Ada Masalı | Island Tale Episode 12 (English Subtitles)
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Channel: Island Tale - Ada Masalı
Views: 372,265
Rating: 4.8664141 out of 5
Keywords: Ada Masalı, Alp Navruz, Ayça Ayşin Turan, İpek Tenolcay, Ada Masalı Dizi, حكاية الجزيرة مسلسل, حكاية الجزيرة, cuento de la isla, островная сказка, puhutv, puhu, مسلسل حكاية جزيرة مترجم, مسلسل حكاية جزيرة الحلقة 1, hikayat jazira, Hekayet Gezera, Island Tale, ada masali, watch turkish series, turkish series, island tale episode 1 english subtitle, island tale series, Ada Masalı | Island Tale Episode 2 (English Subtitles), episode 12, turkish series with english subtitles
Id: 7f1TI3JwxtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 19sec (8299 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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