Adding Original A/C Wiring to our Painless Wire Harness | LS Swapped B2200

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if we're starting a new one then we should be  like all right back to Judy Judy's truck right   yeah all right back to yudy back to yudy's  all right we're with Judy's truck again I'm   doing the wiring in inside um I'm not going to  show you the process because a lot of it is me   running around back and forth with diagrams and  all other trash so right now I'm going to show   you I have the AC figure it out it's not pretty  yet this is what I had to do to get it figured   out um but I'm going to show you that it'll work  in here I was able to use pretty much all of the   OEM wiring for it for the switches and everything  like that um the only thing I had to do was add a   few things so this big blue wire goes to the  blower motor the blower motor resistor so on   and so forth with that and it also gives power  to like the AC switch and a couple other things   um so this one I just utilize with their the the  painless harness um heater heater power so that   goes over there everything works with how that is  I have uh Judy's OEM AC switch um right now it's   clicked on I'll have it off for right now um the  fan switch we needed on here because the AC won't   turn on unless the fans are moving for the system  that's how it's set up and then essentially that   blue wire has the power from the painless harness  for the heater power this green wire with a red   Tracer here it needed a 10vt source so I didn't  really have a 10vt source to steal from the fuse   box but we're not using cruise control in this so  I stole the cruise control control power wire um   doesn't matter what it goes to it's just power so  the cruise control power wire is now powering the   AC system which essentially gives power to the  relay once the relay clicks over so this is the   relay here this these are the wires that go  to the switch this wire is for like when um   the headlights are on and the switch lights up at  night um so I don't have that plugged in right now   CU we don't need it and then this wire here is the  AC wire so this wire goes to the actual eccu and   it tells the ECU when the AC system is on at first  I thought it was a 12vt source but it's actually a   ground wire so it has to be at the end so now when  you turn it on fan on you click the AC button it   goes through everything goes to the relay clicks  the relay over the power from this wire is now   going through the relay all the way over to to  the pressure switch which I have jumped because   we don't have a pressure switch or an AC system at  the moment and then as soon as this goes through   here it comes back into the wire that goes to the  ECU the ECU sees that we have commanded it on and   all of the pre-checks beforehand are set and now  the ECU will click the relay and send voltage to   the actual compressor so what we're going to do  is we're going to get in here I'm going to show   you this side of it it does have to be running  for the uh compressor to be go uh going so we'll   turn it on real quick okay fan on and then we're  going to click the AC button right normally it   should and I think it will the idle will jump  up because it's commanding the AC on so it's   hard to see but that little light I don't know  if you can tell that but it turns on right now so and you can hear the idle  changing so here I'll turn it on okay so now yeah there's the idle changing  now if we go up front I'm going to show you   that we have power going to the wire that goes  to the compressor and the AC will work as long   as we have all the lines in now and this tells  us that there's pressure all right so now we're   just going to have our vol Vol meter here and  once you see battery voltage there that means   that this wire that goes into the back of the  compressor has power and it just wants to turn it on there we go little bit of a long explanation  but it took me like an hour and a half to figure   all that out so that'd be a really boring video  other than just me explaining how it works now   we're on to the radio I have this in now um fun  thing uh where is it yeah so radio's working   now where is it it does wonderful static um  right now and then we all know the AC works   I did I did all the wiring so everything's  now behind the dash um only thing I got to   do is Route this through the firewall and then  another thing that I did was I actually um wired   in the dimmer switch so now the um lights for  lighting up the dash at night light up um but   yeah now I'm going to take everything out  of here because this has turned into kind   of a [ __ ] show and we're going to put  it all on the table that way I can sort   through everything and we can start putting the  plastic together clean up the carpet and then I   don't know if we ever showed you guys the seats  but we'll be able to put the seats in NOP they   haven't seen those yet no you guys haven't  seen the seats wait till you get to see the seats a oh hey didn't see you there um so let's go check  out the interior because we got that all together   I'm gonna say it looks really good uh Steve did  a wonderful job cleaning up of course it's still   not done because we don't have the uh uh gauge  cluster and whatnot um or the seats which we will   go over to the seats right now and I'm going to  show you what um essentially it was Fred and Judy   that came up with how the seats are going to look  cuz I'm not that kind of person so they'd have   just been black and whatever was cheap but glad  they did it and not me these are Judy's new SE I   think they'll fit really good with the uh color  of the truck and everything in there um they've   all been completely redone so all the foam is  brand new and everything they feel great um   we're going to put them in once I'm 100% sure I'm  done rolling around in the interior which I think   we're really close cuz the the dash I can do with  the seats in the car so the place that did this   for us is in Tucson and it's called Dave damit  D MTZ or itz yeah Dave damits they're he he's   a wonderful guy um he's really good at what he  does he is not the cheapest but we don't want the cheapest so the gas tank issue the um you know  gas coming out while we went on the test drive   with Judy um I think so I followed whatever lines  that they had going to it before with the old Swap   and there's a line which I'm guessing it has  something to do with the carburet engine and   whatnot that it comes in the top and they had  it going to the fuel filter and so I used that   line that went further forward off the fuel filter  but it comes down it goes into a tube into the gas   tank goes completely across and then goes back up  out a tube and never goes into the gas tank ever   it's just literally a tube that goes through the  gas tank I'm guessing it might have something to   do with vapor lock or whatever they did with it  so I just kind of threw that line away and we're   not using those ports at all because they don't  matter and I hooked it up where the return line   just goes to the actual return next to the pump  so we shouldn't have any more um leaks on there   I checked the gaskets and everything everything  looked great which is weird cuz I don't know   when the last time they were done but I'm happy  with that and now I'm messing with getting the   uh condenser and everything set up um that way I  know what we have to do with the AC and at least   from what I can see right now I might only need  to have one line made which would be amazing but   we'll see so this is I mean I have the condenser  mounted I did kind of alter alter it a tiny bit   from what it was before because they had it put  in with um self tappers um this is the one line   which granted it does have a manifold so it's  technically two lines but it's the one line that   um comes off of here so this is going to have to  go to the compressor and then it's going to come   from the the evaporator back there but the one  that goes from the condenser to the evaporator   is this line and that one goes right in comes  all the way over here here's the uh receiver   dryer and this is that little switch that I had  to jump to get the AC to work and then it comes   down and then it loops around and it goes into  the compress uh condenser so yeah um that'd be   great if that it I mean it should work so the  only thing I'm going to do is I'm going to get   a new receiver dryer for this when we're ready to  actually put it in and charge it because that's   got to be bad now um because it picks up moisture  from the air and it's been open this whole time   so it's definitely got enough moisture to be bad  and then this line I have to figure out the uh uh   manifold or flanges that have to go into the  compressor here um it might be a manifold it   might be two different pieces we'll see and then  I need those ends and then I have this end and   I have the other end that goes over there and  that's the ac lines ran I just have to you know   run hoses and go to someone who has this tool to  crimp these things on and we're golden because I   don't feel like cutting and Welding this stuff  it'll just be nicer if we have someone else do   it so we have kind of decided I think we're  going to go with just regular gauges for now   we're still going to be working on the nice dash  for her because she deserves it but because it's   causing so many problems and of course she doesn't  want to have to touch any buttons on it or any   other stuff um which I wouldn't either I'm not  a computer nerd so I'm not okay with that turn   key on everything worked that's all I want and  so until we have that with the little um Dash   thing that we got for her I'm just going to go get  some gauges they're still going to look nice and   everything I'm going to make a new little cluster  for the gauges wire those up and then once we get   the AC stuff taken care of the front end goes on  we can do a real test drive there's not much left   so we're kind of in the home stretch this is I'm  happy about this because she deserves this truck back
Channel: U-Wrench TV
Views: 876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painless wiring harness installation, mazda b2200, mazda b2200 engine swap, ls swapped mazda b2200
Id: NbVM3jDzOk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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