Above and Below - Game Play 1

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hey everyone welcome back to watch it played my name is rodney smith and this is pat mcdonald and today we're going to start our gameplay of above and below speaking of which below this video you'll find the instructional video teaching you how to play if you'd like to check that out yeah we've got everything set up here your first player so I get one extra coin but other than that our boards are identical we've each picked out three different characters though and the characters are also identical in terms of the mechanics but thematically we wanted to add a little bit of a story to them right why don't we introduce our characters to you guys right now I chose the blue color board just like my blue shirt that I'm wearing and these two characters here are brothers I've got Bart and Bartholomew isn't Bart just short for Bartholomew is it yeah yeah I think you're I think you're right well their parents weren't very they were lazy parents apparently they just call them both Bartholomew and the one brother agreed to just go his birth alright so again that's a good blow the bigger beard got the choice yeah you get the you get the longer name right and then over here I've got Elizabeth and she's the local schoolteacher in this community and both Bart and Bartholomew have been vying for her affections for some time which hopefully won't cause them problems during this game play who's she teaching what do you mean there's only three people in your village I know that's a real problem actually um education is a problem you raise a very good point pep uh she's been unemployed for some time now and and we're gonna see if we can fix that maybe bring some more people into the community maybe some of your folks need a little education come over and learn a thing or two think of which while we meet your community well I do have a few children in my community Oh perfect yes we could collaborate and Elizabeth could have someone to teach let's start off with young Luke Luke in relation to a certain other Luke no none okay amidst the char of ash and rubble left by the barbarians young Luke crawled from the wreckage desperate and clinging to what hope he had left and found this small community that have we built here well who else do you have in that I only made up Luke's back sir unbeknownst to Luke his older sister Andrea who had escaped before the Barbarian attack also ended up in the same village so a bit of a happy coincidence there Andrea again no relay no relation okay and luckily for them they had a wise old elder used to be a Smith in his old community to help guide them his name was Rodney the old looking guy is named Rodney Rodney yeah again no relation no relation oh he does kind of look like you let's move on okay with that I think we're ready to get the game started and as pep mentioned I am gonna be the first player I have a first player card and probably didn't mention your player color yeah it's red like my shirt this is actually orange my shirts orange oh your shirt is red but your piece and your board is orange people probably don't know that you're colorblind that's something that is a daily struggle for me playing games with depth and now the rest of you get to enjoy it as well for my first action I think I'm gonna have Bart put his construction skills to use because PAP you pointed out they're not really a lot of people in this community for our school teacher so he's going to build a building that hopefully will help bring some more people to the community we're going to pick this one here because going to add another bed to this community so we can have someone else living here it is going to cost me five gold which I'll spend now and this symbol here means that I get to collect this potion at the time that I build the building it's a one-time effect so I'll put this here and you might notice that some of the other tokens related to the game are not currently on the board I just have them off to the side little cups and we'll pull the note as we need them uh tiny cups the quintessential tool of the gamer as always you're so right now before peps turn I do need to replace the building here so I'll draw the top one when this one provides paper something else a school teacher could use if you want to leave that for me I will okay thank you you're welcome from the communities oh of course well for my turn I'm going to send old man Rodney off on a recruiting mission he's a handsome devil I'll give him that he's a little old so he's gonna find someone a little more suited to you know helping the community so now you're saying the Rodney character is decrepit and useless not not useless he's good at getting other people to do things okay and which of these five new potential community members is he going to recruit well you know one of these really looks you know the strongest the boldest probably the most handsome so I'm going to recruit this young charming pep here again no relation no relation shocking you'll notice here on the board that recruits gonna cost you three here's five could you make me some change sir I will make you some change unlike buildings recruits are not automatically replaced so now it's back over to my turn well good news for Elizabeth she's found her first student so I'm gonna be using her to train this fine fellow here and there's many reasons why she's chosen this student but the main one is because it's the only one that I can afford so I'll add it to my community in the exhausted area looks kind of like the two brothers are you suggesting that perhaps there's more work here than just simply her wanting to train someone new in the community that perhaps this is another love interest are you turning this love triangle into a love square that's not how relationships work well I hope you're right back over to your turn all right well I'm gonna be a little bit mean here really well because I know the only thing you really can do next turn is send your guy off to go get a coin yes it's true so I'm gonna go get one first so I get the barrel oh that is very me so I'm gonna send Andrea off she's on a money-making mission Pat we'll get one coin from that but you're right the part that really hurts yes I get to take the barrel mmm well didn't take long for our friendly communities to start having problems so you can see I made a mistake here really because I could have recruited the character that I did anytime really you'd already used your recruitment ability so I should have gone and grabbed that first you know what they say the early bird catches the cider yes I'll have to remember those words of wisdom from now on but Bartholomew is still going to go labor after some coins or rather one coin which I'll collect now ending my turn now I kind of would like to explore but it's important to note that you can only explore if you have two characters in you're ready area I've only got the one soul only Luke here going to help me build a building Oh what have you picked out I'm going to go with this one it prides one money each turn and will give me a potion upon buying it in the first place okay well here's your potion so here is my three money that I've spending for it and I'll move Luke into the exhausted area with the rest of the family I need to replace this building and that ends the round so before moving on we're going to replace this cider token we're also gonna have to replace some villagers here the ones that we're already here out are going to get a little less expensive and we have two new ones dad this one's got a cloak and some tattoos or something on her face oh this one looks to have a scar off to see if their stories get told during this game or not we also get to collect some income and pap you get for normally but you're also gaining an additional piece of income from that building for five jealous because I'm only getting the regular salary of four new coins and now our hard-working villagers can start to rest up well my situation is pretty nice actually because as you can see I have four bed icons so I can rest for villagers and I have four villagers so all they're going to come back into this ready area now the situation is a little more complicated in my village I only have three beds right but for villagers but for villagers so I'm going to rest Andrea Luke and PAP but fret not Rodney is going to use a little bit of the cider he's gonna be up all night drinking and that's gonna get him refreshed for the next day so what you're saying is old man Rodney stayed up all night drinking yeah the this the cider tell this is that is that his medicine yeah yeah that well that's what he tells the kids again no relation right no moving on ready to start the next round I'll move the marker down and pass pepped the first player marker what do you want to do first bet well after a nice refreshing sleep Luke's decided he's going to head off and build a building for me he's very industrious only Adam what building you know he's a little young yes he doesn't really know the ins and outs of building things so he's just gonna build some tents around a fire Oh so Peppa's grabbed one of the key buildings during the setup we randomly put out four of the key buildings you can just see them here at the top of your screen and the one Luke has built will provide pep with up to two rerolls during an explore action and unlike the normal buildings down here these are not replaced once taken well I am considering training another villager but I'm not going to make the mistake I did last time the early bird does get the cider so I'm going to have Bart here do some laboring which will gather me one coin and also this cider token over to you pop peps got a hankering to explore here the character not me right are you sure that's a good idea he looks like he's got a bandage over one I could be kind of hard to see in the dark right yeah he is blind in one eye so he's going to take Andrea with him ah smart so we're going to head off into this cave and that means you have to roll a die and then based on the die result we're gonna look up one of the different paragraphs inside of the encounter book let's see what you get a to means we'll be looking at paragraph 140 for storytime everybody okay probably reaching paragraph 144 and we get a little bit of story here and then Peppa's gonna have to make a decision so listen carefully multi-coloured stalactites droop from the ceiling of this sweet-smelling cave small ceramic pots rest beneath several of the larger ones all are empty on further inspection you notice that each stalactite has a matching stalagmite which pushes up to the floor in identical color hanging from a caves wall is a small mallet next to an inscription carved in the language you cannot decipher slow drips of moisture echo feebly as you decide what to do so pep you can choose to steal some of the pots that has an explorer rating of 4 or 7 or you can use the mallet to tap a stalagmite which has an explorer of three interesting choices here you can either do something bad steal the plants or something mysterious tapping this diagonals well pep is a reformed pirate is that we're always missing the eye yeah I mean he's learned the hard way that he I for an eye mmm everyone's blind right so he's going to look he's gonna look longingly at the pots you know like he wants to steal them but then Andrea with a big grin on her face just runs up and hits one with a mallet impulsive impulse it sounds about right so now I have some dice rolling to do and I love rolling dice I know you do I hope you can just manage to roll them on the table that's that's my one request I got this in fact you can roll them in this specific area that would be great done okay now when you roll dice you do have to assign them specifically to the characters before you roll them if it's okay with you I just like to play that you roll from left to right so the first die you roll before this character and then for Andrea son all right fair enough all right here comes the first one a four will mean that I did get over three so I'm going to have two lanterns and you only need one more Lantern I only need one more I'm not even gonna need to use my rerolls now overall for Andrea another four very consistent spider eyes the murder that before me neither that means you got Andrews best result as well yeah I'm rocking a four Lantern here so with that success prep it actually tells me I have to read you another paragraph Oh normally it just gives me a reward right instead we got more story awesome which is its own reward the stalagmite vibrates eagerly at the touch of the mallet emitting a warm low tone like an earth hewn xylophone yes just like that a resonating sound immediately calls back from the matching colored stalactite above you all isn't it like you're just there in person thank you pep moments later a slow drip begins beneath the stalactite do you want to drip or anything drip I think one is a moments later after that a slow stream of liquid pours down schoolish before you know it the ceramic pot beneath the stalactite is full of fresh healing water you get two potions you one scoop oh sure those give you one potion to ocean potions alright well I get you those two potions you can exhaust your villagers and they bring back motion in each aren't in each arms in each arm in their arms carrying multiple multiple multiple arms are involved alright that's the end of your explore action and you also get to collect that empty cave area and put that with your village so pep will later be able to buy these buildings which require an empty cave space to be placed on top of and now it's my turn Elizabeth encouraged by her success in bringing someone new into the village is going to do the same thing again and unsurprisingly she's going to Train another gentleman with some fine facial hair this one here which is going to cost three of my gold and now jealousy is running rampant here in my village with a love Pentagon alright so first thing Rodney took a sip of one of those potions decided it's not really working for him so he's going to offer one of these up to sale that wasn't as good as the cider you know that's yeah I kind of wish I got another side of this round okay so I could use Rodney to recruit someone else but I mean he's a zit he's not so good at his job anyway so wait how are you saying that the Rodney character is not good at teaching people things well I mean yes but to clarify it's just I don't have enough bed so it would matter he's gonna teach a guy how to sleep essentially because the guy's gonna be stuck okay exhausted I could just do nothing with them but I mean you could send him to go get some money yeah that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get one money he'll just stay in there and sleep off that cider from the night before all right well then Richard Coyne well from my action Bartholomew here he's just been feeling that Elizabeth's too busy she's spending all this time with the new recruits and he's looking for some way to impress her so I think I'm gonna send him exploring but he knows he can't go alone so he sees this new villager here and this guy's name is is Gunther and hey maybe Gunther helps him out or maybe Gunther falls down a pit and doesn't come home when win we win for dear Bartholomew so I'm a feast two gentlemen go into the caves and so now I get to roll a die and I will do so let's see what I get it's a six which is number 23 now one thing before pep reads the paragraph if I had wanted to buy that potion I would need do it before I take my action it would cost at least three which is exactly how much I have I'm not ready to spend all my money on a potion though having the extra potion before we go into this cave might have been a good thing because it means you can injure your characters and then use the potions to heal them but I don't have the extra potion tap have you got a paragraph for me your party passes a boulder and you come upon two strange creatures they have round red eyes and rough grey skin rows of spikes protrude from their backs and then the thick hands are crude Spears you've heard of their kind from other travelers in town they're called Glo goes oh the glow goes travelers aren't welcome here turn back or die they say do you try to reason with them or fight them hmm you can reason with them that's an explorer 3 or an explorer 5 if you want to fight them it's Explorer 4 or Explorer 7 interesting choices and there's a little bit of a bonus with when you try to reason with them if you have a quill you get +1 Lantern so if you have a person on the Explorer action there's the quill symbol on it then they would get a bonus no I don't have someone here with a quill but let's quickly go back to the table and see what I do have and how many Explorer points I could possibly obtain while looking here at both Gunther and Bartholomew turns out they have more in common than maybe Bartholomew first thought their stats are very similar if either of them rolls at least a 1 they'll get one Lantern and roll at least a three will provide two lanterns so that's a total of 4 they could potentially get and if they're willing to exert themselves they can gain one Lantern each extra for a maximum total of 6 so fighting that glow goes had two possible outcomes either in Explorer 4 or 7 we could succeed at the 4 but the 7 is definitely impossible and reasoning had the options of 3 and 5 so both of those are possible to obtain and I'm not too worried at the prospect of potentially injuring one or both of them really because I do have one potion that I could use to help one of them out now I wanted to share with you all the possible outcomes because I want you to decide what should Bartholomew and Gunther do should they attempt to reason with the glow goes or fight them it's important to note that generally the more difficult the challenge the more impressive the reward right so if you have a suggestion put it in the comments below if you like what someone suggests give them a thumbs up if you don't like it propose your own suggestion and whichever one gets the most votes that's we'll come back and do and don't be afraid to insert your own story suggestions into it why is it that Bartholomew and Gunther are choosing to do what they choose to do and until next episode thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 47,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Above and Below, Red Raven Games, Game Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop
Id: KRUad9iOJsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2016
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