Abby Starts a Totally NEW Dance Team (S3 Flashback) | Dance Moms

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the moms, I made a decision. I'm going to replace the entire team. I have a whole new team and they're on their way to rehearsal right now. Hey, girls. How you doing? Hi. Thank you, moms, for coming. MARCIA: Thanks for having us. Yeah! This is exciting. We're excited to be here. These kids are the new Abby Lee Dance Company competition team, and they better work. They better work hard, they better love what they're doing, and they better be appreciative for the opportunity. This is Bella? You are 10 years old? You are tall. MARCIA: She is tall. And Kaeli. And we have Ally. We have one little girl that's flying in. I really appreciate you giving everything up and putting your life on hold just to get here quickly. GLORIA: Sure. Their moms better learn from everyone else's mistakes. Hello? YVETTE: (ON PHONE) Abby, this is Yvette. How are you? Good. How are you? YVETTE: (ON PHONE): I'm fantastic. Thank you. I hear you're going to be competing in Indiana this weekend. I am. I would love to see you. Are you going to be around? Yes, we're going to be there. ABBY LEE MILLER: (ON PHONE) Oh, god. It should be exciting. Is-- YVETTE: (ON PHONE) Hadley Is she competing? She's actually competing in a solo, and we're bringing a group number as well. ABBY LEE MILLER: (ON PHONE) All right, super. Well then we're going to see you there? You're going to see me. Absolutely. OK, super. My name is Yvette. My daughter and I were on "Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition." It was an amazing experience, but along with that came many ups and downs. Hadley, are you excited for the season? I guess. Kind of. I've been really worried about you since "Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition." I've been worried about the things that Abby said to you. Made you question if you want to continue to dance or not. I feel when Abby found out that I was a dance teacher myself, I think things turned. I think Abby tried to get to me through Hadley. She tried to break you. Shame on her. It's just different going to dance every day, because I still have those words in my head. Which words keep popping into your head when you go in the dance room? PA: Abby, I'm reading your facial expression and you don't seem that happy. Should I say roadkill? You're not roadkill. Just hearing her say that, I've never had someone say that to me before, like, call me that. Don't let "roadkill" come back into play at all. Don't let "roadkill" come back into play at all. I say all the time, you get what you give. I say all the time, you get what you give. Abby Lee Miller will get it back someday. MOMS: Hi, Sophia. Hey. Did you guys bring your solo costume? You guys bring your costumes? - No. We have no solos. MARCIA: We don't have solos, so we don't have costumes. HOLLY: So we don't need costumes. Well, I brought mine. Hello. Good morning. Good morning. All I know is that I want to win. I want to protect the name of the Abby Lee Dance Company. So what do I do? I give Sophia a solo. She is my ace in the hole. You're going to finish your solo. You guys are going to rehearse the group. We are traveling to Fort Wayne, Indiana. It's called Dance Expressions. We are doing the competition tomorrow. You are going to keep my reputation. This is an important weekend for me. I'm debuting the new ALDC team. Everyone's going to see that the faces have changed, but the Abby Lee Dance Company name is as strong as ever. Now remember, this is it, kiddo. You don't even have a dance finish yet, and you're doing it tomorrow. Let's do it. Go, kid. Sassy. So what's Sophia's solo about? It's called My New Reality. And it's about Abby's new reality. Really? Because she's got new dancers and-- I don't know. She keeps calling her-- you're replacing Maddie. That's the new reality, I guess. GLORIA: The new star. MARCIA: I don't even know why I'm here at this point. This is ridiculous. Like, why did I bring my kid? Doesn't bother me at all. My Maddie doesn't have to dance against them anyway. I hope Sophia does well. She'll be great. She'll be fine. Pretty. ABBY LEE MILLER: Ally listen to me. Last week, you were part of a team, a championship overall high school winning team, and they abandoned you. So you're on your own, kiddo. Make it count. This is an important solo for Ally. Last week, she was superb in the group number. But now, she's on her own. OK. Kaeli wants to show her that she is a good dancer, she's a good soloist. But I think that she's very concerned about impressing Miss Abby. I'm going to go down to the front lobby and see if they'll let me get a solo in for you. Is that OK? Just start running through it and make sure that you know. Start warming up, all right? And I'll see what I can find out. All right? I want Kaeli to have a solo because I want to show Abby what she could do. Hi, good morning. How are you? - Good. how are you? - Hi. Is it too late to add a solo entry? I thought Kaeli deserved a solo, and I wanted it to be her opportunity to show Abby what she had in case it was, OK, this is your audition and if you don't cut it today, then you're done. We're with Abby Lee Dance Company. OK. Yeah, I just want-- my daughter, I'm trying to enter my daughter, but Abby's really busy, so I was going to just take care of it for her. ABBY LEE MILLER: Come on. We need to run the dance. Let's get out here with Ally and let's-- So what's going on? What? Everyone's doing their solo now but her? What are you talking about? Kaeli's going over her solo. Kaeli is not doing a solo. MARCIA: I was told she was doing a solo. By who-- by me? No. She said she was doing a solo, everyone's doing a solo. She's probably going to the director to try to write her own kid in. And that means she's off this team. That's how it'll work. If that woman Glo goes behind my back and enters that kid for a solo, she's out of the group. I'm not taking this crap from any mother. GLORIA: What are you doing? How did she know where I was? After I called her and got her here? ABBY LEE MILLER: Where's your BFF? I have no idea. Are you a little shocked? MARCIA: A little disappointed. I wouldn't have ever thought she'd do something like that. ABBY LEE MILLER: And where were you? I was checking to see if we could get a solo in case you needed it for later. But apparently, I was ratted out, right? MARCIA: Look, I walk in, she's running her solo. She-- GLORIA: Whatever, Marcia. Like you wouldn't jump on it right now if you could. Do I have a costume with me? You wouldn't have tried the same thing if you thought you could have gotten away with it? I absolutely would not have. If Abby requested it, Glo, absolutely I would have. Right. It's fine. You know what, Kaeli, we're going to go stretch. It's fine. MARCIA: I won't ever forget that you did this to my daughter. I don't care. I respected you as your teacher. Done. - Well, you know what? You should respect me for calling her when I didn't have to. No, you-- I could have brought Kaeli and I could have left-- This is over, Glo. It's done. - Good. Bye. These new dance moms are acting a lot like the old dance moms. What is it about me? Why do I attract all the crazy ones? PA: Ladies and gentlemen, taking the stage right now, here is Ally with "Forever and a Day." [MUSIC - CHRISTINA LI, "FOREVER AND A DAY"] (SINGING) Something about the way he moves cuts in me and pulls out the wires. Starts a fire. In bed with you forever, forever and a day. [applause] YVETTE: I'm a nervous wreck. And I just want Hadley to do the best that she can do and nail her routine. PA: Junior Solo Division, here is Hadley with "More." [MUSIC - CLOONEY, "MORE, MORE, MORE"] (SINGING) Word up. The boys arrived. And my lips start moving when you walk in the room. So come and give me. Your eyes, your style, your smile. Got a sky high, supersize jonesin' for you. So come and give me animal, chemical. All you got, I'm so deep in it. I can't get enough. Yeah, I like it. I love it. It's true. So come and give me. So what you got to do is give me more. [applause] PA: That was entry number 10, Hadley with "More." I get so nervous before I go on stage. I always have to shake out my nerves. I'm a little bit of headcase sometimes. PA: This is entry number 27, Sophia! [applause] [MUSIC - ANALOGUE REVOLUTION, "NEW REALITY"] (SINGING) Is this a dream? Is this a dream? Is this a dream? Is this a dream, or could it be a new reality? Just you and me. New reality. [applause] ABBY LEE MILLER: Sophia came out on that stage like a tornado, and she ripped through that audience like there was no tomorrow. She truly dances like it's the last time she's ever going to dance. PA: We're going to get this thing started right away. We're going to start with our Teen Solo Division. Second place with a score of 276.9 points, entry number 36, "Forever and a Day." ABBY LEE MILLER: I'm livid about Ally not winning. I think on technique alone, she deserved that win. PA: Now the elite junior solo division. In second place, with a total of 276.3 points-- There's no question in my mind we're going to be Abby. PA: --entry number 10, More. YVETTE: I'll take that. We will take that. We'll take that. PA: And in first place in your Junior Solo Division, number 27, New Reality. Woo! Good job, [inaudible]. Woo! Hadley wasn't exactly roadkill. She was just the road, and Sophia drove right over her. Good job, girls! Congratulations. Congrats. What a competition. What a great competition. Yeah, no, they were great. They were great. Your kids were great as well. You know, I think we make a great team. You scare me. No way. Oh, no. Hadley, I figured out our bond. The daughters of dance teachers. - That's right. - I know. See? YVETTE: Oh, we see it. That's it. - See? Aw. If you're not in it to win it-- You're in the way. ABBY LEE MILLER: You're in the way. See, I know your things now. So I can do them with her. Yes? All right.
Channel: Dance Moms
Views: 125,838
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Keywords: lifetime, mylifetime, dance moms, abby lee, dance moms clips, aldc, dance moms season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7, full episodes, flashback compilations, flashbacks, abby lee dance company, abby lee miller, dance moms hannah, dance moms kamryn, dance moms sarah, dance moms pressley, dance moms brady, dance moms lilliana, dance competition, dance, dancing, dancers, dancer, JoJo Siwa, season 3 dance moms, Abby Starts a Totally NEW Dance Team
Id: plw6HIDLskQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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