Abducted college student outsmarts ex-convict, saves herself

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a one-word text message will strike absolute fear in so many what did the message say kidnap that text followed by almost three hours of pure health Jayla at that moment had to believe that it was the end that white dodd caught on surveillance cameras as Lia Williams daughter 21 year old Jayla gladden I mean literally my worst nightmare jail is being hunted by this dark figure on the screen he's got a knife in his hand and evil on his mind I just thought I was never gonna see my daughter again Jeolla gladden grew up surrounded by strong Southern women especially her mother I did try to instill certain things in her to help her through life to the good time as well as the bad time one of the things Lea taught her daughter was to always watch her back she even had Jayla watched television shows that would help protect her when she was younger I used to fight a lot on Order SVU all the time she always wanted to watch Jayla may have had a love for crime shows but her true passion was helping people so she decided to make that her career studying to become an occupational therapist at the University of West Georgia it's there she meets the love of her young life you are the boyfriend yes ma'am describe Kayla for me bubbly for two years Tamir Bryant tells me he and jela were inseparable they even lived right across the street from each other in student housing she's completely different from anybody I've ever met that's why I love on the night of September 5th tamir's heart would jump from his chest to his throat I don't want to say that go throw voice he hadn't gonna turn Jayla's nightmare starts around 10 p.m. Jayla tells to Mir she think she's getting a cold and needs to go to the store right down the street had you ever worried about her going there before no man you're waiting for her to come back yes ma'am but while he waits Tamir dozes off he wakes up to a bizarre buzz from a message on his cell phone what did the message say they only said shared location shared location is a feature on smartphones where you can send someone your precise location but Tamir is baffled by the alert because Jayla had never shared her location before so I clicked on that and I saw how far she was now he's panicked Jayla went to a Kroger just a few miles away the location shows she's about 15 miles away from Carrollton and heading towards Atlanta that's when I respond to you you know where are you why are you there but Tamir was not expecting gialos answer she responded kidnap I was you know in shock at first he thought Sheila was kidding I told her you know stop playing it right now until Jilla sends this powerful response in God and you took it seriously of course she would never play like that so what do you do I jump out of bed I run start yelling screaming I bang all her roommates doors tell them you know Jay was gone she wasn't been taken you were not playing around No Jameer takes off for the Carrollton Police Department how fast did you drive to the police station it's about a five-minute drive from where we stay I made it in two minutes what happens next I was greeted by a detective he asked to see her location on my phone Jameer hits the refresh button and his heart sinks Jayla is even farther away and still moving in the wrong direction she told me kidnapped you know part of the memory start playing in my head I'm not sure what's gonna happen now cops are using electronic breadcrumbs to track geela asking Tamir to keep texting her for clues how many texts would you say you received from Jayla roughly about seven eight and what does she say specifically and her messages she's given one-word answers but I'm getting a lot of information you know through those ticks she was in her car which was also a big hill then the texts turn to absolute terror she told me a knife she was scared he would harm her if he saw blue lights I'd have to be a tough message for you to read that route you were praying every single police in Carrollton Georgia are desperately searching for 21-year old Jayla gladden this is the very last time she was seen in this grainy surveillance video and a Kroger parking lot that's Jayla in the white shirt with a monster and dark clothing quickly closing in on the next time anybody hears from Jeolla she's on the move taken against her will she was moving towards a Atlanta Atlanta is 50 miles away and Jayla is dropping electronic breadcrumbs to her boyfriend Tamir Bryant in a trail of terrifying text messages did one of the messages say she didn't want him to kill her then Jayla sends this might put me in drunk that was very hard for me to see every minute is of the essence every second is of the essence the Carrollton cops alert Atlanta PD to be on the lookout for Jayla's car then suddenly jail attacks stop and panic sets in they realize Jill is in the hands of a true monster what do you know about the suspect well you had a guy who had been in and out of jail for the better part of his life he was 28 and had been in and out of the system since he was 13 attorney rod Dixon says the man who took Jayla is Timothy Wilson a predator of the most dangerous kind Wilson had recently been released from prison and was looking for a car and a meal ticket to get to Michigan he was also hungry for sex he stood in front of the Kroger and according to the police report waited there for an extended period of time before picking out his victim that's just a setup for the worst it's now been nearly two hours since anyone's heard from Jayla my heart hurts so much for her because I can't believe this being in the car with the strange man and and then you know pray for your life Sheila's mom is praying her brilliant daughter will be able to outsmart the man who grabbed her do whatever it takes to stay alive normally these victims who are taken they don't make it out alive my mind was all over the place and I just honestly I mean how can a mother not think the words tonight those prayers will be answered cops tracked down the location pings on jalis cell phone it leads them straight to her car I still remember seeing her name pop up FaceTime he you know he said it's Jayla she's crying running down the street but I see no flashing red-and-blue lights behind her Jill is safe but the man who took her is still on the loose Tamir doesn't care as long as the love of his life is still alive I know she was okay okay but damaged and the road to recovery will be a long and difficult one what do you tell yourself every day I survived a strong statement I survived I'm very proud very very proud and now Jill is sitting down with Crimewatch daily to tell her incredible story of courage surviving absolute torture she was kidnapped at knifepoint stuffed in the trunk of her car then raped and sodomized in of all places the parking lot of a church was there anyone in the parking lot at all no no and you couldn't even scream he made it his duty to make sure I saw his knife tell me what happens next he told me to take my clothes off and then I started to try to plead with him and ask him not to and he told me that there was no purpose of crime so I didn't and that's where I was assaulted but the twisted ex-con wasn't done he took jail around the back of the church to a playground where the terror continued we're sitting on a bench and it's a two tiered bench and I'm on the lower level and he's right behind me with his arm around me what did he say he told me that it was just be easier to Gabriel of how to eat the playground that had to be one of the most fearful moments of this ordeal not knowing what's going to happen next I thought about literally everything everybody I could possibly think of that I've met and had sitting back in my life because mmm I didn't know if that was gonna be where time Jayla says it was at that moment she decided to fight back not with her fists but with her brain she heard her mom's voice telling her to look at her surroundings and then all those episodes of Law & Order flashed before her eyes are you studying him definitely definitely Fitz anything I learned watching the crime shows that I watch its watch how a person is because that determines what I do next what Jayla does next is truly remarkable she tells the man who had just violated her in the most unspeakable way she wants to help him get to Michigan I told him I couldn't get him where he needed to be unless he gave me my phone Wilson made the mistake of telling Jayla he spent years in prison and just got out because of his time behind bars Jayla suspected he wouldn't be very tech savvy I'm sure that he knew that I didn't know where I was but I'm also sure that he wasn't as educated about technology as I was so she pretended to use her phone as his road map to escape to Michigan instead she hid her share location button and directed her boyfriend to Muir and cops right to them you outsmarted this man and you saved your own life really you and Tamara together he thought he was going to get away with it but you knew help was on the way yes as cops closed in Wilson slipped away under the cover of darkness Timothy Wilson's found the next day sleeping on a park bench he's arrested and charged with kidnapping rape sodomy and aggravated assault and assaulting an officer he is pleaded not guilty the thought of him pleading not guilty is absolutely insane to me so I'm just ready to give him his sentence Wilson could be sentenced to life if convicted on all charges but this is not a story about a thug with a long rap sheet it's a tale of a survivor who inspires us all with her undeniable courage I've been told that I'm very brave for sharing my story and courageous this support means more the people know you're inspiring so what can you do if you find yourself in a dangerous situation like Jayla for that we've brought in safety expert Edie pantoja of force effects training thanks head for being here so much thanks so we know Jayla used the share my location feature to Center boyfriend text but you have something that's even easier that's right the two major companies Samsung and iPhone both have SOS features built into the phone that can be easily used to send out the SOS messages you have this Samsung how does that work and the Samsung's very simple you're going to press the power button three times just right under side of the side of the phone that's right Chris and then what happens the person who you have on your contact list which can be as many as you want including 9-1-1 for those areas that receive text messages and there's gonna send them a GPS location of where you located it's gonna send audio and a photograph now I didn't know that existed now I have the iPhone how does it work on the icon very similar with the iPhone the iPhone you're gonna press the side button here the power button you're gonna press this one five times so one two three four and five and what you're gonna get here is prompted to then swipe for either an emergency medical SOS to get someone to come out to help you out Jayla was smart enough to turn her screen brightness down but these apps are even more user friendly they are they are you don't have to even look at the phone anymore that's right they're more discreet you don't have to practice it's something that we typically have in our hand is our phone you have your thumb already right by that power button so you're just gonna hit that in succession and that's gonna send that signal now your firm doesn't endorse any one of these products no others it's just an example of what's out there for people yes and there are there plenty other after market applications similar to this that you can test out you can try out one of the more important things your firm does is to helped people not get into these dangerous situations in the first place that's absolution low awareness that's right there are things you can do physically absolutely if you are attacked approached or foul I told my loved ones I tell my daughter my teenage daughter I tell my own wife it's a personal decision but choosing from the - I'd rather you if the person is going to hurt you let it happen there because the alternative is you getting into that vehicle you're getting into a situation now where he is going to hurt you somewhere else and it could be far worse than where you were where you could have gotten help at that particular location you have an acronym that you teach people it's escape to gain safety e tgs it also means something else eyes throat groin and shin strike one of these vulnerable areas look to get away from that attacker by any means necessary and thank you for this critical information that every one of our viewers should have
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 1,835,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaila Gladden, Crime Watch Daily, True Crime Daily, Carrolton Georgia
Id: q0_A16ndcV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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