Acts of Kindness: Our biggest surprise so far this year

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[Music] Mike Amiata was a hard worker and the main provider for his family but three and a half years ago their lives were turned upside down when Mike woke up with limited mobility on the right side of his body Mike was diagnosed with an aggressive form of MS which has taken a toll on his body affecting his vision right leg arm and hand he had to leave his job he can no longer drive the family had to make financial sacrifices but despite it all his wife Angela says Mike remains positive the couple travels to Ottawa once a month for a clinical trial in hopes of finding a cure not only for himself but for others who are suffering from MS on shells wish is to give her husband just one good day but we may be able to do one better on Gellin Mike just left the house to pick up their daughter from school so we're sneaking into the home to surprise the family with our biggest act of kindness so far this year hi come on in my name is Heather I'm with Sabri calm and we're here to surprise you with an act of kindness say how are you doing good Mike we know that you've been diagnosed with an aggressive form of MS and you've been traveling to Ottawa for treatment as part of a clinical trial how are you feeling lately I mean our shel says that that despite it all you know you keep a high spirit and you always have a smile on your face and you stay strong for your kids and she wrote us the most lovely letter I'm gonna read some parts from that okay my husband is amazing he's such a good kind-hearted man his spirits are high but I know deep down that he is hurting I want him to know that he is not a burden to our family I don't mind doing all the things that I do for him because I know deep down in my heart that he would do the same for me if there's any way that you can help me make him have just one good day that would be the greatest gift I shall what does Mike mean to you and the kids um he means the world to me he's my best friend um you know we've always done everything together as a family and with dms we've had to kind of take a step back but I have to say that I'm the luckiest woman to have this man he greets me I have the best greeting every day I come home from work and you know it's hi honey how are you he's waiting for me with an open arm I always get a hug and a kiss a student so you know what I'm just happy to have them at home we know that you guys are an outdoorsy family right and a very active family but there's a lot of things that you used to do as a family that you can no longer do together and separate com we just want to help you guys have quality family time together so we're gonna give you six passes to science north dynamic earth imax theater and the planetarium just so that you can you know be together and we know that your oldest son is away in the military so it would be nice that when he's home you can have a nice dinner so we're giving you a hundred and fifty dollar gift card two signatures restaurant in Chelmsford Wow thank you but that's not all sorry calms acts of kindness initiative is about bringing the community together and today we have our partners in kindness here Pierre Rick good to meet you ha peer maybe just explain what's going on okay so Heather it reached out to us told us a little bit about what's going on and we tried real hard to think about what we could do to provide you guys with anything that would help out so obviously our summer heats being pretty incredible and we've all been touched personally by people that close to us who have been affected by MS we know the swelling can be unbearable and the heat is something that will make that worse for you so we thought why not give you a central air system it's something we have access to and we've partnered with our local contractor here Rick was more than willing to provide the labor and we'll provide the equipment so we've teamed up to help provide central air for your house it's can explain today yeah don't hurry but we're just happy to help we know like its furnace season right now but next summer you will not have to be confined to the basement to feel comfortable you'll be able to enjoy air conditioning through your whole house and most importantly spend more time with the family together in the living room you know you can have a good night's sleep and all thanks to woolsley Goodman and roly's heating and air conditioning that's appreciated guys at all no power [Music] for sure for sure thank you thank you I just hope that we really lifted your spirits here today and I I know from us talking that it's good to just have a little pick-me-up well yeah you picked me up all right and you'll be happy to know Goodman was happy to provide their top-of-the-line unit so you'll be getting the most efficient unit to date you won't be looking at any increased hydro bills or anything along that and then paired with the professional installation by rollies heating everything will be perfect for you guys this is you have no idea how appreciate this again a huge thank you to woolsley for helping us pull this off today and thank you to goodman for donating the air-conditioning unit and roley's heating and air conditioning for installing the unit christmas is just around the corner and sub recom is excited to bring back as 12 days of kindness beginning in december each day leading up to Christmas every calm will head out to surprise a deserving person family or organization with a special act of kindness but we need your help if you would like to help support our next recipient or know someone who's deserving of an act of kindness please visit sub recom /a ok to find out how you can spread a little love in our community for sub recom I'm Heather green Oliver [Music] you [Music]
Views: 741,915
Rating: 4.8740392 out of 5
Keywords: aok, sudbury, acts of kindness, mike amyotte, angel amyotte, wolseley, rolly's heating, goodman, air conditioner
Id: mPqNSiECzG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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