Adam Gilchrist masterclass: How to keep wicket | The Ashes on BT Sport

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right Gilly we've got Rick use your able the system we've got Josh ian is he from West jr. Creek club here in Brisbane Josh your 10:00 is is 11:00 why should they go into wicket keeping yeah it's a great question I don't well I think it's an easy answer we could keeping it is a focal point of any time any fielding team being out in the middle you've just got to be involved in every single delivery you can't sort of Bowl one over and then go down to fine leg and just take a little nap for a while every single delivery you possibly could be in the game and I guess the other thing that I loved about wicket keeping was being able to create the energy for the team out in the middle now Ricky was my captain for the predominant amount of my tests curry he had enough on his mind tactically you know that the drill you're trying to think about the next bowling change or the field position the last thing he needed to worry about was trying to energize the team and get everyone up and bubbling and focused on the job at hand so that fell I I feel it falls to the weird keeper that's their responsibility they don't need to be vocal necessarily but certainly energetic so running up to the stumps being involved and just showing the rest of the team that you've just got to be switched on and ready to go as soon as that chance comes so for me it means you're involved in every single delivery that you're not bored there's no time off but it's a great deal of fun so that's why I would say anyone should become a wicket keeper okay then turning the 11 years how would you start starting off basic for me there's a lot of different theories around about where you're keeping I now I'm mindful of the the sort of theory in the UK and the textbooks in the UK is a bit different to what we were taught in Australia different conditions and that's what crickets all about is adapting to the conditions but really I think it just comes down to an individual working out what the best technique for them is and what's going to be most effective and it comes down really to a really solid base of footwork and if the balls moving you've got to be able to get to that ball so that's where the footwork comes into it you've got to be able to access the ball trying to get your eyes and your head in line with the ball so you can best judge what it's doing and then obviously some glove work but I'm going to get the kids gonna start off with Josh if you want to come in over here I've just set up a couple of stumps here I'll get you to start in the middle and just give us that ball Josh a very basic footwork drill so what we're going to be doing I'm going to looking for you to start down in a nice low base position you have to be strong and then moving from side to side so it's gonna be a little skip across take the ball come back and throw it back to be a very basic drill that can be done that's it nice work throw it back back to the middle there and then back the other way so it's just getting in so what we wanted to see josh is down low and rather than turning and running we want to be front onto the ball so the eyes are nice and straight and we're skipping across like that nice and strong so down low good down low they're dry and then the other way excellent mate right one more and that's looking good my jumping swap over with Izzy if you jump in there is nobody again very simple drill very basic but it gives a good foundation okay nice work right over the other excellent and and sorry it just quickly busy in Australia we would talk about trying to move so that you're taking the ball on the inside hip so that if the balls then edged you're already covered that ground to go for that that catch it differs a bit in England I think they talk more about either front on or even setting up with an angle other say it's open to interpretation you gotta work out what your favourite technique is okay easy so down nice and low there excellent another way what no worries here we go another ball here one more is well darn well done so that's that's a very basic starting drill that any young wicket keeper can use as they get introduced to the technique and trying to get that foundation it's amazing that's great we've got Ricky Ponting here I'm just going to step in here now it's amazing how those basic drills can be incorporated at the elite level as I was very lucky planner if you want to get out there just grab these gloves oh I had one of the best computers of the cricket ball I think certainly in Australia created history in the form of Ricky Ponting and Bonnie he used a very simple drill to warm me up on game day obviously got the gloves on got the hardball bit for me whether it was in practice or on the morning of a match to warm up this is a very simple drill that I used to do with him get the ball what you're looking to achieve here what I'm looking for is to get my technique right and a bit of rhythm into my keeping so the main thing it's footwork getting warmed up getting your feet up just noticing the like baton you've got a little trigger there haven't you just talk us through that I get down get set so you're a bit broader than shoulder width apart not going down into the full squat here because it's more trying to create a realistic match like situation when the balls come in towards you after it's going past the bat so it's here for you and then just ready to go and really looking for strength in your legs you want to be nice and low you don't want to be up too high and then have to go down for a catch so it's getting that base firm base and just watching that ball right skip back get a bit of rhythm then the other way whoa it's going to be life steady on Rick maybe another year Amari got that yeah he's picking me up and the thing about that one there is I'm ideally looking to take the ball here but if it's too wide you've just got to go with it there's no use trying to turn it around and make it look like it was the perfect technique how important other hips I mean you've taught the thighs the legs the alignment the trigger what about the hip probably much more important in the UK in England where the balls tailing around once it passes about you've got to be flexible and able to go with it in Australia it's a bit more consistent the flight of the ball and is probably a bit more not easier but there's as I say consistency in getting into a good it's just moving take the ball and you're really doing it son who knows how to hit the ball and making sure they don't get the ball too hard you don't want to be lunging all the time just getting your nice good rhythm salii just got your question there what come on um what age did you start cooking um look at keeping busy I was gonna be the fastest bar in the world for a little while there and then I went shopping with mum and dad saw a set of wicket keeping gloves when I was about 8 years old and Santa Claus saw that I saw them and they turned up under the tree that year and that was me done eyes or we could keep it from then on so that eight years of age so as long as I've been playing cricket it's been that the position that I've wanted to have I mean give most Wiki keepers Rick would you agree with it they're a bit they're a bit mad at me you are you're a maverick as matters of spirits vary my pretty close but you're quite normal in comparison to some Wicky keepers that I've played with it is it important that you've got that mentality that you're not crazy but you've got a load of energy clearly you've got to work on a lot of technique but yeah is there a certain mentality required to be behind the stumps well I think so I think that the mindset the biggest challenge and we've already seen it in this Test match with with with Tim Payne having so much focused on him coming into this match and then he had that one chance a really difficult chance on day one the the greatest qualities are how your rebound from that and how you just push that away from your mind it doesn't matter how much you harp on about that that ball is gone you're never getting that back the only the only important delivery in your life as a wee keeper is the next one and you've just gotta be foes same as batting you just got to be focused so it does take a strong frame of mind you've got to be mentally strong and tough because you are gonna miss some it's how you rebound from that Ricky what what made him so good always work ethic around his wicket keeping is what made him so good I mean there's a lot spoken about Gilly and his batting and therefore sometime I think he's we're keeping abilities overlooked but the time that I spent with Gilly he didn't care about his batting or invading prep at all all he was ever concerned about was his keeping preparation getting that right because as you say then it's just that one chance that might pop up through the course of our Test match not one day or one session but it's one chance popping up over five days that he had to be prepared to actually make a half chance I think the other thing about Billy when you look at him is actually quite big for a keepers quite tall lot of keepers aren't quite that tall so his vertical movement was incredible I mean he could take diving catches in front of second slip and there for a long way down the leg side as well but the thing we always say about keepers is if they're not being noticed that's a great thing but when Gilly was actually noticed the other way I thought a lot through his career as he did that he did the spectacular things but actually made them look really easy keeping the warning for most of his career was never going to be easy I don't remember too many mistakes at all through Gil his career keeping your warning was definitely the highlight of my cricketing career you know runs hundreds victories whatever the case McGraw ran warned to have the best seat in the house keeping to those guys I feel like in here Lee and I sort of stole anyone else in the world's opportunity because we were so blessed to do that so keeping you a spin up or shame warning for us Josh you're going to start again with you here maybe if you can come down behind the stump see I'll just quickly talk about some technique stuffing and how you set up keeping to a spinner what we want to do we're going to pretend the balls coming from this way we need to be down in a full crouched position and the idea there I think is basically you want to be seeing the ball land and then rising up with it you don't want to come up too high because most stampings are missed when the but you're up too high and the ball goes a little bit lower so we want to be down nice and low and then when the ball bounces you come up nice soft hands and giving there but but again it's footwork it's not the length of footwork that we had with the quick bowling but if the ball goes down the leg side we're up and a strong movement just that way so I'll just demonstrate sorry Joseph use weight they always get Ricky to throw a couple down here and take the ball and I think Bonnie that's really important in training we want to make sure we take the ball and just take it back to the stump because it just creates nice habits just gets a bit of rhythm and get you into good habits for a match so it's just taking like that so Josh if you would want to jump in there John Doerr more now you do that I can have a look from here mate so nice and low that's it and we don't want to go backwards you want to stay working I think the old school theory was you work certainly in Australia it was your work around in a semi-circle so it can always access the stumps I don't really subscribe to that I think you've just got to get yourself in a nice position to get the ball first then think about going back to the stumps a but you don't want to go backwards [Music] nice nice little natural look good so make sure you get down nice and low starting right down wait for the ball to bounce good work okay swap over there isn't you jump in there too and maybe you pretend the left-handers batting so you go over this side here Gilly I heard soft hands motioned all the time yeah you know just just explain that how much tension do you need in your hands you you just need to be relaxed I think you need just Chuck as a tennis ball there puttan the thing about one of the great ways to workout or to work on soft hands you probably watch a bit of TV do I'm sure you're watching the cricket all the time like all the kids at home in the UK watching the ashes at the moment but if you're even sitting watching TV you can sit there voting with a tennis ball looking out there to the TV just flicking the ball back like that and you're not you're not looking at the ball so you're using the peripheral vision and being aware of what's out there and just flick it around and the idea is that hand has to be really relaxed for that ball to go in because it's not landing right in the middle every time it might hit me here but if I'm if I'm relaxed and I ease it in you feel the ball you make an adjustment and you get it Tim Payne again this nick off James Finch Nathan line he's hands were a little bit tense and weren't really relaxed and giving up with the ball so the idea if the ball doesn't hit you right in the middle which it didn't for Tim Payne if that hits him right in the middle of the gloves he patches that and that's a great catch it just it was a big edge and hit him up high in the glove but if your hands are rigid that ball is going to fly off if your hands are soft and going with it there's a better chance not always a better chance you'll you'll wrestle it in and then the ball might balloon in there could go straight up slip could get it or anything so just something simple like that it's pretty pretty basic but it's and then back the other way and so it's just all about feels so punters you want to get easy to do a couple of nice works are still trying to stay forward don't have your weight on the back [Music] nice that's good work and one more part and I'll just very quickly I'll run around here and grab something that something Ricky Ponting used for me as well in warm-ups so again a basic drill that I would then extend into my Ricky I get this feeling you work Gilley's Butler that's about it mate that's audience now I've had my batting warmups I was just looking after that taking his mind off batting you know he needed to relax and focus on something else so Sam it's a basic drill but just tapping the intensity a little bit we'd probably do this with some inner gloves on not my full keeping gloves because I like to get a feel of the ball but getting down here well I'm not going for that one wears another tennis ball yeah yeah but the whole same the same sort of basic thing staying low take it into there and this is just up the intensity a little bit from what the basic drill was for the kids and I would try to do this is what you do on the morning of a test match ah mate well as you get older you're trained smarter when I was younger and first into the team volume was everything and you've work hard and probably as much as anything showing everyone that you're working hard so that they knew that but yet hundreds of balls early in your career but this I worked at became a feel thing so if I was doing this and it felt good right from the start I just do about 10 maybe 15 of each side getting to shoot one down the leg side and as I said footwork it's only small steps but you've got to got to be moving but going in the answer that question probably 10 10 15 minutes probably on game day just getting moving of all these little little drills very good there Rick joshan is 8 10 and 11 years old if you could just give us three pieces of advice for what wicked keeping really is and how you can improve and what you require what would it be I would say a better level of fitness that I've got at the moment because I'm absolutely exhausted now in all seriousness I think as I said the foundation is your footwork so being strong and staying low if you're practicing a good we're keeping coach will say stay low stay low so you can do a lot of drills where you're just skipping back and forth it's all like leg strength so staying low and then nice soft hands relax those hands get someone throwing the ball and just cushioning the ball in there a bit of advice have fun always love it you're going to do a lot more time training in cricket than you do playing particularly in batting and even weak you're keeping make sure you're enjoying it and have fun like that's brilliant thanks to the butler magnificent job Josh and Izzy I hope you've learned something I think we all want to be wicked keepers well potential not me because I've got hands like feet
Channel: TNT Sports
Views: 371,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cricket, Ashes, Wicket-keeping, Gilchrist, Shane Warne, Glenn McGrath, Masterclass, Learning
Id: uM02BldzPrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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