Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation~2021 ~10 Minute Good Morning Meditation Rampage - With music✅

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[Music] welcome to the doorway of your vortex we are extremely pleased that you've made the decision to be here breathe in breathe out it is good to come together for the purpose of co-creation and for the purpose of aligning with who you really are breathe in breathe out we want you to know that as you relax and breathe and focus softly upon the words that we are offering to you here you are allowing the gentle tuning of your vibration to the frequency of your source who is inside the vortex breathe in breathe out be easy as you find the rhythm of your body and enjoy long slow breaths in and out as you hear our words breathe in breathe out it is not necessary that you concentrate and there is nothing that you need remember just relax and breathe and enjoy breathe in breathe out [Music] you are an extension of non-physical source energy and you have come here with great eagerness and purpose you intended to explore earth's perfect balance of contrast for the purpose of moving life beyond what it has been before breathe in breathe out in this moment in time and space you are precisely where you have intended to be and the source within you is pleased breathe in breathe out your life continually calls more expansion through you and all that is benefits from the important part that you play breathe in breathe out [Music] as you relax and breathe deeply you can feel the appreciation that source feels for you in this moment in time appreciation for your physical world for its diversity and for the stream of never-ending desires that flow forth from you breathe in breathe out before your birth into this physical body you understood the importance of the contrasting diversity on planet earth breathe in breathe out you jumped in eagerly to explore the variety and to enjoy the expansion that you knew would be called through you breathe in breathe out your life is supposed to feel good to you for you have deliberately chosen it as the platform from which more will flow the appreciation that source feels for you never endingly will wrap you in a warm blanket of worthiness if you will allow it breathe in breathe out your life is serving you well and is providing the basis of expansion exactly as you knew it would when you decided to come breathe in breathe out you have launched countless rockets of desires into your vortex of creation and your frequent entry there will always feel good breathe in [Music] breathe out [Music] from inside your vortex things satisfy and delight you you feel expansive and frisky and you are eager for more with every new discovery and each new place you stand the expansive feeling of more continues to call you and refresh you breathe in breathe out your world is gradually expanding steadily growing and refreshing while finding balance every step along the way breathe in breathe out well-being is the dominant basis of all that is of the universe and of the physical planet upon which you now stand breathe in breathe out your magnificent world is eternally tied to the steady rhythm of well-being at its core and the same is true of you as you relax and refresh releasing resistance as you breathe you will discover the balancing rhythm of your source breathe in breathe out be easy about your life and feel our appreciation for who you are as you allow wonderful things to flow naturally to you breathe in [Music] breathe out [Music] as you relax into the law-based premise of our words any resistance you have found along your physical path will be released breathe in breathe out as you listen to our words and remember who you are you will rediscover your natural vibrational patterns of well-being [Music] each day you will find more clarity more stamina more eagerness each day you will remember who you are and why you have come breathe in [Music] breathe out that which is your source is fully aware of you right now and feels unspeakable appreciation for who you are breathe in breathe out your life is supposed to feel good to you and you are meant to feel happiness in your life and you are meant to satisfy your dreams breathe in [Music] breathe out [Music] you are doing extremely well the well-being that you seek is flowing to you relax and enjoy the unfolding feel appreciation for what is and eagerness for what is coming there is great love here for you breathe in for the next few minutes letting the music guide you breathe in breathe out breathe in [Music] breathe out [Music] you
Channel: Into The Vortex
Views: 98,224
Rating: 4.8163404 out of 5
Keywords: Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation 2021, abraham hicks morning meditation for money 2021, abraham hicks morning meditation rampage 2021, abraham hicks vortex rampage 2021, abraham hicks meditations 2021, abraham hicks morning meditation 2021, 10 minute morning meditation 2021, abraham hicks morning meditation rampage, abraham hicks morning meditation no ads, abraham hicks 10 minute morning meditation, youtube abraham hicks 10 minute morning meditation, ABRAHAM HICKS MORNING MEDITATION
Id: YWI6TaCh-Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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