 8 hours whoa he lost 13 M he lost3 million in 8 hours trying to win it back bro just gambling like just gambling crazy and like he honestly watching the stream he looked like I don't it was like his mental state Ain even look good like for him to just be doing that what was he playing he be playing like poker and just slots he do I do random stuff yo he said FaZe Banks had a call Aiden Ross end stream he was he was going through something and losing Millions gambling what bro yes buddy at a casino it was like a online online casino he be playing on bro wait wait wait wait wait 13 million though in 8 hours bro on an application bro apps are okay let me tell you something bro he was probably trying to do something on the cross and make that app po well bro they probably gave him money to like promote the the like you know the website but bro even if they give you bread to like lose still bro going through like that is crazy okay listen listen if you lose 13 million in 8 hours and that means you didn't gain I $100 what are you talking about no I'm not playing on that on that app because listen man I feel like if you're playing on an app somebody is programmed yeah you're not going to win like I don't play SL any anything that's like any that's that that's not um that's not table game there's not a table game there's not a human or human element and somebody program it that means there is something where they have a yeah they have something in that's say we want yeah we have an algorithm where the house takes the most money and you're going this is how much you give out right and then after a certain amount they're going to give out their uh the winnings and they're going to keep the Lion Share The House Always Wins like the fact he's gambling on there like you can win I think it's the dumbest thing a human could possibly do bro bro that's nuts I just think the message he's sending is like wild it's like people are people just watching you lose like do they enjoy this like that's going to turn people off to gambling bro I'm saying that can't be good for his mental state like mental States it's got to be chopped like just those young dudes that thousands of people just watching you lose oh he he lost 11 million in span of eight oh that's a yo that's like a that's a whole year NBA salary bro that's better than a lot of people that's like somebody's threeyear contract damn bro and I'm talking about three years of NB you're like plus 40 games it was 11 that's still lot8 hours dude that's that's all your little money yo man he's going to how you even gamma for eight hours bro what is like what is on the flip end of that like like bro when you have that much money what the casino made like who made that money the casino make it where dides it go n it go to the casino go to casino bro especially if it's it goes out of your account but like damn bro if it's an online casino they ain't even got to pay employees they don't bro online casinos a scam just sitting back making bro it's it's like eight dudes in a room who knows man or or it could be like uh I probably not gonna say it's a scam to make it look like he has a bunch of money he can just gamble any way he want I mean bro even if like my whole thing is like even if he won it's like if you got that much money like what is more money I don't know like if you got so much money you could lose 11 million and you just all right cool like how much was his kick uh um or a deal I don't know how much it was a lot I already know dude dude got a lot of bread but like I don't know if you got bread to be losing 118 hours I mean I mean okay his net worth is 47 million so he lost a quarter of his net worth yeah but he make 10 million from kick every year so he doesn't care I mean it's not going to affect I mean bro but how long does that last bro if you gambling 11 and eight he could have did that mean he could have opened some wells in Africa bro yeah he could Beast he could but I'm saying uh running water I mean running bro he he could build a city he could do whatever he want to do oh was it was it kick or was it no not kick was Rumble I don't remember which one it was KCK or Rumble yeah one of them they they offered him a lot of money but they you know do he bro but if you losing if you losing 11 and 8 24 you losing 33 yeah man he he's under the influence so if you if you really factor that like if you losing 33 million in a day if you gamble for 24 hours then bro he's a he's a high roller now bro cuz you got to remember he's out there with uh is it Dana White for the um the UFC and there's a lot of gambling league and stuff yeah they're all G but Dana has Like Money Dana got money the long way yeah but Dana be shaking his head the way Aiden be gambling that's what I was watching you said Dana White was shaking his head yeah they was the both playing poking Dan was like this guy is an idiot yeah bro cuz if you losing that much bro you're not you're not a good gamble I'm sorry look look I mean we're not in his shield you got to remember he has a ton of money bro bro I mean and we really don't know he's won before two though like I will say he's won he's won but 13 is a lot that's a lot like and imagine or 11 11 is a lot so if he did lose 11 million a m or hours bro that means uh he he might have won a little bit of money back but he was losing a but that's what he's did on stream how much has he lost off stream might miss a G wagon payment at this rate his yish truck might might miss a payment n man he's he's got a lot saved up I remember he was doing over like a million dollars uh probably over a like every every month bro on yeah when he was streaming hard and he was going crazy Mak too yeah but twitch is but you got to remember if you're getting a bunch of million views how many people are paying so you're going to get over I mean a thousand just from the view the views alone but the donations where you're making the money I mean kaap was making that [ __ ] [ __ ] just be giving out bro bro yeah but you got to remember lot of kids they like yeah yeah but they don't have no bread to give but they giv bread no no they got money some people work some people do got money some people go to their parents credit cards some people get their parents credit card make some kids got jobs yeah but but you got to remember a lot of these kids can use their mom and dad's um sub no yeah credit card but Amazon um sub thing where they could use it to uh so it's like four or five bucks a month that they get for free for Amazon if you got Amazon Prime Amazon Prime will pay them because Amazon owns uh excuse me Amazon owns uh rights uh what was that uh twitch mhm right so that's where he was streaming yeah like they owned it but d That's a crazy story man I S I didn't even see that damn bro these these young influencers bro imagine where their minds are going to be when they're in their 50s bro and you're no longer that guy right and think about the money you could have had yeah that you squandered cuz you like when you old talking about damn I wasted 13 mil yeah but in eight hours night like you got and had no ass no party no like if you bro I'm sorry if you spending 11 mil in 8 hourss you better have 49 illegitimate children after like that next day now you really going to be broke that's that's worse than the camp Hey n bro you done gamble your seed away now you gamble all your money away that's terrible sh I'll be like here's here's 11 mil to go y'all split it 49 ways all right man so okay so with the whole gambling I just want to know like what are you where where do you guys think that a lot of these streamers are going to be when they're 50 right cuz you they're going to stream for as long as they can but eventually their fan base is going to grow up right and you're like the [ __ ] going to look old and [ __ ] well they're going to be now they're going to be older but their fan base is going to grow up and they're going be like well I I need to have kid I can't watch your stream all day and a lot of the younger guys they're not going to want to watch not going to be hip to watch them because there's going to be a new Young streamer coming streaming is for the young man's game you keep your fan base but eventually your fan base is going to grow up so they try and get the Young G so you always got to have their fan base is younger it's not like for the Young on yeah but the like podcasting is for like grown-ups um people that have jobs streamers are mainly for kids that watch their streams like like a grown like we can't be at work watching the streams all day because we got work and you you you look crazy watching a stream at work watching a stream at work and you trying to flip some burgers or you welding you look nuts but it's a young man game so when they're older and they don't have no concept of money and so right now they're getting money so fast and they're blowing it and they're gaming main Predators yeah bro like what are they going to do what do you think happens when the tech like like catches up too like to where streaming is going to be like you put on a VR helmet and I'm in a room with you oh damn that's going to be nuts but but but I feel like they're going to be older the younger guys aren't going to watch them their fan base is going to kind of you're slowly going to trickle away right like ice Poseidon used to be super big he's not as big as he is anymore his fan base yeah they left pretty much they people have kids right it's not like um hip hop or music where if you start off young like Taylor Swift and your fan base matures now you're going to get more money cuz now they they got jobs and they're going to stay with you they're going to listen to music the music is nostalgic yeah it's nostalgic the stream ain't going to be nostalgic hell no I'm not going back oh I remember it's like dog I'm grown I remember I watched that for 12 hours and he farted an hour six like no bro no one's going to no that's not what they do so I think it's going to be real scary and life is really going to hit unless they can monetize those people whether they get older and they can like get their fan base to whether they do more adult things like um podcast and they talk and now they fan based stage with them and they listen I think that's different but I think it's going to be hard to maintain streaming as an adult or if you become like educational or like you have to change with them yeah like you start teaching compared entertainment entertainment is literally just a young man's industry cuz yep eventually you [ __ ] ain't entertaining anymore like I need to I need to know how to turn this $50 into 100 exactly it could become comedian [ __ ] yeah I mean but you're going to have to transition what a lot of them like not all of them are going to transition smoothly they might have to take some time to figure it out like hey I can't I can't do this I got to got a pod I got to get into the music or the umies finance do something can't make all the bread to retire [ __ ] streamers a early retirement age no but they live in Lab live Styles you can't you can't maintain that with 2 million a year compared to 10 million a year you know what I'm saying but if you make 10 13 mil you should be good okay now speaking on that I'm going to tell you exactly why to hell to the know um Joe Smith
Channel: Atypical Podcast
Views: 6,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jGRqR67dF8o
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Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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