Accredited ISO Category I Vibration Analyst Training & Certification

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hello and welcome to this presentation that describes the Mobius Institute category one vibration training course my name is Jason Tranter the founder of Mobius Institute and I just like to take you through what the course is about who it's intended for and then actually go through the topics in just a little bit of detail each one so that not only do you know what we cover on the course but you will see some of the animations and the simulations that we use during the course so if you're really wondering should I take the Mobius Institute course or maybe another course then I hope this will settle that question once and for all and if you're wondering whether the category one course is really suited for you and maybe the category two course would be better well then hopefully this will answer that question too so who is the category one course intended for you know what is the course it is excellent for new vibration analysts so if you are right now measuring the vibration or about to get started in vibration analysis or and maybe just getting started into spectrum analysis then this is ideal for you this is definitely the place to start we really take a lot of time to carefully teach the fundamentals of vibration we talk about data collection and just how important it is how important it is to repeatedly take the measurements properly we introduce the idea of the analysis process we give you an introduction to spectrum analysis and diagnosing faults and correcting some of the faults and we try to paint the bigger picture rather than just focusing on you as a person collecting measurements and maybe doing a little bit of analysis we just want to take a little bit of time to say well vibration is one part of the condition monitoring process and that the condition monitoring process is just one part of the bigger maintenance picture so just explaining what predictive maintenance is about how it compares to preventive or calendar-based maintenance and the benefits of precision based maintenance reliability-centered maintenance we don't spend a lot of time on those things but it's just important for you to understand just why you're doing what you are doing what are the goals of the vibration of the mobis institute course our number one goal is to make you a better vibration analyst to prepare you for the work that you have to do so that you understand what you're doing and so that you can do it well there's no doubt that a lot of people take the course because they know there's an exam which you could take with us or with another organization you can do it as an ISO standard course amande exam or asnt recommended practice the exam the course is obviously great preparation for the exam but we're not just going to sit in class and you know just prime you for the exam you know we want to make sure you come out a better vibration analyst than when you started the course our real goal is to help you understand we're not just going to force feed you with fact after fact after fact which is the traditional way to teach these courses just hit you with a number of facts we explain everything we use our simulations and animations that you'll see soon to explain why you have to do things why the vibration changes the way it is the way it does what happens inside the machine and how the vibration measurements work and so on the other thing is that whereas the iso standard speak about certain topics that you must have been trained on in order to be a category 1 vibration analyst we recognize that it might be another year or 18 months or longer until you take the next course and that's a long time you need preparation between now and then to perform the sorts of functions that you will in that time so our courses all go beyond the standard we cover the standard of course we cover the topics we have to cover but we do go further so that as you start to do the functions that are sort of expected of in this case a category 2 vibration analyst you'll actually understand what you're doing rather than doing it without the proper training what are the features of our courses well we have lots of animations and simulations that you will see soon we ask you some questions during the course just to make sure you understand what it is you've been taught rather than facing issues out in the field or on the exam paper that you just don't understand as I mentioned we we do train sort of above the standard and for what it's worth we have offered these courses all over the world we teach the course in many many languages we make the course available online as well as live courses we really want to help you no matter what language you speak and where you are in the world which is really good for sort of corporate standardization as well so that all of your sister plants everyone can be trained the same way what are the benefits of our training the animations and simulations make it easier to understand what you're being taught you will have what we call the hard moments you know over and over you will be being taught things that you may think are going to be complicated you'll see the animation or the simulation thing ah now I get it now I understand that wasn't so hard all of that means that you actually learn faster and you retain things because you've got a great visual image you understand what's going on it's not just dry boring facts that you have to remember we do try to turn you into a good vibration analyst that understands the other condition monitoring technologies and in the bigger picture and a very big difference between our training and the other training is that we prepare you before the course and we assist you after the course learning about vibration shouldn't be something that you just do in three days and that's it that's everything there is a lot to learn and we're not all super geniuses that can absorb the information quickly even with the assistance of the animations and simulations so we offer you the option and a free option of registering as early as you like for the course and being given access to our learning zone in the learning zone you can go through self-paced fully narrated training that prepares you for the course so that when you attend the course and you start to hear about the various terms frequency amplitude spectrum vibration all these sorts of things it won't be the first time you've heard them you will have gone through some online training prepared yourself and it will make so much more sense during the course but just in case you can't remember absolutely everything after the course for the next six months you can continue to access the learning zone and then if you're willing to spend a little bit of money with us you can keep you can continue that access for as long as you like and you can take advantage of all the other products and services that we offer to assist you as a vibration analyst so our training doesn't just go for three days and then we leave you alone we realize that learning needs to be an ongoing thing you're going to need help all the way you know through that process and we are there with all sorts of services and products and resources on our website to help you with that so who should attend basically if you have less than about 12 months experiencing vibration then this course is ideal it's going to set you up with the fundamentals and it's going to teach you everything you need to know before you take the next step into full-blown vibration analysis but I should say that we have a lot of people maybe half the people who attend our category one course aren't actually vibration analysts which means you can't be certified as a vibration analyst unless you have the experience required but we have maintenance planners maintenance managers production people reliability engineers operators and many other people who will just simply benefit from understanding the maintenance practices the condition monitoring technologies and by having a better understanding of vibration if if these guys all understand what you are doing as a vibration analyst the work in the plant is so much easier everyone is more supportive it is amazing the difference between the site where there's just one or two guys doing vibration analysis and no one really understands what they're doing no one else is trained at all it's just the vibration guys and it can sometimes seem like it's the vibration guys against the world on the other hand in the plants where other people have also taken some of this training and they've perhaps used awareness training to teach millwrights and mechanics and technicians and fitters and whoever in the plant if everyone has an understanding of what this is all about it is amazing the difference it makes it is just amazing but that maybe is really for another topic anyway let's have a quick look at the topics we cover and and then we will go through them in a bit more detail maintenance practices explain breakdown precision maintenance preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance we go through a quick introduction to each of the condition monitoring technologies we spend a lot of time on the vibration fundamental we make absolutely sure that when you look at any vibration readings or look at the spectrum you have a really solid understanding of what it means you're not going to walk out of a category one course a real vibration expert able to diagnose lots of faults and all of that but you will be you will really have a solid understanding of what it's all about you will believe without any doubt that if the Machine condition changes the vibration will change and you will have started down that journey to be able to understand the spectral measurements we give you quick introduction to signal processing and all that means is you know what are those settings in the analyzer and how important are they it's amazing how many people do not have their data collector or vibration analyzer set up properly when they take the measurements so part of this is to explain I don't change the settings unless you understand what they mean but also to really think carefully about how it's set up to make sure it's done properly we spend a lot of time on data acquisition to make sure that the measurements are being taken carefully and correctly and we'll talk more about that in a minute but there's a lot of time and vibration fundamentals and a lot of time on data acquisition then we talk about vibration analysis and fault diagnosis and correction as I say we're not trying to make you at the category one level into some sort of vibration expert but we will take you through sort of how you go about doing spectrum analysis and we'll take you through a number of the different fault conditions you know what is happening inside the machine when is unbalance misalignment when the gears are meshing together with some wear or misalignment or something like that bearing how the bearings work how pump veins work and fans and so on so part of the idea here is to fulfill the need to provide equipment knowledge training which we do online and through the annual in quite a bit of detail and we talked about all through the course you need to know what's happening inside the machine and you need to have a good feel for when that the mesh changes or the flow doesn't flow correctly because of bent blades or you know blockages and when there's turbulence all these sorts of things you just need to have a have a feel for what's going on inside the machine in category two we go much further with that and really explain why the vibration changes away it does but here we want you to understand the machines and understand that there's a real connection between how the machine is vibrating and however or how the machine is operating and how the vibration changes so what are you about to see now if you've got some time because you know I do I will talk about this in a bit of detail we can go through now each of the topics in just a little bit more detail than I just did then but then I'm going to show you some of the animations and simulations that we use what I've done is just taken samples of some of the slides you know just from the course so you still see some of the text that appears on the slide as well so we bring that across put that across into this presentation so you just get a feel for what it's going to be like in the classroom as I say I'll briefly use some of the simulators so you get an idea of what you'll see and you understand what we're going to teach you so the first topic I mentioned was maintenance practices and we give a quick introduction to breakdown maintenance preventive maintenance or calendar based maintenance predictive maintenance or condition based maintenance and precision maintenance also known as reliability centered maintenance and so on the idea of this session is just to give you an idea of what they mean and to start thinking about the fact that there's a chance that the way maintenance is being approached in the plant is not ideal we'll just open your eyes to the benefits for example of proactive or precision maintenance taking care of the machines not opening them up when it's not necessary using conditioner monitoring technologies to plan your maintenance rather than using the calendar to plan your maintenance so in it you know if you know just here's a simple little animation sizzle you know the machines they cause problems but machines are actually telling you what's wrong with them if you just understand the language we talk about the fact that you know most people think about machines failing this way you know there's just been overhauled or the brand-new surely there's no risk of them failing and after some time in a predictable way they will wear out and what we explained is that for the majority of the machines in your plant it's not true in actual fact you know there's a fair chance that right at the beginning there's a high probability of the machine failing because of problems with workmanship either off-site or at your site it's just a fact of life unfortunately and the other problem is you don't really know when the machine is going to fail it could fail soon it could fail later you know you just never know so that's just something we we talked about and we talked about how you can use balancing and alignment to set up your machine for life you know balance it align it perform other functions and the Machine won't fail soon so that's that's a good thing and we try to just paint the bigger picture how you know if we designed the machine properly in the first place we take care of the Machine and we monitor it and we remove those original causes of the problems then the plant will be much more profitable so then we talked a bit about condition monitoring what is condition monitoring and a quick introduction to each of the technologies now I've just got a couple of slides just to show you you know some samples from it but you know in a course like the category one we're not trying to make you an expert on each of these things each of these technologies the idea is that you understand and what the technology brings what its strengths and weaknesses are just in basic terms category two we go into the each one in more detail but this one is a great way to get started to understand some of those technologies so you see we've got movies showing how to use ultrasound thermal images we explained how emissivity works you know a lot of people think that thermal cameras are great and measure temperature they don't they measure the infrared radiation so we just give it a quick introduction to the fact that you know even though these couple bars might be the same temperature the the perfect black one look hotter through your camera than than the others we just don't want to put these ideas in your mind that yes there are strengths yes they all produce a complete picture of machine health but you just need to be aware of some of the limitations then we get into the principles of vibration this is the section where we're really going to bring home just you know what machine vibration is all about explaining terms like frequency and units like CPM and Hertz and millimeters per second inches per sec and all these all these terms RMS peak to peak what all that stuff means more importantly we will create the picture in your mind that as the shaft rotates as the gears mesh as the veins move through the pump you will understand why the vibration changes the way it does so we cover you know all the topics just at a level to help you understand what's going on we have lots of simulators that help in this role and I'll just quickly give you an idea of how they work each one of these little buttons this is I teach vibration just available to our instructors it's not something that we sell it's got lots of great simulator programs but you know here is one that we use to explain just how the machine vibrates so we okay great imagine if we were taking a vibration reading you from this shaft what it's actually even though we might not see any motion there's actually that that circular motion do you do any unbalance or a centricity or whatever it may be and we want to measure the vibration well one way to think about the vibration is if we use a dial indicator like this and we've got a needle swinging back and forward as the shaft is moving from side to side what we can do is attach a chart recorder to that and the pen on the chart recorder moves up and down synchronous with the needle moving back and forward and if we start the paper what do we see but a nice sine wave we have another simulator actually that talked about things from the terms of just simple harmonic motion let's get that that pen going let's show that graph so there is the classic way of describing that sine wave motion but I like to also show it you know in terms of the actual motion of the shaft and you know we can then control the speed of the sharpener who goes slow or faster and see how the vibration might change if that shaft was out of balance for example so that's one of the simulators we use in the program we are little flash programs that you know just make understanding these terms just a little bit more interesting we do introduce the topic of phase so that you can see ok yes one rotation the shaft is 360 degrees and but we show it in a more visual way ok this is connected to the data collector this is connected to the data collector and we can measure phase now with we can do with one seller ometer or with two a seller ometer is connected to your two channel data collector now you know the animations are great but again this this particular simulator is is very popular it just makes it a bit easier to understand what's going on we can take the reflective tape and put it up on the shaft take the the optical tack reference could be a laser instead but this is just an optical tack reference we line that up with the reflective tape and then we can start the machine and see the once per evolution signal that we get from the tack reference and then we put our vibration sensor up on the machine and we can see what the phase relationship is between the vibration on the motor and that once per revolution sensor their category one we're not going into a lot of detail about phase it's just to sort of introduce the concept of it explain what it means and in this case show how you take a measurement with either a single channel analyzer or two Channel analyzer or data collector once we get through an explanation of that we talked about the vibration readings and say well okay we we can look at it in units of displacement velocity and acceleration and we've got a number of ways of explaining what the difference is but this happens to be one of them here we've placed some cones on our little test track and the car drives around them in your notice it just conveniently maps out a little sine wave there and with these these tools here I can give it I can make it go faster around those cones I can put the cones further out I can show what it looks like you know if with of showing the velocity and their cell eration so look with all these things you know we have more time in the class to actually take you through each step step by step but you can see now that this is perhaps a more interesting way of learning about it then perhaps otherwise you know this little program makes a lot of noise and explains our overall level measurements work and how the ISO standards work I've already mentioned that one this one is a is a great one this one's certainly one of the favorites and you know one thing about teaching these courses it's it's great fun teaching with these simulators because you see the students you see the attendees you understand things like never before you know this this simulator is here to explain what a spectrum is and what I can do is turn on a bit of grey vibration you can see it here it's from the shaft that's what we were looking at just before but I also have some vibration from the bearing and I have some vibration from the fan now over here I show the bearing vibration is the green wave and the fan vibration is the orange weight yeah we've got a green bearing and an orange fan and if I had more bearing vibration that one would be bigger if the bearings were good then there'd be actually no green vibration we'll just give it a little bit if the machine was going faster the waves all bunched together it's going slower they're further apart but the fact is that this is great but when we measure the vibration from the sensor we actually get this this is just all the vibration that we would feel if we put our finger up on top of that bearing but there is a way to Beit break the vibration up into the vibration from the fan the vibration from the bearing and the vibration from the shaft and that's with our magic FFT cube this was time and amplitude now in this axis I've got frequency frequency if it's going slower if it's going faster you can see the move along in frequency and if I continue the rotation I get a spectrum there's the peak in the spectrum at the running speed of the machine that was that gray vibration there's the green vibration and there's the orange vibration if the bearings get worse than that vibration goes higher and you can almost see that waveform and their spectra you don't show what's what's underneath it's some together you look at the power spectrum anyway you just see the top parts is the easiest way to look at it so this is just one of the simulators that we've got in that in the class to explain what's going on in the course we also talked about the forcing frequencies you know how the fan generates vibration how the belt does and and all that sort of thing we can actually play with the knobs and just make some more complex vibration and then we actually go through some examples of saying let's take some simple machines let's show let's calculate what the frequencies are we don't do much many calculations in this course but one of the things you do need to do is say well you know if the machine had six pump veins then the vibration would be at six times the speed of the Machine net that sort of thing we also introduced the idea of orbit plots that if we had vibration taken from two points which are 90 degrees apart and we looked at that and plotted them against each other we get an orbit and we have a great simulator that explains how orbits work and I can show let's exaggerate that movement just a little bit well make more space and make it vibrate my two vibration sensors are measuring the displacement here measuring the displacement there and then what I'll do is show you the actual vibration that we are actually measuring and show that as an orbit plot again in the classroom we have more time to go through this in category one we're just trying to put the idea in your mind that if you work in a power station or in the petrochemical industry you know there will be people using all the diagrams to diagnose faults with journal bearing you know the steam turbines and turbo compressors and whatnot you know in category two we use this more in category three we use a lot this has so many capabilities but anyway so signal processing for category 1 it's pretty basic it's just saying just what is going on inside the analyzer real basic terms what are all the settings again just in really basic terms we just want you to understand when you see the messages on the screen just to have an idea of what they mean you need to understand that there are some settings you don't want to change unless you understand what they mean and we want to put some ideas in your mind so that you might start to think to wonder if our data collector is being set up properly because in a lot of cases it's not we do that with a couple of programs actually just a sort of help with the understanding one is this great program that basically turns the computer into a vibration analyzer you notice that as I'm talking now the microphones from my computer is picking up the sound and you're seeing it there hello hello hello you can see it there as I make sounds well I can show that as a spectrum as well so if I whistle I expect to see one nice clean peak well would you believe that in the class we can do that we can actually connect and a seller ometer to the computer and hold that against your throat make those same things it turns your cell ammeter into like a microphone and you can see how the sensor works how the data collector works just in basic terms just category one just basic terms we've got another great simulator that again in category one we just use in a basic way just to say you know the machine makes a sound and you can see it doesn't you know it's not necessarily constant from one moment to the next you can hear the sound and you can see the spectrum down below so yes the analyzer doesn't just take one little tiny chunk of vibration and show you the results it actually takes a number of chunks averages it together to reduce the noise enough said for category one you know but what we explained is there are some very important settings they must be chosen properly or you will miss out you know if the F max isn't right you miss out on this vibration if the resolution isn't right you miss out on this detail if the units are not right you miss out on vibration you may ever look at filters are a term you hear from time to time with in this field so we we've got a great little simulator that explains that and we talk just briefly about averaging you find yourself looking at the analyzer seeing the message averaging well we just explained just briefly what the analyzer is actually doing just briefly explain that that process just what's happening inside as I say just so that you understand why it's doing it so when you take me measurements you'll see averaging one two three four five and you just want to know what it's doing so you don't get in there and change that number down to something smaller then we get into data acquisition now this is very important you must take good measurements or else the person analyzing the data will make mistakes if the measurement isn't taken properly it's very difficult to get an early warning of bearing faults it is not taken properly the analyst will see changes in the vibration measurements and won't know if it's because the machine was operating under different set of conditions if you didn't put the sensor on the Machine properly or if there's actually something wrong with the machine so we just take you through just to give you a good understanding of how to do it properly we give you a brief introduction to how the different sensors work yeah that was a proximity probe a velocity probe and a seller ometer just in case you're wondering no we do not sell seller meters we do not make a seller amitis we just make 3d animations of selamat ISM and other things so we just want you to explain you know how the sensors work how the vibration gets from one part of the machine to the to another part of the machine you know to be very careful about where you place the sensor you know there are some places which are good places others are definitely not we explained briefly that there are different ways to mount the sensor and while you may be using a method like this I hope not there are limitations with these sorts of methods that's a great method this is good but has some limitations you need to be careful about quick connect probes are great and always just need to be aware you know it might look like it's nicely painted but you got to be wondering what's underneath the paint and that can really affect your measurements you need to know how to put the sensor on properly - and let's have a quick look at vibration analysis in this section the idea is to give you a quick introduction to the spectrum so that you can look at a spectrum and say okay I know why those pits are there I know that some Peaks are there because of something called harmonics some of there because there's noise some of there because there's something called modulation we don't explain it in any great detail we just want to make you aware that these sorts of things are correct and then to take you through a number of fault conditions so that you have an idea of how the spectrum is going to change unbalanced misalignment which I'll get to in a minute we go through a nice example where we say okay you know let's start with the Machine like this how do we go about analyzing it then we get into diagnosis just explaining how the machines work for your equipment knowledge and and how the forces inside the machine change when it's out of balance so it's misaligned or the gears are not right or the bearings and so on and we do most of that with great animations and great plots to show you how the spectrum is going to change so we've got lots of animations that just help you visualize what the machine is going through and how the spectrum changes we've got lots of case studies that show you well here's a case where there was some buildup on an impeller and the vibration amplitudes got higher and higher we explain just briefly how balancing works for example so with balancing you know in the more advanced levels we talk about polar plots and how you do all of that but for this we can say well let's take a rotor we'll start with a simple single plane balancing will start the rotor and once it's stabilized we'll take a vibration reading see what the original vibration is like then we'll put a trial weight on it okay maybe not as big as that trial weight but we'll pull weight on it and see how the machine vibrates now we better start the machine I guess we'll start the machine let run up wait until it's stable take another vibration reading and by putting that trial weight on we now know how we've influenced the machine and we can then calculate where the weight should be placed and how much weight should be positioned on those blades to balance the machine so the system might tell us here we need to put a little bit of weight on this blade a little bit of weight on that blade and that will solve the problems solve the balance and yes you know we can show you all the vectors but for category one we're just trying to open your eyes to how that process works we also explained misalignment you know how the vibration changes when amis out of alignment and we explain how we can use dial indicators and laser alignment systems to align the machine don't look into the laser beam by the way we then talked about looseness you know what if the bearings moving around inside the housing what if there's too much clearance in the bearing and the shafts moving around you know some of the animations would be exaggerated but just just to sort of get the message across that the shaft might be moving around rattling around and that changes the vibration in a certain way we talked about the vibration with pillow block bearings we look inside the bearing and say what if there's damage on the outer on the rolling elements or on the inner race of the bearing or on the art erase of the bearing it's going to change the vibration but it changes it in predictable ways you really should after these slides after this session of the course really have a great understanding about how the equipment works and how the forces change and thus how the vibration changes as these faults develop we've got a great simulator that maps it all out with you know demonstrating exactly how bearings vibrate and then we tell you a little bit about the electric motors and what happens if there's a soft foot problem what happens if there's broken rotor bars or something like that just give you an idea about the different sorts of machines a little bit about belt drives a little bit about gearboxes as well what's happening inside the gearbox and you know why the vibration will change if they're eccentric or misaligned or there's a broken tooth and this sort of thing and finally we talked about the alarm limits you need to understand the 108 one six standard the ISO standard and the seven nine one nine standard and just give you an introduction to band alarms mask alarms and so on you know this is one of the standards that we've sort of made just a little bit more interesting you know choose your machine house it has it what sort of machine is that what's the vibration like and therefore is that you know is it in good condition or not that's a very basic way to set the alarm limits we talked about some other ways as well as the category one vibration and analyst you're expected to understand these things you're expected to be able to take very good measurements ideally at your site there should be a category two there should really be a category three vibration analyst making the decisions and making the final diagnosis in some plants we recognize that you might buy a vibration analyzer and start doing vibration and this will be your first training so we want to help prepare you to do a much better job but we're also trying to warn you of all the sorts of mistakes you might be making so that if you don't have a more advanced person you might either want to employ one or use a consultant otherwise you know if you're in a bigger group then this will just provide great training for you well thank you for going through this this presentation I hope you have a really good feeling for however the category one course works the sorts of topics we cover whether it's right for you and what makes our course difference you know all the animations and simulations and the preparation we give you before the course and so on thank you very much for attending the course for attending this presentation and if you have any questions there's lots of information on the website but feel free to email learn at mobius institute comm we look forward to hearing from you thanks very much
Channel: Mobius Institute
Views: 23,573
Rating: 4.9004974 out of 5
Keywords:, vibration, iLearn Reliability, mobius institute, Mobius Institute, Jason Tranter, ANST, accredited, iLearn Vibration, iso 18436, Mobius, analysis, iso 17024, iLearnReliability, ISO 18536, training, certification, ISO, vibration analysis, iLearnVibration
Id: usdU2mNI7Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2014
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