ABOVE THE FIJI ISLANDS 2 (2020) 4K Drone Film + Music for Stress Relief | Nature Relaxation Ambient
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Nature Relaxation Films
Views: 1,917,147
Rating: 4.914432 out of 5
Keywords: anxiety relief, beach drone, best drone videos, blue lagoon, brain training, drone footage, drone videos 4k, fiji, hawaii drone, healing nature, hollistic, islands drone, mental conditioning, planet earth, stress relief, total relaxation, worlds best beaches drone, mavic 2 pro footage 4k, cinematic video, cinematic drone, dream music, soothing music, appletv screensaver 4k, ocean wave sounds, bird sounds tropical, skydive fiji, tahiti, meditation, best 4k, enya, relax moods
Id: TB6n7I52gzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 1sec (6061 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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