Acts 3:1-10 "A Divine Set Up"

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this message I've entitled a divine setup and we'll be looking at verses 1 through 10 here in the book of Acts as Luke who's the writer of this book he writes and he says this verse 1 of chapter 3 now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour and a certain man lame from his mother's womb carried whom was carried whom they had laid at the gate daily which is called beautiful to ask alms from those who entered the temple who's seen Peter and John about to go into the temple asked for alms and fixing his eyes on him with John Peter said look at us so he gave them his attention expecting to receive something from them then Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength so he leaping up stood and walked and entered the temple with them walking leaping and praising God and all the people saw him walking and praising God then they knew that it was the one who sat begging arms at the beautiful gates of the temple and they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had happened to him I heard a story about an agnostic professor who visited a primitive tribe that had been impacted by missionaries who brought the gospel to this tribe and this agnostic professor was having a conversation with the chief of this tribe and he said this to this chief it's just a shame that you were duped by those missionaries nobody really believes the Bible literally anymore we're more enlightened than that now that the old chief pointed to the rock that they used to bash in the heads of the people that would eat and the oven where they would roast them and he said this to the agnostic professor if it were not for the Gospel message of the love of Jesus Christ which could convert a cannibal into a Christian you'd be our supper by now when I see a changed life especially when the gospel has touched a life it reminds me of the power of God because the gospel is powerful the gospel changes minds the gospel will change a life if you let it you know was Paul the Apostle who confidently said this about the gospel he said this for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes for the Jew firs and also for the Greek this morning I want to draw your attention to an amazing story in the book of Acts and it's in Acts chapter 3 in Acts chapter 3 we're gonna see the life of an individual that was radically changed because of the gospel we see the power of God working in this man's life now Acts chapter three is the account or the acts the book of Acts is the account of the early church and up to this point in Acts chapter three great things were happening in the early church let me give you some examples of what was going on they experienced great miracles there was a great miracle in Acts chapter two when the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon the early believers and basically ignited a desire a passion to share the gospel they were anointed by the Holy Spirit so we see a great miracle we also see great preaching in Acts chapter 2 verse 14 Peters preaching was in the power of the Holy Spirit and he was the first to actually bring forth the first sermon in the book of Acts then we also see great conviction in Acts chapter 2 verse 37 and 38 when they worship when they would share the gospel with the with the non-christians the people would respond by saying what shall we do that is a great response when you share the gospel I haven't had somebody say that directly what should I do and if you do the answer is well you need to get right with God and that was happening we saw great miracles great preaching great conviction great salvation great salvation in Acts chapter 2 verse 37 3,000 souls were added to the church it's amazing but not only that but there was great hunger there was a great hunger in Acts chapter 2 verse 46 to continue daily with one Accord to gather together there was there was a hunger for unity and lastly is a great unity in Acts chapter 2 verse 46 I mentioned that and then great favor and praises in Acts chapter 2 verse 47 people were added to the church and people were getting along so all we see here is a constant greatness of God you see God's greatness among the people and things were happening in a great way in fact it summed up in Acts chapter 2 verse 43 like this many signs and wonders were done through the apostles so Acts chapter 3 is another great example of the power of God the power of the gospel the name of Jesus Christ's that touches this man's life so let's look here in our text at verse 1 we see very clearly that the two people involved in this is Peter and John they were going up to prayer at the hour of Prayer the ninth hour now remember that these two Peter and John were trained a little bit more than the other disciples it was actually Peter James and John that you see a lot with Jesus kind of secluded in and Jesus teaching him lessons and whatnot because of the prominent role that they would actually take when they would actually go into the the mission field when they become church leaders so these three were actually taught a little bit more and especially Peter and John now what great pair to have in a church a Peter and a John remember Peter was the outspoken one he was the bold one John remember he was described as the son of thunder remember Jesus would actually say that you know what you guys are really just your turn or burn ministry is not gonna cut it here you know what I mean it's like you don't follow Jesus then burn right that was John and you have these two guys that Jesus was using in the early church what great pair to have a Peter and a John but there's something else that's interesting that fascinates me about Peter and John and that is that these two were competitive did you know that these guys were very very competitive in fact it was in John chapter 20 verse 4 when Jesus rose from the dead and the news came to the guys John says this so they read they both ran together and the other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first I mean did you know that John is the only one that writes this in all the Gospels Matthew didn't care Luke didn't care mark didn't care John did because he wanted to show that he was faster than Peter that's a very competitive guy I'm sure there are some people here that are very competitive don't laugh you're like I am I'm just like that guy you know I bet you some of you here probably look at each other I'd beat you to church I got here first these guys were competitive there was another time where Jesus was talking to Peter about how he was gonna die right how he would experience death that would bring God's glory and as Peter as Jesus is talking to Peter Peter looks at Johnny says well what about him she says don't worry about him hey just don't worry about how I'm gonna work with him so again we have Peter and John competitive in nature yet they're going together to the temple to reach the lost to reach their own people and notice what time the ninth hour what time is that 3 p.m. 3 p.m. actually the Jewish people had 3 different times of Prayer they had prayers at 9 a.m. 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. the 3 p.m. hour was very critical because that was a sacrifice there was the the sacrifice for them to bring in their sacrifice to God so the beggar understood very clearly that this was a very very important time tons of people would come now where would they get this three different kinds of prayer times well I believe and this is just my speculation they probably based this out of Psalm 55 verse 17 that says this evening and morning and at noon I pray at a cry aloud and he shall hear my voice so we see here from the text that this refers to the evening sacrifice and we also see that the original followers of Jesus were worshipping Christ in a variety of ways they would go to the temple probably on specific days or perhaps daily they would also go to the low synagogues and they would gather with the believers on Sunday all these areas that they would actually hang out were areas of ministry where they would encourage each other or share the gospel so this brings us to this man in verse 2 notice that luke says a certain man no name it wasn't important to know who this guy was his name but it is important for Luke remember Luke as a doctor it's important for Luke to describe this man's condition in a very interesting way and he says there very clearly he says that he was lame from birth from birth he was born in this condition and he was carried which basically reveals that his condition was hopeless this guy couldn't walk at all he was crippled and it was here that all of a sudden Peter and John meet this guy now as you read this story we automatically think that this guy was already sitting down at the gates but he wasn't notice that he was being carried to the gate and as he was being carried Peter and John were walking and they came together and that's when this man shouted out and asked for money now when he says when it says here that he was laid here daily this reveals his daily routine his daily routine was to beg at this location that he was a common person people saw this guy over and over in fact beggars had three favorite places to beg the houses of riches of rich people and also not only that but main highways like we see today and the temple so not only at the houses of the rich not only at major highways but also the temple end the temple was their favorite place to go why well because it was at the temple that people came to impress God people came there to give they were more willing to give in fact rabbis taught that there were three pillars for the Jewish faith the worship or the Torah worship and the showing of kindness or charity almsgiving which was actually a major expression a major expression of one's devotion to God and so he knew that some Jews came there just to impress kind of like today you have people that give just to kind of feel good they think that they're impressing God by their giving there's no relationship with God they have no know you know they don't care about Jesus but there's something inside of them that they just want to give because they just want to be givers I guess if you will you see that a lot during Christmas time you have the Salvation Army you have the goodwill they stand out with little bells and and you know a lot of people in America like to give because for some reason maybe they think that you know hey God's gonna Pat me on the back and say good job thank you for giving or perhaps they just feel like it's it's time for a good deed I haven't done a good deed in a long time maybe this will impress God here's two bucks you see I mean that's the way it was with the Jewish people it was it was a thing that they were doing they were going through the motions it wasn't anything that it was heart done from the heart it was something that they just went there hoping to impress God by their giving so this this guy that's sitting here wanted to get something from the people and the gate that he's at is called beautiful this gate was massive 75 feet high and it was made out of solid fine brass and it says that it took 20 men to close these gates it was a huge gate it was a heavy gates and and everything about the temple was glorious if you know your New Testament history you know that the temple was a huge thing in fact even in the Gospels there's many references made to the beauty of the temple for example in Luke chapter 21 verse 5 Venice some spoke of the temple how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations and then in Matthew chapter 24 verses 1 and 2 then Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to show him the building of the temple so the temple was huge was magnificent so what does this guy do and notice he was begging it was business as usual for this guy this guy had a normal routine this was it here but little did he know that God was about to transform the God was about to give him a better plan for his life that would totally change his daily routine you know this leads me to say this that sometimes we ever know what God may be up to in our lives and God could be working behind the scenes right now and you have no clue and maybe you're stuck on this routine you have a routine and maybe this morning God wants to break that routine he wants to intervene in that routine in your life and he wants to say you know what that routine that you're in is hindering your walk with me I need to break it I need you to do something different and I need you to do it my way you see this is something that is important for us to understand in this text is that God can interrupt your daily routine at any time and he has the right to do that you know I'm teaching my four-year-old right now not to interrupt mommy and daddy while they're talking that happens it's frustrating right parents you're like stop I'm talking but they're they need to learn so we have different methods and techniques and how to give her you know the ability to talk when we're done or what not well listen when God wants to interrupt your life he has the right to do it and that is because he sees something in your life that is not doing good that is something that is not actually moving you forward in your walk with Christ so he steps and it says I'm gonna interrupt you here in a moment I don't like the way you're going I don't like how you're thinking God has that planned I got that right and this is what's happening with this beggar this guy was used to doing what he was doing on a daily basis but God was about to intervene in this man's routine and we see here very clearly that this happens a lot in scripture David a young shepherd boy taking care of the Sheep little did he know that God was about to break in that routine and that job of his and he was going to make him the king of Israel and then you even have the disciples Peter James John these guys were fishermen they all were professionals at catching fish until Jesus showed up and says you're now going to be fishers of men so now you're gonna change this routine guys and now you're gonna come after me you're gonna follow me and now you're gonna bear the cross and we see here very clearly that this beggar is in for an incredible change in his life a change that was permanent a change that was exciting a change that transform his life both spiritually and physically and this is exactly what we see that we see very clearly that as John and Peter in verse 3 we see that these guys were set up by God they were set up by God it was a divine setup that God had in store for these guys what perfect timing and God had a plan in his mind and we see his plan coming to pass now I want you to understand one thing is that Peter and John were not miracle hunters they were not looking for a miracle they were not looking or walking around trying to say hey we have this power from Jesus let's go do some miracles guys they weren't doing that they were going at the hour of prayer to be witness to his own feet their own people but they do not have in mind let's go do some miracles let's go do some signs and wonders those followed them they didn't follow the miracles and signs it wasn't until the Holy Spirit moved in the heart of Peter to do what he's about to do here in a moment that you're gonna see it was God's perfect timing and you know what this reminds me of the Christian life it really does in some way it reminds me of Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 that says this for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them did you see that God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them God has already prepared your steps for this week and you're gonna be walking into things that God prepared for you at work at school at home you've been set up by God already but it's a divine setup where you're going to be a witness perhaps or you're gonna pray for somebody it's already been done for you and as a faithful Christian you're gonna be walking into these works that God has already prepared beforehand that's the power of God that's an amazing thing of God but we see though that sometimes you know us as Christians and even and even as a non-christian you know in life we're always waiting for something we're waiting for the right job or wait the right person to marry you know we're waiting for that problem to turn around and when it's not happening I guess as fast as we would like we get frustrated we get bummed you know I was talking to a guy just recently young guy and he was basically telling me and he was saying you know what I want to get married and I haven't found a spouse and I am so caught up with this that it's depressing me I want to find a spouse ladies at no joking no um you're like I'm right here no anyways I encouraged them I said listen be careful listen the desire you have in your heart is a good thing because in the old time back in the in the beginning of time God says it wasn't good for a man to be alone so it's okay the desire for you to have a a wife is a god-given desire just be very careful in how you go about it wait for God's timing how is that I don't know I don't know how that works but I know that God is faithful he's faithful to put things together in his time queasy ass T's 3:11 says this he has made everything beautiful in what in his time not in our time so here's this man who's crippled Peter and John are coming and they're meeting together God's perfect time the works that God prepared beforehand as John and and Peter are walking in right now verse 4 notice what happens and I love this part here and fixing his eyes on him with John Peter said look at us now that is very important for us to understand here real quickly we see here that he says he's fixing his eyes Peter is staring at this guy in fact it's the same word used in Acts chapter 1 verse 11 when Jesus ascended to the Father that angel said why you guys gazing up into the into heaven I mean why are you staring the same word that is used here it was a stare he caught eyes with this guy and the reason why this is very interesting is because beggars during this time as it is in our day and age they were not looked I mean they ignored them nobody wanted to catch eyes with a beggar because if you did then that means that you're gonna give them something isn't that isn't that the same with us today when you walk by somebody who's who's got a sign that says I need money I need help where they approach you and you see them talking to somebody you want to walk by quickly right I don't want to talk to them right but if you caught eyes with that guy or that woman guess what they're gonna say can you help me and you see for this beggar to catch eyes with Jesus are to with Peter and for Peter to give him that attention this guy said yes I just hit the jackpot he's given me something this is awesome but you see here though that this is not going to be the way he thinks is gonna be he's giving him his attention but God is gonna give him something better than money and notice what it says in verse 5 he says so he gave them his attention expecting to receive something the beggar expected the usual money to do whatever he was doing with the money it was the right thing to do and it was the right time everything said I am going to receive something you know you've been in that position probably and you know when you're about to receive something you're like I can guarantee you I'm gonna receive something right now let's say for example Christmas or your birthday right you expect gifts don't you Christmas gifts and you know there's somebody in that family's always someone person in that family that gives you the best gifts every year you know that right that aunt that uncle you're like every year I can't wait for Christmas because last year they got me this and this year it's gonna be and you're expecting it even though when you get to Christmas and that person gives you that gift you humbly take it off well thank you I think you for thinking of me liar you knew they were gonna give you a gift how much you know this is just human nature right I don't thank you what happens if this year at Christmas time that person that you're expecting a gift from decides not to give you a gift and instead they give you a hug there's your Christmas gift what would you say well thank you no and now you're like you'd be upset I can't believe I want a hug well this guy the beggar expected but he wasn't gonna get money and Peter does it in a very interesting way he says this in verse six he says silver and gold I do not have in other words I'm broke buddy I don't have any money that's my interpretation and he says this but what I do have I give you well what do you have this guy must have been like well what do you have this better than gold silver and gold you know he says this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk you're like can you just give me a buck you know it's like really I mean think about it here he is and we see that he has given him something he says I don't have money but what I do have is more valuable than silver and gold listen guys as a Christian every Christian has some serious wealth you're like really have you seen my bank account robbed no no not that way you have been blessed spiritually big-time listen to this Ephesians 1:3 we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places listen as Christians you have a lot to count as far as blessings you know people say we'll catch your blessings Kancha blessings well listen as Christians you have a lot of lessons that count and listen to this Philippians 4:19 and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ's so what he's saying in verse 6 he says I have Jesus to give you he says very clearly in the name of Jesus that means in the nature in the character of Christ who Jesus stands for what does that mean well I am giving you a healing Jesus I am giving you a loving Jesus I have a compassionate Jesus I have a merciful Jesus a gracious Jesus of forgiving Jesus Jesus who is powerful that's who I have you want him who wouldn't say no I mean here he is giving them something that is more powerful than silver and gold and listening guys you guys have a lot to give to that's Jesus you'd have Jesus to give well why well why is it because Jesus is the only hope for mankind it isn't isn't he I mean he is the only hope for mankind I don't care if this world's falling apart as long as I have Jesus I'm okay Jesus Christ is the only hope for mankind you know I was getting a haircut hour before I was getting a haircut I remember I was waiting for the barber to come in it was early before they opened up but I got there early just to be the first one it's kind of one of those first come first serve kind of barber places and and I was I was there I noticed this homeless guy was approaching me he was coming towards me so I went the other way and right no I didn't do that no so I I kind of turned towards him and I said you know and I just kind of gave him you know attention and he asked me for money says hey can I have some money and I said I don't I said I don't have any money but I said to him listen do you know Jesus and he says to me goes yes I know okay well a lot of people know Jesus they don't love Jesus but do you know gee have you received Jesus well I have him a few years ago I said I in a gaming opportunity to share Christ with this guy to encourage this guy to get back into church encouraged him to to get plugged in but you see I do not have money but I knew that the man's major need was Christ's and that's exactly what's happening here I don't have money but I have Christ's and notice what Peter does this is amazing in verse 7 he took him by the right hand lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength I mean could you imagine this crippled guy who's been crippled for a long time according to Acts chapter 4 verse 22 he was over 40 years old so for over 40 years this guy was crippled and yet Peter says give me your hand and he's lifting this guy up if I was that beggar I would have smacked his hasn't stopped that I'm crippled what are you doing don't mock me but you see what Peter was doing was was a work of God and this guy though had some kind of faith because he went along with it and as he went along with it he started to stand up and this is what happens here notice immediately the miracle was immediate we see here very clearly that this happened right away there is no gradual process you know sometimes when Jesus people they got healed within the hour other times they were healed right on the spot but but most of the time it was awkward in the hour this guy was right there was on this spot and notice how Luke the doctor describes this his feet and ankle received strength we see here very clearly that his ankle bones received miraculous strength for this guy to begin to walk and I wonder what it was like to take that first step I mean this guy's been crippled since birth and could you imagine taking that first step walking your feet are strong your ankles are strong it's just like when Peter walked on water for that very first time you remember that I wonder what it was like to walk on water that first step that you take into that water is like just as solid as as a rock and you're starting to what you're walking on it I mean wonder what it was like but but this guy was walking and you're gonna see by his reaction how excited he was that he actually could walk that he could actually walk now and we see notice in verse 8 the heel man becomes a witness it says this so he leaping up stood and walked and entered the temple with them walking leaping and praising God described in those three ways we see his new condition is described by walking leaping and praising God this was also a Old Testament prophecy being fulfilled in the eyes of the Jewish people in Isaiah chapter 35 verse 6 it says the lame will leap like a deer and the mute tongue will shout for joy so Jesus is showing his power and profiling prophecy as well but the leaping speaks of joy excitement that Jesus brought in this man's life we see like a child with a new toy he could not resist using his newfound ability he was excited the other thing that's sad about this guy that according to Old Testament law this guy was blemished he couldn't go in to worship with the rest of his peers he was outside now he can go into the temple unblemished not crippled I mean could you imagine the outlook of his in his life and the things that I did in his life the joy the excitement do you get excited when God answers your prayers do you get excited when somebody gets saved in your family or perhaps a friend are you one of those that when somebody comes up to you says hey you know this also got saved you're like Oh bummer I didn't pray for them really okay so I go into hell anymore okay I mean do you get excited when God answers your prayer you go like yes Lord awesome you intervened in my life here's the God who created this heaven and this earth and you thought of me you came to me and you answered my prayer that's pretty big isn't it but sometimes we don't think that way well look at God as if God's just like one of us they thinks God - high-five thank you know when God intervenes in your life and the answers a prayer or saves somebody who was so hard you should be excited and full of joy that the god of this universe has intervened in that life that's exciting and that's exactly what this guy was showing he was showing this outbursts of praise because of what God did in his life and we see here very clearly that this joy and excitement is something that God gave him now if you've lost that joy if you've lost that excitement I encourage you to pray Psalm 51 verse 12 restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous spirit God does things we should be excited remember Moses when Moses was being chased by the Egyptians and he came to a dead end and there's a lot of times we come to a dead end in life you're like God what do I do here Moses was in this place the river was flowing the Red Sea and you know he looks up to goddesses Lord what do I do I mean what he says well you see the staff in your hand yeah I lift it up in the moment he did that guess what the whole sea parted and he started going across this dry land and the water has receded over on the side it was just amazing and he's walking across when he gets to the other side guess what he did this is what he did Exodus 15 verse one and two and three Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord and spoke saying I will sing to the Lord for he has gloriously the horse its rider he has thrown into the sea he is the Lord my strength and my song he has to become my salvation he is my god and I will praise Him my father's God and I will exalt him you see on the other side of the river of the Red Sea there was nothing but fear there was nothing but fear a dead end and sometimes you're maybe you're in life right now when you're like there's nothing but fear in your life they're like god I don't know where to go from here what do I do help me listen God is gonna help you but when you get to the other side of your trial of your situation praise God worship Him thank him just like these guys did because on the other side there's joy and there's excitement and sometimes the difficulties in our lives can take that joint excitement that's uh that's in our lives but praising this here we see this guy was praising this should always be the the end result to any healing or miracle done by the Lord the praises are always to God not to man man should never be praised if God uses somebody to pray over you and let's say you're healed or a prayer is answered through their prayer whatever praises should always go to God not to that person and we see here that's exactly what he did this man received a whole new life his crippled condition was changed to walking his hopeless attitude was changed to leaping there was a joy his spiritual condition was changed and he was brought to faith in Christ as he began to praise God so what does he do he becomes a witness notice here 9 and 10 verse 9 and 10 says all the people saw him walking and praising God then they knew that it was the one who sat begging arms at the beautiful gate of the temple and they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had happened to him crazy amazing they connected the dots here they saw that guys like wait on me is that the kind of it's been there for forty some years what it's calling when somebody comes to you like say you you mean an old friend yeah that you used to party with or you guys work together as non-christians you know you were in a Christian and all this and then and then you run into them and they're like is that you wait a minute you're Christian now I remember we used to do together you're a Christian really that's pretty crazy or you have the same reaction when you find somebody you meet somebody that you knew were they they were way out there in left field when it comes to the world and now they're coming to say praise the Lord what serious what happened are you a robot now are you you know and you find out that they've been saved and this guy's being a witness they're connecting the dots are saying hmm walking you were crippled now you're walking and now you're praising God wait a minute there's something here going on and they knew that this was something beyond Peter and John they noticed two things right away the ability to walk and his ability to praise God his new faith in Christ's this guy was radically changed and transformed I want to close with a few thoughts here I want to close with verse 5 because verse 5 says here that this man expected to receive something he had a daily routine remember this guy had a daily routine he was put there placed in front of this gate day after day he was there asking for money over 40 years he was crippled and he was doing this constantly but this guy was going through the motions he was just going through the motions in life his expectation in life was very low he was crippled there's nothing he can do except ask for money beg for money and we see here that his condition kept him from experiencing more in life and there could be some here to nut today who have who are in the same spot as this crippled man but you're just going through the motions in your Christian life there's no excitement there's no joy you're just kind of there you go to church you listen to a sermon you walk out you go out to you you go home you sleep wake up go to work and you're just on this routine and today God says is saying to you listen I want to change your routine because it's not doing you any good you're in a rut I want to see more excitement more joy in your Christian life or maybe you're not a Christian here today and you're listening they brought you in because it's Mother's Day and you're here you're listening you're like hmm interesting I didn't know about this Jesus well listen you're in the same condition as this crippled man but spiritually you're crippled you can't walk you can't walk with God right now God wants to pull you out he wants to pull you up from this spiritual condition he wants to revive you spiritually and Christian the same with you God wants to revive your heart if you're here you're saying I need a revival in my heart I didn't revival in my life listen to this psalm 119 25 my soul clings to the dusts revived me according to your word I believe God wants to revive hearts this morning but the question is this do you trust God do you really trust God with your life can you say honestly today Lord I need a revival I need to be revived I'm a Christian I've been a Christian for a long time and lord I just I need revival because when we talk about revival it starts with you it starts with me and maybe that's where you're at this morning you're there you're saying to yourself I need a revival I'm done with this daily routine I want to know Jesus more I want to learn more about him I want to get to know him even more and if you're not a Christian you're saying I want to know Jesus my life is going nowhere and I know Jesus that that he's the only hope that I have in this life and then if that's you you're gonna be touched by the Holy Spirit and he's going to call you to salvation you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
Views: 23,330
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel (Organization), Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, CCCV, Pastor David Rosales, A Sure Foundation, Acts Of The Apostles (Religious Text), Acts 3, Jesus Christ (Deity), Christianity (Religion)
Id: hTH3ud9rO4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2015
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