Adding JWT Authentication & Authorization in ASP.NET Core

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hello everybody I'm Nick and in this video I'm going to show you how you can add the Json web token authentication and authorization support in your ASP core application if you like that with content and you want to see more make sure you subscribe ring the sub notification Bell and for more training check out Nick okay so let me show what I have here and actually I want to point out that I'm not going to be explaining what the Json web token is or a jot because I already have a video on that which you can check in the description below but there's also tons of other videos going really in depth with the topic it is a generic topic it's not specific to a Sprint core and I want to focus on the implementation itself and show you how you can use it in a very nice way let me show what I have here I have this movies API and that's what we're going to be dealing with directly in this video and I'm going to run it to show you what this API can do so API is running I'm going to go to postman and we can list all the movies in the system now unfortunately we don't really have any so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new movie I'm going to create the famous comedy Nick the Greek both the way back in 2010 so that is now create it in the system I can list it in that previous endpoint as you can see or I can get it using an ID now oh I made a bit of a mistake it's actually released in 2023 and it's also an action movie not just a comedy so I can update it and in the end I can simply just delete it now this API does not have any form of authentication authorization I don't need to be someone or validate that I am someone to be able to call it so my controller looks just like this I have an API controller attribute around implementing the controller base and that's how my endpoints look now don't worry that I'm using controllers I'm also going to cover minimal apis in a second later in the video so how do I add Json web token support well it all starts with a nuget package I'm going to go to nuget packages and I'm going to add the microsoft.aspoon.authentication dot dot Bearer and yes I know it's pronounced just for some reason it's a w but whatever and configuration thankfully is actually pretty simple it could be way way worse so the first thing you need to do is add actually say Services dot add authentication authentication comes before authorization and just to quickly recap for the avoidance of any doubt authentication is the process of verifying that someone is who they say they are while authorization in the process of verifying that someone has access to what they say they have access to or just saying what they have access to so a lot we have these nuget package I can use the jot Bearer defaults and I can use the default authentication scheme here but another approach if you want to just update all the defaults is to do something like this you can set the default indication scheme the default challenge scheme and the default scheme all at once and now with that nuget package we also get this add dot Bearer method which adds the support we need so in here we're going to configure what we want to validate for our jot and just to quickly recap what a jot looks like here I have a job generated from one of my own service we're going to be taking a look at that in a second and first we have the header which contains the type of the token and also the algorithm used to generate the signature then we have a bunch of standard claims and custom ones so Json web token ID is a standard one same with subject and all of these ones over here and then we have a few custom ones email user ID admin and trusted member which I created and then you have an issue and an audience the issuer is who create the token and audience is who is this token intended for so think of I don't know Google authentication creating a token for you to use in Google Slides maybe you don't have access to Google Docs with that thing so that token can only be used in Google Slides even though it was generated by Google and it is a valid token and then in the end both the header and the payload are actually Basics before URL encoded separate with a DOT and then there has to generate the signature hashing is not the only mechanism by the way to do this you can have public key cryptography as well and other approaches but this is by far the most common so a few things you want to validate is the issuer the audience and also that the token is not expired on top of that we want to validate the signature that it is a valid one we can validate all lot by configuring the token validation parameters value we can create a new type over here and what I'm going to do before I paste what goes here is actually add some settings so for the purposes of this video I'm going to keep this here however you would not store the key here you would store it securely in a service specific design to store tokens like Azure key Vault or WS Secrets manager if you want to know how you can do this with AWS secret manager I actually have a video on that topic but you should never have it in the settings like this not only is it not secure but if you want to rotate that token as the application is running this limits you significantly you have to redeploy and then you have to keep track of multiple Keys it becomes very tricky but for this video I'm just gonna leave it here just so you can wrap the code from the description and use it for your own purposes so now with these things set I'm gonna just show you all the parameters we have to specify here and these are sort of the minimum ones you need so we have the valid issuer which will pass down for configuration valid audience or as well then the issue your signing key and that is a new symmetric key in this case which we get from the settings again like I said you really want to load this from somewhere that is designed to store and load these things and then we say that we want to validate the issuer the audience the lifetime of the token so that it is in effect because you can actually future issue one but also that it is not expired so all of these things have to be specified as true and also that you have to validate the issue or signing key because that's ultimately what makes the jot so powerful the fact that it is this stateless construct that all you need to do is validate the signature and then the rest is valid and true because if the signature is valid then the rest of the thing must be because for the hash to be valid the payload and the header have to also be valid so this is everything we need and then the next thing we need is the ad authorization call so I'm going to add it as it is Bare Bones nothing in it and then I'm going to go all the way down to the middleware area and after the https redirection and before all the map controllers I'm going to say use authentication and then app.use authorization now remember that sequence in middleware actually matters so authentication happens first authorization second then event controllers meaning that everything above it are not part of authentication authorization so be very careful now actually in terms of authentication that is it obviously if I just leave my controller as it is and I go and I run it nothing really will happen I will still be able to get all my movies in the database now I have nothing of course but nothing really blocks me from getting them but if I now go in the controller and I say that authorize the users trying to access this controller and I try to run it again then I'm going to get a 401 unauthorized because nothing can authenticate me authorize me to see if I can actually use this API so how do we pass a Json web token to validate that we can actually access it well first we create it and I have a helper identity API here that knows how to create a token it uses the same key which again you don't want to store here as a constant like Jesus just store it somewhere securely and we're going to create a token that lasts for eight hours this is way too long usually for Json web tokens they're way more short-lived and then recreated and if you want to see a video on refreshing tokens leave a comment down below as well but then this is the process I can follow to generate a Json web token with all of my custom claims over here you can just grab this and use it for your own purposes now in reality you will be using something like identity server or OCTA or author zero or some service dedicated to creating these types of things in specific flows but because what these Services automatically generate is a Json web token we're just gonna focus on the implementation side of things we're not going to focus on the creation side of things so we're just going to use this helper service I'm just going to run it and go back to postman and I'm just going to say that hey this is me this is my user id create a token and now I have a token to use it so I'm going to stop this API and run the movies API remember we cannot access this because we're not authenticated but to say that hey it's Nick can I please access this all I'm going to do is go to the headers and specify the authorization header but it's not just pasting the token you actually have to say Bearer space and then the token it's just the way of passing down a bearer token and now if I have that I can go ahead and I can get the item so I am authenticated and in this case authorized as well because we don't really check for anything if the signature was different if in the end I have a zero not an O then I'm going to get an unauthorized because the signature is invalid if this thing was expired then I would get unauthorized as well but in this case I have a good token so nothing really breaks everything just works now let's talk about the very important thing what if I want my create update and delete to be authenticate then authorized but my get doesn't really matter I want everyone to be able to access it you have two approaches here you can either say allow Anonymous here and this allow Anonymous attribute will override the overarching in controller-based Behavior or we can just take the authorize from the controller and we can paste it on each individual thing we want authorize you can ultimately choose which one you want to use in general having it on a pair action basis is actually more used mainly because it allows you to specify different things on the action itself and this is actually where authorization comes in or the process of validating that someone can do what they claim to do for example I want everyone who's authenticated to create and update a movie but I want only admins or administrators to delete a movie how do I do that well it's a few ways but the simplest one is by using a claim so in that Json web talk and if you remember what I said in a custom claim is that an admin is false now usually when someone is not something you wouldn't have it in the token you will just not have the claim at all the absence of a claim means that that user is not something but if I just run this API again and I regenerate this token and I say that yes this is actually an admin then I have a token of someone who is an admin and can delete on top of create and update now how do we Implement that well what we're going to do is create an identity holder over here and I'm just going to create a new class called identity data or identity constants or whatever you really want to name it now first I'm going to add the constant that is the claim in my Json web token and also I'm going to add a name to a policy in this case that is the admin user policy now these things are different the claim is a Json web token concern the policy is an application concern I can Define my own policies based on claims or other things to create a policy all I'm going to do is go all the way up here to add authorization and I'm going to say authorization options and say options dot add policy and I can create my own policy using a name so I'm going to say identity data equals admin user policy name and then what do I want I want a policy using this policy Builder that requires a claim and the claim I want is in identity data dot admin user claim name and the value I want for this policy is true so now I have my policy registered it's not used anywhere by default we just have it now in the system and we can go ahead and just copy this and we can say that you know what create an update doesn't really need anything I'll go all the way to delete over here and say that actually I want this policy to be identity data dot admin user policy to delete and move in the system so I'm going to run this and I'm going to use the previous token I have that has admin as follows so if I try to create a movie using that all token the non-admin token then I can and I get my movie but if I go to delete over here to delete that movie without being an admin what I'm going to get is 403 or Biden not for one unauthorized forbidden you're forbidden to make this action and that is because I just don't match the profile that the policy requires me to have which is having the claim as true now if I go and I use this new token over here which is an admin then I can go here replace this send and now it is deleted and it no longer exists in the system and that is it now you can go even deeper and have multiple policies and mix and match on different things in customer sessions but this is the most basic way of making a policy however Some people prefer to validate based on a single claim without using a policy and one of the preferred ways is to actually create a custom attribute which validates claims what I'm going to do is create a new attribute called requires claim attribute over here and I'm going to have that be an attribute used on classes or methods and it's going to extend application and Implement I authorization filter if you needed an async version of this there's I async authorization filter we don't need async in this case so I'm just gonna use this and all you get is an on authorization method now this is not usable with minimal apis because of how the filtering works there however for controllers this does work if you want to have the equivalent of this in minimal ABS you have to use a minimal apis endpoint filter and now here all we need to pass down is a claims name and the claims value that we expect and then all we need to say in all authorization is hey if this user doesn't have this claim with this value then say forbid or unauthorized depending on how the flow works in your application the reason why I say that is because in this example over here what we're going to say is actually authorize first and then requires claim second and all we need here is actually the identity data dot admin user claim name and the value needs to be true and if we do that I'm going to put a breakpoint in the attribute and then go ahead and debug the application and again the same way as before I'm going to revert to the all token in fact first I'm going to generate a movie so the movie is created take that ID and then try to delete that movie with the valid token and let's see what happens oh request comes in here we have the context we have everything and then the claim name is admin and the value we expect is true is that true well let's see claims principle over here and then we have all the claims and one of them is admin true so it will be validated so it will have it it will step out of it and the action will in fact happen okay if we use the old token and we try to do the exact same thing then we come in here but the user claim as you can see in the claims is actually false so it's gonna fall in here say forbidden and then return 403 Forbidden because we are authenticated but not authorized that's another way you can get clever and have a handy approach in claim-based authorization and you can take this in any direction you want really now if you were to be using minimal apis all of those things are actually still valid the difference would be that yes you can for example say map post and let's have a movies endpoint over here and return results dot OK for example now you can pass down and authorized attribute over here and all of that will still work or requires claim like that is just valid C sharp however in minimal apis we actually prefer the extension method approach so we're going to say require authorization and you can create your own extension for the claims and everything but you can pass down like a policy over here you can see all the parameters you can pass down multiple policy names as well but in this case if I just say identity data dot admin user policy name this will be the same thing as having the attribute with the policy name now the last thing you might be interested is actually Swagger support because if I just go ahead and I run this API as it stands I can go in Swagger and even though I can see all my endpoints I can't see a way to actually authenticate with the token so how do I do that well it's actually quite simple all I'm going to do is create a new directory called Swagger and I'm going to bring two files in here the first one is called configure Swagger option so we're gonna contain all the swag related options in here and this will need to implement the iconfigure options and then have the Swagger gen options file in here implemented and we have the configure method in here and I'm not going to buy you with typing all of this but ultimately what you need is a security definition and we say that this is a better token specify that is located in the header authorization HTTP jot better everything is here same with the ad security requirement and really that is it from that front and then once you have that you actually need to register it in the program.cs so all the way up here we're gonna go here and register the iconfigure options interface with its implementation and once that's in place all I'm going to do is just run it and now if we go back to Swagger as you can see I have this authorized button which I can click and provide the Json web token so I'm gonna go all the way back here copy just the token you don't need anything else and just paste it here authorize and if I go to create a movie for example and say tried out paste it and then execute no problem it all worked it was created if I wasn't if I just say padlock and log out and I try to do this again I'm going to get a 401 hey you cannot do this so now we also have Swagger support this is it for all the basics you can take it in any direction you want from this point on I do go way more in depth in my rest API calls on every single one of those Avenues however you are now in the right track and you can take it everywhere you want from that point well that's all I have for you for this video thank you very much for watching special thanks to my patreons for making videos possible if you want to support usually going to find the link description down below leave a like if you like this video subscribe more content like this in the Bell as well and I'll see you the next video keep coding
Channel: Nick Chapsas
Views: 54,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elfocrash, elfo, coding, .netcore, dot net, core, C#, how to code, tutorial, development, software engineering, microsoft, microsoft mvp, .net core, nick chapsas, chapsas, dotnet, .net, .net 7, core, core api, mediator c#, jwt, jwt auth, jwt authentication, jwt authorisation, jwt authorization, json web token, .net jwt, jwt, Adding JWT Authentication & Authorization in ASP.NET Core
Id: mgeuh8k3I4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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