Accident Case Study: Into Thin Air

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As someone that has his majority of time flying in Florida, where there is barely a hill this terrifies me.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/sjr930 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I used to own a G36. Great plane, way too heavy. I bought it after finishing my IFR and the salesman told me I could fly it to high altitude airports (think KTEX). I did one time in the winter, near gross weight. Terrible idea, miserable experience. I can easily see myself falling into a similar situation when I first got my ticket.

From the audio it appears they really had no plan once they took off. The fact they filed IFR and were surprised by the 16k assigned altitude speaks volumes about their level of preparation. Sad story, predictable outcome.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/robsantos 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 đź—«︎ replies

While high DA was present here, the complete lack of planning and preflight preparation was what really got them in trouble. Experienced pilots in a capable airplane but without the proper planning it's still not enough. They had no idea what route they were going to take though terrain that is incredibly unforgiving of going the wrong way or being unaware of the topography. Really unfortunate.

This is the kind of thing I worry about as my GA experience increases. These pilots failed to recognize the difference between a simple $100 hamburger flight, which at their experience level likely works out with abbreviated preparation, and a flight needing a lot more careful thought. Things like a FRAT (flight risk assessment tool) might have helped.

They also might have felt time pressure trying to get out of the mountains before dark but also wanting to wait for cooler Temps. Flying GA in the mountains is a lot nicer in the morning.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/SlantedBlue 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 đź—«︎ replies

This video is just crazy to me. Perfect example of CFIT. Perfectly good airplane flown right into a mountain.

Watch your density altitude people. Don’t make guesses. Plan accordingly. Get mountain flying training. My club required it to land at airports above 4k MSL.

I’ve flown into Aspen many times in a Lear and even though it’s a jet, we still needed to take careful consideration of the DA and our weight. Especially during summer. Sometimes we literally couldn’t go. Bare in mind that I would regularly see the VSI of the Lear 60 at 5-6k FPM off the runway when under normal conditions.

ASI always puts out great videos.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/sq_lp 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I routinely fly in these mountains. You don’t go that way out of Aspen in the summer. You go to the northwest until Glenwood Springs then turn to the east and cross at Rollins pass. You also don’t fly IFR in the mountains in a single engine.

Maybe there should be a high density altitude endorsement.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Jay18001 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Doesn’t seem like he leaned the mixture. 300HP plane should be able to handle that. Pilot was ATP rated too…

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/SlipAerP 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 đź—«︎ replies

wow, half the performance listed in the POH!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kevinw88 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I'm about to do some high density flying so this video was nicely timed.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ayroplanen 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2021 đź—«︎ replies
It's July 3rd, 2021, and two pilots  are preparing to depart Aspen,   Colorado in a Beechcraft Bonanza G36. The time  is approximately 6:20 pm Mountain Daylight Time.   Their trip began in California early this morning.  One of the pilots has recently purchased the   Bonanza, N36JJ, and intends to fly it home to New  York. The other passenger, also from New York,   has joined the flight as a safety pilot. After a  five-hour and 20-minute flight from Napa County   Airport, the two pilots landed in Aspen around 2pm  for lunch and fuel. Their next stop is Des Moines,   Iowa, and they've waited a little over four  hours in Aspen before returning to the airplane.   Perhaps the long delay included time to wait for  cooler temperatures and a more favorable density   altitude. But the temperature now at 6:20pm is 77  degrees Fahrenheit, and the density altitude is   close to 10,500 feet - not much of an improvement  from earlier this afternoon. Although the Bonanza   G36 is an excellent platform for a trip across the  country - sturdy and spacious, with a Garmin G1000   and an IO-550 with 300 horsepower at sea  level - the engine is not turbocharged.   The Aspen airport sits at 7,838 feet MSL - an  elevation already challenging by most standards.   Given the current density altitude of 10,500  feet, the normally-aspirated IO-550 can achieve no   more than about 200 horsepower under the best of  circumstances - and the G36 is a heavy airplane.   Density altitude can pose significant  challenges in Colorado, which has the   highest average elevation of any state, and the  highest average airport elevation. Every year,   the state is among the top in the nation in  density altitude-related aviation accidents.   As the Bonanza waits to depart, the  ground controller issues an IFR clearance. It's 6:24pm when the Bonanza departs. The pilot  advises that they will make a right turn following   takeoff and requests permission to climb up  to altitude while circling over the airport.   Perhaps the pilots cannot accept  the IFR clearance of 16,000   feet because they do not have  supplemental oxygen on board,   or maybe they understand just how difficult it  will be to coax the airplane up to that altitude. The pilot's reference to the southeast departure  is possibly referring to Independence Pass. Their   plan is to eventually cross the imposing  Sawatch mountain range to the east,   with peaks topping 14,000 feet. About 10 minutes later, N36JJ has completed  two ascending circuits over the Aspen airport,   and has reached 10,000 feet MSL. The pilots  decide they have enough distance to climb on route   and clear the mountain range to the east. They are  perhaps unaware of the recommended mountain flying   technique of climbing to ridge-crossing  height before turning toward the ridge. It's unclear if the pilots had originally intended  to take Independence Pass. They are now heading   toward an adjacent pass known as Hunter Creek  Valley. This valley will ultimately lead them   to Midway Pass, which is approximately 11,800  feet. The Bonanza makes its way up the valley.   Its rate of climb is minimal, averaging about  200 feet per minute - about half the climb rate   predicted by the Pilot's Operating Handbook under  these conditions. Still, the high mountain ridges   in the distance are miles away - surely far enough  to continue climbing and eventually clear them.   The valley curves to the southeast,  and the Bonanza follows its path.   The valley floor begins to creep higher, but the  airplane maintains its sluggish rate of climb.   The Bonanza is approaching a semi-circular  mountain ridgeline, with tops over 13,000 feet.   Midway Pass provides a route through this  ridgeline at 11,800 feet, but at this point, the   Bonanza's altitude is only 10,700 feet. To make  matters worse, the canyon is becoming narrower.   The pilot has positioned the Bonanza in the center  of the valley, where the terrain elevation is   lower, but in doing so he has not allowed the  airplane sufficient room for a 180-degree turn.   Best practice for canyon flying is to favor  one side of a canyon based on winds or traffic,   and to allow for maximum turning room  in the event a turnaround is necessary.   Now, time is running out. It's clear that the  Bonanza won't clear the ridgeline in the distance,   and the valley floor creeps higher  still. The pilots make the decision   to abort - to turn around and escape back  down the canyon. But it's too late. With   insufficient room to make a full turn back,  the Bonanza impacts terrain at 11,000 feet. It's difficult to comprehend the impact that  density altitude has on aircraft performance   without experiencing it firsthand,  especially for those who are used to   flying over lower and flatter terrain - as  was the case for these pilots from New York.   The safety pilot held an ATP  rating and was highly experienced,   but we don't know to what extent he had experience  in flying a normally-aspirated piston airplane in   high density altitude conditions among some of the  highest mountains on the continent. The effects   of high density altitude were evident in the  Bonanza's poor climb performance, and continued   to worsen in the minutes leading up to the crash  as the pilots attempted to gain more altitude.   Precise mixture management is especially crucial  at high altitudes in order to obtain the maximum   performance from an engine. We don't know for sure  if the mixture was properly leaned at takeoff,   and if the pilots continued to lean for  optimum engine power during the flight,   but it could have significantly affected the climb  rate. The ADS-B data indicates that it took three   minutes to climb from 8,000 to 9,000 feet and  four minutes to climb from 9,000 to 10,000 feet.   Given the 10-mile distance to Midway Pass,  and the altitude they would need to clear it,   the pilots would have needed three to  four additional minutes of climbing   in their orbit to have a chance of making it.  The pilot's assessment that after a couple of   circuits they had enough aircraft performance to  fly up and over the unknown canyon, was at best,   a guess. It's also difficult to recognize how fast  benign-looking terrain is rising. Pilots focus on   the big ridges ahead, but it's seldom those that  kill. It's the gradually rising valley floor that   catches pilots by surprise. Paying more attention  to the high ridges in front, pilots often wait too   long to make the turn back. The floor has risen,  taking away any vertical turning room. The canyon   has narrowed, limiting horizontal turning room. At  high density altitudes, ground speed is greater,   making for a larger turn radius. Pilots need  more room for a 180-degree turn than they are   used to at sea level. Exacerbating the problem,  airspeed bleeds off in a turn faster at high   density altitudes. A coordinated turn in such  circumstances is essential, yet the pilots were   likely contending with the urge to pull the nose  around quickly to avoid the approaching terrain.   Finally, there are almost always up or down  drafts to contend with in the mountains.   In this case, the winds were from  the east at approximately 15 knots.   Approaching the ridge from the west, the  leeward side, the pilots would likely have   been dealing with a slight downdraft - further  eroding their already poor climb performance.   The combined result of these factors was  the impact with terrain at 6:38pm - fourteen   minutes after takeoff. Force of impact  increases by the square of the speed.   Increased density altitude results in higher  ground speed for a given indicated airspeed.   The final density altitude consequence  levied on the two friends would be a higher   ground speed at ground impact - and a more  destructive crash. Neither pilot survived. Density altitude affects every airplane. We are  all taught about it, but it's an abstract concept   until we see it for ourselves and experience  the degraded aircraft performance in context.   Out of their element, the  flatland pilots in this tragedy   linked several critical decisions  together. They took off after 6pm,   likely believing at that time of day the density  altitude would have been manageable. They guessed   that after two circuits they had climbed high  enough to handle the mountain ridges ahead.   They didn't anticipate the potential effects of  sinkers, which are the downdrafts coming over   the mountains in front of them. Finally, they  waited too long in their decision to turn back.   Density altitude is a stealthy killer. You don't  realize it has you trapped until it's too late. Thanks for watching this video.  The Air Safety Institute is part   of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.   If you'd like to see more of these videos  and support us, join AOPA now at
Channel: Air Safety Institute
Views: 522,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: institute, aopa, aviation, pilot, fly, flying, flight, plane, airplane, airport, air, safety, asi, air safety, training, aircraft, owners, pilots, beechcraft, bonanza, g36, beech, N36JJ, NTSB, accident, case, study, crash, investigation, aspen, CO, colorado, mountain, mountains, density, altitude, DA, 2021, engine, performance, horsepower
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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