ADH | Vasopressin | Posterior Pituitary Gland

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now we will discuss about the antidiuretic hormone in detail right so let's draw a diagram in which we can explain the release and functions of antidiuretic hormone let's suppose here is your yes hypothalamus here is your entire picture tree of course you have post your picture tree as well now this is hypothalamus right now already we know that here we should draw the superb t'k nucleus right and this nuclear cells are mainly concerned with synthesis and synthesis and then they are never-ending in the posterior pituitary store the ADH hormone right now first thing which we have to see there what is the function of ADH this name is telling you ADH mean antidiuretic hormone anti diuretic hormone it means basically if a D H is there it does not allow the diaeresis it means it does not allow the water loss in the urine is that right it means if you give if ADH is present in your body in a high concentration dialysis will not occur and water will be comes out in your body is right now under what circumstances you need to conserve water in your body those circumstances will stimulate the release of ADH right so let's go little bit into detail off that under what circumstances ADH is released but before I go into detail again listen what is the basic function of ADH idiot is nt diuretic com1 it means it does not allow diuresis it means it does not allow the water to be lost into urine it means it is water conserving hormone it is water conserving Harmon if ADH is conserving water and under what circumstances we should conserve water right number one when your blood is going towards hyper osmolality if extracellular fluid and blood is becoming hyper or smaller it is better to conserve the water don't let the water be lost in urine it means you need a th number one you need ADH when your blood is becoming hyper or smaller for example you are deprived of water you are not allowed to drink water but you know still water is being lost in sweating and an fecal matter and some obligatory loss of water in the urine so what happens if for many hours if you are not allowed to take the water and you're losing the water out of the body then blood gets concentrated or more truly speaking a small allottee of blood starts rising or excessive fluid and blood is getting hyper or smaller the normal osmolarity of blood is plasma osmolarity normally is to 90 milli a small per liter it is to 90 milli or small normal osmolality is yes to 90 milli or small per liter for simplicity many books write 300 milli for small per letter anyway now ADH plays an important role in keeping the similarity of blood around this value right how I was discussing if you are you are deprived of water your blood is becoming hyper or smaller when hyperosmolar blood is there it means you should release the more ADH so that you conserve the water through kidneys how it really happens actually for that purpose you must have some small receptors in the hypothalamus or near the hypothalamus right now actually these days they say that in just an interior and proventil area of 3rd ventricle here is you know 3rd ventricle and proventil area of the third ventricle which is this area it is having special structures which can determine the osmolarity of blood as well as they can determine the release of this particular ADH now the two important structures which are present over here is number one this structure right which is called yes what is the name of the structure sub 4 nickel organ because you know for mixes if you have certain the central nervous system fornix is traveling from here so this organ this specialized structure is just under the fornix so we call it sub for nickel organ another structure which is present over here is yes organum was clawsome organum was callosum now listen carefully actually these two structures are associated with this particular part of central nervous system and this part of central nervous system is called laminar terminalis lamina terminalis is making the interior wall of the third ventricle so this is lamina terminalis so within the lamina terminalis or associated with laminate I mean Ella's which is making the and proventil part of the third ventricle there are two special structures of pharmacal organ and organum Vasko loosen this is right now these two structures are very important you know why because in these two areas blood-brain barrier is broken blood-brain barrier is broken if blood-brain barrier is broken these areas it means that many substances from the blood can easily lose into or enter into extracellular fluid of the these structures and it means the cells which are present in these structures they can sample and they can check the similarity of the blood again let me repeat it what I was telling I have to tell you a very special information I'm going to tell you how I changing your similarity of the blood changes the release of ADH what we are discussing how blood osmolarity how the change in the blood host molarity can change the release of ADH right so we have started our story from the special part of the central nervous system which is called Lebanon terminalis also or this is also called improved ventral area of the third ventricle and this is just slightly superior to the hypothalamus this part of the central nervous system which is just above and anterior to the hypothalamus this was having too specialized structure one structure right this part is called lamina terminalis as well right this makes anterior wall of the third ventricle here is your third ventrical this is making the interior wall of the third ventricle here these are the true specialized structure sub pharmacal organ and organum was callosum the very special thing about them is that blood-brain barrier is broken in these areas because blood-brain barrier is broken into these areas so what really happens that many contents of the blood can enter into interstitial a fluid which is Bathinda cells present in these structures so cells in these structures have access to the most you can say true composition of the blood and cells which are present in these two structures they can very accurately measure the similarity of the blood for example if you are not taking water if you are not taking water what will happen that blood will get concentrated your body fluids will get hyper or smaller and when they will get when these cells are surrounded by hype or smaller fluid they will shrink they will lose the water and if you drink a lot of water inappropriately if you really drink a lot of water what happens your ass molarity of body fluids tend to go down and when a similarity of the body fluid is going down then of course the fluid which is reaching to this area there are similarities also down when a small arity of the fluid which is reaching this area is down then these cells will take up the water and when these cells will take up the water and they will swell up so it means the cells which are present in these some of the cells which are present in these structures note all that some of the cells which are present in these two structures right they are the shrink in hyperosmolar fluid and they swell in hypo smaller blood fluid is that clear and we call those cells or small receptors we call those cells or small scepters then another structure which is present in between these two is yes here is a very special structure which is present over here and this structure is called median yes what is the name of the structure median pre optic nucleus now median preoptic nucleus has very rich connection with these two structures which can some detect the osmolality it means that data about the small ality of the blood which is sensed and collected by the soft pharmacal organ and organ impossible ism this data or information is given to median preoptic nucleus plus median preoptic nucleus has very special connections
Channel: Dr. Najeeb Lectures
Views: 97,194
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Keywords: vasopressin, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary, adh, posterior pituitary gland, vasopressin function, adh hormone, posterior pituitary hormones, adh hormone function, posterior pituitary hormones introduction lecture, hormones of posterior pituitary gland, antidiuretic hormone physiology, antidiuretic hormone function, adh hormone lecture, antidiuretic hormone, physiology of the posterior pituitary gland, posterior pituitary gland anatomy, adh moa, posterior gland
Id: uIk5I86FJN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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