Adding Or Removing Shims To Correct Driveline Angles

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hey guys welcome to jeep sheep tv today we're looking at drive shaft angles and what's good what's bad and what needs changed right now [Music] so the dog's eating stuff in the driveway and the jeep is ready for some work today's episode is sponsored by air tools which is not a company but a thing because it's the first time i'm actually gonna get to use air tools on camera since i got an air compressor so pretty excited for that all right you guys let's jump right on into it what we've got here is my drive shaft and you can see that my transfer case up here is straight like such but my axle back here is angled like such well if i draw a straight line for uh my transfer case and i draw an angle line for my axle i've got these angles and that's an angle that is different i'm not supposed to have a difference in these angles because you'll see in the video that i have linked down below which is drive line angles and phasing that this is a really really bad deal and i'll talk to you more about how i got it this way but first we need to fix this because this is bad essentially what happened here was i installed a lift kit on this jeep and it came and you can maybe see it over there you'll see them in real close in a minute but you can see there's a little spacer over there it came with these wedges and i thought that if i turned my axle up that i would end up helping because you know a little bit of lift kit it's going to droop this down increase the angle of this drive shaft and i thought if i turn this up i'm going to decrease some of the stress on there well as you'll see in the video like i mentioned before that's linked below when this is spinning at a constant velocity it goes on an angle here it's going to spin this and what i'll call an ovular velocity so it's going to be slower than fast and slow then fast along its revolution and if this were parallel to this guy up here that angle difference is going to cancel out and we'll get smooth motion back here but since i didn't do that what i'm getting is that slow fast slow fast is being transmitted into my transfer case and that's really really bad and i've been driving it like this for a couple years now and i have noticed some shutter or movement going on when i start to accelerate and that's probably what's going on so now that i'm older and wiser we're going to fix this as fast as we can and not drive on it that way anymore we've got a shim right here and this is at a slight angle hopefully it's roughly the slight angle that's causing this issues because basically what happened was i got my lift kit and they sent me two sets of front springs and one set of rear springs the front springs had this angle this is for the steering to be correct or whatever with the amount of change that this lift kit was giving it and i thought to myself well i'll sell the rear springs i'll keep the second set of front springs use that little shim to help me out and that was a really bad idea shows a little bit of my learning curve and you know how i'm growing as we go along so like i said i saw that the drive shaft angle is not good it was actually an instagram post talking about drive shaft angles and i'm like hey that's mine and it said it was the worst case scenario so we're going to fix that today how this is going to work is we're taking these u-bolts off here and down here and so those are going to come off and then the axle we're going to lift it up with a jack of some kind pick that up and then there's just one bolt in here to take this shim out so this is a good video if you need to know how to remove shims or put shims in or however you want to do it but this will show you kind of the nuts and bolts if you will [Music] alrighty so that's bottom plate here's u-bolts gonna want to kind of keep those all together like i said before we're gonna lift up this axle and then we are going to put a jack stand under it hold it in place and we should be able to get to the top of this bolt you can see the bolt here it's got a top to it we got to get to this part's pretty simple you just lift up that axle and it'll bring the spring with it but eventually there you go they'll get all nice and separated okay this next part is kind of on conjecture but i'm going to take a clamp and actually clamp the leaves together because i can't remember if they want to separate there's no load on them right now but they might still want to separate a little bit and i would hate to have to put these back together so we're going to put a c clamp on here nice and tight so there's no funny business you've got yourself a 5 8 bolt since this wants to throw a lot of rust in my eyes we'll get some safety glasses in here too okay now you can see that i'm spinning that shim well there is a uh like a flathead screw on the top of here that we're gonna have to hold while we take off the rest okay there she goes ah i mean didn't think about the bolt being long lift that axle just a little bit more and there she goes all right we got ourselves this little shin plate here you can see that angle i was talking about before skinny on one side fat on the other now i'm going to try and get this bolt out of here because well she's kind of stuck in there hey there you go there's that little bolt it's all she is but it's important because this diameter here fits very nicely into the axle so i was thinking if i couldn't get this out i'd have to use a different bolt but that wouldn't work because the hex head wouldn't fit in there i'd have to actually create one of these on the grinder don't want to do that luckily came out no problem anyway here's that shim really useful for correcting steering geometry uh actually be fairly useful for correcting this too if taking it out isn't enough but i'm thinking that taking it out should be enough yeah all righty let's put this bad boy back together that goes in there because that flat head wasn't working out so well we're gonna actually hold that with some pliers now that's on there real tight forms that i'm reading are making a pretty good claim that this bolt here doesn't have a torque spec because once we get those u-bolts back on they're going to kind of cinch this whole assembly back together anyway so they say just put it on real nice and tight that's real nice and tight now we can remove the c-clamp and actually put the axle back down now this shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to you that the axle didn't just sit right on that pin again because we got the shock in here if you want to make life easier for yourself you can take that shock off i'm just going to kind of wrestle with it but yeah so it's not entirely centered the leaf spring kind of flexed or not really flex but relaxed outward and the axle kind of moved backwards as a result of the shock so [Music] it's not the most fun you can have but it'll work another thing that helps out is if you actually apply a little bit of pressure to that spring and lift it up to where that axle is going to want to be so now you got this some force pushing you up so once you get in place it should really lock in [Music] oh ha here i am messing with it it's already in all right so you can see that the axle is at a slight angle well that's because i haven't done the other side yet so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get the u-bolts in here i'm going to snug them down just a little bit not real crazy tight just enough to hold it in place and then when i do the other side i'll come back and i'll torque everything down now normally when i'm doing stuff like this and we're taking rusty parts off i like to freshen them up a little bit maybe take some of the rust off and give it a nice coat of paint i'm not 100 confident the paint's going to dry in enough time because i want to get this thing moving but we'll give it a shot [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh no it's dead go with self etching instead farm paint she is all painted up you can see that right here oh yeah anti-seize so what i did is i put the nuts back on the u-bolts and i screwed it up there with a torque gun uh i put some neces on there so that way i can get it off on a later date and yeah so now we need to torque this down with a torque wrench accurately to 90 foot pounds it's pretty important that these are torqued to spec these hold up the weight of your car so very important also some conventional wisdom tells me that you should replace the u-bolts every time you take them out because when you're torquing them you are stretching the bolts a little bit i also read that it's actually the threads that you are mangling there's the word i'll use mangling and because i took a spacer out of here i'm actually contacting different threads and mostly i just don't have other u-bolts so we're gonna run with these ones on here this is a fairly light vehicle undergoing light loads but that's really no excuse so if you have the means to get new u-bolts you probably should but if not just take precaution and know what you're dealing with just a friendly reminder when you're putting this whole wheel guy back on here you're going at a hundred foot pounds on your torque wrench and you're doing so in a star pattern so that way these wheels stay on the car which is really great also if you're all jacked up like i am probably smart to block the tire i did so with the block of wood stuck my foot in there making sure when i'm twisting this guy i'm not rolling the vehicle forward off my jack stands that would be a bad day check it out the shims are gone and these are at a much more favorable angle that guy is very strictly parallel to the ground maybe pointed up just a slight bit and he's parallel to the ground this should perform a lot better it's still a pretty steep angle but a short wheelbase jeeps what are you gonna do hey you guys it's me laying on the floor hey if you liked this video i highly encourage you to hit that subscribe button down below also there's a bell next to it if you ring the bell you get notified of my videos i do a lot of these there's one every single week so you should totally hit that bell also if you like all jeep content all the time i also post a few videos on the gone jeep in gone gpn youtube channel you're going to want to check them out they're a really cool group that is it for today i hope this was helpful if i don't see you have a great day bye
Channel: Jeep Sheep TV
Views: 52,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinion angle, driveline angles, pinion angle shims, leaf spring shims, pinion angle explained, pinion angle leaf spring, pinion angle lifted truck, pinion angle jeep, pinion angle shims installation, pinion angle measurement, pinion angle 4x4
Id: mxcthdhOhts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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