Adam Savage's Set Tour of the Blade Runner Universe!

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Hey guys Adam Savage here, I am at the entrance to a former granite quarry and I'm about to go inside But I'm not just going inside a granite quarry, which happens to be in Budapest Hungary Inside this quarry is in fact the future Okay I'm going to stop being cryptic about it inside this quarry Is the universe of Blade Runner and I'm gonna go take a look come with me This Quarry has been dressed up to be a set from Blade Runner They've gathered vehicles, props, set pieces Extras and actor Dave Batista to shoot a sequence that's not officially part of the Blade Runner 2049 film But is set within the Blade Runner universe And they have done all of this set dressing in a mere two and a half days It's an astounding achievement and it looks really cool In a movie like Blade Runner where they have to create a complete cohesive world They build thousands and thousands of props to dress that world and make it convincing Now some of those props are what you'd call static props They look like they move but they don't and they're for background dressing But some of those props are actually usable devices And I'm standing in one right now This is a street sweeper that's been built from scratch for the production It's based off a quad design, it's an electric engine And I've gotten permission to actually drive it And so I'm gonna use that permission and I'm gonna actually drive it! Here we go Aww yeah Aww, this is awesome! I'm gonna watch the movie and I'm gonna see this vehicle and I'm gonna be like "I drove that one!" **Evil laughter** I'm gonna go a little bit farther. Just, how about there? Okay What I love about props like this is, how convincingly they sell the world that they're in Every detail on this was drawn on a drawing board and figured it out by someone to be part of the aesthetics Of Los Angeles and Blade Runner in 2049 So even the machine plate here It's totally fictitious. All of this signage was worked over by designers And figured out, cut out, and vinyl attached This is sheet metal and fiberglass. It's a real vehicle Except that it's completely fictional And as a fictional vehicle all the weathering even the dirt on it is fake And yet when you're really right up and close to it, it feels like you're in a Alternate Reality This particular street sweeper is meant to clear snow And so it's got these snow blades up front I can feel that they're made out of sheet metal I mean, it this really feels like you could actually clear a snow bank with this if you had to And I've got to be careful because right behind me Is some spinning metal blades that look like Yeah That could actually cause me genuine damage for a fictional vehicle One of the differences about movie making today versus 15 or 20 years ago Is that movies are being filmed in higher and higher resolutions Which means more and more details from the set are making It onto the screen That means that the scenic painting has to sell even when you're standing right next to it 20 years ago it might look good on film and look a little weird in person. Today that's not the case If you look at something like this pipe, that looks really greasy It's totally not greased, that's all scenic painting Layered in, layers and layers and layers Of the kind of body weathering and Earth grime That would attach itself to a vehicle like this if it was in real use You want eyeballs? Let's see I... Now we are fresh out of eyeballs What we have plenty of Is the ingenuity and enthusiasm of an incredible crew, working tirelessly to make What when you're in it, feels like a complete and total universe It's Blade Runner 2049, And it's amazing
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 196,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, adam savage, blade runner, blasters, blaster, tomenosuke, behind the scenes, prop, replica, stunt, gun, movie
Id: c_9iv9HwO5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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