ADHD-Friendly App Review: Motion

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foreign it's me I'm back and uh you know disappeared again but I'm back and uh this time I wasn't sick though I had a concussion instead I don't know because me right also if you're happy to be watching this video and you're like there's a garbage bag literally right behind you uh the reasoning is also that I have adopted a new puppy and we are also fostering another one and so I I don't know man like I am coming to you despite my life being an absolute just pillar of chaos so let's just be glad for that and uh before I get into it obviously if you are watching this video listening to it as a podcast doesn't really matter please make sure that you like and subscribe helps cool people find me helps me find cool people and that is why I'm here now if you've been sticking with me for any amount of time you probably know that I have worked with motion multiple times in the past I'm an affiliate with motion uh and you probably also know that I no longer use motion for myself and that basically comes down to the fact that it doesn't fit my situation anymore however I still think it's a fantastic tool for people with ADHD and as usual as we go through this review I will definitely go into who I think it is best for they emailed me recently and told me that they had a lot of changes and they wanted me to play with it for a little bit so I did and uh yeah it's an Ever growing fantastic AI powered tool that I think plenty of you will find joy in so let's go ahead and just talk a little bit about motion first covering who they are so there's not a lot that I could find about the background of motion but I know that in 2021 I was getting these emails from this guy named Harry and I apologize if I say this wrong okay um and he purported that he himself had ADHD and he promised that this would be the AI powered assistant that changed my life and I at the time definitely needed something like motion and it is a wonderful AI powered assistant that is also a time management and calendar management system that helps you figure out how your tasks should be done according to Priority length of time and how much time you actually have left in your personal schedule you've probably been seeing a lot about motion lately on social media and I'm really glad they're growing honestly I think that a lot of adhders need something like this and while we have a couple things that might be pretty similar the one that I have found most like it is clockwise there is another one called reclaim dot AI neither one really seemed to be as far along on their Journey as motion is and as well tapped in to Their audience as motion is and so I will continue to suggest them to people who need them because they are fantastic ADHD tool which leads us into why motion is so great so motion really hits one of my most important points when I'm trying to decide whether or not a tool is ADHD friendly and that's simplicity it aims to make it so that you are able to keep track of the things that are important to you all in one spot it's a very streamlined process in that you put in the tasks that you need and you enter the necessary information and it checks that information against your Google calendar so that you are able to make sure that your day is time blocked in a way that still leaves you time for the very important things that you need from an ADHD perspective motion has you thinking about the things that are the most important when you're trying to figure out what to get to that's going to include priority deadline and length of time things that sometimes when we're making to-do lists we don't really tend to think about on our own and when I went into check motion they have also started to include things like adding travel time to tasks that are going to take you away from your desk which is a great step in the right direction and something that I wish everybody did there's also an in in client booking system which means that anybody who books with you through the in-client booking system will automatically be added to your calendar and as motion is known and loved for it'll move the things around in your calendar to adjust according to your particular metrics whether it be certain deadlines certain priorities or so on and so forth so it's a really great way to remove the guesswork out of time management and prioritization which are two things that adhders really struggle with that said you know that I don't blow smoke and there are some places where motion could definitely improve the first being that there's still a lack of customization which is super important for people with ADHD I know that for some people it's really not that important to color code but a lot of us like to have some sort of personal hand in the way that our scheduling looks sometimes it's just because it's more eye-catching but a lot more often it's because our minds can change and our views or our needs for certain kinds of views can change and it's really very helpful to be able to adjust as you go motion really kind of has you just stuck looking at the same gray boxes with really no way to change what you're looking at it also seems that motions scrapped their idea for a mobile app they used to have one uh and it wasn't very strong but now it doesn't look like they have one at all anymore and while I can kind of understand that because I have a feeling that their ideal audience are people who stay at their desks a lot and therefore probably don't need to be looking at their phone that often it still kind of causes the problem because it makes it so that if you are a person who winds up needing your phone a lot motion's not really going to work with you the way that you would like I mean it is great that it has a two-way sync with your Google calendar so you will be able to see things that way but if you need things to be moved around if you need to add anything to motion you're not going to have that option if you're not at your desk and in this day and age where a lot of things are mobile based that kind of causes an issue for some and this is a small quibble but while you can do repeating tasks in motion you cannot deal in habits so for example I wanted to try to see if I could enter it in so that I could figure out the best hour of the day for me to do writing because I wanted to write every day and it turns out that that is not possible if it is not something that has a definite deadline that is set to end or a recurring task that you definitely are going to have set at the same time every day it's not possible for you to really set up an hour to write so if you are looking for something that's going to track your habits this is not going to be the software for you and a lot of people generally tend to ask me why it is that I stopped with motion and it's again not that it's not a great software or not that it's not a great program but it really just comes down to the fact that the rigidity of it is very difficult for people who have more control over their own deadlines and the pace at which they work through different projects my problem was that because my energy Ebbs and flow so much and sometimes the things that I think I'm going to have the energy to do on Tuesday I I don't have the energy to do on Tuesday I was not listening to motion as much as I would have liked to I needed something that I could control more to adjust more to my fluctuating mental and emotional and physical energy so it's very very difficult for someone who has ADHD and doesn't have something pushing that constant discipline to stick with a rigid schedule like motion has so for some of you especially if you have a lot more say in how you spend your day could find that you're not going to wind up listening to motion as closely as you would like to all in all motion is amazing for what it does for time management and prioritization help it is a fantastic app for that if you're a person who regularly struggles with surprises being brought into your day and figuring out where to put them in your schedule motion is going to be amazing for helping you move that around and figure out where things belong with not much struggle it's easy to set up it's easy to follow follow it's easy to work with and while it's not perfect no apps are as well if you are a person who has multiple projects and you struggle with knowing what steps and what projects to prioritize motion is going to be your best friend so you know it's not the best as a project management tool but it is amazing at managing the time in that project if that makes sense so I still highly recommend it especially if you feel that you just aren't quite managing your schedule the way that you would like to every day and now let's talk about who should use motion motion is available for Windows and Mac and it is available for individuals and teams if you are an individual you are going to be paying either thirty four dollars a month or 228 dollars a year and if you are doing it in a team then you are going to be paying twenty dollars per month per user or about twelve dollars per month per user if you charge annually you are able to sign up for a free seven day trial and my link for that is in the description so go forth and check it out so as well as probably not being great for students due to its cost you are also probably not going to find much value in motion if you are a person who is not at your desk a lot if you are a busy parent or a person who visits a lot of work sites things like that where you're not really going to have a computer on you you're not really going to be able to use motion and so it's it's going to wind up dropping by the side I did not mention this earlier but I do find that because of that fact motion is also not great for keeping track of just life so if you are a person who doesn't work in a workplace because obviously taking care of a home is work but if you are a stay-at-home mom or stay-at-home dad for example you're not going to find much help in motion either just because again it does tend to work best when you are keeping track of work and you have reasons to be at your computer at multiple times of the day that said if you are an office worker a worker in Tech a developer a designer anybody who is going to be working on multiple projects at once or very Hefty projects or working on teams you are going to absolutely love motion it's going to keep you like I said streamlined and on top of what to prioritize and what to keep in mind when you're thinking about deadlines so if you are one of those kinds of people then definitely this is the kind of program for you and there you have it that's motion uh it continues to keep growing so if I wind up finding out more about it and I think that it's something that you guys really would want to know I will totally and completely clear you in otherwise thank you very much for watching drink plenty of water take good care of yourself and I'll see you in the next video foreign
Channel: AdhDONE.
Views: 11,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: add apps, adhd apps, adult add, adult adhd, add symptoms, adhd symptoms
Id: jOCzYgdVtH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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