Add a map to your Flutter app

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let me show you how to add a Google map to your flutter app let's start with the basic flutter starter app that you get from the flutter create command now let's add some Google Maps juice to this app use the command flutter Pub add Google Maps flutter to add the Google Maps letter plugin as a dependency to your app you'll also need to add your Google Maps platform API key to important files based on the platforms you're targeting such as the Android manifest file in Android the app delegate file in iOS or the script loader in a web page now we're ready to go in your lib slash main.dart file import the Google Maps flutter package that you just installed then Define this as a stateful widget and add a Google map to the body a Google map requires an initial camera position which means telling the app what coordinates to show and how far to zoom out that's it run the flutter app to see a single map view ta-da [Applause]
Channel: Google Maps Platform
Views: 988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google map flutter, google map dart, map in flutter, pin on a map flutter, multi platform map, cross platform map, maps api flutter, maps api dart, maps package flutter, maps package dart, maps plugin flutter, map plugin dart, Google Maps Platform, Google Maps, Add Google Maps to your app, Adding Google Maps, code Google Map, Map API, Google Maps API, API Keys, Maps Developer, Maps Developers, Flutter
Id: 9YNkbBRTq5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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