"Accidental Self-Defense" Claimed in Cash App Founder Killing | Bob Lee Case Analysis

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this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Bob Lee just a reminder I'm not diagnosing about this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the alleged crime then offer my analysis Bob Lee was born in St Louis Missouri on December 20 1979 after going to college he started a career in technology he worked for several companies and functioned as a web developer and computer programmer in 2010 Bob started working for a company called Square he became the chief technology officer and was a key figure in developing the payment platform cash app in 2013. he moved from St Louis to San Francisco in 2014 he left square and invested in a number of Technology startups at some point Bob Lee married he and his wife had two children in 2019 Bob separated from his wife in 2021 Bob took a job as the chief product officer for mobile coin which is a cryptocurrency company he moved to Miami Florida in October 2022. in April 2023 Bob was visiting San Francisco for work this brings me to the timeline of the crime in San Francisco California on April 4 2023 at 2 35 a.m the police responded to a call at 365 Main Street and found 43-year-old Bob Lee lying in the street he was unresponsive and bleeding uncontrollably he had been stabbed two times in the chest and one time in the hip Bob was transported to a hospital where he later died here's what the police found during the course of their investigation blood spatter was located on both sidewalks of the 400 block of Main Street a four-inch kitchen knife with blood on it was found inside a parking lot the police interviewed a friend of Bob who they referred to as witness one the friend witness one said that on April 3 at about 3 30 PM this would be the day before the stabbing he arrived at an apartment on Mission Street there he met Bob Lee and a woman named Kazar ilyasnia everybody there was drinking alcohol the friend said that he believed the woman's marriage may have been in Jeopardy he was unsure if the woman was involved in a romantic relationship with Bob Lee the friend and Bob left and traveled to Bob's hotel room which was nearby the friend overheard a phone conversation between Bob and a man named Nima momini who was kazara's brother Nema was a consultant and system engineer who had worked for a number of technology companies over the years the conversation was about picking up Kazar from the Mission Street Apartment it appeared as though Nemo was asking a lot of questions related to whether or not his sister was using drugs or doing anything else inappropriate Bob reassured Nema that nothing inappropriate had occurred the friend and Bob went to the friend's apartment the same day at about 8 31 PM so about five hours later a white late model BMW Z4 pulled into the Millennium Tower luxury condominium building at 301 Mission Street this is where khazar lived Nima exited this vehicle and made his way to the elevator on April 4 at 12 30 a.m so about four hours from when Nema arrived at the Millennium Tower Bob left his friend's apartment and made his way to that same location he was seen entering the Millennium Tower at 12 39 a.m at 203 am Bob and Nima entered an elevator in the building they exited the building and entered nema's BMW Z4 the men drove to the 400 block of Main Street and parked there for several minutes the area was described as dark and secluded at 2 25 am the men exited the BMW and stood on the sidewalk at 2 30 a.m Nema suddenly moved toward Bob presumably Nema used a kitchen knife to stab Bob three times Nema stopped at a fence near where the police would later find the kitchen knife he then entered his BMW and sped away from the scene Bob was captured on video surveillance staggering Northbound desperately trying to flag down passing motorists no one stopped to help him at 2 34 am four minutes after being stabbed Bob called 9-1-1 he screamed at the operator help someone stab me at 2 35 a.m Bob can be seen on video stumbling toward the Portside apartment complex on Main Street he has a phone in his right hand as he tries to activate the intercom with his left hand Bob collapsed in front of the entryway at 2 36 a.m Bob Lee managed to pull himself up to his knees he rocked back and forth and appeared to wave at someone he placed his hand over his chest the police were pretty sure that Nima momini was the killer given that he was captured on camera stabbing Bob Lee Nema was arrested on April 13 and booked into jail on suspicion of murder on May 18 2023 Nema momini pleaded not guilty now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one was described as personable friendly intelligent non-judgmental and the type of person who never looked down on anyone he had an incredible career and financial success but it appears as though his life was spiraling downward in the time leading up to his death bably was using a lot of drugs when he was killed he had ketamine cocaine alcohol and other substances in a system he spent a lot of time partying and was active on the swinger scene people who knew Bob said he was pursuing the lifestyle this is supposedly a term in the Bay Area which refers to people who seek open relationships sexual freedom and no judgment Bob would attend parties that featured drug-fueled sex he was surrounded by extremely attractive women all the time and was not afraid to brag about his wealth he threw money around like confetti one friend of Bob said that he was hanging out with cheaters and Liars it sounds like the friend may have had some bad experiences with that group there is a sense that Bob was in over his head with these other people who sought the lifestyle he may not have been as sophisticated as some of the other participants like he was taking unnecessary risks and having a little bit too much fun allegedly Bob and Kazar visited a suspected drug dealer's apartment not long before Bob was killed according to the Wall Street Journal Bob was in a casual sexual relationship with Kazar and he had dated nema's ex-girlfriend in 2020. Kazar is married to a well-known plastic surgeon item number two many people who knew Nema were surprised that he would stab someone to death despite his reputation for having a short temper one acquaintance of Nema said he had a collection of firearms and knives in 2004 Nema was charged with drunk driving in 2011 Nema was arrested in Alameda County for selling a switchblade and driving with a suspended license he accepted a plea bargain the charge related to the knife was dismissed and Nema pleaded no contest to driving with a suspended license he was sentenced to 10 days in jail item number three is Nema guilty of murder let's take a look at the evidence both for and against the idea that Nema is guilty starting with the inculpatory factors bubbly was having a sexual relationship with nema's sister Kazar they had allegedly stopped at the residence of a known drug dealer not long before Bob was killed Bob had a conversation with Nema during which Nema did not seem too happy about the types of interactions Bob was having with his sister at some point Kazar sent a text message to Bob asking if he was okay because her brother came down hard on him this is consistent with the idea that Nema was upset about Bob's relationship with his sister video of surveillance captured Bob and Nema in the condominium building where Kazar lived they left together drove a short distance and parked in a dark and secluded area Nema can be seen on video suddenly moving toward Bob in a manner consistent with a knife attack Bob was stabbed three times and later died of centuries after their encounter Nema went to the area where the knife was later found as if he dropped it there he then fled from the scene in his vehicle according to the prosecutor nema's DNA was found on the knife handle the knife was an unusual brand the same brand was found in kazar's Millennium Tower condominium this makes it seem like Nema grabbed the knife when he was there with the intent of killing Bob Lee now moving to the exculpatory factors the video of the stabbing is not clear perhaps Bob threatened Nema or otherwise provoked the attack Bob had a lot of drugs in his system he could have been acting erratically Emma's defense attorney suggested that the encounter between Nema and Bob represented a combination of an accident and self-defense she claimed that there was a huge backstory to this case and said quote who would like to see their sister who they are super protective of potentially be drugged nobody any good brother would be upset about it unquote in an effort to explain the knife the attorney said Nema was the one who threw the knife to make sure no one had access to it when considering all the evidence do I think that Nema mamini is guilty of murder yes I think he is guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt of course at the time making this video he maintains the presumption of innocence here's what I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion Bob Lee was lost in a world of drugs and sex he was hedonistic and intended on continuing his behavior for a long time this was not a problem financially as he was wealthy Bob was attracted to Kazar and they were maintaining a sexual relationship she was a willing participant in this activity brother Nema was not a member of the bobbly fan club Bob had dated nema's ex-girlfriend three years earlier and this is something that didn't sit right with Nema it only added to his disdain and distrust of Bob Lee Nema was overprotective of his sister and saw Bob as a threat to Nema Bob was a dangerous Unstoppable and attractive party boy with a seemingly Unlimited Supply of cash he thought his sister was a victim of Bob's charm as opposed to someone who was making her own decisions Bob was corrupting Kazar transforming her into someone like him Nema was not going to let this happen Nema Bob and Kazar met at kazarus condominium where Nema told Bob to leave his sister alone Bob refused so Nema suggested they go talk somewhere more private Nema grabbed a knife from the kitchen to leave his stabbing options open after arriving at a discreet location the conversation still did not go nema's way therefore he murdered Bob Emma felt justified in his behavior but at some level he knew this was murder he tried to escape responsibility by introducing the idea of accidental self-defense this really doesn't make any sense I guess Nema is going to argue that Bob pulled the knife and he managed to wrestle it away from him he then accidentally stabbed Bob three times in self-defense maybe it was one of those fully automatic assault knives and nema's finger became stuck on the trigger worried that somehow Bob would continue to come after him despite being stabbed Nema disposed of the knife in order to keep everyone safe this reminds me of kids who get caught after stealing toys from one another they often say something like I wasn't taking this toy I was just keeping it safe Nema somehow believes that his desire to protect his sister from allegedly being drugged along with his accidental self-defense story will be enough to beat the murder charge in court Nema disagreed with his attorney about a date for a preliminary hearing he wanted the earliest State possible it sounds like Nema just can't wait to get started in prison in this effort he has a lot of supporters those are my thoughts in the case of Bob Lee please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 61,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8RWQJqX4hdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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