Adaptive Loading - Improving web performance on slow devices (Chrome Dev Summit 2019)

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[MUSIC PLAYING] NEAL SCHLOSS: Today, we're going to talk about performance patterns for building inclusive web experiences. Let's kick things off with Addy ADDY OSMANI: Cool, so any user can have a slow experience. It could be the site. It could be their hardware, or it could be the network. Now, have you ever watched someone that has poor network service? They usually will be staring at their phone. And then, their arm just slides to go up, and up, and up, and up-- almost as if they're trying to pierce some force fields that will give them 4G. Now, I personally think that I probably have the worst network service here. If I go from one part of the stage to the other, if I just twirl around a little bit, I go from 4G to edge, edge-- edge being both my network connection type, but also my mental state. [LAUGHTER] Now, we've all had user experiences that are fast and also plenty that are slow. So to support a web ecosystem that's inclusive of users who are both on low-end and high-end devices and networks, as developers, we need to start doing something. We need to start respecting the user's hardware and network constraints. You see, these characteristics really matter. The user's hardware and their network type can massively impact the experience that they're going to have with your site. So let's talk about why that is, what are components that can contribute to that? Well, what's in a modern smartphone? We've got a CPU, memory, storage, a screen, and battery. Phone hardware can vary quite a lot. The hardware that's in your pockets right now can probably vary by quite a lot compared to the stuff that your users are accessing your sites on. L1, L2, L3 caches-- all of these things can have an impact on the overall experience in pretty noticeable ways. Now, let's quantify this problem a little bit. Here is a visualization of the performance gap on mobile. What we can see here are the top 10 highest-selling smartphone sales for the first half of 2019. And what you'll see is that there's a huge gap between high-end devices and everything else. It's about a two or three times a slowdown if we're talking about the other hardware. Now, device characteristics matter quite a lot because one of the things we're doing is putting JavaScript increasingly into our sites today, a lot of it. And given that JavaScript is inherently single-threaded and more single-threaded than the rest the platform. This stresses things like single-core performance. And so we need to care about things like the CPU. So if you're making sites that are only going to work on high-end hardware, you might be excluding some of your users. So this is something we've said for multiple years-- if you want to build a fast site, use slow hardware. Alex Russell has been on the stage plenty of times saying the same thing. But I just want to remind you that that's one of the things that we need to just make sure we're constantly doing. Now, we talked about smartphones. But this problem of variance applies equally to desktops as well. There's a huge performance gap on desktop. Over here, we can see the CPU performance. This is using Geebench data, same as the other side. This is using Geekbench CPU performance data. And it shows us the highest-selling laptops on Amazon. And at the very bottom, I have a modern popular developer laptop, a MacBook Pro. And what you can see is that the devices that we're building our experiences on are so much faster than the devices that people are actually out there buying on mass. You can have old hardware that sticks around for years and years-- people that tend to have longer refresh cycles for desktop hardware. And there's just generally a huge performance disparity between low-end and high-end. So a question that Nate and I would like to pose to you today is, do we need to deliver the exact same experience to every user? We think that the answer is no. In a world with widely varying device capabilities, a one-size-fits-all experience doesn't always work. Sites that the light users on high-end devices can sometimes be very unusable on low-end ones, particularly in emerging markets and on older hardware. Now, we think that responsive design was a really good start. But we think we can maybe increment on it a little bit and improve it. So today, we'd like to introduce this idea of adaptive loading. Now, adaptive loading is this idea that we build to support low-end devices first and progressively add high-end only features on top of it. This allows users to get a great experience best suited to their device and network constraints with fewer frustrations. So one core experience everybody-- but people in high-end networks and devices get something that's just a little bit better. Let's chat about a few ideas in this space, and how we can make it easier for everyone to give users a good experience on low-end devices. We're going to kick it off with a demo. So a switchover real quick. Let's see if this is working, cool. So Paul Irish and Elizabeth earlier today, they mentioned this really neat YouTube lazy loading element that Paul had built for improving performance. And I thought it'd be neat for us to actually try integrating that into an app and show you a few ways that we can improve on it. Before that, how many people here know what styled console logs are? That's like 30%, 40% of the audience. So they basically look like this. They let us create these nice fun, funky console logs. One of the really nice things about styled console logs is that we can also abuse them to create our own console and messages-- so in my case, speaking after Paul Irish and Elizabeth Sweeny. But we're going to try to give you a decent demo of this idea. So here what we've got is basically a reimplantation of YouTube. It's using live YouTube data. And I'm going to keep the Network Panel open over here. We're going to navigate to a video. So let's go to this one real quick. What we see is that 514 kilobytes worth of scripts are loaded for this experience. Now, imagine we were to swap out the Core Video experience here for something a little bit lighter. Now, I want to do something real quick to show you what we're going to do. So we've got this little window debug thing. What we can see in green is the core content for this experience. In red, we've got all this extraneous stuff. We've got Recommended Videos. We've got Comments. And I thought it'd be interesting to think about what if you're on a slow network or a constrained device, something with low memory, or if you receive [INAUDIBLE],, what if we were to do something where we can navigate back to the main experience, we can emulate this? Let's go into fast 3G. And if we now go to the video page, what we see instead is that we've actually used that lazy loading element from Paul Irish earlier. And it's only loading up three kilobytes of scripts. But we're being very intentional with only shipping this down to users who were in the worst conditions. So we're going to talk a little bit about these ideas. We're going to switch back on to the slides right now. Now, there are three or four key signals we'll be looking at for adaptive loading today. First of all, we've got network for fine-tuning things like data transfer to use less bandwidth. We've got memory for reducing the amount of memory consumption on low-end devices-- CPU for limiting costly jobs' [INAUDIBLE] execution, and reducing CPU intensive logic. And we'll talk a little bit about client hints. And we'll talk about JavaScript APIs we're doing some on this stuff. Now, to make all of this easier, today we're releasing a new experimental set of React Hooks for adaptive loading that you can go and check out. If you're using React to build experiences today, whether it's React on its own or next js, you can use these Hooks for everything from network, memory, CPU to employ some of the ideas that we're going to be talking about in just a second. And by the way, all of these are built on top of web platform APIs. And so if you're using a different framework, if you're using Angular, or View, Svelte, Lit, any of these things, you can still employ these techniques. It's just that we're going to be focusing on React for now. AUDIENCE: Woo! ADDY OSMANI: Well, thank you. [LAUGHTER] Thank you, one person. So let's kick things off with adaptive media loading. Now, this is the idea that we serve low-quality images and videos to users, reducing bandwidth and memory consumption. So picture, I've got a site where maybe I'm shipping down videos to everybody. But do I need to? Maybe I could be shipping down low-resolution images instead, if your network can't handle it, if your device can't handle it. So you could picture a photo gallery application and shipping those low res images, or using less code-heavy carousels. You could imagine a search application where maybe you're limiting the number of media-heavy previews. You can imagine news-oriented site where you're emitting some popular categories that maybe have preview images in there as well. And the way that we can determine network connection information on the platform is using the network information API. So the netinfo api summarizes performance of users' network connection. And on the web, it's what allows us deliver experiences based on how slow or fast the connection is. Now, you can use this API via the web platform. And you can also use it for things like conditional resource loading, using the React Hooks that I just mentioned. So let's actually take a look at a quick demo of this. We're going to switch back over to the other machine real quick. And here we have an experience called React Movie. By the way, for all the demos today, we're integrating adaptive loading on top of existing apps built by the community. None of this is just stuff that was run from scratch. You can employ these ideas in your apps today. So here we have an app called React Movie. And this is a movie discovery app. I can see all movies that are out at the moment. I can click through. And I can browse thumbnails for them. But what you see is that this core experience is currently shipping 2.7 megs worth of images if I'm any casual user. We can employ adaptive media loading techniques and actually deliver an experience where if you're on slow 3G-- so let's actually clear this out. This might take a hot second to load up given it's so slow. But the idea that we're going to be trying to represent here if ever loads up is that you can still offer the users an experience with slightly lower-resolution imagery in a lot less bytes. So it's taking its time. It's taking this time. It's getting there. But these are all lower-resolution images. The overall payload size is significantly smaller than what we were showing you before. And it actually didn't take a lot of code to do this. We're just using two or three lines of additional code after importing in that network Hook. And everything works the way you'd expect. So the next thing I wanted to show you-- let's switch back over to the slides, please. So the next thing I wanted to show you was Data-Saver aware resource loading. So the Save Data Client hint is something that is a request header that lets you deliver lighter experiences to your users who opt in to data-saving mode in their browser. And when a user has this feature on, the browser can request low-resolution images. It can defer loading some resources. And this is available as a JavaScript API but is also something you can use via Client Hints. So once again here, you see we're using our React Hook in order to achieve conditional resource loading. A company that's using data saving as a mode-- they've got a custom mode quite effectively today-- is So Twitter is designed to minimize the amount of data that you use. They've got a really nice Data Saver mode. And when you opt into it, you can get anywhere up to 80% reduction in overall data usage for images on the web, and anywhere up to 96% if you're including things like disabled video autoplay. I thought it would be neat for us to try re-implementing something like the Twitter data feed. So we're going to go and take a look at another very quick demo. So here, we have the Twitter feed. It's a simplistic version of it. I can scroll through this feed. I see plenty of Tweets, plenty of resources. And the overall payload size of this is something like 6.9 megabytes overall. This is including high-resolution images, videos, anything else that's supported. Now, using this Hook, or using just the web platform APIs for data saving, I can go and I can toggle this. And what you'll see is that we've switched out those high-resolution images for low-quality image placeholders. I can scroll through this feed pretty quickly. I don't have to be fetching the original images at full resolution. And if I want to see the full-resolution image, I can just tap and get that same experience. Now, scrolling back up here, there is actually a video that has its autoplay disabled. This is by Mr. doob. And I thought I'd play this for you. So this is basically what it looks like when we, as developers, have a nice payday. You're just like doing all your-- I love that so much. My version of this is unfortunately a lot worse-- oh, oh, great, OK. Live stage fail-- let's try this out again and see if it goes. OK, this is me. [LAUGHTER] Cool, very, very accurate. So let's switch back up to the slides for a second. Now, for a while, people have been asking for a media query for safe data. And although one doesn't exist just yet, there is an active proposal that's been made about introducing this idea of a user preference media query-- prefers reduced data that would let you design data-reduced variance of your site for users who expressed that preference. If you're interested in something like this existing on the platform, there's a link here where you can get involved in the discussion. I personally love to see something like this existing. Next up, let's talk about memory. So the device memory API adds navigator.device memory. And it returns how much RAM the device has in gigabytes. Round it down to the nearest power of 2. Now, this API also features a Client Hints header device memory that reports the same value. And similar to before, it's relatively straightforward to use the memory Hook in order to conditionally load different types of experiences. Now, I thought I'd show you a demo that's slightly different using this. Let's switch over to the other machine real quick once again. I discovered this really awesome website called Dixie. And Dixie do a bunch of consumer electronics. One of the things that they do is they sell mechanical keyboards. And on their site, they have this really nifty model viewer usage, where you can go and check out-- this is nice. You can spin it around. It's really pretty. But one of the downsides to this is, if we go and we load up our DevTools, we go to the Network Panel, and we try to reload this experience up, if we organize things by size and go to the very top, you'll see that this 3D model is actually almost five megabytes in size. Now, in addition to that, it also uses quite a lot of memory on low-end devices to get something like this running. On high-end devices, on desktop, it's perfectly fine. But for users who are on those low-end devices, what if we were to do something like-- let me reload this picture really quick-- what if we were to do something like use memory signals in order to decide whether or not to just send them down a static image. We'd save on multiple megabytes worth of resources being sent down to those users, while still giving users who are on high-end devices a really, really slick experience. I personally love these 3D models-- love model viewer. Let's talk about JavaScript. So adaptive module serving is something I'm excited about. And this is this idea of shipping a light interactive core experience to all of your users and progressively adding high-end features on top-- so if a user's device characteristics and network can handle it. Now, it's this device awareness that takes progressive enhancement to the next step. So in high-end devices, we can conditionally be loading more highly-interactive components or more computationally-heavy operations. You could imagine servers of the future being smart enough to use Client Hints and ether signals that come from the web platform to decide what code to send down to their users. So bundles that are the core experiences versus bundles that are a little bit heavier. In this example, we're looking at something like an e-commerce site, where the core experience represents the product images, the cart experience. And the higher-end ones can include things like zooming into images, related products, videos, and AR version of the experience-- go crazy. I wanted to demo a slimmer version of this idea, adaptive code splitting and code loading. Actually before we go into that, some of you might be familiar with React.lazy and Suspense. These are basically primitives that help you do things like add code splitting to React apps and then define fallbacks for that content as it's loading up. And you can, in fact, extend React.lazys. You can get network-aware, or memory-aware, or Data-Saver-aware code splitting. So in this pattern, what we're doing is, we're basically doing a check for the user's network information effective type values. And depending on those values, we're able to generate different chunks for the people who are on 3G, people who are on 4G, maybe a light experience, a slightly heavier experience. And I wanted to show you an example of this real quick. So eBay are a company that are exploring this idea of adaptive serving. And they're able to conditionally turn on and off features like zooming if a user's hardware or network conditions don't necessarily support them well. So let's switch back over here. We've decided to implement a version of this. And what you can see is, this is a lot like eBay on desktop. And if I hover over this product image, I can see this in a very high resolution. I've got this nice additional magnifier dependency that's being pulled in. But overall, we're shipping down about 62 kilobytes of JavaScript to our users. Now, picture that I wanted to look at what this might look like if I'm on a narrower viewport site. So let's imagine we're in this situation. And I'm loading this back up. Now, in this case, we're actually only loading 45 kilobytes worth of overall scripts. We don't have that same magnifying experience on mobile. What we're doing is, we're just shipping users down on experience that just shows them the image. And at most, maybe we show them a modal. So people who are on those higher-end situations, they can get the slightly more enriched version of this. And next, let's talk about CPU. So desktops and smartphones can have multiple physical process or cores in their CPU. And each core can run more than one thread at a time. So four-core CPU you might have eight logical processors. And in order to determine this insight from the platform, you can use the hardware concurrency API. Now, there is a Hook available for this as well that allows you to use conditional resource loading, very similar to some of the others. And one of the values of this is that you can use it to do things like determine the optimal worker thread pool if you're using Web Workers in your application. The platform does have, however, limited information about CPU. And I think that it's interesting to consider should we have more? Could that unlock other use cases? Another pattern is adaptive data fetching and prefetching. So whether it's on the client or the server, reducing the quantity of data that you're sending down to users can decrease overall latency. And adaptive data fetching can use signals like the slow network to send fewer results down to your users. And we've been talking about a bunch of different patterns today. And you might be wondering, OK, well, we're seeing a few folks who are using these in production. Is anybody using most of these in production? And one example of a company that is, is Tinder Web. So Tinder Web and Tinder Lite are using a number of these patterns in production to keep the experience fast for everyone. If a user is on a slow network or has Data Saver enabled, they disable video autoplays, they limit route prefetching-- so prefetching the additional routes the user might navigate to across the experience-- and they're also able to do things like limit loading the next image in the carousel. So they just load one at a time when you're swiping. They've seen some really great stats off the back of this-- great improvements and things like average swipe count. So for Tinder Lite, they saw 7% more swipes in areas like Indonesia, [INAUDIBLE] of using some of these signals. And finally, we've got adaptive capability toggling. Now, this idea that instead of serving animations down to all of our users, for people who are on lower-end hardware, maybe we consider not shipping those animations at all, or throttling the frame rate in some way. So what we're going to do is demonstrate using this with Client Hints. Now, Client Hints are something I've mentioned a little bit in other parts of this talk. But they're a mechanism for proactive content negotiation. The client advertises a set of hints via HTTP request headers. And the server provides hints that adapt to the serve resource. They can be extended to a number of different use cases. Now, one of them is helping automate the negotiation of optimal resources based on the client's Data Saver preferences. And I've got a quick demo using Next.js and Client Hints I'm going to switch to right now just to show you this idea in action. So here, we've got adaptive animation. Imagine that we've got a blog site or an e-commerce site of some sort, where we've got a number of different cards worth of content. Now, me on my high-end device, lots of memory-- I can probably handle things like nice navigation transitions pretty OK. And they look relatively smooth. But if I'm on a low-end device, I've tested this out on Moto G-Force, you can end up with pretty choppy experiences. Maybe it doesn't make sense to animate on those devices instead. So one thing we can do is, we can simulate all of those conditions that Client Hints allow us to do. And if I now try transitioning, I just get a very simple, basic navigation, the same type you're probably used to seeing in many single-page applications. But we're still able to give everybody an experience that best suits their hardware and network characteristics in these cases. So I'm really excited about that. Now, I'm going to invite Nate to the stage in just a second. He's going to talk a little bit about how Facebook uses these patterns in production. And one of the areas that we don't have a great solution for on the platform just yet is this idea of device class detection. So you might have noticed across some of these ideas, we've been basically bucketing things into you're on a slow device, or you're on a fast device, you're in a slow network, you're in a fast network. Now, one thing we could do to build like an ultimate solution around this stuff is have a setup, where we're taking a look at the user-agent string, determining what is the hardware we think you're on? We could connect that up to Geekbench performance data. And then, we could decide based on thresholds, is the combination of your RAM, your CPU, and your CPU score considered low-end or high-end? Now, this is very difficult to duct tape together in a way that makes a lot of convenience today. But I'm really excited, actually, for Nate to talk a little bit about how Facebook tackles this problem in a little better ways. So please join me in welcoming to stage Nate. [APPLAUSE] NEAL SCHLOSS: Thanks, Addy. So one thing Facebook recently announced is a redesign of the website. We're calling this FB5. One of the cool things about going through and redesigning the site is we've been able to take a lot of the things we've learned over the last few years about adaptive loading and different types of hardware, and making sure the site responds correctly to that, and really integrate that into the core of FB5. One of the core principles we considered when trying to go through and design FB5 is, we didn't want to just build a site that responded based on screen size. We wanted to build a site that actually adapted based on the user's actual hardware-- so actually changing what loaded and how the site ran based on what hardware it's on, not merely responding based on changes in the screen size. There are a few steps that we took to implementing this. The first step is, we actually needed to define consistent buckets for how we were talking about different types of hardware and how we were considering a hardware classification across the site, across different teams, across different products. The next step was integrating these buckets into all of our logging-- looking in at our performance logging, our general metric collection logging, our engagement logging-- and really making sure we were able to see a holistic picture of how things were working based on these different types of hardware. Next, once we actually can see the full complete picture and understand what's going on for different users in different situations, we can actually adapt loading and change how the site runs, how it loads, what happens based on the hardware. So on mobile, grouping hardware is not so complicated. The mobile UA actually just tells us what this device is. And then, there's tons of public data sets where you can actually plug in which type of device it is and get information about the CPU clock speed, how many cores, things like that. And then, we can use this predefined concept of Year Class. Year Class is a very popular framework on Native. You can use it basically to figure out in what year would this device have been considered groundbreaking. So by looking at Year Class, and by looking at the public information about a device, and specifically what this model is, and how fast it is, we're able to have a general way to talk about different devices across both the web and Native. And that's pretty powerful. So on mobile, we can just look up exactly what this device is and get all of its hardware and performance information. However, in desktop, things aren't so obvious. Sure, the user agent tells us all right, is it a Mac? Is it a PC? Is it 64-bit? What browser it is-- most of the time, everything is 64-bit nowadays. It doesn't really tell us much about the actual hardware that the user is on right now. So what do we have? Well, we have navigator.hardwareConcurrency which tells us generally how many CPU cores. And many browsers also give us navigator.deviceMemory which tells us how much RAM. So maybe on desktop, there's a way we can use these two fields and figure out some generalized buckets that we can apply consistently across different devices and different metrics. So the first step for doing this is to actually log hardware concurrency and device memory everywhere. Once we actually have these in our tables, we can build metrics and understand how things are different based on these devices. So once we have done that, the next step is actually group by hardware concurrency, device memory, OS when looking at a different metrics. And basically, come up with charts to really understand what the full picture is like. Once we did this, we start to see natural bands for different types of hardware and how they're performing and different barriers. So at Facebook, once we did this, we came up with five different classifications for devices. And the heuristics we used for them actually vary across different OS and browsers. So this is something that we did some analysis to figure out where the natural bands were. Once we figured out the buckets based on the groupings, we're able to apply it deep in our data sets, and log it everywhere, and actually the consistent way to talk about different performance and different device types across different metrics and across different teams. And this is pretty cool because when integrating performance logging, this hardware class reveals a much more complete picture. We can actually see everything that's going on and understand how the experience varies for different types of users in different situations much more holistically. So take, for example, this chart. So if you're just looking at the average, it looks like basically your performance stayed the same-- maybe it got slightly worse, but overall, it looks like things are fairly consistent in performance. But when we break stuff up by hardware type, we can see that maybe on the 6th, we had an improvement ship for low-end devices. However, there is a large regression for mid-range devices. The way low-end devices and mid-range devices are going to load your site is going to be very different. Low-end devices are often going to be blocked on pricing JavaScript, actually executing the JavaScript and execution. Well, maybe mid-range, they might be blocked in-network or other different bottlenecks. The way users interact with your site is going to be very different on both types of devices too. Low-end users might engage with your site in different ways and different spots than mid-range users might. So you might see your metric shift as your mid-range users end up in a slower performance class. We won't actually know why. So by breaking stuff up by different hardware type, you're actually able to see and pinpoint where your regressions are happening. The other thing that this can help you with is shifts in user population. Let's say, that a low-end device suddenly goes on sale in an emerging market. And all of a sudden, you have a lot of users on your low-end device. If you're just looking at the overall average, you might think, oh, I have this big regression right now. When in reality, there's just more users taking advantage of the promotion on a low-end device. So by breaking stuff up, you can actually see if you're loading consistently or not and counteract changes in just populations on different types of devices. So once we have this core metrics, and we're able to break it up and have a consistent way in understanding of what different types of hardware, we can actually consider this in our core frameworks. One of the first things we did is we looked at animations. Animations take time to render. The browser will attempt to paint a frame. Then if it cancels, it just throws all that work. But every frame the browser is attempting to paint something and render an animation, it could be doing something else and actually helping you load your page. So on low-end devices, animations look like this. They were somewhat janky. They would render like a frame, wait awhile, show another frame. And eventually, stuff would load. But it's not a good experience this kind of animation. One of the first things we did is, we just stop shipping animations in many instances on low-end devices. This enabled many more users to finish loading the page and actually engage with the site much more because they already weren't getting much benefit from the animation that wasn't really loading. And now, that wasted work is no longer happening. And they're actually able to see the page much quicker. Another thing we do is on our mobile website. Our mobile website we have a totally different site for Android phones and iPhones that have touch screens and have powerful CPUs that can run a lot of JavaScript versus feature phones that maybe don't have as many powerful CPUs and can't run JavaScript as well. Our feature phone site is mostly static HTML, a little bit of CSS, very few images. It's really optimized for this low-powered device case. Even the feature phone screen is big, even when the feature phone has a touch screen, this is an instance where we're not just scaling the site based on screen size, we actually have two totally different experiences based on the underlying hardware and really optimized for that hardware. One of the cool things we're doing too and especially on the FB5 site is we're actually taking advantage of the fact that there is this trade-off right now on the web between loading quickly and responding quickly. When you're loading your site, often, you get advice to chunk up your JavaScript that's needed to load the site into different chunks and yield to the browser in between each chunk, so the browser can dispatch any events that may happen. So if the user clicks on something, you don't actually have to wait for the entire load to finish. You can respond to that event as soon as the click happens. On high-end devices, yielding to the browser after each chunk is fairly cheap. The browser will quickly see there's no event and just go back to running your JavaScript. However, on low-end devices, this can be somewhat slow. And it can often take quite a bit of time. So there's a trade-off right now, where you want to chunk up your JavaScript into small chunks. But on low-end devices, if you make too small chunks, you're actually going to slow down the overall experience by quite a bit. So one thing we have been able to do is on-- in React in current mode that Addy talked about earlier, one of the core things is this concept of a scheduler. This is an experimental API. It's almost definitely going to change. But one thing we're doing right now is if it's on a low-end device, Schedule has this concept of forcing a frame rate. Generally, Scheduler and React is going to try to schedule each frame and run it whatever the browser is currently running at-- so 60 FPS, 30 FPS, something like that. However, by forcing a frame rate, we're able to basically tell React, all right, ignored what the browser's trying to do right now and just take longer. Run it 15 FPS and actually run more JavaScript each frame. So the user can actually load more of the site before we check for each event. So yes, some events interactions become slightly slower. But overall, it's a much better experience for users because most users are just waiting for your site to load. And this can happen now much, much quicker. One interesting thing here too is that hopefully, eventually, this trade-off goes away altogether with this new API isInputPending. Eventually, we hope is isInputPending will ship everywhere. And it'll just be a quick, cheap way to check is their input right now. So then, this trade-off will be gone because we can just run all of our JavaScript during loading. And we don't actually have to block stuff up. We can still be interactive. Hopefully, this gets integrated into React too. So if you're using the latest React, once this ships, you should be able to get this for free. So by using consistent definitions for our bucketing and our logging, and adapting based on those definitions consistently, we're actually able to share this understanding of how the site works across different teams, across different orgs, and really figure out what is this overall picture that we're seeing. So when metrics change based on something one team does, we know that it's based on this consistent hardware definition. And it's a lot easier to pinpoint changes and see what's going on. Now, I'm going to invite Addy back to take it home. [APPLAUSE] ADDY OSMANI: Thank you, Nate. I had some better network service in the back. So that's it for adaptive loading. Today, we talked about adaptive media loading, code serving, data fetching. In general, a lot of these ideas have got some promise. And we're very excited about them. They do have some potential drawbacks that are worth being aware of. Adaptive loading does use this idea of often point-in-time information about the user's device and network constraints. And you do want to keep in mind like what impact is going that going to have on things like HTTP caching. So just be very careful with adopting these techniques. I do think they can have a lot of promise. But that nuance is probably useful to talk about as well. And adaptive loading isn't this groundbreaking, huge thing, right? It's an incremental practice. Over many, many years, we've been talking about this idea of trying to increasingly become more lazy first with our content. And so adaptive loading is really just an incremental pattern on top of those things. And so in general, even if you take nothing else away from this talk, try to reduce, defer, and coalesce the resources that you're serving down to your users. Ultimately, what we're trying to do with these patterns is build experiences that have inclusivity in mind. Though the core experience ideally that works great for everybody and toggle or layer on features that can make it even more awesome if a user has enough memory, CPU, or a fast network. So that's it for adaptive loading. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]
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Views: 73,806
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Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: Chrome, purpose: Educate
Id: puUPpVrIRkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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