252 | Acts 9: The Right Kind of Risk

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welcome back it's been a fun week man how many of you guys been watching the Olympics so awesome so I mean you never know what's gonna happen you can't walk away for a minute Kazakhstan wins a gold and some guy breaks his leg in half anybody see that nobody saw that coming some poor girl lost her shoe you know what's everyone I mean it's amazing you never know what's gonna happen that's why I love the Olympics I've been teaching my five-year-old chess chess is one of those games where you never know what's gonna happen you know it's not over until the King falls it's not over until it's over and I want to kind of teach my boys that life is like that it's not over - the last move and the way you teach a five-year-old to play chess is you let them win at chess you let them win everything and he takes all my pieces he I get out of his way you know so he thinks he's the best chess player in the world but I'm just helping him learn how the pieces move so he goes to a friend's house and he comes home one day he's like dad we gotta play chess cuz I've got a special move I was like okay and now I'm like you getting a little cocky man you know I'm like I need to teach this boy what's up and so we play and I start killing his pieces and he's just moving his pawn and I'm killing like his horse and his Bishop and he's just moved it he's like dad don't kill my pawn I'm like okay you know and I take his Queen like all this speed he's like dead get out the way my pawn I'm like okay he's moving his mine don't kill my pawn he gets to the my end and he's like he's like each I tricked it's my special move and he's like you got to give me back a piece what you do and so he's like giving back my queen I'm like well man it's not gonna do you much good because I look down he's got me a checkmate I'm like oh you gotta be kidding he's now he thinks he's like Bobby Fischer you know say mom I put dad and checkmate and those kind of you know surprise moves men doesn't make great stories anybody remember Apollo 13 is 1970 a lot of you weren't alive or maybe you saw the Tom Hanks movie you know the Apollo 13 this was when they took a shuttle to the moon and this was you know back in the 70s they didn't have like computers they were flying to the moon on like a propane tank and a slide rule remember that and they're halfway the moon and something explodes and so they have enough fuel they're like what gonna do all of America's watching our astronauts are gonna die and you know if I would have been alive back then I've been like blow up the moon right blow up the moon we hate you moon we didn't need you anyway you're a second-rate son you know like love the moon and then astronauts are like wait or or or we could you know circle around the Dark Side of the Moon and slingshot back into the ocean with enough fuel for a barbecue or yeah or we could do that right we love you moon just kidding gravity's awesome you know it's so funny how the thing you know the thing in life sometimes that we think is our biggest enemy is good about to be God's greatest instrument and and one thing I've learned about life is that man God has always got like one more move up his sleeve for your life for the world for your marriage and this is a moment in the church Acts chapter 9 that we're going to look at together if you got your notes this is one of those moments in the church where yeah it's like man houston we have a problem the church has a problem they've just lost their best preacher he's just been killed Steven they've just been scattered out of Jerusalem with you know they're leaderless they're scattered it's a dark time and and I'm sure the disciples the apostles are all wondering is this whole movement about to be squashed but God is like watch I got one more move I got one more move I'm getting ready to play and it's gonna turn everything around Acts chapter 9 let me pray real quick and then we'll dive into this got a thank you for your word that just reminds us that no matter where we get to it to in our life where no matter where we get to in our marriages or with our friends with our families and our job even in the darkest places God sometimes you have one more moves that you can play that will change everything you can change anyone and so God speak to us today through your scripture by your spirit and we invite you into this time we pray that in your son's name Amen well this is the enemy Saul Saul was still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord and he goes to the high priest and he asked for letters of the synagogue's over in Damascus saying if he found any Christians anybody belonging to the way men or women he might bring them in chains bound back to Jerusalem you see what he's doing and so it's on this road to Damascus that this bright light that you saw shines and so as he's on this road suddenly it says a light shines from heaven around them and he falls to the ground it blinds him and he hears a voice saying to him this voice knows his name it says Saul Saul why are you persecuting me would be a pretty intense moment right he and he knows this must be God speaking to me he's that smart but he doesn't know who you know who is this what he says who are you lord he's still confused never would have expected this next sentence the voice says I am Jesus whom you are persecuting everything has just changed for Saul you with me he's just realized I might be on the wrong side this guy might be alive this guy who the disciples claimed is raised from the dead just talked to me Jesus talk about bringing back your Queen God just brought back the King from the dead you with me this is a surprise move that Saul didn't expect and now Saul is trying to piece together you know he's blinded so he has a lot of free time he's at Judas's house and he won't eat he's for three days he's wrestling and praying trying to put the pieces together what just happened and so he needs help he needs help from a Christian he needs help from another believer but who's gonna do that right who's gonna go and help you know put their arm around Saul the guy who just murdered their friend and so God speaks to a man named Ananias on the other side of the city and says I want you to be this person I want you to embrace and take in Saul this is a vulnerable moment we need him on our side and Ananias responds the way you and I probably would respond here's what he says but lord I've heard about this man I've heard about this guy and how much evil he has done to your saints at Jerusalem in other words this is risky you with me this is a risky move and he's like man that guy the guy's scary yeah I grew up in the 80s and there was one person if you grew up you know kind of my generation that still even today if I see this guy scares me his name's Arnold Schwarzenegger and for some reason you guys voted for him you made him like governor and I know why it's because you were too afraid to vote against him Arnold Schwarzenegger the t800 The Terminator the you know cyber whatever an organism he's like living tissue over a robotic skeleton remember that guy with the red eye the killing machine my whole generation was scared of that guy he's terrifying it was horrible and then a couple years later that came out with the second movie Terminator 2 we're all of a sudden The Terminator is going come with me if you want to live you're like thanks right everybody's running from him he's the Terminator right he's the T we're still scared of him and like he's been the good guy now for like five sequels and all those movies and people are still terrified of him you don't believe me last year Arnold Schwarzenegger dressed up full costume like The Terminator and walked around Hollywood Boulevard the videos hilarious people run from him one lady almost drops her baby I mean it's people are still terrified of him okay well he walks up to some guy and I'm this big moving truck he goes get out the guy looks at him and then the guy jumps out of the truck it runs down the street because people are still scared of this guy so this is you know Ananias is like our huge right like we're talking about the Sala nadir this guy I've heard about this guy are you sure and so Jesus says listen I gotta move up my sleeve this guy you think is your enemy he's my instrument you see what just happened don't blow up the moon this guy he is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and before kings and before the children of Israel I'm gonna show him how much he must suffer but it will be for the sake of my name it's about to go global through this guy if you'll open your life to him it's a risk that's a big risk you know we live in a world where you have a choice and as a Christian man you've got a choice they're moments where you can risk and step into something that God is doing or you can choose to to protect yourself from people to protect yourself from those risks to insulate yourself from the world and we live in a world where we're we're very good at this one we're very good at self-protection we have a really low you know tolerance for people sinning against us people messing with our conveniences you know interrupting our schedule I mean three days ago there was a guy that with his family in his SUV who washed his windshield did you guys see this and the windshield wiper fluid sprayed on some dudes Honda Accord that guy followed him chased him down and shot out his tires who's so angry I mean that that's the world we live in where if you inconvenience me I can shoot at you now contrast that with the way Christians are called to respond to an evil world to messy people in the world there was one of the most famous missionaries in history a guy named Jim Elliot and Jim Elliot right out of college him and his five friends from Wheaton said you know what we're gonna be missionaries to one of the most dangerous tribes and unreached tribes in South America the awk ins and every I told him don't do this these guys are vicious they're tribal they're savage you know you're gonna get killed and so they took their families there and after living nearby they communicated with this tribe for a few months finally they've said goodbye to their families they flew a plane in on this Beach near a river and on the sixth day the auctions came out of the jungle with their Spears and killed all five of those young men right there on the beach Jim Elliot most people don't know this Jim Elliot had a gun and he reached in his pocket but they had made a promise to each other they said you know what we're not gonna self protect if we die we're going to heaven we're not gonna we're not gonna kill Atkins who don't know Jesus to protect our life when we do and the the military the US military had to go in to get their bodies out it was all over the news the national news but nobody saw what was coming next Elizabeth Elliot Jim's wife that year shocked the world she said we're going back we're taking our family back to the audience you can you imagine like who does that who has that kind of love and forgiveness she takes her family back to the Arkans guess who the first believers are among the audience those men that killed her husband and you know what they said they said when we saw when we saw how your husband's died and laid down their life we knew we had killed holy men tell us about your God and they became the first believers in that tribe and that tribe impacted others and God moved in the world because Elizabeth Elliot laid down her right to self protect laid down her right to be bitter and she opened her life to some of the most messy people because she said you know what sometimes the people that I want to love the least or the people that God might want to use the most and she ran into that well I want you to write this down this is not something you're gonna hear on a billboard but it's true godly risk is always right godly risk is always right risk risk is right now not all risk is right right you know my kids watching the Olympics oh they're doing like living room gymnastics that some of that risk you can end up breaking your leg like that nude so some of that risk is not right but godly risk is always right and I remember the risk I'm talking about is taking people in when they're messy I remember the people that took me in you know when I was younger stupider prideful er stubborn er er you know all those things I'm still growing but I remember as a young person and I dressed kind of like a skater or whatever and I'd the ministry I was evolved in didn't want to have anything to do with me and I remember the first few people that took me in and said you know what what we'll put up with your mess we'll put up with your failures I'll put up with your sin I'll teach you how to study the Bible I'll teach you how to share your faith I'll teach you how to do some of these basic things I would not be anywhere without those guys who opened their life to me mess and all risk and all I was risking they opened their life to that risk and I love what Ananias says he gets to this house look at what he says before anything else has said or done verse 17 he says brother Saul know what you under like that because he chooses this is a choice he chooses to believe what Jesus says about Saul not with the past says brother Saul the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road but which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit in other words even God can accept this guy Saul now and I want you to write this down if God can save Saul guess what there's hope for everybody if God can rescue and turn around someone like Saul and then still find him useful for building his church worldwide man there's hope for everyone there's hope for everyone I don't even know you know that today is you came here maybe you came with a friend maybe you're visiting first second time and you're during this have I sinned too much maybe you've been a Christian and walked away or you've found yourself man I failed and you've wondered can i still be useful and saul was so radically changed you know he changed his name to paul and the reason why he's such a great example is he represents this incredible mix this incredible man you know he saw somewhere between like a murderer and a mormon all right he's a murderer but he's also like the best neighbor you would ever have you know super-religious Ned Flanders he does everything right you know it's kind of annoying but you know my experience is murderers sometimes are closer to finding God than the super religious people the people who grew up in church think they got it all together think they're perfect you know but Saul says no matter where your background is never know where you've come from there's hope and he wrote a verse for you do you know that Paul wrote a verse just for you it's in first Timothy this is what he says this is a trustworthy saying this is a promise and everyone should accept it that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and I'm the worst of them all but God had a plan God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as an example of his great long-suffering his patience with even the worst sinners and then here's you others others too can realize that they too can believe in him and have eternal life have you ever believed that that God who can rescue this guy Saul can rescue you that's hope you know I love having Mormons in my house and talking to him about Jesus talking to him about grace because what they believe about the cross is very different than what we believe and last couple guys I had in my house I was asked him tell me what exactly Jesus did you know from your perspective why did he die on the cross and I said well the cross is great but but really the cross just kind of makes up the difference you know we work and we try to be a good person and you might make it half but the cross you know just makes up the difference to get you to heaven I was like drop it out for me you know and said they drew this little guy walking up a mountain you know he's getting more and more holy and more more righteous and so the distance between him and God is you know getting smaller and the cross you know the joy the cross kind of makes up the gap and I was like so so the cross is getting smaller right your appreciation for Jesus really is getting smaller is that what you're saying did you know that this guy saw his life as we read about his life his view of himself does not do this it does this at the beginning of his Christian life he says something it sounds humble until you think about it he says you know I was least of the Apostles because Jesus appeared to him so he goes I was least to the Apostles lined up the Twelve Apostles and I wasn't technically an apostle but I was like number 13 right it sounds humble until you really say I'd say that humbly least of the Apostles midway through his life you know what he says about himself he introduces himself I was the I was a persecutor of the church you see what what's happening he's getting more real he's getting more honest with who he was he's getting more honest about the gap between him and a holy God at the end of his life is when he writes first Timothy that if you lined up all the sinners you know what I'm starting to realize I was the worst I was the chief of sinners I believe that as you grow as a Christian you're gonna realize that what God did for you what Jesus did for you on the cross was greater and greater than you could ever imagine and in eternity I don't think that will stop I think we will continue praising and worshipping God that we the greatest sinners could somehow be saved and our appreciation for the Cross will grow bigger and bigger and bigger and Nepal will write those kind of things he becomes the greatest theologian that we have you know losing this guy if you're the other team losing this guy's not a good thing you know this is like Red Rover Red Rover send Jason Bourne over you know this is the guy who knows all the tricks he knows he's five steps ahead of you and now all of a sudden he's turned all that stuff back on you and you know he this guy saw was incredible he's brilliant he starts sharing immediately he proclaims Jesus in the synagogues and he's saying no this guy Jesus he was he's the son of God the Jews are like we got to shut this down we got to kill this guy they can't he increases in strength later verse 22 says he confounded the Jews you know you do not want to debate against this guy and he's just switched teams that's what baptism is you know some today we got people getting baptized that's just waving the banner and said you know what I've switched teams there was a guy in 1990 named Lee Strobel and he was a legal journalist for the Chicago Tribune went to law at Yale or did law at Yale atheist brilliant guy the atheist and something horrible happened to him his wife became a Christian so an off setting he's like oh oh no right oh no and he decided you know what I'm gonna prove this wrong I'm gonna do what I'm trained to do I didn't law at Yale he's like there's no way the claims of Christianity would stand up to legal journalism and you know forensic investigation today I'm gonna put my everything I've learned into proving Christianity wrong and he began to interview doctors and physicians and theologians and historians he became a Christian in 1991 and then in 1997 he wrote a book but people wouldn't publish it because publishers were nervous they were like are we gonna take a risk on this Lee Strobel guy he was a former atheist are we gonna we're gonna risk it listen this is when you want to buy stock right buy stock and Lee Strobel because his book it's called case for Christ it sold millions and millions and millions of copies and it helped millions of Christians it's an incredible book but there was potential there and somebody almost missed it you with me the apart this guy the Apostle Paul he is gonna go on to you know most of the New Testament he's going to be the greatest theologian we got but but there's there's potential that could be lost and now he needs the church to embrace him in and an Isis embraced him but now he needs the church to take a risk and open their arms to him and the church says no the church in verse 26 three years later he comes to Jerusalem and he attempts to join the disciples and they were all afraid of him for they did not believe that he was a disciple I want you to feel the tension of that moment does that make sense they go this is too risky this is too messy the Salah Nader you want us to bring in a Salah Vater underline the next two words but Barnabas because without those two words you would not have most of what we know about the Christian faith but Barnabas but Barnabas said I'll take the risk all welcome him in Barnabas took him brought him to the Apostles this is a huge moment sometimes it just takes one person it's a Barnabas kind of person to change everything I'm everyone I was finished in school in Oklahoma as we were graduating there's another girl who was just starting our University small school her name is Carrie she came from a really small town Oklahoma Checotah and she came here I remember might one of my friends was like her first kiss my friend who's fat and bald now is Carrie's first kiss and we always laugh about that she went on to do a talent show her senior year at our University and she gets to the very two finalists and Jesus did not take the wheel and she lost and I saw at Walmart like a month or two later and my friend goes do you know who that is that's like now he goes that's Carrie Underwood and she lost the talent show but apparently she's made it on this American Idol show thanks next month oh that's when you buy stock and Carrie Underwood all right right then because next time I saw her face I was stepping out of the underground in London and it was plastered all over the wall you've seen her every night this week probably because it's Carrie frickin Underwood right and somebody should have bought stock and Carrie Underwood but all it took was somebody taking the risk all it took was someone stepping into this moment listen I want you to write this down don't miss out don't miss out on your Barnabas moment in someone's life you know sure Carrie's become successful in the world but man God wants to use some of you to take his name into the world to take his glory into the world to take the gospel into the world who knows what kind of stories make God wants to write through you the Bible calls these kind of people's spiritual fathers Barnabas is one of these kind of people Barnabas you know we don't get to see a whole lot about him in the New Testament he's gotta always behind the scenes but he's this incredible encourage ER you know he overlooks sin he overlooks people's failures and he brings him along anyway he does this for Saul we see him later do this for a guy named John mark this young new Christian and at one point John Mark had had bailed on him in the past and Paul and Barnabas get in a disagreement remember this this has come in a few weeks later they get into a disagreement about this guy John Mark because Paul goes no man that guy bailed on us when things got tough that guy bailed on us I don't want him you can't I can't trust him he's a risk and guess who takes him Marva cos know he's with me I'll put up with that I'll take that risk I'm believe in him I'm gonna hold hope for him that even John Mark can come back and you know what Paul and Timothy writes later the end of his life he goes hey bring John Mark because useful Marvis was right he just needed someone to put his arm around and open his life to him to believe in it those kind of spiritual fathers first Corinthians talks about this Paul writes st. further though you've had countless guides in Christ you don't have many fathers this this is the need of our generation for fathers but I became your spiritual father your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel and I urge you then be imitators of me do that with other people that is why I'm sending you Timothy he's you know Paul now is taking somebody under his wing he's open his life to this guy Timothy my beloved and faithful child of the Lord he'll remind you of my ways in Christ Jesus listen at Sandals Church I feel like one of the biggest needs we have in this coming year and maybe even the years to come or for these Barnabas long suffering leader maker people we need some of you that will say you know what somebody opened their life to me when I was in process somebody opened their life to me when I was a mess when I was a risk and now it's your turn if you've been coming to sandals for more than a year may your welfare is over I'm sorry right we need you we need you now and I know that I love I hear the stories of people you know that tell me about how they got connected back to God or how they got connected to sandals and it's always through a Barnabas person that they point to who put their arm around them when they were still a mess who overlooked their sin it overlooked things to bring them close to God now we need you to do that and it's just like being a parent it's like this you ask young couples it's always funny when they're like well we're waiting to have kids is we're just we're not ready we're not ready to have kids you know all the parents are laughing at that because when are you ready to have kids parents never right never never enough you know money in the bank or what have you all those things you're never ready I remember the first time the nurse handed me our newborn it was like as your turn I was like for what the diaper I was like is it a number to you like dirty one yeah okay you know and I rolled up my sleeves that's what you do men that that's what you do as a parent is you overlook you put up with the mess right it's all you know just look at my look at your house you're like there's crayons on the walls romans 15 flip over the back look at romans 15 we who are strong have an obligation sort of parent does we who are strong have an obligation to roll up our sleeves and bear with the failings of the weak and not just please ourselves when we talk about opening your life to people the risk that I'm talking about nobody's gonna run into your living room with Spears probably okay we're talking about the risk of Santa hey I'm gonna I'm not I'm gonna not just please myself when I look at our coffee table I think every ring you know every scratch might men there's a life there's there's a story there's a marriage right there that was saved there's a relationship right there that was healed I look at our car our carpets destroyed you know my wife hates our carpet I'm like now it tells a story tells a story that mud you know over there I remember that guy like had tar on his shoes just did this you know tells a story so we're not talking about you know we're talking about giving up your Tuesday I'm almost embarrassed that we got illustrated with Jim Elliot laying down his life you gotta see Jim Elliot heaven he's gonna be like yeah I'm the guy that laid down my life with the awk ins what did you do well I thought about giving up my Tuesday I mean that's what we're talkin about right will you give up your Tuesday but you know what most people do no I I like keeping my Tuesdays I just I like keeping them free uh I would do a small group or whatever you know bit I like my Tuesdays it's like why you think the Dallas Cowboys are gonna call you know they need you like ah I can't I got community group it's Tuesday is that what you're afraid of you know you can stand before God and cash in all your unused Tuesdays now man listen there's an opportunity to open up your life and the coffee table the scratches the mud on the carpet those scars what do you think that means the failings of the week that's the phone call late at night the car in the driveway all those things those scars they're going to tell a better story than your fears whatever it is that you put up with whatever our Senate is that you overlook let me tell you it's gonna tell a better story in the end then those fears those things that you're holding back you know when our kids get hurt my wife she always the same thing though we have a big like hematoma the size of baseball she'll get out her iPhone and take 57 pictures of it you know you got to get the light just right so you can see the hematoma about you know their big ball and I'm like this is abusive she's like no this is awesome it's gonna make a great story right we're gonna put it in a scrapbook it's hilarious I know that's awful right our uh eight-year-old he went to camp summer camp the first time this summer is awesome some of you guys had kids went off camp we were those parents who were terrified you know rehearsin and our boy off by himself and we're trying to be helicopter parents my wife's like you know should we pack his clothes in a ziplock bag from every day of the week I was like no you know just let him fail man if he comes home with a pair of underwear you know and that's it that's it was just a learning lesson you know and we were trying to prepare him to like man there's many lots of other kids and big kids and they may sin against you they met you know they say things and just you know and he's got a little brother so he's used to he gets a lot of practice getting sinned against you know around the house but we prayed for him sent him off so he comes home and we'd go out to pizza and and the first thing the first thing he says to me he's like dad I was like man how was it he said well I can I can tell you the worst thing that happened it's not what you want to hear right away and he's like well wait till later so later that night he sit down and he goes dad let me tell you the worst thing that happened because it was the first night Monday night and I'm going to the shower and I'm trying to carry all my stuff you know he's eight and he's like I dropped my watch in the shower that room there and but before I could it's like I've bought in this watch a year ago to casio it's waterproof he'd love it he only takes it off the shower so he's like but before I could pick it up this other kid comes over and steps on it and then when I reached for it he goes and I see his watch it's just destroyed them so dads like mm-hmm and I'm like so uh yeah and you know and I'm at first I was like we can get you a new watch but he's like no man I like this one I just I like the way it looks someone was like now you know and I'm like okay he doesn't need a new watch this is more about what happened right and I'm like you know tell me how you felt he goes I was angry I was angry in my heart I was like yeah dad's a little angry in his heart right now too you know because well I know what kid is I was like no don't tell me you know because I was angry in my heart I said what did you do he goes man I just let it go just let it go and I thought you know this is one of those moments where he's gonna remember this I mean all of us have some childhood moment that we remember like that and I thought he's either gonna attach pain to this or somehow God is there a purpose behind this and this is why you need to memorize Scripture this verse came to my mind I just paraphrase its second second Peter well my first thought was we need to get you in jiu-jitsu that's just totally honest but my second thought was first Peter it says I said son the Bible says when you do good and suffer for it but endure that this is a gracious thing and a sight of God I said may God saw you God was with you man he saw you and you responded you know the way Jesus would you responded out of love I know there's kids that are like that who come from different backgrounds and I'm so sorry but you did the right thing and I'm proud of you and your watching and when you look at it don't don't be hurt it tells a story it tells a story about you about loving people more than things loving people more than your stuff listen that wasn't your worst moment that can't that was your best moment let me tell you a better story God had a son and he sent him away and he did not shelter him from messy people from difficult people and we looked at his son you know what we did the Bible says we crushed we crushed him but when Jesus rises from the dead when he gets a new body one of the most interesting things to me he gets a new body but he is just leave the scars you know John says there's a hole in his side you can stick your hand in theirs isaiah 53 says by his stripes on his back we're healed in Revelation 5 says he's standing in heaven as a lamb the slain he's like leave the scars because they're gonna tell a story they're gonna tell a story to the world that it's worth it it's worth it to overlook sin to be a Barnabas to somebody else listen what's Story is your life gonna tell what story is your coffee table gonna tell about you this is an incredible moment for our church imagine if we begin to believe that God could reach some impossible people God could do some surprising things that God had some special moves up his sleeve through our neighborhoods you know for our city and he wants to reach people with his life but he wants to do it through your life we don't have a parking problem at sandals the only problem is the parking some people need is in your driveway and cement my prayer is that there would be hundreds of families in our church they would say you know what we want to step into a Barnabas moment this year we want to become Barnabas people you're never gonna be ready but you would step into opening your life to people like that John Piper says this I love this quote he's says you know Jesus Christ is not dead and he's not distant and he is not silent and he is not weak and he's not uninterested in his mission in the world and in your life and what he began to do in his earthly life he is continuing to do through you and me he is alive and he's full of surprises for churches and for nations and for families and for individuals he is the same today as he was then he is surprising the world and he is alive and turning everything around God wants to turn everything around in a moment but he wants to use us to be these Barnabas people can we pray that together let's pray God I thank you for our church and many of us without sandals Church we probably would not have found a place where we feel accepted we feel received sandals Church is a story if Barnabas people and a Barnabas vision to be real with ourselves real with God but then to turn around and because it's our turn now to be real with others and I pray that you would raise up hundreds of families in our church that over the next year they would begin to open up their homes open up their Tuesday nights open up their lives so that other people impossible people that you could do a miracle that you could surprise the world and so God I pray that you would move in our hearts to do that and that it we would see God but even behind the scars behind all those things the joy the joy before us in joining what you're doing and God that's our prayer together as a church we pray those things in your son's name Amen
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 2,799
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Id: msehxPREtE4
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Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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