Activate The SACRED Spot In Your Brain & Awaken Psychic Abilities (Sadhguru Third Eye)

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we always said Shiva will open his third eye and he can burn up the whole existence if he wants [Music] imagine a world where you can access your hidden potential see beyond the visible realm and tap into your deepest intuition this is the world of the third eye a mysterious concept that has fascinated Humanity for thousands of years the third eye is believed to be the seat of wisdom and insight the source of mystical experiences and a gateway to higher Consciousness in sanatana Dharma also known as Hinduism the third eye is called the ajna chakra and it is considered one of the most important energy centers in the body the word agna means command or perceive and the chakra is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows the Arjuna chakra is associated with spiritual awareness intuition and higher consciousness when the ajna chakra is activated we can experience a deeper connection to our inner selves and the universe according to Hindu culture the ajna chakra is associated with Lord Shiva the god of meditation and transformation Lord Shiva is often depicted with a third eye in the center of his forehead which represents his spiritual vision and intuition it is said that when Lord Shiva opens his third eye he unleashes his destructive power and destroys everything in his path so Sarah opens his third eye and either Everything Burns up or he sees everything clearly third eye is not a a physical thing it is just that if your energy is reach a certain Peak within you you have a new Clarity of vision of life you see everything from a completely different dimension so you start seeing things it's an inner eye we say we can say you can turn it inward or outward whichever way you turn it so these eyes are wrongly outward you can't roll your eyeballs Inward and see what's within you isn't it so third eye is both ways if you want you can turn it inward or you can turn it outward whichever way you are seeing life beyond the normal limitations of your perception your perception has risen beyond the physical that is a third eye why is it connected to a particular spot in your body among the seven chakras the sixth Dimension is called as na is located slightly above the where the eyebrows meet there are three dimensions attached to it these three dimensions are traditionally named after Shiva three different forms of Shiva but these three are actual experiential points in the body where if your energy moves to that point your experience of Life Alters itself in the bhagavad-gita a Hindu scripture that is part of the epic poem Mahabharata Lord Krishna refers to the third eye chakra when he says I am the light of the Sun and the Moon and the third eye among all the eyes this is interpreted as a reference to the spiritual insight and intuition that can be gained through activating the third eye chakra also in the yoga sutras of patanjali which is a collection of Hindu texts that outline the principles of yoga the third eye chakra is referred to as the Agnus Center and is associated with the power of intuition and perception by focusing on the third eye chakra during meditation one can gain insight into the true nature of reality in the Neuroscience the third eye is often associated with the pineal gland a small Pine cone-shaped endocrine gland located deep within the brain the pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer secreting melatonin and responsible for physiological circadian rhythm control a new form of biomineralization has been studied in the human pineal gland and consists of small crystals that are less than 20 microns in length these crystals are responsible for electromechanical biological transduction mechanism in the pineal gland due to the structure and piezoelectric properties the secretions of the panel which in yoga is referred to as Amrit or Amrita probably in Sanskrit this amritam either can be taken into the system to strengthen the system and increase or extend the longevity of the system or this Amrita can be taken to create blissfulness in the system like a drug it can just blow you away or you can use this Amrita to enhance your perception that you can become like thin air because everything that is here passes through you right now air passes only through your nostrils and you know if it doesn't pass you are gone if this air can pass through right across you some of you might at some moment felt when you're very carefree and joyful you stood in the breeze it feels like breeze is passing through you and you become 100 transparent that is because you've used your Amrita to bring sensitivity to the system so these are three fundamental ways one is to strengthen the body to make it like a rock which will give a certain longevity to that person which is considered superhuman by most people or to bring such a level of drunkenness and blissfulness within you that you don't care how long you live or to make yourself like thin air that your perception is super hyped because there is absolutely no resistance to the system the same secretions of the pineal gland can be used in three different ways this Amrita or this secretion of the pineal gland will play the right kind of role in the system when I say right in my perception only if it enhances your perception it is right because if you do not enhance your perception your life doesn't get enhanced in any way it only gets enhanced in somebody else's eyes like an antenna the pineal gland has the capacity to become electrically activated and generate electromagnetic fields that can tune into information in addition in the same way an antenna pulsates a rhythm or frequency to match the frequency of an incoming signal the pineal glands receives information carried on invisible electromagnetic fields once the pineal gland is activated it can tune into higher dimensions of this space and time and like a TV it can then turn the information carried on those frequencies into vivid imagery and surreal Lucid transcendental experiences in our mind including profoundly heightened multi-sensory Visions beyond our vocabulary [Music] there are two ways of opening the eye one way is the inside has become total vacuum so the doorway gets sucked in and naturally has to open the doorway becomes limp and Falls inward because there is nothing he simply burnt not only his thought not only his emotion not his just his relationships and positions he's just burnt his very being the individual being is completely burned out into the total vacuum so the door fell inward and the chip so people saw fire because it was burning still another way of opening the third eye is you contain everything inside everything is contained you did not find any expression for your talk any expression for your emotion any expression for anything you could not even utter the world see if you remain silent for four days on the fifth day you feel like singing suddenly if you don't know how to sing you want to howl like a wolf because you want to let go you didn't let go anything so much pressure built up and this got door got knocked open from inside there's another way to do it the first way of doing is the best way of doing because if you open it by building pressure it opens up today and again tomorrow it may just shut itself or before enough pressure builds up and this opens something else freaks in you and you run away yes because the pressure builds up in such a way if you have to hold it you need because you don't know what's happening it looks like torture it looks like 70 degree torture if you're putting yourself through the whole process then definitely your mind will ask what is the point going through this torture because it's a lot of torture not letting a single thought find expression not letting a single emotion find expression not uttering a single word not having not finding expression to your single opinion that arises in your mind single idea that arises in your mind oh it'll burst you somewhere you hold everything intact this will open otherwise something else will freak key to activate your pineal gland is to start slowly and be consistent with regular practice you can fully awaken it one simple technique is meditation sit comfortably close your eyes and focus your attention on your third eye area between your eyebrows breathe slowly and deeply and repeat an affirmation like my third eye is opening do this for five to ten minutes a day you can also do third eye stimulating yoga poses like child's pose and upward facing dog pose these inverted poses help increase blood flow to your pineal gland practice them for a few minutes after your meditation over time the pineal gland can accumulate deposits of calcium leading to a process called calcification this can potentially impact melatonin production and disrupt sleep patterns to activate the pineal gland it is important to reduce the amount of calcification that can occur in the gland over time calcification can be caused by factors such as fluoride calcium supplements and certain medications to prevent this it is recommended to avoid fluoride and to take supplements that promote healthy pineal gland function such as melatonin vitamin D and iodine another important technique is to engage in dark therapy by blocking blue light and electromagnetic fields blue light and electromagnetic fields inhibit melatonin production and harm your pineal gland use blue light blocking glasses avoid screens two hours before bed and turn off wi-fi at night sleeping in complete darkness also helps finally stimulate your third eye during the day by practicing activities like sun gazing visualization and journaling sun gazing for just a few minutes helps energize your pineal gland visualization and introspective journaling strengthen your intuition and connection with your inner self with regular practice of these techniques you can fully activate your third eye and unlock your ability to see beyond the physical world you will gain access to Inner wisdom tap into your creativity and Achieve higher states of consciousness foreign
Channel: DivineSignals
Views: 8,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pineal gland, activate pineal gland, third eye, third eye chakra, how to open third eye, sadhguru, divinesignals, sadhguru third eye, sadhguru pineal gland, third eye chakra activation, what is third eye
Id: SKKwx5JdWZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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