Addicted Alaska 1 - Alaskan Salmon Fishing (Full Movie)

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I'm taking a picture just some video Alaska uncharted unpredictable and unbelievable considered by most to be the last frontier we fishermen we come for the fish but we find so much more in its vast wilderness as we embarked on our adventure it was crazy to think we're in one of the world's last untouched beauties as I did some facts searching the Tongass is America's largest National Forest as 17 million acres unique and protected creatures seldom found anywhere else in North America inhabit this part of Alaska five species of salmon bears bald eagles moose and most importantly yeah most importantly fishermen brave enough to endure the forest can be seen along the riverbanks we went with nine friends a handful of fishing rods and the will to find the most EPIK coho fishing in the world we as anglers can find adventure and just getting lost many trips are planned for a week but with no road leading in or out of this southeast Alaskan town you are seduced to stay forever [Music] [Music] 12:40 up heading to Marlins when the help pick 12:40 to leave my house is an idiot anyways off to Seattle I'm gonna be an epic adventure I think I woke up about 12:30 get ready to go to Alaska the drive to Cameron's house was complete blackout I don't remember it get their lip all our crap get him on the truck and then limiter the next three hours is the scariest three hours of my life it's 1:30 for the more it is 1:30 for them over coy duolan what in the hell is it so early for [Music] until we know Jerry how many times we almost died the last build the hoppin though we're just kicking it it's like so you get behind somebody right yeah and then they've been open lane pedal to before no let's kill this like 15 times here he said all right Jerry's overreacting to the whole trip it was pretty intense just thinking about everything that was gonna happen for one I've never flown [Music] finally on the plane both of my demolished bad [Music] well words 88 grid I mean to Yakutat and we're like circling the city and I'm like what is going on all of us are annoyed as hell and the pilots like not telling us what's happening and he starts to go down and you can feel like him going down like quick like it's like velocity in the plane and then all of a sudden he just knee and pulls out of it next thing you know we're like back out another thing and I'm like what the hell he just bailed we bailed out and got to yak attack a little early actually like a few minutes early [Music] look at you is that your first item - yep getting really excited right now the cop came up he's like you heard about our potato gun contest I was like you know we heard weeds legal this is a bomb no he didn't they didn't these people gotta be like what do you think then jacked up first little slippery water and it's loaded loaded I mean there's sore but that's more salmon trout is allergic to like not cereal like he's allergic to everything that moves travis has like this lunchbox with him and I'm like dude what you got in that lunchbox and he's like about lunch meat dude I have to bring my own food to Alaska and as soon as we get to the lines we're getting dressed were pumped and I see this dog come up to our door and I thought it grabbed something like a shoe or something some random dog just stole my meat well did it go upstairs in it apparently we had that we had to meet jacking by a dog I witnessed it was awesome what did you why did you stop it well I thought he took like someone's shoe then Cody's like there was meat why are you even chasing that Travis that meat is God oh you need some water cuz you guys spicy chicken huh [Music] the first day on the CETA we walk down that there was just a little trail you could it was clear as day you could see where everyone had gone we'd never been there so it was like just exploration mode we were just all headed down we got to the first little opening that we could and started casting oh my god [Music] right there fellow they could last a jacket at [Music] who people [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I managed ball zero didn't even catch anything oh that means didn't even catch anything how many did you ball yeah five I better let him go you're only allowed two on this river I let him go what I bought you just said you bought five and you just let him go Oh for the Bears for the bear yeah I uh I don't bonk fish I'm really against that it's just it hurts them it's you actually they have feelings [Music] it was pretty much what you would dream Alaska being like I mean it was fish I mean everyone was hooking fish we were all catching them the co were running the jigs down at the bank I mean and all these fishes have sea lice all over them it was insane so that was like our first taste of Alaska so needless to say you could imagine how excited we were for the next day day one on the sea tuck follow Jordan right now we're gonna go float the river got three drift boats gonna whack some fish it's gonna be great hit that incoming Oh God for you doc we just ran into some local trash got a foot hold dear hey did you lose your rod yeah dude I lost him know where I lost him in the van he was like I have nose they were down I have no spinning or ha Jesus [Music] we put the drip buds in and there's fish splashing everywhere like there's fishing there's so many freakin fish it's like how do you knock ass Jordan's telling us the whole time push down the river push down the river you want to get a new fish and there's Pink's everywhere red fire trucks and we're just like now I got a calf in there that looks too new [Music] / I was a different bit boy scratching the tree tonight now that with him yeah [Music] always Chrome that's a call big fish [Music] [Applause] broke in the net to [Music] [Music] this little [Music] doubles but blowing what you think about Alaska so far freaking badass it's like fish fish fish fish fish more fish fish fish fish fish mistress sit down for a minute Zita snack for fish catch fish [Music] it's so funny Jordan we're like telling people like they're like you guys you guys get anything and we're like yeah we got a bunch we just let them go and they're like what like people are like people are just so like they don't understand like letting a fish go well and that's it bugs me sometimes guys come up and they think that the money they spend is to take their fish home that's not I don't you know they don't focus enough on the experience you know and some people might not like sore mouth to fish all day but if you do it right near experienced fishermen it's perfectly applicable you know I can't you release fishing is fun it's this it's the way to go as we're floating down you know your standards all these old crummy nasty fish tons of red coho tons of dead Pink's you know like dude when are we gonna get to the good fish we were the last boat for a long time and finally caught up to everybody and they told us about all the fish they just roped on and Jordans like no we still need to go we still need to go ain't even got there yet let's go so we pushed down and finally got to what he was talking about it was chrome fish fresh on the tide change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] day one amazing guys came up next to us we were like yeah man the fish aren't really biting that well the first day it was pretty comical to sit back and watch everybody's excitement and amazement and of course we didn't make it very far down the river before we were all anchored up castanet fish which eventually we regretted throughout the trip knowing that the more chrome fish for downriver we did get some nice fish some chrome fish at the end we just ran out of time and didn't have enough time to get his get into him like we wanted to but the first day down the sea tuck was everything that I would have ever dreamed of I mean we caught more fish than then you can even imagine it was insane Shh about time this guy right here wham bam bam yeah well how is it crying away oh you only think he's been in here one of them doesn't cry to where I want to kill myself an hour we had three or four hours before we are gonna head out to the Italia but we wanted to give it a shot at the lost and unfortunately nobody woke up on time sad because it's already so late yeah because we said we were leaving an hour ago and we're still a camp zero ever on time but don't ask him mmm we actually learned to plan yeah be there at 5:30 when you mean exactly we get many facts all facts right now I was tired I slept in I don't remember I don't know what happened I just remember that I slept in and everybody's complaining why we're not ready to go and play I said let's sleep in tomorrow No like SpiderMonkey just like a spider never gonna be being awesome yeah this [Music] are always like so [Music] what is it a 20-minute flight and you land on a little beach there's usually people fishing right there but it's just basically you know does he look like a river system it's just sand and it's kind of a crazy experience you can see fish tailing no other place have I been where you going to seek coho facing into the current with their tails out of the water [Music] are you excited cuz Cody's not what do you think man my car get down right now you have a hard section my jammy man II love you give all my rods to all my friends guns do not give to your brother love you guys [Music] I hope this one and Cameron saw it before I did and he was screaming about how big it was and yelling that it had a post like a tule it was a huge finish huge fish and it ended up it ran up river towards Cameron and it ran then it ran straight back at my feet and then went 90 degrees straight away from me and I knew as soon as it ran straight away from me that was gonna break off Cody losing a fish like it was the only fish he was gonna catch all weekend takes his fly rod slams it into the water do an absolute bit through this rod down in the water started cus that like walk it over I could pick up your damn rod you're gonna catch another one on your next calf what happened there buddy I think the fish kind of right at - gotcha didi and I think literally five seconds later he had another fish on nice job code that's fish I had a couple goals in Alaska and one of the main goals was to get a fish on her top water so I like took off towards the mouth like right away on my own and tried to tried and tried and tried and tried to get one on top water and couldn't get one and Lonnie was up River doing something on his own so I took off upriver to go to go see what he was doing while he was on like another pot of fish and he was getting him to go on top on his fly rod so I set up and actually got down got the GoPro like right on the water [Music] dude top water fly baby water then he did the same thing for me and I finally landed one finally landed one on top water I got it on like this green this green popper [Music] I'm so freaking pumped all those old lands that was all in we flew in bring in something you're a thug we might not get flown out here what are we gonna do if we're stuck here me Neil will snuggle all night what's up corn-fed yep hands down there's at times there wouldn't even word for we're getting picked up and Travis had asked the pilot if hey when you pick when you come and pick us up can you make sure you come in at my camera and you know he just wanted he basically just wanted the guy to like angle the plane towards the camera and make the shot look cool and I think he gave Travis everything that he could handle I swear that prop was probably like from when it stopped spinning I thought Travis was dead Travis had to like bail and run off the screen so the fricken prompted like cut him into seeing those coho chase down a top water lure at 40 yards away and just run it down and explode on it it's just something you just don't see every day how's the filming been so far Cummings been rad there's been so much good footage but the weather's really been against us so it's been really tough we're gonna go buy some rice put the cameras on hopefully they work for tomorrow and wrap this baby up back in the room amazing freaking day today unbelievable yeah insane well the best most easily one of the most memorable days that I'll ever have in my entire life fishing anything and right now what are we doing we are preparing for another memorable day tomorrow and drying out our crab this is how we dry out our stuff we got our lures hanging in the hotel rooms set out all over the place drying them out stuff has been wet never stopped raining today I didn't know it was a Soaker I mean everything was drenched running down your neck [Music] [Music] we are hauling downriver just like our game plan two days ago same exact thing so anyways yeah well we partially did it we did the first part and then we slowed down and play it on old fish for today today we're not doing that so Rob we're gonna stick to our plan this time we're getting in the boat drift boats and we decide we're gonna just bomb it we're gonna bob all the way down and get all the way down the river and get after these fresh fish what we're saying I feel like it's neat to see how there's still places on this planet that wish they could go back in time you know and see the world the way it was if need to see if there's good places that you can go and do it you know literally take a step back in time exactly like I was saying is just crazy you're floating down the river there's just life everywhere you know there's fish splashing everywhere ducks flying I mean we just saw bears eating fish it's just also the boat you know where there's a Runciman traffic through the steam [Music] [Music] we're going down the river we hear this and we're like oh crap where's the pistol it's way upriver Cody had it and we're like what in the hell is that and it was actually on a straightaway where we could see quiet ways down the river and there's no sign of the guys we're in Alaska there's fricken bears around massive ones that are the size of trucks and we're here in this crazy noise and I'm thinking like I don't know what a bear sounds like I've never seen like a grizzly bear ball someone maybe that's what's happening [Music] hook line and sinker we bid it totally we thought we were gonna see some like epic Alaska like grizzly bear fighting off a Wolfpack or some [ __ ] like that I don't know boat in front of us actually what's freaking out thinking we had some gnarly wildlife fight going on in the brush but we got hacked it was the front boat with a little speaker action on a predator car good bit good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that right there it's how you twitch coho out of long just like bad fishing it call me bills ass [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch me show these guys how it's tough they've been trying to catch these fish for about ten minutes right now I'm gonna go in here like the pro that I am and show them how to get them oh you did why haven't you hooked up then our pilots sunk a drone into the river almost got a badass shot but the drone drown giggle just happened well we had an epic fly takedown that we were drowning and it got chaotic and this thing ended up in this tree here and ended up in this river here so it's not so Cody limbered do not let him roll you down the river he will sink you we're coming around this Bend and Marlin from another boat psych he's not gonna make it or he's gonna wipe out or son he's like don't panic and Cody comes around this corner just flapping his the oars like little wings out there can't get a stroke there's one tree across the river like halfway across the river Cody's like I give up letting jesus take the wheel he's gonna throw anchor he tries to drop the anchor as soon as he starts letting the anchor down he can't get it cuz he's just fumbling around we smacked the log and Cody thinks literally we're gonna die he's like like just losing it and Ben and I are like nobody and we're all right we're just gonna push off this log watching Cody in panic mode was priceless [Music] [Music] oh now they're sick of it now that was going on there's time [Music] that one got away [Music] that's a little short but you might have one grabbing oh please turn of these turning booth Oh twitch it put you can get him yes on the good camera to your your Cabrillo really grab it you'll break your fly line first coho ever on a fly birds fly fish ever Oh Oh he's broken off okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know if he was a split 50-50 or what it was but a lot of us were like overko we're ready to go do something different originally we have like halibut trip planned or something but we decided let's go explore let's go look at the glacier let's go get some cool footage of Alaska and see some things that we haven't seen and let's go check out this hidden little lake that supposedly has Pike in it the nearest Pike Lake is north across the highway just over a quarter mile that's north across the highway just over a quarter mile what's not sure red arrow that's where we're going trying to get my protein up for this hike no her bucks heading out across the Alaskan tundra here open that I don't get run down by grizzly started trekking through this for getting swampland and I don't really know where I'm going but I took the lead to pretend like I knew where I was going go like 50 yards and there's a freaking massive bull moose like not a hundred yards in front of me we just saw bull Moo's Cody's you see it we were in that alder thicket with that moose that's amazing getting into this lake son I actually ended up like freaking getting vertigo or something I got super dizzy you can going into the lake I mean you're holy we were hiking through like swamp and we didn't know where the frickin Lake was we're hiking on like moose trails to get back into this thing [Music] like I envisioned walking up to this lake and like oh no one fishes it's gonna be super easy no it wasn't like it was tough like we were trying hard like casting our frogs and worms and every single top water thing out and we could we were getting explosions and getting fish but a lot of them the really small little teeny fish and I just was not ready to give up in Philly instantly oh no he just took the worm he was underdog [Music] razors a 30 clip that's so cool that those things are in the mountains of Alaska I kept trying and trying to trying to try it and finally right before we go to leave I get a nut like a nice pike [Music] Isis one of the day spies are old already give up it put those little stripes [Music] [Music] I'm privy to doesn't need to catch another Colo thanks what right now we get back from the Pike Lake and come to find out basically we're screwed we're stuck in Alaska my wife messaged me and she's like you're not gonna believe this the flight is canceled and at this point I think we were sick and tired of each other you know as four or five days non-stop you know that close close a little closer than you used to being with a bunch of guys they have to fly so you have them think I even get charter somebody get in but a year get in because the weather or some [ __ ] like that it's gonna take them a while to get in and then they need a day possibly to fix what the hell is going on and they haven't been able to do that and so that's what that's just what Pete told me so I don't know what that means or whatever but I said so realistically what are we looking at because they're really shooting for Tuesday what day is it today Sunday Funday I gotta call work well I'm not excited about that it's so stupid I wanted to go home one of my favorite parts was getting to share certain areas of Alaska with these guys when they came up taking him to spots that I held dear to my heart and one particular this Beach we went to to watch the sunset [Music] here's a flat earther we keep talking and what the hell is a flat earther you believe the earth is flat now round not spherical do you really believe that not at all are you serious Tara no but look at me were okay where's the Sun going no one knows anywhere the earth moves Jerry keep doing yourself that science and we went to the moon wait what it's debatable on whether or not we actually went to the moon hashtag Illuminati you're stupid as hell what isn't wrong with you do you think we went to the moon I know we went exactly this is pretty much what happens the whole trip all of us get to eat all this delicious food Travis gets to sit home there with nothing to figure out Rio food bring his own lunch me that dog snatch Jerry gets his old lunch and then Jerry forgets it in the van at the end of the day I think everyone's still in good spirits and well the way I like Don is like got another 12 hours of fishing ahead of us so that's what we did we're going home today are you really gonna stay here in Alaska I got to get that b-roll footage it's for the team all right footage but it's not for me personally it's for us together Lonnie let's ask you is it for you personally I'm staying because I'm in Alaska we're gonna go fish this bridge it was basically this Bay or this inlet that came in of saltwater and you could you know a lot of the locals what they had told us is that they stand on the bridge and they fish off of it so that's where we're gonna do this last day we took off to that bridge all of us got there in the morning and it was insane [Music] [Music] honey had the great ideas like take his hook and just it's broken off so now he's pitching this light pink split off the front of this bridge and these coals are coming up and grabbing it you could just see pearl like fish is coming up it's fashion and smashing and smashing oh my god there's so many over here [Music] hey I think incredible and on some insane things just transpired more top article I was a crazy for hours at that strip ever yeah best trip ever craziest stuff you'll ever see so while we were on the bridge Jerry was able to text his wife Tammy and we ended up finding out that the flights were actually gonna be back on for that afternoon so we knew we wanted to get to the airport early we knew it's gonna be a full flight getting out of there and low enough for the airport few hours early but we got to get there early so funniest dance I decided to put them hide all of his rods up and forgot Travis is in the car still no I'm ratted out I'd love to go back that place is really special it's just untouched even I mean it's it's a big-name place to go and it's just untouched there's stuff that if we had here at home there that there'd be hundreds of people at and there's literally you and your buddies and I'd fished with Josh Marlin before this trip and of course we had great camaraderie and we're good friends but the experience that we shared I think locks in that friendship forever you know the being on an adventure together and seeing something new that nobody has ever gotten experienced before I think really set in stone the the totality of this trip rumor has it we might be going back to check out some of these locations for steelhead in April and knowing what we know now and knowing what we're gonna be able to do then it's gonna be incredible this trip has been nothing short of amazing I feel like honestly one of my dreams has come true to be able to come to Alaska and fish with all my good buddies and all my friends you know for me fishing is something more than just catching a salmon or stealing fishing is about friendship adventure inspiration and being in the outdoors the relationships we develop through the sport of fishing or Everlasting the friends I fish with are the people that are always there for me when I need them so as this adventure comes to a close think about your fishing buddies think about your friends that don't fish think about all the people that ask you to take them fishing which ones have asked you why you fish so much give them a call plan an adventure show them what it means to be addicted to us addicts fishing is more than just a hobby fishing controls our entire existence it's what we wake up to thinking about and it sure as hell is what we go to sleep dreaming about being addicted of fishing it can't be described to yours it's something you live it's something you experience and most importantly it's something you pass on to others [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you you yeah so my awesome friends apparently didn't really want me fishing anymore cuz I go to get my rods out and they freakin tied them together with all this braid and frickin rod wraps and like come on guys it's not very nice
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 289,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: addicted fishing, fishing, alaska salmon fishing, alaska fishing, alaska, salmon, coho, coho fishing, salmon fishing, tongass national forest, alaska bush, alaska fishing trip, alaska fishing videos, alaska salmon, alaska coho, silver fishing alaska, coho salmon, fly fishing, fishing for salmon, coho salmon fishing, silver salmon, salmon fishing alaska, fishing alaska, fishing in alaska, se alaska, fishing for coho, salmon fishing in alaska, alaska coho fishing, flyfishing
Id: at8__-f3GGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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