Add Men's Jeans to Your Reseller Strategy | Denim BOLO's

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hey guys it's Cayley welcome back to my channel as most of you know I am a clothing reseller I sell men's and women's clothing on both eBay and Poshmark and a couple other platforms but right now my focus is mainly on eBay and Poshmark that is where I make the bulk of my money so my business has really grown since I started reselling part time and I really think a lot of that has to do with my knowledge of certain items and really coming to an understanding of different bread-and-butter items that I could pick up to keep consistent income going so one of those items that our bread and butter for me are men's jeans and I didn't start selling men's clothing at all until way later into my reselling journey and I think that's because I was just a little bit intimidated I didn't know much about men's clothing I just felt more comfortable in the women's section but as I started learning more and more about men's clothing and doing more research into different brands and different items I learned that men's is a really great category to sell in in particular I really love selling men's jeans and if you aren't currently selling in the men's department this would be a great wine a great category for you to start learning and basically dipping your toes into the men's section of the thrift store so today is gonna be all about men's jeans and basically trying to convince you why you should sell them a lot of resellers that are really successful don't like to share their secrets and I don't really see a point in holding back information main purpose of my channel is to educate resellers who are new to reselling thinking about reselling or want to grow in their reselling business and there is enough out there enough items enough sourcing opportunities that I think we can all be successful I became successful in my reselling business by watching other resellers that were willing to share the information and then also some lessons I had learned that nobody else was sharing and we a really really long time to learn those categories or those brands because nobody was talking about them so I'm here today to share a little bit of information with you about men's jeans so that you can add this category to your reselling business and hopefully make a lot more income so one of the things I love about selling men's jeans is that when you go into a thrift store first of all the men's section is a lot smaller than the women's section and even most of the time the home Goods section of the thrift store so it makes it really easy to go through all the racks and in particular if you're just looking for jeans you can get through that thing in like five minutes and that five minutes could yield you significant profit if you decide to sell in that category so I left sourcing men's jeans for that reason because it's so easy to get in and out of that section and move on to the other categories that I am more comfortable with I also love selling men's jeans because listing them and doing comps on them are really really simple most of men's jeans I won't say all because definitely not all but I would say 90% of men's jeans have all the information you need to figure out the size the style name the cut the fabric information all of that is inside of the men's jeans and style of names and cuts are really important to put in your title that way the buyers can find with her looking for more easily and hopefully buy from you and this is different than selling women's jeans because while some women's jeans do have the style name or the cut a lot of times you have to guess and you have to do a lot more research into a women's item versus men's jeans so even if you aren't familiar with different things on men's jeans different cuts if you if you aren't educated in that area it's okay because all that information is on the tag and usually inside of the waistband so that is basically the main reason I love selling men's jeans is because it's so easy to look up comps and to put that information in your listing it's a no-brainer speaking of the and comps another reason I love selling men's jeans is because they have a significantly higher Selter rate than women's jeans now I don't know how you guys do your comps but when I'm doing comps for any platform even if I want to sell the item on Poshmark if I were only on Poshmark I would still do my comps on eBay and the reason is eBay shares a lot of their numbers as far as available listings go and how many are sold and Poshmark does show you that information but they don't give you the number which makes it a lot harder I mean you're not going to scroll through 200 sold listings on Poshmark and count how many there are but on eBay it's really easy to find the sell through rates of an item to determine whether you want to pick it up or not I do think selfi rates are extremely important in any item that you're pumping and if you're interested I do have a video that I made pretty recently about how to chuck sell-through rate and basically what a sell-through rate is and what it all means and I will put that separator here on the screen but basically what assaulter rate is it is how fast an item is going to sell so if there are a hundred men's jeans listed and 25 of them sell that would be a 25% sulfur rate which means the likelihood of that particular pair of jeans selling is not very likely a 25% is not very likely but if I were to tell you that this particular pair of jeans has 100 available for sale and then 300 sold that would be a good indicator that it is worth picking up because it's going to sell quickly because more are selling than what are listed so if you just do a quick search on ebay sold comps and you just type in men's jeans and you go to the crayon jeans and the new hit soul you'll quickly see that men's jeans have an outstanding psaltery on ebay and the same is true for Poshmark so another reason I love picking up men's jeans is because they sell quickly and there are always eyes on your product and the last reason I really love selling men's jeans are because they are relatively simple to ship they all ship about the same way they all fit in a padded flat-rate envelope unless they are a really large size or a really thick material but I'd say 98% of the time I shove those in a padded flat rate envelope I don't really have to do any guessing as far as weight goes because it is a flat rate envelope so this is the padded flat rate envelope and when I'm doing my listing I don't have to do guesswork of guessing the dimensions of a package I don't have to weigh the item because this is up to like I don't know a lot like 70 pounds or something so I always know if it can fit in here it's just so easy to list that and then when it does come time to ship the item I just slide it into one of these these are free on USPS and I don't know it's just so like a no-brainer I don't have to think about it I can get them listed and I can get them shipped really quickly so I have a pair of jeans here that I pulled out of my inventory that I wanted to educate you on a couple things about men's jeans and then here at the end I will share with you five of my favorite brands of jeans to sell in the men's department and I chose those five there's a bunch more that I like to sell but I chose those five because I feel like they're relatively easy to come across at the thrift store there are a lot more common so for those reasons I chose those five and that will be at the end of the video ok so bonus brand because I didn't include this on my 5 of my favorites list these are called TK axle which is a relatively new brand to me they're not new but they're new to me I learned about them in the past year and since then I've been picking them up and Nathan's selling really well jeans are what I consider a quick flip meaning that I'm okay with paying a little up for something to sell at a low price because I know that I'm gonna get my money back plus a little profit pretty quickly so usually when I'm picking up jeans I'm okay with buying them for let's say five dollars and then flipping them for 25 most of the time I am getting more than 25 but I would say that that's where I'm comfortable selling men's jeans at max buy for $5 minimum sell for 25 well here are a pair of men's jeans and I just want to show you how easy it is to find these style names so when I said that it's super easy this is what I'm talking about so got the brand name here you've got your waist size and then your inseam which sometimes they put length but it's inseam and then here is the style name the relaxed straight so most of the time you don't have to do anything else but look inside at the waistband now I pulled these jeans because like I wanted to show you a pair of a different brand of jeans but I am all sold out of those like as soon as I list them they sell but like we'll talk about a brand called BKE here in a little bit but BK is a really great brand and theirs are almost always style name right there or right alongside here American Eagle jeans sometimes they are more towards D in our waistband but basically if you just look throughout the waistband no matter where they're at sometimes on the pockets it'll give more information but in general you're going to see all of that information and then sometimes also they are in the inside of the fly area here if you just look on the inside of the men's jeans most of the time you can find all the information you need right there so getting this information is important for when you decide whether you're going to buy it in the first place to resale I would recommend that you don't just look up let's say you come across a pair of men's TK axel jeans don't just search men's TK axel jeans and then determine whether you want to buy them based on souls and cel-3 then you would look up men's TK axel jeans and then pop in before you hit search relaxed straight because some Styles sell by than others and you definitely want to pick up certain styles that you know are going to flip but that's the beauty of selling men's jeans is you've got all the information right there that you don't have to do any guesswork you can figure out from data whether that style sells or not then additionally you would want to put that into your title in your listing so I only do a couple measurements a my listing and it's up to you whether you want to do measurements and your listing or not as I said like all the informations right here so you've got your waist and your inseam but I have noticed that sometimes I do get customers that will message me and ask for a specific measurement because they know that a tag says one thing but based on different brands cuts and everything they might fit a little differently so when I list jeans I do two measurements and again I do realize it is on the tag but just like women's jeans it might say a waist 30 and then it doesn't measure that so I always include measurements so I do the waist and the inseam and that's all I do that's all I put my listing so to check the waist I just pull the waistband I don't stretch it but I pull it kind of taught to wear if it's laying on the table I would do this and then I measure side to side and then I double that measurement for circumference because that measurements going all the way around the Jean and that would be your waist measurement so if I put a measuring tape here and it measured 15 inches across that would be a 30 inch waist and I just put that in my description I also do inseam so you would want to look for the crotch seam which is right here and you'll just measure along the legacy here all the way down to the cuff and that would be your inseam measurement you don't need to double or anything so I put two measurements waist and in seam and then also include in my listing the size that the tax says and that's what I put in my item specifics and I call it a day and with that I hardly get any questions sometimes I will pick up men's genes based on compensating factor Styles cuts that I know are really in and here's a couple things that I look for that way I don't have to go through every single pair of men's jeans and researching everyone so I've noticed a lot of the popular jean brands that people like to pick up have a contrast stitching and I wish I had another pair of jeans because it would be more pronounced but this is what I look for so as these are all hung up on a rack I don't need to go and pull through every single jeans sometimes I'll just go through and look at the side and see if I see a contrast stitching so that would be what you're looking for a thick contrast stitching and this tends to be a good indicator that this is a more modern style and a desirable brand and then from there I would do comps so contrast stitching is good something else I look for and these ones do not have it so I'll have to insert a picture here but I look for flat pockets so on the back of the jeans these are just regular back pockets but the flat pockets come and basically fold over a regular pocket and usually have a button to fasten them in place and I find that flat pockets have good resale value that is something that people are searching for so if you do have one with flat pockets make sure you put flat pockets in the title another thing that sometimes adds value or is more desirable on men's jeans and I think women's jeans too but all jeans are distressing so these jeans definitely have some distressing and sometimes I think the more distressed it is the better but if jeans do you have distressing even if it's just a little bit make sure to put the word distressed in your title because that is a term that buyers are searching for and then lastly another key factor I wanted to mention was a button fly so these ones are a zip fly which is one probably what you're most used to seeing but if you've ever come across jeans that don't have a zip and they button across the fly here that's called button fly and I'm finding that that is a lot of brands don't make button fly anymore and for that reason I think they're more desirable because they're more rare so in some brands having a button fly makes them worth more and so if you do come across them and you're doing comments make sure to comp with button fly because you might get different results that vary on price and then I would also suggest including a button fly in your title if you do indeed have a button fly okay coming in to a close so I did want to share before it left you today a few actually five of some of my favorite brands that I consider bread and butter that I pick up on a regular basis of course like I said I always do comps for the particular style that's inside the waistband or on the tag so not everything in these brands does have a high self irate or will sell for a lot but in general I think that these brands are really good men's Jean brands to pick up so I'd say my overall favorite to find is B ke b ke is sold at buckle and if you've ever been at a buckle they're usually in a mall I don't think I've ever seen a standalone buckle they're usually a mall if you've ever been in there um they have really like distressed military like sometimes grungy styles I think affliction is sold there sometimes so that gives you kind of an idea of the style and I'll put a couple pictures up here of examples and the tag of became men's jeans but I really love picking those up if you ever go inside the store they're jeans retail for a lot a lot it's more than I'm willing to pay for jeans so when I come across them they have really good resale value and that's not something you can say about every higher priced retail Jean sometimes things reach out for $200 but you can only resell them for ten BKE men's jeans have a really good resale value depending on the style I can usually get between 35 and 45 for BKE men's jeans and I'm also starting to notice that on Poshmark buyers are willing to pay a little bit more for that brand of jeans versus on eBay this brand is really well known for that contrast stitching that I talked about so maybe when you first start and you're going through the men's jeans rack I would suggest going pulling through every single one and then researching anything you're not familiar with but after you get some experience with that and you know you can start to pass on some things and spend less time going through it you can do what I do which is walking through and just looking at the sides of the jeans you don't even have to touch them just walk through and look at the sides most places have them hung up that way and then just look for that contrast stitching and then see if it's BKE my second favorite brand to sell is American Eagle I love selling men's American Eagle jeans if you do a quick search on eBay for soles you'll see that they sell really really quickly and while there is a lot listed there moving constantly which means eyes are always gonna be on your item so as long as your price the item right it's going to flip quickly American Eagle is really well known for their denim in both men's and women's but in particular the men's I find some really well and I can usually sell those between 25 and 30 this is definitely a brand I think that you really really need to be careful to search the style name inside the waistband because there are some that sell for 10 or 15 dollars and then there is a lot of them that sell like I said between it 25 and 30 dollar range so just make sure that you're always checking the style name when you do your crops so the next one is kind of a tricky one because when I search this brand on eBay comps are all over the place and for some reason when I started picking them up I found that they I was pricing them for what the sold comps were saying and then they were selling like overnight which is a good indicator to me that I had them priced a little too low so then I started raising the price and I kind of found the price that works for me as far as selling this brand of men's jeans so the brand is Polo Ralph Lauren if you come across Polo Ralph Lauren jeans I can usually get thirty to thirty five dollars for them and I kind of just basically ignore comps now because every time I'm selling them they're selling between 30 and 35 dollars and if I price them in that range they sell very very quickly so I would recommend picking up I've not had a problem with any of the styles Polo Ralph Lauren men's nice jeans bolo bolo bolo that was lame okay next brand is Tommy Bahama I just recently started finding and picking up this fraina of men's denim again with pullover a Florin comps are all over the place I wouldn't say that every style and that brand is worth picking up but the ones that I'm finding that flip really quickly and for good money usually between 25 and 35 dollars are the ones that are really thin soft and feel kind of like a warnin feel if you know anything about the brand Tommy Bahama you know that they're kind of like a relaxed vacationy Island vibe and that's kind of how the jeans fill they're very relaxed they do feel very worn in and sometimes they are distressed but most of the time I'm just I'm able to tell them just based on the way they feel so really thin really soft relaxed fit style name is usually on the inside of these jeans too so I would recommend looking up the styling when you do comps the next brand is true religion jeans now I want to caution you with this one because there are faked true religion jeans to me the faked ones look pretty obvious but I would just make sure to do a sold comps on to your religion genes and just kind of click into a couple get familiar with the tag and then you can usually tell the fake just by the feel of the genes if they feel quality mean they're probably real but if the tag looks a little wonky or off of what this old comes look like you're probably dealing with a fake I don't think they're very common I think I've only come across a fake once or twice in this brand but it is something that I wanted you to be aware of so again with the contrast stitching this brand is really well known for their obvious contrast stitching usually this brand is a really dark wash and then like almost white stitching so they're pretty easy to spot they're also really well known for their flat pockets which I talked about earlier on in the video so that is something to look for and they have a distinctive back embroidery on the back pocket I'll have pictures up here but it's usually pretty easy to find true religion jeans and the tag is very very obvious again it almost always has all of the style information and the size there one great thing about this brand of jeans is usually on the back hatch of the jeans meaning on the outside of the jeans on the back usually the top right there's a little leather patch and that also says the style name at the bottom as well as the size so that's really easy to look up with this brand definitely not all styles so great in this brand but if you do get a style that is desirable some of them go for 50-plus and then the last brand I wanted to leave you with was a brand that is new to me I just learned it over the last year and since then I found a couple of these jeans and they're doing really well so the brand is called Robins jeans this is another one that supposedly is faked I have not come across them but I am just you know getting to know this brand but as I research the first time I found them I did learn that they could be faked so there are things that you have to look out for but again kind of like with true religion jeans if they feel quality may ADA like all the stitching looks right the tag looks right it's probably not a fake there's probably I don't think there's a lot of fakes out there but I I again did want to mention that just so that you were aware so the robinsons jeans are pretty easy to spot I don't think that they typically have a contrast stitching but they have flat pockets usually and they're not hard to miss because they are usually and I'll put some pictures here really colorful really embellished they don't look like other jeans they're going to stand out so depending on which of the styles colors that you have of this brand of men's jeans they can go anywhere from like fifty to a hundred and I know that that's a big range but it really depends on the color the embellishment the style that you have in general I would say be more embellished with these jeans the more loud and crazy they are the better the more money you're going to make alright guys so that is it for today's video I really hope you guys learned something today I hope you guys enjoyed watching if you're not currently shopping in the men's section and you would like to start the men's jeans section is a really great place to start and you'll start making more money and that's the purpose of this video is for you to make more income and add something easy and simple to your knowledge base that you can pick up quickly while you're in a thrift store and have hardly any stress involved because it's such an easy category to learn so don't be intimidated by the men's section and if you are gonna start somewhere I highly suggest you start in the men's jeans section thank you guys so much for watching this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Cayley Elaine
Views: 5,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reseller, Ebay, Poshmark, Ebay Tips, Poshmark Tips, Ebay Tips 2020, Poshmark Tips 2020, increase ebay sales 2020, increase poshmark sales 2020, thrift, clothing, make money, at home jobs, stay at home jobs, girl boss, ebay selling, ebay reselling, poshmark selling, poshmark selling tips, reseller community, clothing reseller, online seller, Cayley Elaine, bolos, ebay bolos, poshmark bolos, what to sell on ebay, what to sell on poshmark, mens clothing
Id: scM0LmvxD00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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