Activate Snap Chat Filters Using Twitch Channel Points |

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hate canadians so much is it is it because why do you hate canadians so much is it because i'm a potato is that why hey guys so in today's video well i guess only video in this channel will be how to make channel point redeems for snapchat filters using streamer bot if you don't know what i'm talking about check out this clip from one of my stream people uh like doing stuff right people being scary while you're on the train and i remember it's super simple so let's get into it and before i forget i do stream on twitch i play mostly story based puzzle and sometimes horror games and if you're into that please drop a follow uh i really appreciate it and since you're here why not subscribe to my youtube channel i will try and post gameplay twitch vods and tutorials so if you want more tutorials like this please subscribe but anyways let's get right into the video there are a couple things that you would need to have this effect so of course you need obs you would need snap camera and you would also need streamer bot to download streamer bot go to streamer dot bot and right here streamer bot this is what we'll use to create the channel point effect so just make sure to download that next download snap camera there will be a link in the description the website should look like this and make sure you just download it so once you have it downloaded make sure you extract the file so just right click extract files just click ok and it should extract it made a folder just called twitch on my desktop and this is where i'm putting all of it you can put it anywhere but i would suggest putting it on the same folder putting everything on the same folder so it's much easier so on the streamer bot folder make sure you open it up now i know it looks intimidating once you open it up but it's super simple first we need to do is connect it to twitch so just click connect to twitch down here it should open up a browser if you're already logged into twitch it should already do this and you just need to click authorize but if not you just need to log in so it's quick and easy click authorize and now you can close the site once it's authorized you should see down here now it says disconnect from twitch so that's how you know that you it's already good go to actions right click and add so this is the action that will activate the filter so i want to make my my face cam turn into a pet potato kind of like the clip that i showed at the start so i'll just name it potato filter click ok and go to settings on settings tab general and over here click blocking and put and type in face filter and click add this just means that if a face filter is already redeemed then it's going to wait um it's going to wait until that's done to activate the next filter if two people redeem the same filter or multiple filters at the same time then you don't have it conflicting with each other go back to action the action tabs up here and double click on potato filter and make sure the cue is on face filter and click ok make sure it's it's highlighted blue and right click on sub actions add action go to logic and set argument and on variable name just type in path on the value here we'll leave that empty for now so click ok then right click again on sub actions add action perform command and then type in percentage percent path and then percent all right and then add a delay this will be how long the filter will stay on so for now we'll have that at 10 000 milliseconds meaning it'll be the the filter will be on for 10 seconds okay then right click on perform command on the one above the delay and duplicate action and then it should paste it down here and that should be it for now so create a folder wherever you want like i said it's better if you have it on the same folder so i have a twitch folder to have streamer bot and make sure you add you know you can create a folder wherever you want but make sure you know where it is create a new folder name it uh keyboard shortcuts open it up click on view up here and make sure file name extensions is check marked um i'll explain it later but make sure that's in that's check marked right click on the folder new text document since we want our face to turn into a potato i'll just name it potato and then here it says txt remove that txt part and replace it with vbs and are you sure you want to change it yes so that's why we want to view and file name extensions because we want to see the txt so that we can change it after that right click edit paste this text that i have in description below um basically what this does is it will send a keyboard combination when you run the program so what this is running is ctrl shift alt f12 so to just file save and you can close it right click on potato.vbs go to properties go to security and make sure to copy this object name and then click ok and go back to streamerbot in streamerbot see we have the potato filter you remember when we had the sec set argument path right double click on that and make sure the value for that path will be the one the text that we just copied which is the path to potato.vbs okay click ok and that should be it for that go to channel point rewards here if you have your twitch connected it should show all your channel points here uh if you have one already face filtered then you can double click on that but if not you can just right click add and that can do potato filter let's just name it potato filter on action make sure it's the potato filter action that we just created you know you can change the cost color just the same as you would do in twitch click ok and right there potato filter and then action is potato filter so now open up snap camera if you go to settings you can set up the camera that you're using for me i'm using eos but it's not going to show on here because i'm using my camera right now yeah that's a bit confusing but on on your end it should show all your lovely faces on here when you click on a filter it should you know activate the filter now let's search for the filter that we want so what we wanted was the potato filter so let's search up potato on here and i already have it starred on top but what you can do is once you find a filter that you like you can click on them to activate to see what you like click the star on the top to put it in your favorites once it's in your favorites click on your favorites up here and click on lens hotkeys up here and potato remember what we had in the vbs script right the keyboard shortcut that we we were using is ctrl shift alt f12 so ctrl alt shift f12 and then click save so whenever we press ctrl alt shift f12 it'll activate the potato filter so now we can test it out since i don't have the camera enabled the only way we can test out if the filter is working is to see if for example the filter is highlighted like that right so if i go on my channel point on here on the side i have one potato filter click on it redeem it and as you can see potato is not highlighted now on yours it should change anything on your face and then after 10 seconds should change the filter on your face after 10 seconds it turns off and that's pretty much it and it's very easy to replicate for other filters as well well let me show you how to do that so on streamer bot go to actions again and just duplicate the action the potato filter action after you duplicate it and right click edit and just rename it let's do a pickle let's change ourselves into a pickle which should be fun so pickle click ok on the keyboard shortcut folder you can just duplicate this as well by right clicking copy and pasting it if you paste it just rename potato copy to pickle right the vbs right click edit and then change the the send keys shortcut i'll have a link in the description below for other keyboard shortcuts that you can use in these vbs send keys but for now we'll do ctrl shift alt let's try f11 so this will so this will press ctrl shift alt f11 and let's close that on here on the pickle action just double click on set argument and since we stored them on the same folder as in the keyboard shortcuts folder now we can just go to the end and replace potato with pickle and click ok and that's pretty much it now you can go to channel point rewards add a new reward called pickle filter and make sure the action is pickle and that's pretty much it it's it's easy to duplicate and we can test it out going on snap camera again clicking on lens hotkeys and i already have the pickle filter on here for control object of f11 but yeah you can search it up up here and if i go search a pickle it's the first one that i picked i picked and on our if we test it out the pickle filter as you can see there it is it's activated and it works and after 10 seconds it just turns off so that's pretty much it and because we had it set up so because on streamer bot we had it set up to a queue a face filter queue right since we have it like that what can happen is if you activate uh the potato filter so if a person activates potato filter and a pickle filter at the same time like this as you can see only potato filter is activated then after the potato filter is done then it activates the pickle filter that's really good because you don't have conflicting face filters hey guys editor glenn here i completely forgot so in the description i will include an import string for streamer bot and basically what that does is you can import the action that i've just created to your streamer bot so you don't need to create the action yourself and all you need to do after is create the vbs script and link it to your channel points and that's basically it and let me show you how that works on stream bot after you copy the import string go to actions right click and click import and here on import string just paste it there and you see that it's an import stream because it has a bunch of text that i don't understand basically this is it then you click import and it basically creates the the template for you and you can duplicate this as much as you want to and you know you put the path there and all all that all that stuff so i'll make sure i have that in the description so yeah that's pretty much it if you're having issues with any of the things i mentioned leave a comment below and i'll try my best to help all the info i mentioned like links and things like that will be in the description but the import string and the sample vbs script will be in my discord under the free templates channel you can find the discord link in the description i would love to see you there i will also link the streamer bot discord there you can talk with people who know streamer bot more than i do there are cool examples on there on how to use it and they are really helpful if you have any issues the stream about website also has a wiki so you can check that out other than that i hope to see on the next video like if you like dislike if you don't subscribe for more stuff like this see ya what what is this i knew it i knew there was going to be a jump scare there and i still got scared
Channel: GlennIsNotReal
Views: 1,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, obs, twitch, streamer, smallstreamer, channel, point, channel point, snapchat, filters, potato, pickle, kermit, streamlabs, streamelements
Id: sMb4LDiPbmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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