Adam Brody: The Strip + All Things The OC (Part 1 of 2)

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[Music] welcome to the oc [ __ ] we are on season one episode 26 the strip let's get right into it because this is a very very exciting episode the synopsis is when word gets out that caleb is having a bachelor party in vegas sandy jimmy seth and ryan i'll invite themselves along with the hopes to win some money to help teresa out ryan and seth instead end up owing money to a pimp after unknowingly inviting prostitutes over to their penthouse and back home kirsten agrees to julie's wishes and hosts her a bachelorette party that includes strippers yes yes uh lots going on in this episode but um joining us for this episode i would like to tell you that our guest today is an actor writer and producer who may have had a very minor role on the oc but left a real impact in the entertainment world with his roles in mtv's a sausage factory growing up brady and the movie grind a few lesser-known uh titles mr and mrs smith thank you for smoking shazam promising young woman startup and the kid detective he was the first male ever featured on el girl magazine won 14 choice awards and was also named tv's sexiest geek by the la times an avid surfer it was a doning father and husband a serious movie buff a wealth of knowledge when it comes to cool music please welcome the one and only mr adam barodi thank you for that introduction you're welcome i spent a lot of time on it i just really like yeah jeez i had to dig deep brody um yeah i noticed that a fellow co-star of mine from the uh aforementioned sausage factory was in this episode i was surprised to see her her name was kristen she played the prostitution yes the unlv yeah so many people came in and out on the show that i forgot and um she was one of them and it was nice to see her i saw that i saw that funny yeah i didn't see that but yeah well that's cool how was it uh watching the show again brody oh it was it was really it was fun it was a it was a real time warp it was you know it took it's older than i suspected even you know i knew it'd feel old but it's like i settled into it after like 10 minutes but for the first 10 minutes i'm just tripping out on like it's on 16 millimeter film like it's kind of grainy and um obviously the the style and the hair and everything and even the even the the opening like the opening credits those wipes are so funny and dated um but you know by by halfway through i'm sort of acclimated and uh and enjoying it and it's a good one it's like a classic it's a it's sort of a it's got a lot of classic stuff in there for the show so i enjoyed it before we get into all that i just want to say congrats on your family because i think i mean i've seen you over the years we always end up at peter gallagher's for thanksgiving or some kind of party from time to time but since i've seen you uh you have two children and you're married to leighton meester and you got sounds like you have a completely different life than you did back in the 2000s uh yeah yeah as we all do i i i would imagine um we've multiplied over here and um yeah i'm just uh honestly it sounds it doesn't sound silly but i count my blessings every day not to say that you know life's only positive i guess but but i'm i'm i'm so lucky and don't i know it don't you know it it is pretty cool being a parent though i think when i saw you i guess that was a couple years ago now we ran into each other on a plane and we were both parents and i feel like that's primarily talked about and we're just like oh life is so different now it's an endless trip you know it's like it makes you think about life in different ways it makes you think about your own life in different ways it makes you think about your childhood in different ways and your parents and you know i i um you know it's just one of those things you it's a real perspective shift and uh in a good way i mean i i just uh i don't know i don't know i love my kids you guys were so young when the show started and i was a new mom so it's an interesting that's why i'm very highly interested to get your take on reflecting back then and and how life and how you how you look back on your experience on the oc and now being a parent and because i know rachel and i are both watching the show with different with a completely different set of eyes you know now that i've actually been through the teen years and yeah and i can be a lot more critical of julie right yeah right yeah let's get let's dig into like what it felt like first of all when you started the oc you're from san diego you were a surfer you were jewish you were yeah you are a surfer all those things that were similar to seth did you did you recognize this guy when you read the script the pilot not really you know um i mean like orange even orange county like was its own thing to me i didn't feel like that felt it's not that it felt alien i just didn't know i didn't know what they were talking about ironically i i even though i'm from san diego and i spent half my life there and i've spent half my life in la i've probably like been in orange county 10 15 times i mean it's it's so weird but um yeah uh uh uh also in the pilot he was like a sailor which i had no experience with he was really in the boats and um i you know that wasn't really my hobby so i don't know anything about that but i don't know watching it i think the thing for me and the pilot the main thing that changed and it changed instantaneously and tell me if you guys feel the same way i imagine you will and i think but the pilot was so much more serious you know on the page it was a dead serious show there was humor but in a drama and i think um we all got in it and and like i'll just throw in a little joke here and then i think it just made josh josh like come alive because he's very funny and then he was writing for everybody's comedic sensibilities and leaning into his own which are strong and it like transformed it really fast i mean you would never think like in a show that started so self serious that i don't know what episode the valley episode was but i feel like it was within the first 10 or something we just did it i forgot what number it was but it's the l.a first season number 22. oh okay a little later than i thought then but still first season you'd already be like kind of referencing meta and parroting yourself it's such a diff so i don't know but so all to say that like when i first looked at it i didn't feel a strong kinship with the character necessarily but very quickly as josh did for all of us and stephanie and all the writers just wrote to our strengths strengths and personality and uh and the characters you know became us very quickly yeah i mean the opening shot of you is like you're playing video games on the floor and you're like hey like you talk like yeah and i and i don't you know i didn't play any video games then really and i don't know i remember reading the pilot and of course my first take on it was exactly what you described it read like a script that had some traditional dominant beliefs in society and ultimately when i saw your performance there was it was a completely different take than what i had thought it was going to be and it was refreshing and it was original and it kind of set the tone for for this seth cohen character that was really whether you i mean accepted or not was was a pretty groundbreaking character and there were so many there was so much of the oc that was more that was very much like a trojan horse you know it came in like a teen soap but you had the adult story lines and then you had all these wonderful easter eggs of discovery that kind of were implemented in the sandy and and seth relationship and even more so seth right this underdog this kid who had all these interests that were you know comics and indie bands and ultimately you the character became very very cool for a huge group of young people boys and girls do you do you reflect on that yeah yeah i mean i don't feel it was definitely i don't know a turning point an inflection point a a a a kind of new archetype in this genre i think the archetype has existed but i think in this genre at this moment it was a first um but you know i don't know i don't take so much i just feel like timing you know more than i would take credit for it i feel like it's those things were about to be made they were being mainstreamed in that moment anyways and here was this great vessel for that and josh you know was so young and we liked a lot of the same music and just put it on the show you know and that was the soundtrack among other things but maybe most i don't know i mean the comedy too but the soundtrack was also a real genre breaker in terms of um just having modern music and you know if you want i suppose it could be called indie too but um yeah so i i don't know and then it definitely opened the floodgates and now is its own you know now that stuff's commonplace but you introduced a lot of that stuff to the show like you you brought in death cab like everyone's awareness of it and stuff sure right sure that was at the time of the pile the first season that was defiant was my my favorite band and you know uh he certainly used that and then he put you know i mean i feel like seth cohen is very much a fusion of josh schwartz and adam brody circa 2003. josh has said that he needed seth's voice for him to navigate this show so that he could constantly have a voice that comments on itself throughout the entire series that's what he needed to get through the show yeah yeah it makes sense i mean you know he's not ryan binge in the oc can work up an appetite well grubhub's got you covered grubhub is my go-to when it comes to delivery services because they take extra care to respect and serve restaurants and what could be more fun than binging your favorite shows and having your favorite food delivered by grubhub on a cool fall day and that sounds like the perfect weekend day to me i love grubhub so much especially 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and yeah and it was like and i think there was just such this this magic in a bottle that happened with the cast the chemistry the fact that josh hadn't done a show before and it oh and it truly just doing what he liked did something so new and reflected or even made popular culture more popular and there's been you know the the one of the reasons for this podcast is to explore the cultural impact that and legacy that the show has had and it's fascinating there's so many essays and and critical analysis written about the show and what it did for pop culture and seth is is one of the prime subjects of that analysis i think he is i think you are yeah you know i mean it feels like a long time ago now and i i don't know i think of it as like bush i know i know peter's references too but like 911 it's very much bush years it's very much war on terror and comic books coming in movies like their ascension you know i think when this came out it was only spider-man was the only you know now obviously it's the biggest stuff in pop culture are comic books or movies and um then that was just that was just taking off too yeah that was you too though you loved comedy you wanted to be i did yeah that was me more than josh actually at the time you know i i had that very much uh in my in my dna and even though i i can't say i read them now i still love them and i you know i'll always i'll always be a comic book guy geek you made comic books cool let's be honest um well your dad i remember your dad and i really bonded over that your dad's a comic book guy and he is we as we wrote a comic together so melinda she brought that up to me i had no recollection i was like what are you talking about it was you know i was not as informed i mean it was my idea and yet i still wasn't as informed of the history as i should have been to write it i was pretty young and pretty naive about it but it was like a 50s red scare hollywood hero kind of a sort of captain america but in a dystopian kind of um you know uh uh military and i don't know you're like i don't remember either i remember well it was news to me but it was it was like historical fiction yeah that makes sense that tracks that tracks how old were you you were you're two years old you were like 23 25 i was 23. i always think of it in terms of that too i don't know why but i always think you know when i think about it when i think about the legacy or the time period in my life where i can hear the show and i i think 23 when i started 27 when it ended and i know where i was and what i was doing at those years and i think about a lot of things in context of you know and or in contrast to that time in that age and whatever right so that's how old i was yeah but i also think about it because i'm now older than definitely older than you were melinda older than kelly uh probably older than tate i mean i'm 41 i feel like tate was 40 when we did the pilot he turned 40. remember he had a birthday party at his house oh okay even better so yeah so i mean i i think about myself as being older than the parents on the other side which is fun it's such a trip i mean i've had such an emotional reaction watching the show just like i cry every episode melinda really does yeah i'm just never seen watching oh yeah i don't adam i don't remember you never saw it at the time i don't think i don't know i don't remember anything basically like well i don't remember but yeah you don't see it i did see it at the time but i don't know i feel like we watched it and they would screen it and like we definitely saw it but i'm watching it and melinda will be talking and she'll get an episode ahead of us she's like therese is pregnant i'm like what theresa was [ __ ] pregnant or like caleb dies like i have no recollection of anything i didn't know caleb died that's that's he died caleb dies okay thank god i'm not the only one uh i was blown away by how much story and again the season was so long we would be in the third season on this episode if the the episode we watched if this show is now but i was still like what so melinda or you know julie and jimmy are divorced julie's dating caleb is going to be married and kristen's sister is dating kate i i was i was jimmy i was like that's a lot that's a lot to process it is true that now going back paying attention to every detail that i can possibly pay attention to i feel it does feel so rushed so many of the storylines go so quickly and you know i don't know if you can remember now that you guys are saying you don't remember but clearly admittedly some storylines worked better than others some seasons worked better than others to and sure the first half of this season's worked better go ahead right right no do you remember any seasons getting to be just a little bit like some story lines stand out to you that you didn't like or or it felt very forced or it was frustrating i mean it all nothing is rainbows and you know yeah i mean two things i remember in the second season we got trapped in a ball and while in like the middle of the second season i think it was maybe it was earlier than that because i think misha was yeah yeah um yeah yeah and i thought oh you know even though like it's cute it's fun i just remember thinking like oh no this this this is feeling like so untethered from what it was or any kind of grounding that i'm not sure where we go from here and you know i don't know i i haven't revisited the second yeah i haven't revisited any of it but but my assumption and my i think quite simply we did go through too much story and obviously i'm sympathetic because how do you feel 30 hours you know 30 episodes in a in a season i don't know how you do that um but i remember feeling and i still think this holds up like i remember josh saying that like he really regretted um the oliver character which is the first and him and i had we've hung out a lot lately or a bit anyway but i haven't we haven't gone deep on this so um but i remember him saying like you really regretted the oliver character because the audience the oliver was a bad guy bad guy in the first you know 10 episodes and um i believe he was like kept misha and ben apart yes and like because the audience was so pissed off you know and they hated him and he's like oh god and i don't know if he still feels this way or not but at the time and for a few years afterwards was like that was the worst mistake like he felt like bad and my feeling is no no not at all that's amazing that's like you want them tearing their hairs that hair out like that's that's maybe a high point of the show period and so like for our characters seth and summer the audience really liked them together but i felt like we even though it was fun to do because it was easy to act it was like well we kind of ended up being on a sitcom i felt like for the second half where it's like we break up in the beginning of every episode but we're back together by the end and so the stakes don't feel that high on a sitcom it'd be okay but for an hour drama that needs to be taught and tense it didn't have that and i felt like still feel like you know if we would have stayed apart for a year you know and the audience dying to have them back together but you just can't make it you know i think could have rung some more out of that i think like misha going away because they ran out of story i feel like could have put her on ice for a while you know could i mean like rehab or whatever like you mean instead of kill her is that what you're talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah to bring it full circle i mean i felt like we did more more than anything just we went through a lot of story and maybe a little fast and i think kind of burned out a little because of it on the flip side that's why i like the first scene is magic or the first season is kind of magic it's like a whole show it's all the yes yeah josh has said that whoa we finished that first season after 27 episodes and oh i have to do this again and and he's also admitted that he did have a lot of influence from people commenting about oh my gosh we hate oliver but i think since then he's come to respect that you know as long as we're not apathetic as long as you don't ha as long as you have you've got to have a reaction however he has said that there were a few story lines um johnny for one and charlotte later on is the jerry ryan character you know there were there were times when the network had a lot of say and number one first of all our show was moved three times in a few years that's a really hard thing to to juggle and stay afloat in that respect but he said at one point there was a a note from the network that said and this is during the um johnny storyline that said um this is fox network not fox searchlight i was like oh what does that mean like we're not if this isn't an art film that you're doing this is you know more of a traditional um and then at one point the jerry ryan character was brought in because of the desperate housewives they needed a femme fatale so there were some definite things that johnny like fall off a cliff or something yeah that's the only thing i remember but i do remember that okay but there was a lot of characters brought in where it felt like we could have had more exploration with like luke and anna and and jimmy so sure i mean i you know not to blame it not to you know on youth but i have so much i mean josh is so much younger to me now in hindsight you know at the time right 26 yeah i guess it's yeah he's the youngest show runner yeah that's cool whatever i'm 23 i don't know and then he's my older name but then now i'm just like oh my god um that's so crazy it's such an operation it's such a uh a big organization and it's so much work and it's so much responsibility and um it's really cool i mean i'm i'm i'm envious i think you know that's something to be so proud of well being a showrunner um do you agree i think being a showrunner is the one of the most unique roles in hollywood you have to be inspired to write for one two maybe ten seasons and i have we're just trying to keep a podcast straight in our minds let alone shooting and doing a whole season ahead of time so it's it's certainly not any i mean but you've also produced um by the way just to to um give you some cutest horn dude yeah i love startup my husband and i watch startup oh nice and we just watched the kid detective this last week you did oh that's cool i mean what a passion project that must have been i we totally laughed out loud super dark super subtle and just very adam brody i would think and so thank you it must be so rewarding to produce your own product or be part of producing i mean startup was rewarding startup i i didn't develop i just came on and they're like you know can't give any more money do you want to be a producer i'm like all right okay and you know but but um but through three seasons and we shot it all in puerto rico so it was a very tight-knit unit we're all on an island together and i got to collaborate ben ketai is the writer of that and he also the the workload i mean i won't take too much time but he was like writing it as he's directing it is i've never seen someone work that much actually kind of scary and um but anyways that was such a call it turned out to be such a collaboration that that was very fulfilling because of that and um it reminded me a little bit of the oc from time to time the character and his um it's darker but the character and his relationship with a couple of the other characters and how he fit into the tr friend triangle you know similar uh position to seth on the usa i don't know it reminded me occasionally josie um kid detective was more fulfilling as a producer because we tried to get money for it for like five years and i sort of thought it would never happen and then all of a sudden i'm on set going like i can't even believe this is real i can't believe we're making this this was just like a thing i had in my pocket for five years that i had written off um maybe more maybe more than five years and so to like that was surreal to you know have that be you know a reality as the year ends another holiday season is upon us for many of us that means travel and family and i mean let me tell you this can make me stressed okay because all of the logistics that go into it and my kid and sharing my kid and figuring that all out good lord i get stressed ease some of the burdens the holiday can bring with talkspace online therapy talkspace is the number one online therapy platform there are thousands of licensed therapists available for you to match with across dozens of specialties including anxiety depression relationships and more i really think this is an awesome thing to take advantage of because especially this time of year all of these things come up and you want to be able to talk them through and sometimes it's not super easy to find someone to talk to that's why 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go for it and i just want to say thank you because oh it just like brings that all up and i was like dude like i was never better than when i was acting with you so that's what what a lovely thing to say i just thank you and i say that hey it was it was my pleasure and it was such a joy and it was you know i mean look i i i take the compliment and at the same time like in the pilot you made it your own instantly and they all everyone fell in love with you and then you know um it was it was i felt like we were sparring so well together so fast and um you know i don't know like i i've seen this episode i feel like on one hand i'm pretty loose you know like that's what i'm saying is good about it like i you know i wasn't i i did walk in there pretty loose on the other hand you know and and i think this is probably a sign of growth but i i hate almost every one of my choices in it you know in terms of of course i feel like yeah i i feel like i'm mostly it's just i mean forget fashion and stuff i just my assumption is like i didn't even talk like that in real life i was i was doing such a vince vaughn impersonation i was talking so fast and high but really just fast that i um more than anything i'm like i just i see it i'm like wow just just you know relax yeah but you're like improvs everything like i laugh out loud every episode with like one thing you do like it never fails because well sir you are funny thanks i i i you know well thank you i appreciate it uh i just want to tell everyone the first present that you ever gave me uh was a book entitled why men love [ __ ] do you remember that book i didn't tell you said it but i do now which isn't to say i which isn't to say i read it or anything i'm so glad though like i mean that sounds a little sexist i don't think it was it was obviously a play on the character i was worried for a second it was going to be when i had like why man i'm like oh god this is going to be okay if you ever choose to do a podcast you should i'm sure you've thought about it but you you you are so interesting to listen to i've listened to some of your podcasts with like dax and shepard and anna ferris and you've just you've talked about how you thought this vince vaughn you were doing this vince vaughn thing but i feel like now and to echo what rachel was saying my opinion is because of what you did you elevated or you brought a certain energy to the whole cast and when you taught me about buttoning up a scene with a bit of an improv or taking chances and that's what happens in long-form television we start saying oh i'm going to come to work and i'm going to experiment i'm going to try things i never would try and and there and it becomes fun and it might not work this day or or you know you discover things almost like going to an improv class or an acting class but i think and you're supposed to make these choices when you're young and if vince vaughn sticks in your head or that kind of delivery sticks in your head ultimately you did create something that resonated with the audience was so endearing that people liked and because i know i've stolen from when i don't know what to do i steal from something that i've heard or seen on a film even though you might be very self-critical i it just worked in that moment so then my next question is when you left the oc did you have a hard time did hollywood want to stereotype you did you have a hard time having to separate yourself or did you have to make a conscious decision to say i'm i'm not seth anymore i i don't think so and i was never i mean not really i don't i felt like i've had and got even pretty quickly enough opportunities to play different characters um you know there are a few things that were too seth like that i you know passed on but in general um no i never felt um constrained by it at all and also wasn't worried about it in the sense of i always even then like i'm not the most i have plenty of insecurities but i'm also fairly confident at the same time and i don't know i felt like i have other i can do other characters i'm not i'm not intimidated by that and and at the same time in as much as that character was me i gotta be me and so you know i can only do so much and i and i think it's a versatile enough not bad character but i don't know it was it was me and i i assume i wonder i wonder if i s like a season four you know if i'm sure we all changed i'm curious how we changed i'm curious how we all changed in our even our acting and our style you know um but i i think i probably grew i don't know but anyways no to answer your question no i didn't i didn't feel too um hemmed in by it got me a lot of opportunities more the opposite in fact those things in fact got me opportunities that i probably it's like now i'd kill for those opportunities you know it's like oh i didn't even i wasn't i wasn't ready i wasn't ready to like you know i wasn't even good enough everything under the sun like in nottingham heyday not kind of you were getting offered like stuff that like a lot of people wanted you know i felt like i was on that list for sure i was also you know we were shooting the show like nine and a half months of the year so i remember like it was hard to to capitalize really it was like one thing works out in this two-month span but other than that you can go do something for a day but um so i think i was and at the same time you know had to be so you know so i didn't like do that many other things during the run of the show you know i did one movie and then some cameos you just in the land of women was that the only movie you did during the really but i think i could have done jumper but i wasn't i couldn't the schedule i wouldn't be they couldn't get me off for as much as they would need for that and um i think so no i'm serious and then and then um what do you mean i know originally originally they were just gonna do before doug was assigned to direct it um yeah they were like it was a producer mr smith and they were like i'm gonna spend 100 grand on this proof of concept short film and you would do that and then be the movie you know you could be the movie too and doug wasn't attached i was like i don't know and then yeah and then i don't know and then i think doug was attached but then i maybe it was a non-sex maybe it was just like i take it back it was probably non-starter it was like do you want you he could never and then and then i don't well that's that's yeah yeah like triggering my memory of like you but then that was like before anything and then tom got it and tom got replaced and then obviously we know how the rest but anyway the oc let's get back no oh yeah i don't know i'm sure you get this all the time because people ask us all the time and it's probably the question it's like that asks the most is if there were to be an oc reboot what would it look like now i found that i think magic in the bottle can't really be repeated actually rachel and i have done interviews where people have said please don't do a reboot we love it the way it is we don't want to you know too many the expectations will be let down what are your thoughts on that i kind of don't think it can be done because i feel like socially i think we're in a different place and i think we're in a more conscious place i feel like the oc wallet claims to be in a similar sense of gossip girl while it would sort of say it's a critique it's not it's a celebration it's a celebration of affluence in my opinion you know and obviously like in in the heart of it there's people who are lovely who it's a family you know it is at the heart of it too you know there's people who love each other and care for each other and sacrifice for each other so there's there's it's not a pure celebration of money it's a celebration of you know love and romance and being a high school it's not just that but i guess my point is like for me in a post donald trump america to to go let's go back to orange county you know i feel like you have to have a real reckoning politically and socially and is that what people want to see with this show i don't know and is there a way to do both in my i mean there is i suppose but in my eyes i probably want to torch it more than like the fans would want you know and and and so you know i don't know who would be happy i was thinking about it and i was thinking about you know the soundtrack of it too and like you know when you think about the show it's such a soundtrack it's it's so say anything it's such a like music driving emotion you know show and i was like what'd the soundtrack be and you know thinking about it in that context of just musically now not like specifically what bands but just like you know putting aside story and thinking about the feeling of it for a sec almost every reboot i've seen of there's i'm not even someone who doesn't like that i hear somebody's rebooting something i'm like go for it almost everything i've seen sucks i mean like train spotting too what the [ __ ] like and that's just you know that's true but like yeah but i mean as something that i don't know as sort of as high brow as it gets and still it's like i saw the sequel i'm like this is gross this is like this doesn't feel it's so hard to capture i mean i didn't see like they did a gilmore girls thing i wonder i don't know is there let me ask you guys is there an example of like it probably is i'm sure there's an example of doing it again and it really working but who has done it who has done either in movies i mean you know only coming to america as a bunch yeah that's right that's first of all i'm not familiar but also that's right after i mean like there's got to be a 10-year span currently currently what in the last five ten years arrested development they did a reboot a bunch of yeah i haven't seen the reboots of arrested development but word on the street is they're not good well let me yeah what so what do you what do you guys say to the reboot you know do you think it could be done well if you in particular ann schwartz and savage even ben like i feel like if you guys your brains together could come up with something really smart it's a tough thing right because you know you don't want to touch this thing that like had such an influence and has such a fan base and whatever but there are ways to go there is a whole other generation supposedly that was produced right in children um but i think with the smarts that you know you all have and the talent with like the cast and everything else i think there's a world where it could exist and be done well if everyone wanted it and cared enough about it like you're probably right the changing social conscience of orange county has been influenced by the cohens and and at the head of that the newport group is now seth or you know i don't know has a completely different um has completely different leadership and it's not behind the orange curtain anymore it's a it has um you know we got married yeah i know yeah okay so if everyone has kids they are actually teenagers now so yeah yeah yeah well i mean that's you know that's interesting right right parents and you know sorry to i know we want to talk about the episode but like you guys were asking me about you know the cultural impact and stuff what do you guys say to that i mean when you think of it and the cultural impact it had and when you watch it like what is it i was very aware uh right after the show ended that i had a lot of friends family saying you know did you want the show to end why did it end but i was very aware that if you almost kind of went in forensically that you could really explore what happened with a show that was so popular and then ended four seasons at that time was short nowadays that's great but if you but in the but at the time it's between between um storylines between the changing of the guard from gail berman to peter ligouri in the network to changing the show so many different times to a young cast that were so famous and that was another question i had for you like what your concept of or your thoughts on fame that kind of fame was so different than say for the adults you guys the four of you went through something that was so life-changing and and it was just it was such a different time but but more than that these characters rachel and i just read an article called seth as my spirit animal and it describes and this is just one of many wall street journal or just kidding yeah probably no but but there's but there's quite a few books like alan steppenwall the the writer from rolling stone there's there's a there's a professors who have have written these dissertations there's all kinds of things about the cultural impact of media text you know like what a show like this isn't just meant to entertain or have escapism it is meant to change culture or influence culture and this show did a lot of that and especially for young people it's like seth had this constant narrative of self-awareness of self-absorption but it came out of his mouth the way a lot of people just keep it in their head and i just think people really reflected on on that and also the sandy cohen of it because i grew up in orange county my mom said i've never seen anybody like like sandy and seth she loved your storylines yeah you know no i see like parents and kids that love each other that aren't antagonistic with each other and you know parents that are written and are played by charming people is you know um and that you want to spend time with as much as the kids i mean that that that was you know that was very unique about the show and i think the familial aspect and i think the parents being warm and funny and good looking and all the things you know um um [Music] that served it well and i i think was unique for this kind of show seth is interesting because i feel like and i haven't done the real forensic analysis because i haven't gone back that much although i i've dabbled i mean i saw this and then when i got together with my wife we watched like not right away but i mean at some point it was sort of a fun thing we watched like the pilot and then like the last episode of just all of it and different planets they're they're you might as well be different series um but the thing i sort of that's funny because i do get like what a um [Music] cultural character he is and i'm very on one hand i'm so proud i'm so happy to be i think as we all are to be associated with something that just like meant so much to so many people in a time in their life and and was a place of comfort um and i feel so good about that character i feel like you know i'm torn in that a i'm not you know i wasn't the actor i wanted to be just yet you know so it's like i'm so happy it had the impact and yet i don't feel like and for the time if i put in context of time and place i'm proud but i'm not like it's not my finest work you know my my opinion and then also more of the character of him i feel like on one hand what was new about him and was good and a positive influence is that he was he wasn't full of machismo or you know there's probably some chauvinism in there but i don't really remember but like he wasn't full of testosterone and he wasn't a fighter he wasn't gonna fight he's gonna be a lover and he's gonna be gentle and um that is a good new archetype to have be a romantic lead and a hero not i mean again not in other genres i can think of 80s high school movies with that can't buy me love i guess or you know there's that you know woody allen in a sense but um in this world that was fresh but the thing i struggle with or i don't struggle with but one thick question it's my everyday wake up and i struggle with this um but i don't know and i've said it before in like interviews but like i don't know i wonder how selfish he is or not and on one hand he's like 17 year old kid all kids can be selfish but you know i think ryan's probably sacrificed more for people and i don't know what i did for the summer character that was so noble i don't remember but i don't i don't i don't remember any big sacrifices and i do feel like you know i don't know there's probably room to be a little more heroic still but i mean maybe that came later in his life that's a perfect segue to get into this episode thank you so much for listening follow rate and review welcome to the oc [ __ ] wherever you listen to your podcasts if you like to watch us check it out on youtube or on hbo max stay tuned next week for the rest of our conversation with adam brody bye [ __ ] thanks for watching this video be sure to start with the pilot episode and catch all of our episode recaps
Channel: Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson & Olivia Allen
Views: 471,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Brody, Rachel Bilson, Melinda Clarke, The OC, Melinda Clark, Mischa Barton, Ben McKenzie, Kelly Rowan, Tate Donovan, Julie Cooper, Summer Roberts, Marissa Cooper, Sandy Cohen, Peter Gallagher, Teen Dramas, Pop Culture, Early 2000s, Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, TV, Television, Podcast, Rewatch Podcast, Seth Cohen
Id: PdahHX0jCB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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