#803 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Assassination Chair & the ROSA PARKS Bus! - HENRY FORD MUSEUM (10/18/18)

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[Music] welcome back everyone we're going back in you're gonna see the rest of the museum welcome to part two days with Jordan the lion begins now but we still have to make it over to the the section of Liberty we are heading to see the Rosa Parks bus the Abraham Lincoln charity was shot in and Ford's Theater now here is a display of Henry Ford's violin collection check that out I wasn't even aware he was a violin player says he bought this inexpensive fiddle when he was a young man and taught himself to play a few tunes he says that this one was the one he used from 1880 to 1900 then Matt is an Italian one from 1647 couple of them looks like they're out on loan huh interesting so now let's go see the Lincoln chair here it is death in the pursuit of liberty it says ironically though President Lincoln was assassinated in this chair it now represents the life of this extraordinary individual and his complete devotion to the pursuit of America's founding principles and here's the chair chair of it man who fought for freeing slaves and fought the good fight just fascinated in this chair John Wilkes Booth and there's if you don't know that story there's a lot of speculation that John Wilkes Booth escaped that the body that was burned in that barn was not his and that it was people from the South had helped him orchestrate a way to get out and they even put a fake while someone else's body in there when it burned look at that chair how it would have withered over the years and even look at the head I mean that's some discoloration up there could be from head oil I kind of doubt it because if you look closely you can see some bloodstains up here in this corner or what looks like bloodstains to me it's definitely definitely liquid here they have a picture of how they would have viewed it booth coming up behind him and shooting him then he jumped off the state while jumped off the balcony onto the stage and broke his ankle or broke his leg and made his getaway no John Wilkes Booth basically goes down as being known for being the man who assassinated Lincoln but he was a very very famous and accomplished actor in his day and so it actually did surprise a lot of people that that happened here's a picture our drawing of Lincoln at his bedside his deathbed and here you can see the other side of the chair and here the stains I was mentioning to you that you can kind of see up here in the corner and my brother just pointed out he said the stains they got to be blood because the back of the chair doesn't look like this at all and you can actually see the the stay niche and everything goes all the way down the chair into the seats and that is sad now this case is full of Civil War mementos you can see there's a sword over there as well as a civil war drum snare drum and a union cap [Music] take a look at that that is Abraham Lincoln's life mask as well as a casting of his hand his fist now this is really interesting this little case is dedicated to Harriet Beecher Stowe and you know of course your Uncle Tom's Cabin they also have her a casting of her hand as well [Music] now you can see here that this unfortunate man has got a neck a neck collar and you can see that it's basically a big metal piece with rods going upward how creepy they actually have it here now here you can see they have actually slave whip from the South in Slave Lake chains linked shackles we think we have it rough sometimes look at the plantation shoes it's a far cry from an Air Jordan [Music] [Music] now this is a late 1790s chair for the Supreme Court or it says the Speaker's chair man I'm a huge George Washington fan so check this out this is a folding camp bed used by George Washington during the revolution it says 1775 to 1783 asthenia also get over here they have his camp chest from 19 or 1783 it says as the war wound down Washington used this mess kit especially made for him on his tours of battlefields in New York and New England man this museum might be the coolest museum I've ever been in now till I go to the Smithsonian so in this letter this is a letter written by Benedict Arnold and it says here he's asking him to permission to repair a bridge that he was secretly intending to allow British warships to pass through and this is a they said what made him famous the name Benedict Arnold synonymous with being a traitor and here's a writing kit in the Thomas Jefferson area that shows kind of what was attributed to him as a SS writing desk and copying press making the Declaration of Independence now when the Declaration was finished they sent it off to a printer and he made 200 exact copies of it and distributed them as educational materials and only about 30 of these can be found today this being one of them and let me tell you this I'm amazed at how clear and how white this paper still is they've done a great job of keeping it clean but you can see right there in the dead center the John Hancock how interesting now this is an example of Henry Ford's assembly line and then over here we're gonna see the Rosa Parks bus well here it is the Montgomery bus that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and made her name famous and she is actually buried in Detroit here it's uh let's go around and take a look inside and we can walk through it apparently I mean they've got both doors open Wow we are actually on the bus can you believe it Wow what history I mean absolutely insane history of the world that says please do not sit in the driver's seat so my brother and I were just sitting here wondering like which seat was it that she was in and somebody came up and told us that it was actually this seat right here and that originally white people would have only been allowed to sit here so he said what ended up happening was you would if you were African American you would board the bus put your money in then get off walk to the back of the bus and then you can come sit down and she was sitting right here when she was arrested and refused to move wow man I guess that was a in a weird way a great day for our history it really helped change things and Chris you're well Chris and Shawn both your sunglasses are now in Rosa Parks seat and surprisingly they do allow you to actually sit in her seat which I'm doing right now and from the outside where this person is taking their photo right there this was the the window and the seat she would have been in [Music] even though we did get civil rights all was not right in the world and they show it in this room things like this and things like this colored drinking fountains that actually say colored a segregated waiting room Jim Crow guide to the USA and this is a restroom sign from 1929 here she is being arrested and then here she is after the boycott ended riding a bus once again so look above us you can see the assembly line at work and over here it's showing how they put together the vehicles you can see right now the the car is in all separate pieces I'm really glad they did it like this I mean that's that's one of the most unique displays in any Museum I've ever seen where you can actually see how it is put together like how everything was done back then all the way down to the seats and yeah wow they call it the exploded Model T take a look at that car my brother just found a demo of how they used to change the stoplights they would literally have a guy that just pulled that switch this was called a safety car it had a panoramic windshield look like for windshield wipers and then padded seats facing every direction inside you've got one that faces the front one that face I mean jeez look at that handles for holding on and here we have a 1952 Wienermobile and all its glory look it even has lights on the back for stopping but it certainly looks well that's certainly an odd place for that one light right there on the weiner dog doesn't it it's my brother and I are gonna get some food here at the American dog house right by the Wienermobile and we're gonna get a hot dog like these guys all right I opted for the New York dog which is sauerkraut mustard onion some mac and cheese and water so this is the last thing we're gonna see today we have to go tour the Dymaxion house says a new way of living for 1946 and it's basically a big circular Airstream just go take a look at that let's go tour it now let's take a look inside here we go so there's your your coat room and then we're gonna go this way around into the bedroom wow I guess and that would be the bathroom and the action [Music] and that's your dresser right there with all your clothes in it Wow this is for mood lighting as you can tell from watching my camera that it is changing colors that's pretty cool I like that what a nice feature so this was the second bedroom but they said they removed a lot of this stuff so that you can kind of see how it was built and constructed what it's made out of I'll tell you what I'd live in one now we're going into the kitchen I'm curious as to as to whether or not any of these exist anymore and then there's your living room dude I totally live in this thing this is amazing I love it and you can tell somebody's turning the dial look at the ceiling we're getting the mood lighting well I think that's gonna do it for us here now let's go see Joss sir what do you say homeboy you're ready to go home you ready to go see mom and pop off all right we're heading back to Ohio thank you all for watching we'll see you all tomorrow we have another big vlog you won't want to miss it goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,309,713
Rating: 4.827796 out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, comedy, anthony bourdain, tourist, Abraham lincoln, Civil war, Civil rights, Rosa parks, President, Henry ford, Museum, Assassination, mystery, henry ford, detroit, michigan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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