Addy and Maya are Back at Toy School !!!

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my we've had a pretty long break from school it feels great to be back sure does but I hope it hasn't changed daddy oh I doubt it there'll be a fun-filled day on Holi I sure hope so okay welcome back into high school girls as you can see we have a very busy schedule and lots of material to cover today do you see that schedule I sure do mathematics reading geography science this doesn't sound like the toy school me know Maya sure doesn't I knew I should've been sick this morning okay so it looks like we're going to start our morning with them excuse me miss let's see what type of math are we doing we're going to start the day with some good old addition what snooks addition that is oh don't worry we will start a nice and simple - snook - Snooks equals how many snook four schnapps absolutely Addie thanks work and here are your beanie Lulu bubble and berry whoa this one's jellybeans scented Wow I likes nuts addition and if we have more snook what should we do and add four more snook help do we have now eights now that's correct and here are your next four to make a total of eight keep going keep going okay then if we have a snook which we do and we add a more snook help me do we have now sixteen that's correct here's a total of and that concludes our mathematics lesson for today and this movie why don't we give all this schnitz now oh well you take the boat and sail their hair for homework I love my toys for me to a alright class and now that we've completed mathematics tanks move on to science oh great what do we do in science class learn about the states of matter or memorize parts of a cell let me share whatever it is don't be super boring all right girls you're all set because it's time to pick your science experiment on this project 7 C squared you think we're gonna do into a school and let me show you your choices make your own that fit me claw the lip gloss that was fun edible experiments whoa your own jewelry I'm gonna make you some lava lip gloss in my experiments enemies a lava lamp all right students so get in the experiments and all checking it and just of you mess with me a ring into your project and I think it's just about something did you do your science project completed we here today wow your lava Liam turned out fabulously a flux for you a d3 and Mike show me how your Gatorade flavored light of lip gloss works just like this a puck for you to Maya yeah and since you both got an a-plus you'll each get an lol the pariah confetti Wow and yours a D super exciting and now that fight is complete that looks like a time for geography what a bore this is going to be a D for sure I bet we have to memorize state capitals or something yeah it's gonna be a snooze fest all right but here's my two maps right here oh boy here we go so in regular school you boring math like this I think this is Gilliam today we're going to be traveling around the world in the gifted private jet Annie will be exploring Frankfurt and Kathmandu with these gift ins pet friends whoa so fun and my will be playing Brisbane and Chengdu with her gift ins pet friends Wow and I'll be visiting Hawaiian so what exactly do we do with these well we unbox it play with this and there's our geography lesson yeah all right Gibson's jet coming in for a private landing first stop chains you China nice safe landing here's Ling Ling is here's her pet adorable panda bear super cute look put it in the jet to look I got tapped from Katmandu and she's got a tiger alright girls I'll give you a few minutes to work on your geography lesson please a little bit well I grade some papers let's change our outfits and mix them up smile great idea attention students it is way too quiet in here at twice school I should pair lots of loud noises giggles laughter and the sooner you're concentrating better looks like geography is over and it is time for a PE education we've gotta get out of this mine I hate running laps I always get cramps in my sides yeah and push-ups and pull-ups undressing no play I think I have just the idea Maya excuse me miss Lizzie let our just recovering from a serious illness so I'm afraid we won't be able to do PE today oh well what a bummer if I might have been washed today no thank you because I just hate rust after relapse good work dad yeah now we get sit and down and relax and watch her as lucy pull up a sweat this is a life all right I'll mix my bubble solution and here I go oh man I'm gonna do that somebody you had a D on excuse me miss Lucy now that I think of it a little more we actually work sick yeah we do B today after all [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] TEF completes and it's time for reading ah I can barely read am i all the other subjects have surprised us so maybe this one will be super cool too so aren't we gonna be reading Miss Lucy well worth the course oh well you'll have to read directions in order to properly care for your new Cabbage Patch dolls whoa you mean we get to play with those and keep them well aren't my here's your's and add yours awesome why I'm a birth certificate in adoption papers her name is Morgan Valerie hi more than 900 look her name is Paul Arden he needs to be burped out good job burping viola okay that's super funny all right well you two are busy reading your purses if you get and instructions I would try our homework on the board tonight oh great now I holidays kinda lucky we don't break for a while me how I thought of catching up to do I knew this day was too good to be true Addie yeah I guess we know better go to the super cool carnival after school today probably not we'll be buried in books all right homework is completed these are the toys you're going to need to take home and play with tonight all right [Music] and that's the homework assignment for tonight oh I'll do homework anytime is Lucy me too and I'm not going to complain about going to toy school ever again have you subscribe to Tic Tac toy yet if not what's holding you back it's absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 37,981,250
Rating: 4.6704431 out of 5
Keywords: toy school, pretend toy school, silly school, addy and maya, Miss Lucy, silly kids, pretend, toy, school, new toys, silly, pretend teacher, pretend school, classroom, pretend classroom, Shnooks, Project Mc2, Addy, Maya
Id: gghngw2y5Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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