Adele Invites Irish Fans Onstage To Perform
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Channel: Ashling Grufferty
Views: 7,732,638
Rating: 4.9144416 out of 5
Keywords: Adele, Ireland, 3Arena, Dublin, Concert, Pop, AdeleLive2016, Adele25, Music, Fans
Id: QilT7RQ6gZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2016
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Here's the original tribute video
I bloody love Adele, absolutely lovely woman, and a brilliant voice to boot.
These guys are great, too, so happy to be there! Their reactions are so cute!
I was there. It was brilliant to see their faces. They truly didn't expect it. When they went back to their seats they got a huge applause. They were in the celeb section with Colin Farrell and Hozier. Must have been an amazing night for them.
I love Adele. That was so amazing of her. Those lads killed it too. Just awesome
I love how she stood way back too and just watched and admired like a fan.
I can't fathom what that must've felt like.
They get a camera out & decide to make a tribute to a favorite singer of theirs. Scores of fans around the world share their tribute. Then the actual singer unexpectedly invites them on to HER stage. She steps back and tells them to do it again in front of the world. They do it and the world fucking sings along while the artist of this song is just admiring them like the biggest fan in the world.
Their idol cheers for them while they sing her songs with the thousands of people there.
That concert must produce a lot of tears.