Aconcagua With Elite Exped

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hey hey how are you bro very today is day two of elite exper in akaga first one was arrival and today kind of you know we came directly to confluencia and the reason why we come here is because we want to get ahead of the aquation you know just rather than spending one day in Mendoza or even in pentes you know that's not going to give us anything but by coming here which is like literally 2 hours of beautiful track you are ahead of the acclimatization and that means if there's a weather window up there and you are ready you are ready and you don't want to miss the summit it's just because we one day behind we've got 21 days to Summit this beautiful mountain and we want to take every opportunity we can to acclimatize well in advance very comfortable yeah yeah great when you fully close your outer layer of the tent you know the inner part do not open it at the bottom open at the top so if there's a dust it doesn't get inside the T you understand what I'm saying when you put this strap it has to be a your hips okay and the reason why it has to be a your hips is uh if it's below that it it constrain the movement of your your legs okay what it also does is keep your shoulders of it free so that your your your blood circulations and everything is good right and and everything helps in the Big Mountain that's the that's the kind of key [Music] things you will not be able to walk like this pace when you're walking in that sun okay so that's the reason why tomorrow we're leaving at 3:00 a.m. I'll tell you why everything but [Music] yeah [Music] okay nice got it made it to uh campamento Francia nice little lunch 3 hours Great acclimatization hike living life we have an amazing day here in akawa we've been in confluencia C climatizing knowing all the team members everything was smoth and good uh we are healthy everything is okay there are a lot of humor with people and we think that we can make it watermelon [Music] okay all right good morning 3:00 a.m. we're getting ready to leave heading to base camp let's go the main reason why we are kind of living very early tomorrow morning okay what happens is like normally the people start like how you see this morning right 8:30 straight away you the Sun and imagine you're walking on the Sun for next 10 hours you will be like pretty much 50% less effective your press will be slower you will be more fatigued you will be naturally you have to carry double the water as well okay and and and now the advantage of going at like you know 2:30 a.m. is one you don't know how much distance you are covering so it's a natural kind of a mind game by the time the sun comes you'll already be covering 60% of the root it all so get us to Base Cam early enough so you got plenty of time to hang around you know drink plenty of water chill out stress whatever you want you know we want to be successful we take every Advantage we [Music] can [Music] all right welcome to Camp well done long walk but yeah well done appreciate it bro you know congratulations thank you bro what in the name of God all right guys welcome to Bas cam mulas okay this is going to be our home for the duration of the Expedition that's whenever we Summit you all have your individual 10,000 there so what you can do is you can go there make it home but do not sleep okay yeah home this is awesome have it for breakfast lunch dinner and [Laughter] dessert get back into your seat let's go so much awesome because of this man right [Music] here and [Music] then [Music] fabulous fantastic amazing [Applause] so happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to thank d DJ DJ d d d yeah y'all got this everybody one of the key Tech Tech is like uh it's a side steps you know and this is the best St to practice yes like that up what I've seen is the most of the people who kind even know doesn't make it are the feest people I said this already because somehow you know like up to this altitude they could be really quick they can keep up because they're generally they're fit okay but they don't give that time to acclimatize properly as soon as they hit the certain altitude they done stay humble even however you're feeling first of all you need to acclimatize well yeah [Applause] oh my goodness this is literally spa day this is so nice feels so [Music] good good morning room service good service if you have a ball cover just only up to your mouth if you cannot breathe through the [Music] nose every time when you walk you know I kind of look at the time and around like an hour that's when we have a water break try to get into that habit so everybody stops at the same point so we're not wasting our [Music] time welcome to C to it was a hard morning even though we did it apparently in 2 and 1/2 hours but it was a hard hard hike up the hill but beautiful weather couldn't have better conditions and um Nims once again has been great in his instruction oh a lunch was unbelievable I mean I'm originally from Mexico so I was an absolute guac Heaven those teos were also money so here we are today at Camp Neo Camp two of akawa and we have our best chef harad let's see what he's cooking come on in he is just like a food genius I never expected to eat this B on a mountain like he I don't know he deserves like all the hugs in the world we love him liia 5400 M was great only woke up to the sound of the chopper s like a baby otherwise So the plan today is guys hike up there whatever it takes 3 hours over there come back and I don't want anybody leaving this Camp to before 1,700 hours okay for those who have fully acclimatized you know well done for those who have you know made saf to the base camp well done as well we have jacked up a nice barbecue you know Argentina Nado um one thing I would like to make clear is guys you know there's alcohol here as well but you are only limited to a pine or a glass of wine is that okay is that clear cool guys enjoy your evening though thank you thank so we have a I think matre ltil caramelized onion not sure what that is but it looks absolutely amazing so we're about to scarf it [Music] let's do it guys I think if you one line it it's the whole Moon we had to it's the so good to see you come here come here cold not so bad today it's actually dry up glad to be here excited about the push and mingled with a lot of nerves Camp free I'm ready come on wake up wake up wake up W up [Music] thank boom welcome to almost 6,000 M yeah I mean I can definitely feel that I'm at 6,000 M but I feel good go go that's the only way we have left glad to be here really truly oh my God this is not not a good hday we've got to Camp three Summit here we come loveish we're alive high as we've ever been I actually feel like better than I thought at looking fly in the suit 100% oh you want me to modle it for you little catwalk as well you don't see this at 6,000 M do you oh thank you so much than Tre us so good 8:00 I think 8:15 I want to see everybody ly here I'm going to do the final check everything I'm going to check the guys has got the Rope I'm going to ensure that you have your water bottle your food everything and then boom off you go nice and pleasant the second group let's get ready for 11: we want to walking at 11:30 and when we catch up the first group we want to support them yes yeah try to dring more here now let's go trying to get it figured out coffee please very good last coffee before hell yes like coffee lot of stuff this is not the moment of getting stress just just enjoy Long Bridge cuz we are not going very fast we are going very slowly and [Music] continue see you later see the other side hi nice and steady enjoy you know this is the moment you know the big thing is if you got headache and all that don't worry we're just going to the summit and we're coming back down okay we're not sleeping there so everything will be fine yeah everyone okay yeah midnight excitement [Applause] [Music] takes time to one more sit down facing towards me [Music] [Applause] okay it I'll from the front forward head down you know block your head [Music] yeah feel good good put your hands [Music] down Fe everybody hot water okay stay close Okay that's why you need to stay close to your [Music] body this is [Music] wooo and first Su of the year I get your th no te is here made it it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done almost 23,000 ft I had to really dig deep woo believable be careful you know as exp leader I have to do this give
Channel: NimsDai
Views: 199,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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