Adding NUKES To The SMALLEST Game on Roblox

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what's up everyone welcome back to another one today we're going to be adding nukes to my Roblox game yeah I know it's kind of crazy nukes inside of the smallest game on Roblox I don't know but I'm going to try and figure it out so here's one thing I wanted to add before we start on the nukes I want to add this game to console players because I see some of you out there some of you have suggested me to add it to consoles so I'm going to add it to it real quick how do I actually add it to console here we go boom now all your conso players out there should be able to play it okay now I need a model for the nuke so maybe I'll just get inside of the toolbox and get a nuke model or I could just make one in blender so I'm going to do that real quick here we are in blender I'm going to try and model a nuke but I don't I'm not really good at modeling I'll be honest so this is going to be kind of interesting but I think I'll get something similar I'll just have to wait and see I guess okay I'm going to try and make this side this edge of the model I want it to be like kind of the end of the nuke you'll see what I mean kind of like this you'll see what I'm trying to make then I'll just bevel this do the same with the other side too actually for this side I'm think I'm going to extrude the faces no wait I'm going to do this extrude the faces here like that that's good extrude the faces again and just do that yeah that's pretty good I like that all right that's looking pretty good this actually looks pretty trash it looks really bad I'm going to need to kind of shape it out further make it look more like a cylinder instead of just a block okay let's see here I'm going to Bevel this out yeah it looks pretty good but I completely forgot about this side yeah that does not look good so this is fine I can do this I'll just do that yeah that looks good enough I'll bevel this front side too there we go nice I'm also going to Bevel this back side a little bit to make it more smoother that's better okay and this is the problem here I know what to do here this is easy just select all these sides G him down uh uh-oh what did I do yikes okay I'm going to select this face move it back further okay what is this though why is this here delete this uhoh yo that is oh my God what am I doing okay maybe this won't work uh let me look in studio in the toolbox first a nuke model I could just use this this looks pretty good I could do that yeah yeah let's do this let's do this I'm sorry for uh wasting your guys' time trying to make this in blender but this already looks pretty bad I'm not going to lie so get out of this get out of blender and whoa what just happened why did I teleport this far out hold up let me scroll all the way back to the base plate there we go okay now we need to actually script this thing to do something so my plan is to have a developer product and whenever someone buys it it nukes the entire map and kills everyone at once you know actually for now I think I'm going to try it out like test out with it with just a normal part because I can deal with the model stuff later so let me rescale this to like kind of the size of a nuke you know like that make it like uh red yeah that's fine make it red going to rescale this in here 5 comma 1 comma .5 there we go put this in the middle 0.0.0 and move it up a little bit and maybe that's a little too far do 100 and now that's too close let's do 25 there we go okay rename this to Nuke and put this inside of the replicated storage okay now I need to add a developer product that when you buy it the nuke launches and kills absolutely everybody okay here we are inside the game I'm going to make a new developer product and I'm going to name this nuke I guess I'll just use this image launch a nuke that kills uh I mean not kills eliminates everyone in the server use wisely boom okay what should the price be okay here's the thing I originally put my game passes at 100 Robux and I thought nobody would buy them but a lot of people bought my game passes so I think for this nuke the appropriate price in Roo would be$ 250 I know that's a lot but this should be a rare event that shouldn't be spawned all the time you know maybe CU because maybe because it's just one event it could be 100 Robux so yeah sure let's do 100 Robux boom okay now got the developer product I'm going to copy the link I mean the ID and I'm going to go and start a gy I'm going to take the Donate script I'm just going to copy it okay I'm going to make a new script called nuke module and I'm going to copy this and paste it in here MPS get Marketplace service and I'm going to add I'm not sure if this works with game passes so I'm going to have to find out how to make it work with developer products okay hold up let me make a nuke button too above the Donate button put it here change the position there we go and name this nuke or no launch nuke going to change the text to what should the text be launch nuke or just nuke let me see nuke or launch nuke I think launch nuke is pretty good but I need to make the space between that a bit smaller there we go 65 and I'm going to make the color red cuz why not move this down a little bit yeah that's pretty good okay I just moved them closer together now I'm going to recolor some of them so the Donate I'm going to make it a little B more green the fling tool I'm going to make it like yellow kind of and the gravity coil I'm going to make it blue that's good okay now inside the nuke script um let me get the asset ID again get the asset ID for the nuke put the death product in there so when the player clicks on the nuke button they'll get prompted to buy the developer product hold up let me try this script okay here we are in the game if I press launch nuke and I buy it it's a test purchase obviously I buy it nuke purchased okay what happens if I donate nuke is on yeah that's not a good thing that's not a good sign if I bu the Donate then nuke also launches yeah that's not good here I know what I can do if product ID equals 2 then I can type the what was the ID there it is no not in a text then print nuke do purchase else if product ID equals to the Donate thing where is it donate donate ID then print donate purchased okay let's test this out now let's see if this works too okay so we're in here you donate purchase this donate purchased oh okay launch nuke buy nuke purchased okay nice I actually scripted something for once in my life this is sick man okay donate purchased donate again donate purchased launch nuke nuke purchased okay there we we go we got the marketplace to work so now that we got the developer products to work now we got to script the actual nuke so I'm going to rename this actually to Dev products module okay so now in here is where I script what happens when the nuke is launched so I'm going to link replicated storage game. replicated storage do wait no local rsal game. replicate storage local nuke equals rs. nuke so in here I'm going to type nuke do parent equals workspace nuke wait I should do that last actually nuke do anchored equals false actually no what I'll do is I want the nuke to move down like from here all the way down then once it hits the Obby everything blows up like everyone dies so how I'm actually going to do that let me take the nuke out from replicated storage okay take it out I can add like fire and stuff right yeah there we go explosion oh yeah explosion you know what I can do I can create an instance where when the nuke goes down a little bit I'll add an explosion and fire and that should kill everyone if it doesn't then I'll just select everyone in the server and make all their health zero okay so how do I actually get the nuke to move down you know what I can do I can make the nuke parent warp space and then I do repeat nuke do wait no no no that's not going to work okay so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to take the nuke and ins of it I'm going to use tween service so I'm going to have a position one which is where the nuke is at right now going to make it in viz obviously I'm actually going to Anchor this too can Collide is off too and position two is where the nuke will end up which is right here so here's the plan I'm actually going to have the nuke in come in from an angle over here it's going to go like this diagonally and it's going to hit this right here actually no I could have it com in from the top then it comes all the way down hits the floor and blows everything up so here's position two put this inside of the nuke there we go now I'm going to copy this tween script from one of my older games and I'm going to clone this nuke too I'm going to put this all in here so nuke par okay nuke clone local nuke equals nuke local new nuke equals nuke do clone new nuke do parent equals workspace local Main [Music] local position one equals new new n. pause one position two new n. 2 copy this tween service paste it in here and now do this local nuke tween new nuke nuke tween play okay so the it should take about 10 seconds I'm also going to make the nuke con can glide off maybe I'll make it 5 seconds and so then wait 5 Seconds I I do a task. wait 5 seconds and then new nuke no no no local explosion equals instance. new explosion explosion. parent equals new nuke okay let's see if this even works wait I forgot to put the nuke in replicated storage how did I forget to do that bro okay put the nuke replicated storage there we go okay let's try it now okay see we're in the game Now launch nuke purchased there it is oh God it's coming it's coming he's coming no way no way that's actually perfect that's actually perfect now I need to make the explosion so much that it blows everyone up and then the nuke gets destroyed after it touches the ground so I'll also let me go back to the death product module I'm also going to make a fire 2 instance. new fire fire. parent equals new nuke and then I'm going to add a task. weight and then new nuke destroy there we go so let me see the properties of an explosion here we go blast radius 4 okay so explosion. blast radius blast pressure sure we increase that we'll increase that to what is it right now 500,000 wow okay let's do 1 million then explosion. blast radius equals 60 we'll just do 50 actually explosion dot I think that's I think that's good that's good is the blast pressure actually 500,000 why is it that high okay anyway there we go I also got to make this linear too it looks weird if if it's like any other kind of tween thing you know what I mean maybe I should make it like 10 seconds instead instead of 5 Seconds and I also got to add a sound effect too of course yeah we can add this okay add this to the workspace let's actually add this inside of the nuke name this siren paste in the sound ID there we go I'm going to make this allow to playing you know looped yeah hopefully everyone can hear that everyone in the server okay that's good that's good now I got to add an explosion sound effect too you know actually I could use this one instead I'm going to use this sound effect instead of the siren I'm just going to use this one you guys will see which sound effect it is tactical nuke [Applause] incoming that's actually perfect tactical nuke incoming oh wa don't Loop that there we go okay so now we're going to do nuke tween doyen playay I think we should keep it at 5 Seconds okay now I want to add something for people who purchase a donate who donate to the game because I appreciate all of you guys and I want to add some recognition for you guys so what's something I can do for people who donate to the game I could add like a message board like a message that says that you donate you donated to the game I could do that yeah let me go to the game let me add a text label I'm going to name this donate alert anchor point5 comm5 rescale all of this there we go now I'm going to make it text scaled and change the text to dot dot dot cuz that will be your username donated thank you okay I got to make this font the same font as these buttons which is Press Start yeah that's good that's good I'm going to make it not visible turn off the visibility okay there so now inside of game UI I'm going to add a remote event I'm going to name this remote event donate event so now someone purchases a donate then actually I'm going to move the donate the Donate event to replicate storage so now replicated storage. donate event fire all clients and then we're going to have a local script inside of the Donate alert and this is going to be donate signal local RS equal game not replicated storage while wait do we're going to we're going to do rs. donate event on client event connect function player and we're going to do script. parent. text equals dot text donated thank you okay now we need to actually get the player's username variable then I need to do script. parent. invisible equals true wait 1 second no we'll do wait 3 seconds that's good script. parent. visible equals false okay how do I actually get the player's username Roblox Studio how to get a player's username in a script player. name okay there we go let me see if this works I'll just do layer okay I have no idea this I have no idea if the Donate is going to work where it shows your username but we'll see okay so now if I donate purchase a donate oh it actually works not luo donated thank you wow stuff is just going my way today I don't know how I'm actually like I actually know what I'm doing for once that's crazy so if you donate now then your name will pop up on the screen for everybody to see not luo donated thank you and now if I launch a nuke what you all have been waiting for let's see what happens there it is wait what what happened siren is not a valid member of tween okay hold up I got to fix an error and also for the Donate I'm going to make it last a bit longer maybe 8 seconds is good so now if any of you donate your name will pop up on the screen and also it is very appreciated thank you guys for donating okay we got to fix this nuke tween oh wait no I meant to do nuke new nuke do siren playay okay here we go now let's play the game and test out the nuke and see how it looks I'm actually really excited for this I I really know what it's going to be like but let's see no way that's actually perfect that's amazing oh that's so cool I'm I'm impressing myself bro that's crazy okay let's do it again launch another [Music] nuke oh no way bro no way that's a that's amazing so just in case the people at the top don't die from it which they probably should die anyway but either way we're going to get all the players and make their health zero when it impacts anyway so let me go back to the de products and here I'm going to do an IV Loop in pairs and stuff I'll try and figure it out okay so for i v in pairs game. players get players V which is the player. character. humanoid do Health equals z so now everybody in the game should die either way even if they're not close to the bomb okay let's test it out again okay here we are launch the N please incoming there it is oh that's perfect bro that's actually perfect that's amazing I'm going to do it again let me try and Escape you can't escape bro you can't escape here I'll go to the very top and then launch the nuke and see if I can escape ah I just died okay let me get to the top oh okay I just died again what is this okay let me get to the top there we go okay so now I'm going to launch the nuke but let me test out the Donate first going to donate five Robux there's my name not lose your donated thank you okay time to launch the nuke here we go ttic nuke Inc yeah there's no escaping that everyone in the server will die no matter if you got the checkpoint or not so yeah use this nuke wisely guys okay this is actually perfect I love how it's turning out okay now it's time to add a badge because I had some people saying that they wanted something at the end so I'm going to add a badge for people who complete the game okay I'm not really sure how to add a badge to be honest I think I go to the place and then I go here no no how do I add a badge okay here we go smallest game create badge I'm going to name this completion I'm going to name now actually I'm going to name it you finished the Obby only a few get this badge congratulations for obtaining it okay now I need an image perfect okay that's good create badge boom there we go okay now I need to figure out how to actually script badges into Roblox okay first I need to make a part that when you touch you get the badge so I think this whole path I'll just make this end path now I'll name it badge block I'm going to add a script name the script badge okay I'm just going to copy this from the dev forums boom badge service ID let me get the ID boom boom okay and badge service Award badge plr user id id okay here we go connect D [Music] connect uh it's id id there we go okay that's good all right let's see if it works now going to get to the top and see if you get the badge let's go badge awarded you won you finished the Obby award congratulations to everyone who finishes the Obby when this update comes out yeah it's pretty sick man I like this I like how the game's looking definitely the best update so far probably because of this whole nuke thing let's do it one more time you know I actually don't think we need a model we can just use that red part it kind of fits the theme of the Obby anyway with all these blocky textures and stuff so we can get rid of this okay I think I'm done like I think I'm pretty much done with this entire game but I want to add like a few more levels and then I'm completely done with this game like I'm not really sure what else to add if you guys have any more ideas you can leave it in the comments but for now we're going to add a few more levels we're going to put some ads on this game and then that's pretty much it it man okay we need a few more levels I'm going to look for some inspiration in the toolbox also this level here is really easy I probably I probably should make it harder so I'm going to move these up up like that like that there we go yeah that's good there we go there we go that should be much harder now okay that's good okay let's look for some inspiration here you know what I'm actually going to add another checkpoint too up here just put it right here that's fine this is going to be the end block so I'm going to move that actually going to move the Ed the path block up there like that move this up a little bit okay and this path the end block with the badge I'm going to make it yellow make it gold and I'm also going to make these a little less yellow too maybe I can make it metal too now that's ugly I can make a neon yeah that's pretty good we should add like one more good level maybe what we could do is start off at the beginning and add some classic lava jumps I know I know I think it'll be pretty interesting though to end off with what you started started with so let's move this up here and okay we'll add a few more steps going to the next level okay we got this now these steps going up to the next level and now we're going to end off with the exact same one that we started with I think it's pretty good but this one will be even harder we're going to make it much closer like this and like this but I'm going to make it even closer that's a little too close so the way you do this is by using shift lock shouldn't be that hard but now there's five of them so yeah it it's going to be pretty hard but if you get past that that is the final stage and once you're finished with that you can make it to the end and that's good news right so boom take these paths and you'll make it to the heavens here it is in all its Glory boom you can have to jump to it too there it is the final path and the end of the Obby I think this turned out pretty good honestly I really liked how this game went and I had a lot of fun making it with you guys and it absolutely blew up the series on YouTube I can't thank you guys enough it's actually amazing how many people we've gotten like new subscribers new viewers I'm glad you guys like the series 2 and I had a lot of fun making it definitely the most fun I've had on a game project ever okay I'll stop yapping because I got one more thing I want to add so we got the final stage in check I'll I'll play test it yeah let's play test it now and after I play test it we're going to add ads to the game so what ads are basically I'm just going to put a bunch of ads on the game so you should see it on your Roblox home H page hopefully and if you see it on your homepage then maybe send a picture in my Discord server it would be pretty sick okay anyway so let's actually damn it I died okay anyway let me get up here okay I enabled shift lock again too by the way if you didn't see the previous episode but it now should be easy got to be careful on this one yeah this is much harder now oh wow that is much harder but I know it's possible now okay there get the checkpoint and here is the hard part probably the impossible part too oh I died okay yeah that is going to be hard but at least you have a checkpoint right before it so it should be easy okay of course I fell of course okay I'm back at the checkpoint let's try this again okay yeah that is um that is hard that is hard I might have to Nerf it okay wow I wasn't even touching it that is stupid hold up no I was so close I was at the end man come on I know it's possible it is possible it's just really hard [Music] I told you it was possible let's go third time's the charm like they say and there we go made it to the end got the badge we're going to have a party up here with all the people who make it to the end nice so yeah it is possible guys you just have to get better at the game come on I really love how this game is looking okay now we're going to go back onto the Roblox website and create some ads I have a bit of a problem here I only have 122 roblo but I'm going to wait a few more days because my Roo should be coming in soon for my game and thank you to all of you guys who purchased game passes too I really appreciate it but in a few days I'll be getting my roblo and I'm going to be using all of it to advertise my game so you should see it on your homepage when this video comes out anyways thank you guys for watching it's actually been a lot of fun making this game and I'll see you all in the next video I'm probably not going to do another devlog but I might if you guys want to see another one also watch this cool video it's pretty sick but anyways thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Pluto
Views: 58,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox studio, studio roblox, roblox studio help, roblox studio tutorial, roblox tutorial, roblox studio how to make a, roblox how to script, roblox how to make a game, roblox studio how to script, roblox scripting, pluto, plutoisaway, pluto roblox, roblox pluto, roblox studio devlog, devlog, roblox devlog, roblox studio game, roblox game, roblox studio smallest game, plutodev, roblox plutoisaway, smallest game, smallest roblox game, nukes, gamerm8, monkeydev, rodev, smartyrbx
Id: g55VNFxWFVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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