Acidosis, Respiratory and Metabolic, Animation

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Acidosis refers to a process that causes  increased acidity in the blood and body’s tissues.  The body’s blood pH is maintained by the balance  between acids and bases. Acidosis occurs when   acids accumulate or bases are lost. The major  players are carbon dioxide and bicarbonate.   Carbon dioxide acts as an acid as it combines  with water to make carbonic acid, releasing   hydrogen ions; while bicarbonate binds to and  neutralizes hydrogen ions, acting as a base.  Normal cellular metabolism constantly produces  and excretes carbon dioxide into the blood,   and therefore constantly making the blood  more acidic. The body keeps the blood pH   within the normal range by 2 mechanisms: removal  of carbon dioxide through exhalation by the lungs,   and excretion of acids and RE-absorption  of bicarbonate through the kidneys.   Pulmonary regulation is fast, acting within  minutes to hours. Renal regulation is slower,   taking days to respond to pH changes. There are 2 major types of acidosis:   respiratory and metabolic. Respiratory acidosis results from inadequate   function of the lungs. As carbon dioxide is not  exhaled fast enough, it accumulates in the blood,   raising acidity. Respiratory acidosis is  characterized by primary increase in arterial   partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Compensatory  increase in bicarbonate may or may not present;   pH is usually low but may also be near normal.  Common causes include chronic lung diseases,   neuromuscular disorders that affect respiratory  muscles, chest deformities or injuries,   conditions that impair the central respiratory  center, and overuse of sedative drugs. Some of   these causes may lead to a fast-developing, or  acute form, of the disease; while others result   in a chronic, stable respiratory acidosis.  The acute form can cause headache, confusion,   drowsiness, stupor, or coma, due to its effects  on the brain; while the chronic form may or may   not have symptoms of its own. This is because  the kidneys, over the course of several days,   are generally able to compensate by  increasing bicarbonate reabsorption.  Metabolic acidosis may result from  excessive production of metabolic acids,   ingestion of acids, decreased ability of  the kidneys to excrete acids, or loss of   alkali. Metabolic acidosis is characterized  by primary decrease in plasma bicarbonate,   secondary decrease in carbon dioxide partial  pressure, and a low blood pH. Acute forms   most frequently result from overproduction of  metabolic acids such as ketoacids or lactic acid.   Chronic forms are often caused by impaired  renal function or loss of bicarbonate, such   as in severe diarrhea. Apart from symptoms of the  underlying condition, metabolic acidosis itself   causes rapid breathing, because the body  tries to correct acidity by expelling more   carbon dioxide. Severe metabolic acidosis may  lead to respiratory or cardiovascular failure.  Diagnosis of acidosis requires measurement of  blood pH and carbon dioxide in an arterial blood   sample, usually taken from the radial artery in  the wrist. Arterial blood is taken because it is   generally more reliable than venous blood for  carbon dioxide measurement. Serum bicarbonate,   ketoacids and lactic acid are tested  to help identify the cause. Other tests   include chest X-ray, abdominal CT scan,  urinalysis, urine ketones, and urine pH.  Treatment aims at the cause. Improving ventilation  is the mainstay for managing respiratory acidosis.
Channel: Alila Medical Media
Views: 9,288
Rating: 4.9879155 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high
Id: C_gpG7HjdDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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