Add Guests to OBS (Tutorial)

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okay so you have started using obs for a virtual camera so you can add nice graphics and overlays to your presentations but you're starting to wonder well can i bring a guest in and this is something people will ask is well i look nice i have my name on there but then when i have maybe i'm interviewing someone on zoom and they don't have any of the graphics so how we get around this is we actually bring our guest into our streaming software that way we can add the nice overlays we can add lower thirds names all of that look really professional and consistent between you and your guest and today we're going to talk about how you can do that with obs so it's all about adding guest obs and this is something i covered last week for ecamm so today we are focusing on how you do the exact same thing in obs you're going to use slightly different technology because obs is open source but it works really well with skype and you might be surprised at how straightforward this is to set up now if you are brand new and you have never seen me before my name is kat and i help people to create more professional and engaging online presentations so let's get to this and i am really excited because i have a special guest my friend and an amazing photographer ron clifford so i would like to welcome ron to today's stream oh you're a little out of focus all of a sudden what just happened now you're good yeah you're good hi ron so and can everyone hear ron okay if you are watching i see there are a few people joining us today so thanks to everyone here live today um but ron i would love if you can share a little bit about yourself or introduce yourself well as you've heard my name is ron clifford and uh i'm a photographer i get to do some pretty incredible things not only do i run a successful studio here at newmarket ontario canada but i get to travel quite literally to the ends of the earth to antarctica and to the arctic not during covet of course but i do have a trip planned for january where i'm going to get to go back to my favorite place in the whole wide world antarctica that's amazing and i love love your your photographs of the like penguins and all these it's amazing and so everyone don't take my word for it go to the link in the description and check out ron's website seriously just incredible stunning photography both wilderness outside animals but also portrait photography so very excited to have you on the show today so the interesting thing with bringing ron in today as a guest in ecam because i use ecam to stream live to youtube is that i'm actually bringing him in through skype today so last week i showed how you could bring guests in using ecamm's interview feature which is as easy as joining a link but in this case because we're going to use skype for obs i decided to sort of double up so ron is calling in from skype right now and i have added the skype camera overlay which comes in like a camera source because of ndi and so i can actually set this up in ecam as well so we are going to see a very similar thing when i head over to obs we're going to add ron in using ndi for skype so that is one of the two simple steps to get this done so when it comes to having this set up really it is these kind of these two steps and today just like last week we are focusing on the visual element so you can set up your scenes set up your graphics and practice flowing through but as i mentioned before you will likely need an audio routing software when i say likely yes you will need to route your audio from obs into your zoom call if you are bringing your guests into zoom now if you're using obs just to stream directly their audio will come in when you add them through skype so let's start with step one step one is that you need to first make sure that you have the ndi plugin for obs and this is free this is all open source so what you want to make sure if you don't have this yet is to go to the website that has all of the plugin releases and when you go to this site so this is what the top of the site looks like and you will go down you'll see the most recent one available and you will pick which one to download based on your system so that is the first thing that you're going to do once you've installed that and it may it may require you to restart obs after you've installed the plugin but once you have you should see ndi as an option in your sources the second step is that you need to now enable ndi on skype so if you don't have skype on your computer you can download skype i know a lot of us are so used to zoom we kind of forgot about skype but what you want is to go into your settings you're going to tap on calling and then under calling there's actually an advanced area so calling advanced and you will see allow ndi usage and just toggle that really simple it's already set up you don't have to add any plugins skype knows that it gets used for ndi and so that is the second thing that you want to do so let's hop over we're going to go into our actual tutorial and bring in ron into obs but i did want to know if you're here watching let me know if you've actually done this before have you brought in a guest into obs using skype or maybe you use skype for ecam for those of us who are ecam users okay so let's go over to my monitor here i've got obs so i am coming through here there might be a slight delay and right now i just have a main scene so we are going to set up a guest scene we're going to set up a couple like we just saw when i introduced ron i had us side by side but you can also have an individual with just your guest so that you can kind of flip between those scenes and make it look seamless and consistent so i have this main scene here and i'm going to leave this and i will just duplicate the main scene so that i have we'll call this interview i want to just make sure my camera is already zoomed in i don't want to do that all over again so i've got this interview scene but i am going to start to kind of move myself over a little bit and start to crop myself in before i bring in a guest now i'm kind of eyeballing here in the middle and i do have an overlay that i will add that will help me dissect where to actually place both cameras so now i go into sources and because i have the ndi plugin i see ndi source so it is showing up in obs if this doesn't show up you just want to refresh and make sure that you have connected your plugin when i do this i'm going to call this well maybe i'll call this guest1 you can name it whatever you want and now when i choose ndi source i'm going to see my guest as an option and i click ok now we see ron has appeared on the screen now he's covering my camera so i am going to take this move him over to the side and then i will crop and remember for cropping in obs you hold down option or alt depending on your computer and just drag over now my head is way bigger than ron's right now so i'm actually going to grab this corner and pinch it a little and try and get this a little bit more reasonable so that that's how easy this is now let's add an overlay to give it some nice effect so i actually have this is my brights overlay pack which i just updated these on the weekend i had a few requests about the circle graphic that goes over my circular picture and picture so i've added that as well as some empty countdown timers but let's look at the interview so one guest just going to drag this up here and now we see that i've i actually eyeballed it pretty well so we've got the overlay we've got the two of us side by side and then we would just go and add in your text and so when you're adding in text you go here say text let's say ron okay now here um we'll just leave help helvetica as the font and we can say ron and we want we don't want this to be white so i'm just going to select let's just do black for now i might be a little bit more specific have all the colors matching but for the moment let's just do this and say okay it's really big we'll just kind of drag that in and put that over here so you can kind of eyeball it a little bit when it is where you want it so let's lock some of these and then we are going to do the same thing and we're going to add in mine but you get the idea we're just adding some text and typing type in our names but it's a lot easier than most people i it was easier than i thought that that's my my honest truth is i kind of thought i'm going to teach about ecam but i actually don't know i don't know how to do it with with uh with obs and it was actually so much better than i thought okay so this is rough i would play around with this i'd probably pick different fonts do all that stuff but now let's add another scene where it's just our guest and we are going to say here we'll say guest only if you have multiple guests you can either assign the guests placeholders or you could put in the guests names so here we are going to go ndi source we already have guest one we click ok then we have rond and if we go back here let's just pick a i think i've got a border only so we could do border only or we could do border with a title bar so let's do that so now we've got here and we can just repeat the same thing with the text and then when you're going in between if i'm starting off i can talk and do my intro i can go to my guest page and then i can go to the guest only and you can just toggle between these and you can have keyboard shortcuts or if you have the stream deck you can use the stream deck to toggle between you can also just use the arrow keys so if you arrow down arrow up you can go in between these scenes so it's really easy for you to start controlling this and you don't have to fuss when it comes to zoom when it's pin this person put this person in speaker unpin this person you don't have to worry about any of that and you can have all of these things so let's go and i'm just going to check in with so i'm going to go back to because of the slight delay let's go back here oh your skype is showing up what's going on oh it's because i'm using you okay when we tested this yesterday it was okay with me having skype in both ecm and obs but it looks like when you have two streaming softwares going you wanna stick to one so let's take a look quickly at some of these uh comments here so and hi to everyone who is joining today it's nice to see all your names and yeah ron easy peasy you could have also said that out loud um and yeah so jeff you had never done this before and getting ready let's let's take a look here can i oh i need to change this from purple this is not this is not a good color getting ready to use skype for obs for interview perfect timing that is great but do remember when it comes to audio depending on where it's going you want to make sure the audio so let's actually go back to obs i did i know i just realized i didn't finish that question so here is ron's volume so ron if you want to say something oh are you frozen oh okay i think this is a skype thing so hold on please that's probably what's going on it's not that we can't use it it's that there's an issue with skype happening so of course of course of course so we're gonna do a little quick reconnection here i don't know if you can hear the skype sounds i'm here i'm back okay so i hear you but i don't see you yet i know and i gotta figure this out with skype saying always starting without video there you go oh right here you're back okay i was wondering why i had the big skype circle and then when i went back i thought oh he's actually frozen okay he's back he's back everyone all right i got it i got it replaced so what i was gonna say and what i'd like to hear ron uh ron's voice is if we go back and we take a look at the obs page so if you say something wrong let's take a look at the audio hello so you can see ron's audio and if if he's hitting the red i can actually adjust this down and adjust his volume am i hitting the red now i think so so what we want to do if so if you do use a mac and you are combining loopback if you're using loopback as your audio routing tool so you can refer to the loopback video that i created but you can toggle this little gear open your audio properties and then turn this on so that you actually do have the output and then this will allow you to have your sounds of your guest coming in through obs and you can add your own microphone to obs if you want your mic and your guests mic to both be coming from obs or you can use something like loopback or vb audio to be able to route your audio and your guest audio from obs you can also try it with skype which is something i mentioned before if we actually did turn this off so when i was testing this with my family because yes i recruited my family to help me test the audio routing if this was off this nothing is going to come out of obs and you'll be able to see that in your audio routing software and you can try skype the thing that i would encourage you to test is is there any kind of lag between the audio and video and just try it out so always make sure you've got ample time testing this out with your guests and making sure that everything's working and if you are bringing this into zoom for a panel or interview presentation with the graphics you'll also want to test how is it coming out on that side as well so always always always make time for testing um okay are there any questions from anyone as we um get set and i also want to give credit i believe it was i'm going to go back to this scene here so tommy who's a regular uh viewer and so helpful with his comments on the channel has if you take a look at the loopback video there's some great comments from tommy about audio and considerations of whether you bring something into obs and have everything out there and also how you set up your sounds in obs because that is an area i don't use obs as often as i use ecamm so that is definitely an area where i am still learning and it's very possible that there's a better alternative out there but there are a lot of people who are teaching the other thing i wanted to say is when it comes to audio writing alternatives if you are a pc user so i don't want to get into the weeds in this video but i did want to say so ron is a user of vb audio we won't get into the technical stuff but i just is there anything people should know when it comes to getting started with vb audio uh have patience it's it's uh it seems to me loopback and obs has made this really simple uh using using audio routing in a virtual audio cable takes some time to get your head around exactly what's happening it took me a while so just have some patience as you kind of walk through the steps about what's happening why you choose a virtual audio cable and how to bring it in okay awesome yeah and i think this is my hunch i have not tested this full disclosure so that's my disclaimer haven't tested it but i believe that if you are using obs you can i would turn on your guest's audio bring in your audio so bring in your mic your guests mic and if you have any other sound effects or music have them all in obs and then likely you just have one virtual cable going from obs into zoom i haven't been able to test it but i sense that would be easier to set up using vb audio if all the sound's coming from one source and just going into the other source as opposed to setting up your guest audio and obs your audio from your microphone or using skype or any of that so that's what i'm suspecting if anyone knows this and i see tommy's actually here today he's just giving you a shout out about all your knowledge regarding audio is that i do sense that it would be simpler to have everything in obs bring it over to zoom with a virtual cable um okay so patrick has a question here so let's take a look i'm gonna just switch the screen so it's maybe easier to see it's that no that dark color is not great okay so your guest only sees skype interface right no overlays oh great question yeah so and actually let's go back i'm gonna hide that let's go back to ron so that is a drawback ron do you want to share your experience of what it's like being a guest with skype so one of the first things i have an advantage that i have two monitors so right in front of me is cat in skype and i just see cat like a regular conversation and over on this other monitor i've loaded up youtube and muted it so i can see the final result that's a few seconds delayed but yes the answer is yes when i'm just in the call with cat i don't see the overlays i trust that she's got that under control but if i want to monitor it i do have to go to the youtube link mute and watch from there keep in mind that that will impact your bandwidth the more that you load it up so if you have low bandwidth you may not want to have youtube also open while you're being interviewed yeah i think that's a really great point around bandwidth and you could even test out maybe the image quality if you are calling in to someone else or if you're inviting a guest perhaps using skype on a mobile device putting it on your phone they're a lot of great camera quality on phones might be an option and then they could have a laptop or a computer open with the call that they're part of i would say depending on your what you're doing let's say that i have a panel of three guests and i want to bring them in and run a panel that i then bring to a zoom webinar i would probably encourage my guests to be signed on to the zoom call but to mute the zoom call so they're not getting echo they don't want to hear that echo going on always remember tell your guests to wear headphones to avoid any feedback that's coming in but i would probably have a guest monitor the actual output on the webinar or the zoom call so they can see what it looks like they know when they're on screen and when they're not on screen there might be a small delay but that might be better than another alternative now when it comes to skype when i was on with ron before testing this out i did try to bring in my virtual camera into skype and the research that i did i was not able to select my my virtual camera because of the version of skype i have on my computer i believe there are options like older versions of skype that do work with your virtual camera so ideally i would want ron to see in skype my ecamm output so my ecam virtual camera he would see this entire stream if you're just working with obs it would be nice for them to see your obs virtual camera but that did not work when i tried it so you might want to play around with which version of skype that you have because i do think it's nice for a guest to see the entire production like with the ecamm interview feature when you are invited through that ecamm link the guest sees the entire production they know exactly when they're on screen when they're not on screen and it's a really nice feature so i would opt to if you are using ecamm i would opt towards using the ecam interview feature but skype is an option for you to bring in the cameras so hopefully that answers that question and then i see tommy saying i think there is an option to adjust or an option here no it's still bad i don't know why i think it'll change isn't that the definition of insanity doing something over and over expecting a different result yeah i think so so yeah i think there's an option obs to adjust something so that voice and video are in sync if there is a delay yeah most most software has an option you can i know ron has experience with this trying to adjust getting that the audio and video just right and adding some frames to to be able to compensate yeah in the in that same settings cog beside the audio for the source there is a delay setting you just have to understand how milliseconds work and you can set it and get it to kind of line up i'm doing that right now it may not be perfect but i'm using an audio cable in vmix for that reason because uh my camera and audio don't don't line up well and so i've done that for today yeah and i i know both both i have had experience with that as well although it was with um i think it was when i was editing videos and yes i was editing videos for a course a year ago and i will just say that when you and i think ron knows this too when you start to try and line up your audio and your video it can make you crazy it's this is the type of thing that can start to really be so at some point you just i got to a point where i said it's good enough i don't think anyone you don't want it such a big gap that people are going to be distracted because our brains do not like when audio and video is out of sync it's we struggle we we snap out of it and we stop paying attention to what people are doing however there is a moment where it's probably good enough for the human brain not to notice and so i think it helps to get another set of eyes on on a video to see if it's okay so that's just my advice when it comes to that this this is a bit of squirrel but i found a way when doing recordings to get it perfect quite easily what's that it would be a great video for you cat i installed a um a click app for musicians for like a metronome app that blinks and i set it to blink every so often right and and it makes a sound it may say so i recorded that and then i brought it into the timeline of my editing software and i was able to see exactly when it lined up on the click on the and you can see the light go on that's brilliant that's so much better than the clap i know everyone says okay at the start of a video just clap and then but to me the clap is not fast enough and i think that repeating metronome with the light and the sound metronome with that that peak on the timeline it makes it you can just really nail it and the only thing i don't know about and this is besides the point is whether or not over time anything changes between like i'm using the same camera the same microphone does my 60 milliseconds always work or is it only good through you know zoom or is it good everywhere like i don't i don't know so that's that tech chain kind of idea of where where does the delay start to kick in yeah that's a really good point so that was a little extra rabbit hole but it is something that a lot of people ask about so i am definitely cool to go down there so that this is actually a shorter lesson than usual because it's so easy to set up your to set up obs with bringing your guests in so i want to encourage you that if you are looking for a way to have a more streamlined production to be able to kind of toggle through the different scenes make it look seamless have those overlays i think it looks really really good and it is easy to put together so i hope this is something that you give a try and if you do if you're trying this for the first time and it goes well or if it doesn't either way let me know go back head into the comments and i would love to hear about your experience and you can start to take your presentations to the next level thanks so much ron for joining today and for everyone who joined me live i will see you soon see ya
Channel: Cat Mulvihill
Views: 6,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A2ib9O-eWcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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