Abusive Cop: Pastor Shuts Down Officer

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she will not look at the city code you won't look at the city code you are engaging in thuggish oppressive unconstitutional behavior officer you need a repent of your lawless conduct yeah ma'am I reject your warning I reject it but I also got to see these same women turn to Christ and experience forgiveness I got to see their lives transformed [Music] I got to see yeah [Music] why didn't he talk you about from the neighborhood what's that what's the complaint about playing but that's there's illegal activity sound applications oh yeah I can show you worried about disturbing somebody's peace yeah that's that's been my deal with yeah that's been ruled on yeah don't fear the law just if I could get your name with you okay I'm just asking why you need my name sorry are you are you arresting me or charge them with a crime well at this point I like No so then the state law of Arizona says you can't ask my ID unless I'm being charged with a crime in the process of investigating a crime okay what you just ignored that you get arrested I you know I sure but the law some people arrested I preach to the officer but you're a law enforcement official and I'm showing you the law the law says that in order for you to say I'm disturbing the peace has been more than a vague generality of your own opinion you have to have a day up to have a calibrated meter that demonstrates I'm over 65 decibels do you have a calibrated meter I have you do it's the city code so it says anything so you want to tell me who you are you don't want no officer I respect your position I'm a pastor I respect law enforcement and I add since your law enforcement the law says that you can't ask for my ID unless you are charging me with a crime you a million questions yes they tell you wanna do it or answer them no and just so you know I respect your position immensely I believe your positions ordained by God in terms of government but I also believe that you and I both respect the law and our Constitution says that I have a right to remain silent and not self-incriminate and our state law says that in order for you to actually get my idea I have to be cited with a crime so you tell me you don't want to identify yourself what happened is that my name it's pastor Jeff I'm with apology a church okay it's pastor Jeff just that yeah I'd be happy to show you this this is the Supreme Court ruling Federal Court of Appeals ruling the city of temp these rules when it comes to noise ordinance yeah I understand read all well actually I haven't read the Supreme Court's rule talk about that okay I understand the city code okay [Music] I understand and I and I understand where that's coming from there the problem is and I know you're a law enforcement officer you took a note to the Constitution we have freedom of speech rights and somebody's saying you're disturbing my peace because I don't like your message or I can hear it isn't a valid reason to undo the Constitution of the United States that says I have freedom of speech the US Supreme Court has ruled on this somebody can't say I'm disrupting the peace because they don't like my message because I'm amplifies an amplifying my voice the law which you and I both are committed to states that I am in a lawful activity right now tonight right [ __ ] you know I know and I appreciate your position I have no disrespect for you but but when it comes to law and law enforcement when someone calls with just a complaint I think it's incumbent upon us to at least educate those people that what's happening here is a lawful activity it's not unlawful so you got to give your spiritualist okay yes sir supervisor yeah okay [Music] all right you record that yeah I got mine Theodore to me so the police have shown up last week they criminally cited one of our friends and confiscated property and so we're gonna probably have to engage in some instructions legal instructions to the police officers as to what's actually lawful hi I have yeah and what's your name Jeff Jeff oh yeah Jeff is pastor Jeff pastor Jack I'm so supposed to know where you Pastor an apologia Church in Tempe okay and what's your last name Jeff do you need that for anything else we do because only we have a complaint otherwise we would not be here no I respect your position I was just telling this officer over here in order to for me to identify myself I have to be cited with a crime according to Arizona State law well we're gonna give you a warning right now so we're gonna need that for our street chuck so what's your last name okay so the warning is a violation of the law well because of the amplified sound device what I was saying to the officer was he's right over here that where's the others at Morgan he's out of state right now okay God music do they know me and Stephen knows me so you're gonna be given a warning you cannot use a officer you can't do that officer you can't do that unless you have a calibrated meter according to the city code oh we can and you test it yeah we can't until you can i late this long you have a complaint it's a citizen complaint of illegal activity we have complained of illegal activity disorderly conduct ma'am that you have you read the city code you'll see it you've been given a warning you can't use your amplified sound device if you go you go to jail you've already been given that one ma'am you're not even looking at the you're a supervisor you won't look at the ball no I know the law will follow suit against you go ahead okay okay let's get that on the camera officer lensing we got our cams go officer lens in would you like it to look at the ball okay we'll do this [Music] this professional activity on your part you have to behave in this manner got a warning please don't yell what's the warning for this is my question what's the warning for officer what's the warning for amplified sound device that's legal activity you won't look at this it's a legal activity we have a complaint man will sue you for violating our constitutional rights it is my right and I want to I want to do this for the record of the courts she will not look at the city code you won't look at the city code no yeah ma'am I reject your warning okay I reject it and we're gonna continue to to use an application because it's our constitutional rights and if you if you try to violate our constitutional rights we will sue you and the City of Tempe okay all right and just know it's on record you refuse to see the city code you refuse to look at it you don't have a man you don't even know what it is officer officer you need a repent of your lawless conduct this is lawless you are not engaging in activity as law enforcement right now you are engaging in thuggish oppressive unconstitutional behavior you don't know the law and yet you pretend to represent it the law states I have freedom of speech the law states you have to have a calibrated meter in order to cite me for anything you didn't even know you're not allowed to ask for my ID without citing for a crime officer you didn't know the law and she didn't know the law right right I appreciate that but how come you guys didn't know you have to have a calibrated meter you're citing people for disorderly conduct and no implicit amplification you didn't even know the law that's not law enforcement sir that's being a thug you will be sued sir you're on record this entire activity has been documented on video you guys criminally cited somebody last week you stole their property you're engaged in lawless behavior sir I remember her well so obviously we're being a little more firm with the police today the police recently have been harassing us and trying to stop us from doing this work the police recently cited our friend Stephen who's been out here for years saving lives he has a court case this month for this very issue also they stole his property which is valued at over $300 which i think is a felony if a private citizen was to do that so the police showed up just now had no idea of what the law was that was a supervisor she didn't realize that you cannot criminally site somebody for constitutionally protected activity they didn't know that you had to have a calibrated meter to actually test the level of sounds and you just noticed that she wouldn't even look at the city code she wouldn't even look at it because they're not concerned with it it's a parent's that the City of Tempe two different departments including the police department are colluding with the business owners here and with Planned Parenthood to stop our constitutionally protected activity so you'll notice that was a little more firm with the police department there and calling them out on their lawless back tivity because if Christians don't actually stand on what the law is and actually confront lawless behavior of police officers they'll continue to oppress people they'll continue to perpetrate injustice they'll continue to violate our rights and they'll actually try to halt ministries like this that work to rescue children so you'll notice something when Stephen was here and Stephen was criminally sighted they confiscated his property Stephen didn't actually confront the police officers from what I understand with the law itself the city code and so what did they do they ran roughshod over Stephen they confiscated his property and now he has a court case but as soon as you confront the police officers with the law itself they don't even know and you notice her very unprofessional behavior when she's being asked to look at the law itself she wasn't even willing to do that and so I want to encourage you guys to keep praying for us because this could get worse for us we are not stopping as a matter of fact I'm going right back on this to continue to talk to the women because that is our constitutional right and beyond that it's also what God commands us to preach the gospel we're legally allowed to use amplification they have to have a calibrated meter they're not obeying the law and so as Christians we have every right to obey the law which is freedom of speech we can use the amplification it's been ruled on by the supreme courts by federal courts and the city of tempe says we can use this if they think it's a disturbance they have to actually use a calibrated meter and test it for a minimum of five minutes so that's it guys pray for us there's a good chance they might show back up there's a good chance I'm going to jail so pray for us
Channel: Apologia Studios
Views: 2,286,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff durbin, apologia church, cop fail, cop owned, police fail, police owned, 1st amendment audit, police failarmy, police fail compilation, police abuse, police abuse power, border patrol fail, border fail, police kills black man, police kills man, police violate rights, steven anderson tazed, steven anderson police, constitution, gavin seim, cop watch, police audit
Id: mT_RRqgf7m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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