Ad-Hoc CRM Integrations with 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse

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hi there this is mikhail grabach from touring the topic for this video is to show you how we deliver crm and service desk integrations in cisco contact centers so let's get started before i walk you through all the standard crm integration scenarios let me walk you through my lab setup so what we have here is cisco finance 12.5 already enhanced with touring gadgets for cisco venus 5.1 cisco finance is running on the uccx or cisco contact center express platform and as you can see here we have multiple crm systems available i have salesforce i have servicenow i got microsoft dynamics and all of this is running inside of google chrome the google chrome is also enhanced with touring browser extension that shows agent his state and also allows him to change his state meaning if i go away from cisco finance i can see my state right here and i can also change my state directly through the extension so in this case i can decide i would like to go not really log out when i do that you see that it triggers a toast alert at the bottom of a screen these those alerts are very very powerful we use them for a lot of other alerting notifications not only of agents but also of supervisors and not only about agent states but also about um any any any additional contact center even such as let's say the number of causing queue or the longest wait time or if there is a new call or if um supervisor broadcasts a message to group of agents etc right so this can be really useful providing hours and notifications to any group or subgroup of agents um and the beauty of it is that it pops on top of all the application windows it doesn't matter what application the agent is if he is in the in the browser or in a spreadsheet or whenever this is going to pop on top of all the other application windows the look is configurable right so this is our lab we are using our company logo but it can it can be changed depending on what kind of message it is right so the nice example is if the call center is multilingual um they can show different flag depending on what language to the agent should be on the given call right english french german etc when i click on this alert certain set of actions will happen as you can see here this one was configured to take me back to cisco finance and at the same time it changed my state into into ready but enough about these powerful those alerts i'm sure that i'm gonna talk about them a little bit more when i get into the actual crm crm integrations besides that i also have this turing agent power tool that is a little floating window showing agent something that you know would normally be what's sitting on the big plasma screen in the call center but this way they can actually bring it on there on their um workstation where they can see the metrics that matter to them right this this is a layout from our dashboards and wall boards so from our real-time reporting tool kpis can change colors they can blink blink they can trigger audible alerts all the all the standard thing um layouts in dashboard dashboards of all boards can do can be delivered by this little floating window as well okay so let's talk about outbound let's start with a very simplistic use case right you are in a given crm system and you want to place an album call um so in this case i can pick uh you know the the contact little turning soft phone pop-ups and i can i can dial uh the same option you know you can just open this up phone you can put the number in manually if that's what you desire um you also have the option to do the same from from salesforce right i'm just going to find my my details here and i'm going to open it up and then i can you know just click on the number and it's going to place uh place the call like you see here right it's um dialing dialing the phone number um you can you can also um let me just do that you can also place calls directly from the dialog gadget so directly from cisco fans here in the dialog gadget agents can search they can search across multiple data sources at once just like you see it here once they find a contact uh they can decide what they would like to do with it right it can have just like you see here just you know it can be really really a link that they click on and places a call or it can have a little little window that has some actions available just like you see there and then um there's you know other places where agents can go to to place calls so like for example here in the in the uh team gadget again they can search and when they find um a contact they can they can call uh from from there so like right here i can i can call the given um medicine medicine department from stockton for example so these are just examples of you know how this can work in other words doesn't matter uh what you prefer right you can place calls directly from from cisco finance uh from salesforce from servicenow from microsoft dynamics all of those all of those uh options are are available and it's really just up to the user what what day what they prefer to do one thing should be pointed out when you place a call not only the the call is placed right but at the same time a certain set of automation can be can be triggered right so we can create a new case we can create a new call uh we can push all the information about the about about that um call into into into those places as well right so it is fully configurable um every customer can tell us what pieces of information they would like us to push to what um what fields in their given crm system including links for uh for you know to call recordings the automation trigger by about call can be very flexible call comes in our workflow searches for the caller in a single or in multiple crm systems usually we search using caller's phone number but any information that's available about the caller about the caller can be used depending what what is found the actual crm automation can differ so this means that agent can be taken to one screen if it's a single match scenario or to a completely different place if there is no match or if we found multiple matches for the same phone number some customers prefer that the agent experience is always the same so that means agent lands in the same spot no matter what information is found and then he can decide or she can decide what uh what should happen next so let me let me place a call uh while i'm sitting instead of salesforce right so some customers they just want to sit in the given crm system they don't want to leave it right so let me place a call while i'm in salesforce and what's going to happen is at the bottom of the screen we'll get the toast alert telling us hey there is a new call we think it's michael and as a result we automatically open the michael's michael's contact detail we just to demonstrate the automation create a new case you create a new call but it's really up to you what happens when exactly that happens and um where we put what information right so it's all fully configurable as long as there are fields in salesforce or in microsoft crm morning service now we can obviously update those fields and store information there so this is you know what it looks like inside of um the given crm system right i never left i never had to go to finesse the entire um interaction can be handled while i'm sitting here in uh in uh in in the crm system and now we can do the same but and now i'm gonna do it uh while i'm sitting in uh in fitness interface right so again um i'm going to place the call and what's gonna happen right we're gonna get the same dose alert at the bottom of the screen telling me there is a new call just like you see here i can click on it to answer the call and then um you see that the automation took me to um the second tab in our in our dialogue gadget where i see that it's michael he's from california here is some additional information about him and then i can decide what i need to do next right so let's say in this case we need to provide an update about case 2016. so i click on that and that opens in a different tab within the dialog gadget where i get to see the detail right so i can update it let's say i can escalate it um i can update the subject of it right let's say update etc so you can you can do what you need to do with this um and then obviously save it and be done right but the same interface right here again everything in the same spot provides you details um about the call right you can see the call variables you can update these call variables you can have like open text field you can have some kind of predefined fields where you can tag the call you can have um nodes that travel with the call right so there is a lot of options speed dials with presence information etc customer interaction history all of that in a single single gadget single place agent doesn't have to leave this this environment at all to conclude touring is able to integrate cisco contact centers with pretty much any application even though our lab only comes with salesforce servicenow and microsoft dynamics touring gadgets can be used to integrate finance into pretty much any application that offers sufficient api or if there is access to its sql database to keep this video short we only covered automation with phone calls but on the express platform the same automation is available for chat and email as long as those channels are handled via cisco social miner to learn more visit catchits and right there at the top right corner you can request a live demonstration we are looking forward to hearing from you you
Channel: 2RingCX
Views: 752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Contact Center, Contact Centre, CCTR, Cisco, Cisco Collaboration, Dashboards, Wallboards, 2Ring4UC, CRM, Service Desk, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Technology, Cisco Contact Center, Cisco Solution, UC, UCOMS, Unified Communications, Demo, Demonstration, Gadgets, Cisco Finesse, UCCX, UCCE, CUCM, Integration, Contact Center Integration, Realtime Data, Realtime reporting
Id: A_ylBQ6T0gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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