Absofacto - Dissolve [Official Video]
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Absofacto
Views: 31,514,489
Rating: 4.9672189 out of 5
Keywords: Absofacto, Dissolve, Thousand Peaces, Alternative, Indie, Indie Alternative, Two Feet, Jon Visger, Atlantic Records, I just wanted you to watch me dissolve, I just wanted you to watch me dissolve Slowly, slowly, absofacto dissolve, In a pool full of your love, tiktok, dissolve tiktok, absofacto tiktok, absofacto i just wanted you to watch me dissolve, 0iK2IrdtQ8s, ZM_hU7COI3k, SaKQoSOCehw, T16IehdIqrE, abso, facto, dissolving, abso dissolve, dissolve abso
Id: xe2FPP4lX14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
ahhh love this song!!
artist pic
last.fm: 69,174 listeners, 582,978 plays
tags: indie, acoustic, BIRP, Absofacto, experimental
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