Actor Spaces eXclusive with Thuso Mbedu

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the roller a plane as soon as it is a character called Winnie Penghu she is a very feisty go-getter whom I always say is a true leader in the sense that she doesn't let her circumstance dictate who she is she fights really hard for who she is what she believes in and then when she finds herself being thrown into a completely different world she adapts but still not forgetting what it is that she wants from life and she fights very hard to get to where she is but what I also like about her is that and as much as she's focused on her own agenda she doesn't forget about the others because the story they informed around the ninjas and like with this nomination I really believe that I might not have been nominated had it not been for the story itself and the four ninjas within his Tunes being nominated for an Emmy it sinks in just like slowly but surely I think I was in denial for the first week and it was funny because one of my colleagues said to me I'm gonna be able to see for the next two weeks I was like yes I'm going in it was actually quite difficult because you wake up at random moments and you're thinking am I dreaming you know but then it is that it is a reality and what I found what makes it sink in right now is the fact that there's so many logistics I need to take care of you know in terms of making sure that I get my visa so I can go to the state's you know trying to make sure with those people who said they're gonna sponsor the trip are actually gonna be true to their word and if they don't come through what's my plan because this and as much as you have people who say they want to help it's my opportunity and I need to make the most of it so I'm not gonna sit back and wait for someone to give me a handout I'm gonna have to fight and find other ways of getting that money if that money doesn't come through such thing so that's the reality I'm sitting with now so for me this is a knowledge of you got you you're doing the right thing you're going in the right direction you know because for the longest time it was about just me keeping my head down keeping my focus doing what I need to do to one pay the bills but also to live out a passion that are very I worked very hard for you know like I went to get against my family to be where I am today you know so was about that that I have to succeed in this with every new role I need to make sure that I'm fulfilled in what I'm doing I'm not just acting for the sake of it but I'm challenging myself I'm growing especially what this tunze it soon as everybody knows when I speak I said was an on-set prayer you know and when I got the job it was about how do I challenge myself to be that much better so for me on Easterns what was that thing of let me do that much better but I wasn't expecting any recognition from it at all so now getting the nod internationally it's like you know what as artists now in South Africa we have about to mom Charlie we have I was similar to the China we've got so many people who can act you know now we have South Africans the audience saying you know what what we're seeing right now is not good enough actually give us talent you know so I'm really excited to see what our industry then has to offer us from here now I think the very first call I made was to Amanda Lane because she's my director and it's - in the end she's become a mentor and one of my closest friends and I called her simply because I'd had a meeting with her the previous day discussing another project that we're working on and at the end of it she looked at me and she had said - so I really think you need to broaden your horizons I need you to start thinking bigger than South Africa you know like it was a it was a heart-to-heart moment and she's like tell me what I can do I want to help you to get out of this context because it's lacking in a way you know like in terms of what I was saying with the standard like you're bigger than this this was what a man is saying internationally I really do hope that one can get a job I think like for me personally I would like to be able to challenge myself and see if I'm ready for the international market I think I am but the reality is always different and yeah we have a lot of production like I said we have a lot of production companies coming to shoot here and it's either they telling our stories or they telling their own stories but they never use us they would rather than spend money bring in other people to tell our story to tell their stories but sit here in South Africa or other parts of Africa so I'm really hoping I would see with this they're able to see you would see him there is talent in on the African continent we've got so much to offer really and again one thing that most of my colleagues have been saying is that this opportunity is not just about me really it's about us as actors on the continent and I'm again I'm really excited to see what it means all of us I am thankful that I'm able to do what I love it's not an easy journey but I'm thankful that uncle Ian who blessed me with the kind of spirit that I have to be able to wake up every day and still fight for what I believe in you know I could have tapped out long ago but I believe that I'm here for a purpose you know I was created to do that which I'm doing right now you [Music]
Views: 39,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thuso Mbedu, International Emmy award 2017, Actor Spaces
Id: I0KsWtOYL1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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