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in 2022 a bacterium killed 31 million people we called it the sickness within months a treatment was released but it came at a high price and made the company the largest corporation in the [Music] world one group fought back their mission to find out if the company created the sickness so the world would know the truth but the company is closing in copy that I free have them report to me as soon as they arrive keep an eye on Sector 5 hey sweetie hey Mom what have you been up to Maria they're back ah good where's Sean he got infected we put him with ammo [ __ ] we're giving him the treatment now did you place a device yes it's operational did anyone else get hurt no we're fine okay well at least there's some good news good job you guys keep me posted on Sean's condition hey dad daughter don't go too far okay and stay where I can see you I drinking enough I'm way too young to be drinking dad what [Music] D Hey kid what are you doing here I'm here to help you on your Lookout wow are you now your parents agree through that may maybe yeah I thought as much here help me out tell me what do you see some buildings well you're not wrong but what can you tell me about the buildings that one is very high mhm it has 14 open Windows 10 of which with a direct line of sight to our back entrance wow yeah you have to really pay attention attention to detail never knew Lookout Duty was just lame well sometimes you've got to do boring work why because because giving up Prov you nothing [Music] David bavy what's going on everything the arm's here they tricked us down take your man get everybody to the basement use the tunnels I got Mar back to B and Maria they we're heading towards the server room with the last off here it's me give it a gun go come what's going on Len up Len find her and bring her to me and the others find her I think they're going after Maria Scott go to the surf room Scott what can I do go to the surf room destroy all the hard drives in the laugh go yes the facility is now in condition red now in position red all guards all guards ass man you look like [ __ ] [ __ ] are you doing you have to get out of here where's mom I want my mom just take her outside Maria can handle herself a [ __ ] I think I broke something what my skeletons get the [ __ ] out of here I'll find your parents I promise come come go come out [Music] keep your head down keep your head down [Music] [ __ ] I got shot I had have to destroy the thrives if they find them where are you going fly there's one thing I got to do stay close please David what up go I I stay alone a a Molly Molly on come here you little [ __ ] Center B run run [Music] David for [Music] [Music] when was the last time you had your treatment about a month ago I'm saving it all up for my little boy how is he good for now but Home Alone we will help you out I will get you some more normally she would keep you here for a couple of days but since she got a kid at home she'll probably sent you back as soon as you're strong enough you can come back whenever but um we can't give you any treatment to take with you last time we did that we caught a guy selling it down on the street there's someone to see you hey Dave what are you doing here Dave this is Alex hey what the [ __ ] you doing here you wanted terrorist those are lies he knows so this is David you've been talking about he's obviously not interested she gets it David sit the hell down and listen to what I have to say we've got nothing to talk about I'm not going to help you steal any more treatment it's just going to drive up the prices even more they're already up don't not helping anyone what was it on the news this time what did you do was it blow up some Depot oh no we're not stealing any treatment we're going to steal the Cure still having these headaches all right listen to me we've been tracking an armored van that moves from company facility to company facility guarded by a team of Highly experienced soldiers formal black UPS or something similar none of the Transmissions or reports have shown any proof that this transport even exists and yet there it is the company's hiding something they don't want people to find out about it's the Cure why drive it around Why move it around why use it or destroy it and get rid of the evidence they can't destroy it viruses are very dangerous if it mutates again then if a CEO gets infected exactly there's a bunch of reasons why the company would want to hold on to their cure just in case it sounds like their way of thinking to [Music] me no no it's fine [Music] not bringing her back by hiding in here [Music] out our pleasure [Music] J [Music] all right already [Music] I think you're making the right choice I hope so listen if it's true what they say if the sickness has a cure bring it to me [Music] [Music] hey you got some spare treatment Who The house's can spare treatment I'm afraid uh not even him time for Hope and right hope hope was got me into this mess but hope s's keeping us alive without the treatment we'd all be gone and the Billboards shine on no one the company saved us the treatment saved us look at yourself how can you I really hope you're [Music] right listen go that way five blcks down ask for Emma tell her David sent you no old man don't spread the word too much are you with the company H not quite well thanks anyway who is it I'm part of the Rebel Alliance and a Trader what just open the door trust him we should stop with it well here I am wellow really love the [Music] fight whose mother's basement is this yours right David that's Barry this is BD you're all that's left would the last but not least I'm top we always thought the company was responsible for the sickness but they cooked this up in the lab or allow creation by conscious neglect but it could go much further than that we now believe we discovered Clues to where it's a cure there's only one way to find out though whatever it is they're transporting it's very secret and very important that that's too very okay so you want to grab the the van as it moves to the next place the van is heavily guarded often even with air support Chopper bolts so that's no good her best bet is to grab it when the cargo which is hopefully the Cure when it's locked in a vault one of the company facilities is heading towards next the company facility they stopping next has been built exactly 8 years ago around the time Maria was still leading the factions but he was able to hack into the computer network at the time which got Dam and many others discovered and killed but which also gave them a shitload of Intel like the locations of company facilities listed what patches of land the company was buying and uh what they were building there Barry discovered one of Maria and Buddy's plans one that never got to be executed this is actually pretty cool they placed a quake bomb in the earth below one of the build sites like a device that can simulate seismic activity this Sleeping Beauty is laning below the company's Research Center for over 8 years now but should still be active shoot it better should okay listen up when we get there Alex David and I get in Burke you guard Barrow and the F what and you're taking this deserter you're telling me this now yes I'm telling you this now because we're already on our way it's too late for to complain too much about come on I should be there you've got like one leg this makes absolutely no sense you're still talking just a heads up Berg's uh sense of humor got hit by a piece of shrapnel during the war at least that's my theory all right set it [Music] [Music] off nothing's happening in your bedroom [Music] what's happening you should immediately evacuate the building we're not going anywhere [Music] hey in order to let people out the evacuation warning should open all the locks in the building okay let's go to work our part's [Music] over I'm sorry but there are protocols we have to follow as well as our lives might be in danger this is not a laughing matter all of this is going in my report yeah and if the building collapses and we all die be sure to put it on my permanent record I can't believe he would do this to me I have a right to be there after all the company Social Services sector 7 this is Elizabeth how may I help you thank God I got a hold of you I just tried calling Samantha on the other um anyway she wasn't there and now we've got this whole mess on our hands and if we don't fix this soon we will have a major security brige and Personnel files everything who's this Leonard from it rude any who we have to relink all the routers on the Cat 5 or the firewall will block server hosting and that'll crash all the 12 par sects of the asky warp phasing and then we will have to reboot the entire ethernet holck and you know we don't want that or you could just give me the little code that's on the bottom of your modem and I can just reset the whole thing from here and I don't have to send the whole team down from R&D to debug This Server Rex see uh uh it's the little black box should be below your desk with the flickering lights X2 capital T 5 4 7 8 1 1 38 thanks Lizzy you're a treasure all right this password [Music] should work I'm in Richard you there yes I hear you great there should be a large door to your right at the end of the hall go through it in the back there should be a freight elevator go all the way down the bottom level but be careful I'm not the only one who's watching what if she hadn't given you the code Lizzie wouldn't lay me down listen it's my job to inspect the work you and your team are doing I have to file an accurate report I do my job I do what I'm supposed to do you should too the earthquake wasn't that bad but we should take precautions follow regulations and evacuate the building there see this is why I'm here and you're there send Dean after it we've got hostiles moving down the Eastern Corridor Dean Davis intercept the evacuation warning opens the doors they must have faked the Quake to get in impossible this is a company facility even if they could do such thing we'd have contingency systems in place yes me give it up man [Music] [Music] [Music] what what was that I think they're in our system say impossible one more [Music] time oh no no what they on to us dick they're coming your way [ __ ] how long we [Music] got what is this place for for what are they doing here you okay man The Vault you're looking for is at the very end of the hall door marked M1 Hur Barry Barry there I cut off their signal they seem to know the way the the way to where our cargo this is just a way station what GGO are you smuggling yes we've been smuggling we've secretly been smuggling and we're talking about it openly with an inspector right here then what is in that Vault exactly tell them to shoot on site shoot on site permission to shoot on site Dean Davis we think they might know about M1 kill mode this is against all regulations I order you you don't get to order anyone here the hell I do those people have to be captured and tried question at least the law say la doesn't apply to what they're after what the hell does that mean and what bre is inv Vault [Music] M1 this is it come on no hands and weapons raised above your head why you already know you're trying to kill us oh [Applause] a [Music] [Music] h [ __ ] it's got out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no Molly what have they done to you David [Music] you heard me I found you they found her who was that did you see her hey the [ __ ] who was that [Music] did you find it who's this this is Molly Molly who's Molly she was in a cell theault theault is a cell and she was in it yes listen I think I I think they experimented on her for a years 8 years she was probably quarantined infected Ed we can't take her it's a huge risk Alex you know I'm right we're risking everything we've ever worked for we must have made a mistake there has to be another Vault there has to be another Vault there is no fault we can't take her [Music] she's coming with us and so are you [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is that a girl what's going on shut up meet me in the truck we're getting that witch back what's going on you stay here this is Way Beyond your pray gr what what's that the girl what she in the vault I'm going with you can't believe you did this I mean I just don't I just don't understand how you can force this kind of decision upon us this would have never happened if we would have stuck with the old team there we go this was rash dangerous and careless and had nothing to do with our mission the mission's dead there is no Mission there was no fault there was no cure there was nothing in there except for a human being yeah why would they keep a person in a vault because she is dangerous she could be infected exactly you put us all at risk we are on a dangerous secret mission we are at risk but if she's infected why would they move her around she was locked up but quarantined so she hasn't got the sake I don't thing you're Richard aren't you I remember you now my mother trusted you I remember her saying so she trusted you too you were important my parents are Dead Aren't They I kind of always knew I couldn't feel them anymore but I knew I knew you were still alive somehow the headaches you fear me and you should maybe but I won't infect you I can't get the sickness I'm immune they're secure they gave it to you they worked they have it am I [Music] right Molly they're here hit him again no no no no no no no no plate what wa the [ __ ] do something [Music] they're behind us don't shoot don't kill them they've aligned with k or some [ __ ] [ __ ] them get me Clos to the side over there [Music] what are you doing what's happening why is anybody listening to me [ __ ] I'm out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] this Fu you who who who what's going on what are you doing get me a boat it's already here they they must really want you back yeah dead is more like it they could have easily hit you why why guard all these years and didn't just open fire they were firing at you what do you mean there's a Crossroads we have to decide where to go they're probably tracking us so you'll treat the factory are over there we can hide there you sure you want to hide they're about to find us eventually at least they won't find Us near innocent bystanders let's go what the hell happened to him he he happened he failed me you did this well indirectly he did this to himself are you crazy yeah he is I'm D speak got Al alive especially after your performance in the basement should have gone down with four men for Less incompetence how dare you how dare you he needs to go to the hospital no need to R for you [ __ ] up his face he's sure respons ibility if we lose stack of targets because of the hospital D let that door fall B you [ __ ] D no D okay if you speak again you know where the door is what happened back there my Visions was tested they're heading [Music] east there the old factory [Music] sh [Applause] [Music] [Music] they were firing at you are you okay burus are bad but [Music] Richard he's gone he's gone he's Alex he's gone he's gone [ __ ] is that [ __ ] Auto Cannon engage [Music] [Music] sorry aay for the entrance this won't hold much longer I'll be right back I'd rather stay with you yeah I'd rather stay with me too you want your jacket that old thing right back Vance Vengeance I'm sorry I took me so long to find you take her around Che out oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've never on anything as big as that [Music] before how did you just do that I had a weird reaction to the virus something they never really told me anything am I am I safe near you I guess no promises get there [Music] Ro what he sh this is all going in my [Music] report where the [ __ ] it's you hey can I do that now you're back for more right a I've been here they took me here me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] a [Music] leave me alone [Music] where is she there don't you people left to die come here let me tear you scar just like this huh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you woring about a fck [Music] hey hey he he got me loose [ __ ] off with hey hey hey could you got me loose please got me loose hey hey hey help help please got me loose go me loose [ __ ] finally [Music] [Music] w [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] get out of the van what you you're going to [Music] f the forecast plenty of sunshine through today is defensive mode come ons what kind of Swiss KN [ __ ] is this get no [Music] You Can't Hide forever okay [Music] a [Music] on [Music] let her go you'll shoot me if I let her go so no it's a shame to see this one die though she's a hell of a warrior stop talking why don't you just leave that's what you wanted isn't it Freedom all you have to do is leave your little terrorist Pals here to die we're not terrorists it's kind of what all Terri stop talking where the [ __ ] is my gun [Music] ah Alice I'm so sorry this really hurts so sorry you to do all of this for me that's okay if you could just grab every medical thing from the van that'd be great okay go off [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no [Music] St e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] a hello someone hello [Music] hold it please don't kill me who are you I'm something else is anyone at the site wait listen to me this girl she was held captive by those guys and since she was eight she's immune that's the secret that's why he kepts her locked away she's a threat to Det treatment have to let her go I've worked for the company for years I've never heard of no immunity what if you're lying then you'll hunt her down again but what if we're not lying [Music] hello please go just go go now they are not here they must have headed back to the city guess we're too late okay understood you're really extraordinary I haven't seen this kind of symptoms anywhere else I actually think it could be isolated into a cure and a death flow to the company what are you thinking about that building has 12 open Windows Eight with a direct line of sight at the back entrance what look at duty is boring for a for for for pH for for
Channel: (실화사연&감동사연)
Views: 72,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AXzkOxsrTf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 39sec (5739 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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