Addicted And Pregnant Behind Bars | Prison Girls S1 E2 | Real Families

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong for the first time ever western massachusetts regional women's correctional center opened its doors to a television crew this is our house you're a visitor given incredible access to this uniquely female space back up to me please that is home to some of america's most dangerous women all i can see is my whole hand filled with blood girl got her eyes beat when someone swings first win the fight charged with everything from drug trafficking armed robbery gang violence and even murder [Music] our cameras captured every shocking and sometimes surprising moment of life behind bars [Applause] but jail life can be explosive and every day can be a battle to you feel stay going to harm yourself oh my god when good girls go bad anything can happen this is [ __ ] oh my god [Applause] victoria diaz known as baby d likes to throw her weight around in pre-trial pod 3a i'm very loud outspoken very violent yep impulsive there's reports of victoria miss diaz doing some bullying i'm kind of pushing a weight around in the unit which is typical for victoria if i don't like you i'm rude as hell she has already forced one inmate into protective custody and tensions are rising with some of the new inmates who are challenging her authority because in the new girls they don't know where to sit they try to sit at your table and you have to tell them to get up these new girls don't know where they're going when we get a new shipment of zombies but when they come in we constantly have to tell them like and they need to settle down sit down somewhere when they come they have to like to sit back and and and observe like see who's top dog here see who's running things [Music] oh here come the cuddies one of the new girls megan really gets on baby dee's nerves i can't oh i can with that girl i knew right off rip that i didn't like her and then i you know fell back a little bit tried to give her a chance and i knew the second time i really don't like this girl like trying to prove herself way too hard and you don't need to do that like it's either you are you aren't and she just she just isn't she was just being extra real extra she was making a fool of herself [Music] tensions are continuing to rise between baby dee's crew and a group of new inmates including megan uh this is actually the second time i've been here last time i was here i've been here for like a day and a half baby dee doesn't like megan who she calls cherry face i really don't like this girl like she's just she's just too much megan was roomed in a cell with tiny who is part of baby dee's crew so then they put tiny little room knowing they're more tiny's a part of that i don't know why administration wouldn't even do that if you know that that no this is what they said because when they was at the desk they were telling them to break up the clicks they were like you need to mix these rooms up and break up the clips this strategy didn't end well tiny and megan had a fight at night in their cell mega was sleeping like she was sleeping in bed like she told me probably an hour before this happened that she was going to sleep she literally pulled her out by her hair and china got her ass beat for it she was sleeping i'm like girl i'm young and drunk are you all right the guy was sleeping megan and tiny were put in segregation for the fight i'm in segregation because some people don't respect their elders and when someone swings first win the fight i was really mad about the fight with tiny about um cherry face fighting tiny i was really upset about it because it's my like if i could get out my door and if the cop i mean if the other seals wasn't already in there i probably would have jumped in the fight and beat up cherry face but whatever the next morning baby d is still simmering i was still angry about it but i wasn't really you know being vocal about it i was just you know i was talking to everybody at my table miss diaz was that morning breakfast with the rest of the unit and we had another white inmate had a verbal confrontation with miss diaz in the dining hall while they were eating breakfast she was bragging about it like oh she beat that girl up blah blah blah like that's not cute the girl started cussing and cussing and i was ignoring her at first and some other girl in my table's arguing with her the younger white girl ended up throwing a milk carton or a loaded milk carton at miss diaz [Music] i blacked out i stood up she stood up and i i don't know they asked me who threw the first punch i probably did i don't know she was like she was smaller than me she was like you know my whole head space well with me but we fought miss diaz is a pretty large girl and she seems to be carrying a lot a lot of weight in the unit yeah a fight didn't suit and it did look like that miss diaz kind of got the better of her girl got her eyes beat [Music] talking [ __ ] it doesn't really make much difference the girl's safe face and maybe miss diaz maybe lost a little bit of face at the point because she didn't have somebody else protecting her or somebody else doing her dirty work for her she had to do it herself so they have they have other people do their dirty work and as you can see she takes her down the officer did a great job getting involved right away before anybody got hurt takes the aggressor to the ground miss diaz goes right to the ground when ordered to buy by the officer you can't really see but she's on the other side of this table with her hands she's on her belly with her hands behind her back waiting to be handcuffed but she threw her mug at me like we were just exchanging words and said she threw her book at me so i got up she got up and started fighting and she didn't get out one hidden [ __ ] so from 3a tiny megan baby d and her attacker rachel are all in segregation i knew that was going to happen you don't get into a fight and then go back to your unit like i'm the one that decided to stand up and hit the girl so i'll pay the price for it here in pre-trial pod 3b the inmates have been repeatedly breaking the rules and senior officer captain pitts has come to read the riot act basically my job isn't here to counsel you my job isn't here to be your friend my job is to make sure that you are safe while you are in our custody your job is to self-reflect why am i here and what more choices did i make to get me here thinking that this is your house because i'm gonna tell you right now this is our house you're a visitor you are a visitor you don't run anything here we run it this is it this is your last shot well right now you have 60 seconds due to this bad behavior the inmates will remain on lockdown as a punishment they'll have to stay in their cells for more than 22 hours a day until further notice yesterday i guess they said that um we locked in too slow so now we'll walk down again when we just came off a full day long it just [ __ ] i've never been to a jail in my life that locks us down over like petty [ __ ] 24 year old armed robber franklin was transferred here a week ago from wyatt federal prison in rhode island the armed robbery i committed i had a knife i went to like a chiropractor and it was a lady there and i pulled out the knife wasn't nowhere close to her told her give me everything if you say anything like you know i'll stab you or whatever she ran out like behind me and she's like god's going to get you for this you're not going to get away 20 minutes later the police was behind me [Music] i'm transgender i've made that decision since i was about 20 years old one reason why i rarely identify as transgender is because i feel like i'm a male trapped in a female's body as the only trans man in 3b franklin gets a lot of attention so because mr franklin is uh more masculine in the pod it kind of causes a flock of the other women to see what he's all about what his situation is and they they're just basically trying to get attention from him for the most part so causes a little bit of boundary issues with the other women i've had plenty geromantis actually and uh some of them turned out bad some of them turned out good franklin was transferred here after he was caught in another woman's cell which is a violation of priya the prison rape elimination act so priya is a federal law that was developed to prevent sexual assault with prisoners in facilities like ours the review of the cameras the cameras show that i was in the room i told them all right we was talking that's a good friend of mine so a prea incident could be anything from being investigated if two women are in a cell and they're not supposed to be housed in that cell everything i was doing other inmates were doing but you know what they were so focused on me because i was the only boy girl whatever you want to call it that was there the attention was always drawn on franklin priya is a federal law but this doesn't stop the inmates from having relationships korea is our protection what's pretty stand for protection rape prison rape action something elimination yeah prison rape elimination it but nobody raped me though [Music] he was willing can't rape the woman a lot of the women if they do claim to be in a relationship and they say you know that it was consensual on both sides it is still against our policy and that is still a situation that involves priya so we do not allow any relationships in our facility we just like to keep boundaries and to prevent any assault or harassment from happening most of them are gay for the stay they come in here they're gay at the gate they leave right at the gate they go right back to a regular dude like when you're in a relationship and you're fighting your time with another woman they call it catching wreck just like you go have rec time so that's what they call it that's the slang word for it now with franklin being in there there's so many girls that are on him he likes to be called him that are on him that you just stand back he's a little player there's a difference between loyalty and faithfulness this that's two different things i'm loyal but i'm not faithful how can i be loyal because there's a there's a fine line in between i'm gonna [ __ ] whatever [ __ ] i wanna [ __ ] with bro that's it this is what he's doing she can help a wife [Applause] relationships between the inmates are banned in the jail but it seems you can't make laws about love being in jail is definitely like a freaking school soap opera drama thing so in 3b there's there's there's a few people that like me but there's only a couple that was arguing back and forth over me when franklin first got into the pod he was attracted to jackie yo jackie better car and then her attitude is stank she has a bad attitude she always looks mad she's just throwing shade at other people that franklin is interested in so i was getting to know jackie and you know we was vibing with each other everything was good but like certain ways that she has too like we used to always crash heads because like she's jealous she doesn't like me talking to certain people and it's like you're not gonna tell me what i'm not gonna do i'm gonna have to call this quest with this girl she means she being crazy right now huh yo you know like possessive people like i don't like that [ __ ] [Music] jackie like she gets mad about everything she always wants to argue like i'm not with all that [ __ ] so that's why i kind of fell back from here and then franklin started gravitating towards india nah i'm on the low right now i ain't trying to i gotta chill melizza rojas now her nickname is india miss rojas it's hard to even find the words to explain her to be honest with you everybody calls me india because they say i look like pocahontas she is quite the entertainer in the pod to say the least she likes to usually always be done up her hair is usually done she won't come out of her room until it is done jill house curls india is she's chippery she's she's a cutie so she knows she looks good she you know shakes her butt up the stairs whips her hair she's cute she's attractive all my friends describe me as crazy out of control she's stubborn or like they think i'm a [ __ ] sometimes and i'm bougie i'm not [Applause] india i i kind of did like india when i first got here but seeing the way she carries herself and seeing the way she acts is a turn off to me i'ma play it cool yeah i love you baby you know i love you all right between franklin there is no romance it's a jail thing you know what i'm saying like i don't think it's like a real real romance partner and i'm not going to the hole for priya yeah that's like 30 days and that's crazy like no that's not worth it it doesn't look like things are going anywhere for franklin with jackie or india so for now there's no gel romance in 3b heroin addict vanessa is eight months pregnant she was devastated not to be able to go on to a drug treatment program after her most recent call appearance right now i'm just waiting for a letter from the program and also documentation of my transportation because that supposedly has been set up everything's been set up but it hasn't been documentedly set up so i'm just waiting for these last little things and i'm so anxious and i'm scared because i want them to come through she knows that if she has to have her baby in jail she's likely to lose custody she's already had to give up her other two children to foster care and adoption hi vanessa so um what did i do oh whatever good news um the program sent over the verification letter yeah i did call the intake coordinator sharina because i was wondering about this part where it says upon release and she said that they're holding it for your court date okay that's your confirmation letter it's for real yeah thank you i'll let her know you're welcome vanessa has her official confirmation but she can't leave until her court date in a week's time i can have the baby there definitely bring um my kid home with me be able to be a mom instead of just having the title actually handle the title and do the title i love her i do i'm excited i didn't want to cry then when i first got it but i don't cry in front of people so it's it's like kind of hard but at the same time it's just like i thanks god so much like i was just in my room like the minute i got when i was playing away and i was like thank you god like thank you god so much for this opportunity i just i just actually can't wait to start doing it that's the point where it's just like i'm tired i'm tired of this dm jail i'm tired of being around these same freaking people there's a point where i'm just like just get me out of here just get me to this program so i'm looking excited i'm grateful too 25 year old india is a waiting troll for drug trafficking she has two children who she hasn't seen in six months i don't give um tempering guardianship to my mom because i knew i was gonna go to jail and it was a good thing i did because they would have took my kids away and i did not want to put them to that many of the women's children are being looked after by family members otherwise they could be taken into care by the department of children and families known as dcf i haven't seen them in six months it's been a long time [Music] india's mother looks after her two kids and she wants her to bring them for a visit and he's still with your mother yeah you know i'm scared to have more kids because i'm [ __ ] up if i have more kids my mom's not gonna take more kids my mom's gonna be like are you [ __ ] she told me she always tells me when i get a boyfriend she's like you better get a surgery done or something because i'm not taking care of no more kids i'm too old my dad is taking care of my baby i know he's 62 my mom had my son when he um when he turned one she took him he had my kids for a while because i got locked up in 2014. okay so she's been raising them right right i don't like brain i'm here it's not a place where i want him to see me i'm scared i'ma see i'm gonna listen just bring at least one of them bring my oldest and india knows what it's like to visit a parent named joe think we were like when i was like six my mom went to jail for trafficking i didn't know like what was gonna happen where she was i think we want to visit her a couple times but my father wasn't like really against it because i remember it wasn't like here here we have contact visits i remember i had a glass i try to tell myself i'm not but i'm definitely i'm like my mother i always like i'm not going to be like her one girl or i'm gonna be different but no i'm definitely my mother like i learned to accept it like yup everything her mother has agreed to bring india's daughter to visit her in a week's time i know it's gonna be very emotional i'm gonna cry as soon as i see her i'm not gonna be able to help it i wanna cry now just thinking about it like oh my god this makes me so happy so yeah it's gonna be a very emotional day for me i'm excited though can't wait as a recent arrival franklin has to attend transitions an introductory class into all the educational programs at the jail it's also the only place where pre-trial in orange and sentenced in green get to mix where do you want me to sit up first time i saw leslie was the first day i went to transition and i was in the back of the class so leslie turns around and like yeah frankly come sit right here and it's like damn i'm like wow good morning good morning this is transitions welcome to transitions transition is a mandatory class we was doing like a sheet in our workbook and then she slid it to me to copy and um after that like we didn't we didn't say anything [Music] when we left i had let the door slam behind me because i didn't know she was behind me and i turned around i was like oh my fault and she's like yeah it is your fault my fault i was like all right let me see where this goes with this shorty after franklin went to transitions he met another girl leslie and he likes her that's the one he's most interested in yo she is yo damn that [ __ ] yo i'm getting in every class she goes to we're getting in the same classes she's cute that's my type of shorty right there if she was on this unit i wouldn't deal with nobody [Music] i wouldn't even sit close to nobody yo she is the definition of it that oh my god thank you jesus we're going back later girl can't wait i'm like me be the first one in class yo i'm gonna be the first one in [ __ ] class today i tell you in segregation officer zaluki is investigating baby d for her role in the fight at breakfast we're gonna do your investigation okay victoria diaz will have a lot to say i'm sure to incriminate the other one and not herself all righty we're gonna go to dona's office okay i mean diaz she knows we have footage of it i'm sure she's already come up with a reason as to why she partook in the physical altercation right have a seat over in that corner i'm anxious to see what her reasoning is scan your id this is just your signature saying that you're here i went to breakfast to her and some other girl my table was arguing or whatever like exchanging words and um she started cussing at me we started like arguing back and forth she turned around through her milk i stood up she stood up and we started fighting i will say this you know how childish all this sounds yeah you know you are all grown that's why i left her alone i left it at home but she threw her milk at me like as as long as you don't throw nothing at me or or like try to hit me i'm not gonna try to fight you she threw something up i was gonna leave it just as words but she wanted to go ahead and start throwing stuff at me so i got her and it was just punches was there any scratching or kicking no i don't got nothing i don't got to check her she got me i don't know i just punched her she really didn't get anything in there i'm all set for right now so that one was good because we got to at least get to the bottom a little bit diaz seems to always have a problem with someone coming in there she seems to be the root of a lot of issues and she wants to run kind of what goes on in there which we obviously will not let happen as well as trying to intimidate the new arrivals baby d had previously forced inmate crystal lugo into segregation for her own protection i'm here in protective custodies to stay away from diaz and now she's here she's until 20. [Music] crystal was forced into segregation when the jail became concerned that a hit may have been taken out on her by a notorious street gang of which baby d is allegedly a part of a hip means exactly what it sounds like i guess like if they put out a hit on somebody you're either well since she's in jail obviously she can't get killed in jail you know what i mean but she was gonna get beat up to a point of well until the cos came and saved her crystal is facing a number of different charges kidnapping and three assault and batteries with dangerous weapons assault and intimidation of a witness authorities today calling the scenario an organized torture chamber an unidentified teenager from new jersey taped to a chair in the basement of a home in massachusetts a machete was held at the victim's neck at the direction of crystal and crystal told the victim that if she lied or continued to lie they would hold the machete closer to her neck she told police that about eight people four of them in court wednesday stood around her as she was tied to a chair burned with a cigarette and her head was shaved all of it retaliation for what she told officers was a home invasion that they believe she had set up crystal her charges are against my little sister i can't be around her they could have moved her they could have moved crystal to 3b or something like that but they caught wind about a couple girls from my city a couple girls from like you know the game that i'm in or whatever that they're gonna come down here they have a price on her head so they put her they told her about it and either they made her come here or she has to be in here baby d has told the jail that crystal's alleged victim was her gang's sister she burned cigarettes on her and caught her hair off because she thought she she thought my sister um sent boys to her house and like set her up but my sister was only 15. she didn't do that it was her friend that did that her friend did it and her friend left her there so since they couldn't get to my sister's friend crystal held my sister hostage and did all that crazy [ __ ] the gang is the one who did the home invasion on us but i don't know if diaz has anything to do with it crystal asks for a meeting with councillor peach to see if she can safely be moved back to pod 3a now that baby d is also in segregation now she's here so wouldn't it make more sense moving back to three it does sound reasonable but um yeah i don't know i don't know how that's going to play out it was made such a big deal when they wanted to move me if we can get you back to 3a go 3a and show ms diaz will do her time here and then she'll have to figure out where to go leslie caught the eye of pre-trial inmate franklin in a transitions class she's housed in 2b a pod for prisoners who have been found guilty and are serving their sentence i'm leslie rivera and i'm sentenced this sentence for assault and battery she was found guilty of attacking her friend who she believed had slept with her then boyfriend i guess i beat her up pretty badly when i fought her i was i brought i blacked out i suffered from anger problems and ptsd so when i blacked out um i happened to break her eye socket and break her nose [Music] when i came out of my blackout stage i felt like i heard a a cat being run over that's that's what it sounded like and when i was coming out of it all i could see is my whole hands and my whole shirt filled with blood it was pretty bad they wanted to sentence me to two years and a half and instead i got instead i copped out to six months with two years of probation [Music] leslie has been in 2b for nearly three weeks but she's yet to find a roommate she gets on with i personally don't like addicts because my biological mom was an addict and 90 percent of this gel is added leslie's current roommate is an addict she wants me out so instead of staying in the room and continuing to argue i think it's best for me to leave let me figure it out all right so basically rivera she seems not to get um along with other inmates so um what i did was just move her from basically from 22 to 19. there's a lot of stuff that goes into account when i'm doing this tier sheet which is you know enemies relationships you know sexual misconduct stuff um and if they have admitted to trying to commit suicide in the last year then they have to be in the lower tiers so i have to look at all of that so it's constant moving people um probably like three four times a day just to get everybody um with the right roommate [Music] to avoid conflict women get moved around the pod frequently but leslie has found it particularly difficult to settle we got abandoned from my biological mom because she was addicted to crack and so my whole life i didn't like anybody that did crack i didn't like anybody that was a drug addict because i see them as irresponsible people sure my my kid's father he passed away he od four bags and a shot of [ __ ] coke and i'm supposed to be in a room with an addict that shoots coke and dope and i'm supposed to feel bad and feel sympathy no i'm going through my own [ __ ] i dealt with that life she says oh um you don't choose to be an addict you're actually a addict at birth if that was true i would be a crackhead why because my biological mom was a crackhead she used crack the whole time she was pregnant by me am i a crackhead no i'm not a crackhead do i do crack no i don't do crack have i ever did crack no i didn't don't do crack and i will never do cry so no we're not all addicts she's an addict you made you made your bed now go [ __ ] lie in it it's vanessa's last night in jail and she and friend carrie are getting their hair done the girl that i am going to miss yeah it's going to suck because i know i'm probably going to cry just a little bit a little bit little bit because you know it's you get close with a lot of people in here you really do especially when you open up because a lot of women are going through exactly what you're going through you just don't know until you open up your mouth and start talking so it's just like and i met a lot of really good women in here vanessa has just one more sleeping gel with her curlers in before going to court where she'll be transferred to the drug treatment program next morning she's saying her final goodbyes all right i love you give me a hug i love you i love going home and remember you got a week a week [ __ ] these girls [ __ ] this [ __ ] you can handle if i can handle it i love you too make sure you call my mom okay i really hope this child changes her life for the better because she's a great person with a great heart people look at her and you know look down on her because she is some author and an addict and you can only change for yourself you can't want to get clean for anybody but yourself you know and she wants it this time so i really hope she gets her kids back i hope this you know she gets to keep this child and i hope she just is happy i want her to be happy yeah let's do this same bus body bus yep yep with it this is not just for me to get clean this is like literally a whole brand new start for me i want it like deep inside so i'm like i just want a different life like i'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired no i'm like beyond being sick and tired of being sick and tired like i hate living the way that i was living and like i was looking for happiness in all the wrong places a lot of the times when the women leave jail they do relapse i mean some of them just that day unfortunately the rate of relapse is very high which in turn you know causes a lot of overdoses because when they do leave the jail their tolerance level has decreased because they've been incarcerated so a lot of them will use the same amount as they were using before being arrested and that's what a lot of time unfortunately causes a lot of overdose vanessa is being given another chance it's now up to her whether she can change her life otherwise her child could be taken away as she could find herself back in jail 3b is in lockdown but 25 year old suspected drug trafficker india is expecting a visit from her mum and daughter so far there's no word as to whether they've arrived tell her i want to speak to her in regards to what use my phone yes i want to know where the [ __ ] are visitors thank you i will find out if your visit's here i thought because we were locked in that we had no visits like the whole pot was like on lockdown deadlock because if we're deadlocked i'm gonna miss my freaking visit like i've been here for six months i haven't seen my kid in six months no it's only eight eight eleven she's talking dealing with her situation now visits then at 9 30. so you should be all right still make the phone call see what's going on luckily marner was there she like kind of got me to calm down and it was pretty cool you know like she kind of did go out her way i really do appreciate that for her to like ask away sure if i could call to see where my visit was there's a phone in the mall you can see there yeah is there out can you see if the line is open because then we can get out of your way come on all right um hi this is officer martin at the women's jail hi this is the officer here i have a call from eliza yes are you accepting the call okay hold on one second please and just speak english for me please okay thank you hold on one second hello [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i know but she can't wear sweatpants i know and it's [ __ ] like that like that makes it makes me mad but like more at myself than anything because i put myself in the situation and i put like putting myself here puts them in a tough spot too you know go into your room this is not going to be the day to be out do you hear me because if you stay out you know what's going to happen so i couldn't help it like i broke down because like that's the only thing that could really get to me is my kids and just to think that you know my daughter was so excited like so i just feel like damn i broke her heart you know i want you to be able to express yourself appropriately and then go through your emotions appropriately i don't want you out here dealing with people okay i have so many plans like i want to ask her so many questions and like just see how long her hair was and like her tell me about her new friends and and i get more mad at myself because i've been through this with my mom i have to break the cycle i really pray to god my daughter doesn't turn out like that i don't care about her every day like you don't want to go through this i just don't want her to feel the way i feel right now i feel like a loser you know like like an [ __ ] [Music] crystal lugo and baby d are still in segregation baby d is there for fighting but crystal is there for her own protection crystal wants to move back to pod 3a now that her enemy baby d is in sec but the officers are still concerned that there's allegedly a hit out on her we're concerned about somebody getting hurt or possibly somebody getting killed you know if she goes back to 3a then that's more risk of you know her getting touched then someone can someone can come in and still touch her she has to be in pc the threat's pretty real the victim in crystal's case was baby dee's gang's sister she's she's disgusting she's a disgusting person as a matter of who gets her first it was decided today and i believe it came from administration it probably came from the superintendent patty to transfer crystal out of the facility sometimes it's about precaution sometimes it's just taking precautions just in anticipation of what might happen okay miss lugo right now you're going to be transferred to another facility for your protection all right so when when you get on the road they'll let you know where you're going okay but at this time i'm not let me tell you you okay well you i think you kind of knew this was coming a little bit though no all right but it's for your safety we're looking out for you you're so we only have two free trial units here so there's only so much we can do to keep you safe so the only way for you to go into general population is to remove you from the situation you haven't done anything wrong here i just feel so comfortable here yeah but comfortable doesn't mean necessarily mean good when you go there do not share your charges and your personal information with people on the unit because then what's going to happen you're going to be in the same predicament that you're in right now the situation is what it is okay the inmate knows they're being moved they can make trouble they barricade themselves in so it's best just to kind of keep them out of surprise and that's why it's always done at the last minute it happens very very quickly and very very quietly i don't know if they move there so i can't see her or if she left for left from court or what but i don't know i'll find out though [Music] everybody talks for christ this is a woman's jail women the best thing that women do is gossip i'm gonna know one day next time do you feel like you're going to harm yourself she said i love you and that was the last time i heard her voice so you know i'm gonna be moving you to segregation correct [Music] you
Channel: Real Families
Views: 499,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth in jail, california's maple street correctional centre, full documentary, full episodes, inside female prison, inside female prison full documentary, inside female prison full episodes, inside female prison tv show, prison girls full documentary, prison girls full episodes, prison girls life inside, prison girls season 1, prison girls season 2, prison girls: life inside, real families, women in jail, women prison documentaries full episodes, women prison stories
Id: 9SelA3GLj7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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