Abbadon The Despoiler: Greater Than Horus and Superior to the Primarchs? Warhammer 40k Lore

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there's a belief that only he who serves better than others can become the ideal Commander it is unknown whether this refers to the Habit developed over years of sacrificing one's own egoism for the public interest or the ability to blindly follow a leader which in time should transform into the talent to lead others yet in the history of the Imperium there is an example when a mighty subordinate of the greatest of the primarchs took on the role of Commander becoming the most famous leader of the gy y our hero today is Ezekiel abdon the gifted son of Horus lupal who not only retained his resilience after his father's Grand failure but also took responsibility for those like himself creating from the disgraced and shattered Space Marines chapters his own Legion of colossal power his father was taden a king and one of the most powerful cthonian Bandits it was from him that Ezekiel adopted the habit of gathering his dark red hair into a high tail on the top of his head the harsh Planet which became the home of the primar Horus was divided among Waring criminal groups the leaders of which performed the functions of rulers sometimes calling themselves Kings according to the traditions of the Bandit World on the day of his Coming of Age Ezekiel was supposed to kill four childhood friends thus demonstrating cold-bloodedness and oance to takar raden the king offered his son to take a ritual dagger and execute the prisoners three young men and a woman who were abedin's closest comrades they all repeatedly saved each other's lives and gave blood Oaths binding them together strongly however the father claimed that ritual murders were the price that the future king must pay the four childhood friends were an integral part of ezek just as much as the hand holding the dagger instead of executing his friends abdan told his father that he did not want to be king then plunged the weapon into the old man's abdomen the youth possessed an incredible physique by human standards as well as innate ferocity and thus was able to escape even after such a blatant crime against the Traditions however the following years he had to spend in Exile the ACT committed by abidan during this period made him a legend among the peoples of konia and with that a target for assassination by various Bandit groups ezek was saved from one of such groups by the captain of the lunar wolves garal loan abdan informed the Space Marine that he never wished for the fate of a king after which the youth was recruited and sent to teras Moon where he became a warrior of the adepto sartis almost immediately Ezekiel began to demonstrate his outstanding abilities and advanc in service at the initial stages of the great Crusade he managed to achieve the esteemed position of first Captain as well as occupy a place as a permanent member of the mournival association where sanis and toodon were already present the warrior was extremely devoted to Horus whom he loved as a father their resemblance was so striking that it sparked numerous rumors including theories that proposed ezekyle as a clone or even the natural son of lupal however none of these theories reflected the truth the young abidan had a fiery temperament often bringing him trouble and even disputes with the primarch himself but still his talents surpassing the abilities of any other aartis allowed him to remain among horus's closest and most valued advisers abidan once again proved his incredible combat skills during the momentous Battle of the Anor Crusade the warrior was part of the elite contingent of Jeran Terminators which accompanied Horus in the drop to the central tower of llac urg's Palace the orc warlord was guarded by 40 Mighty knobs which already posed a difficult challenge complicated further by The primarch Who immediately threw himself into close combat fearing to hurt Horus the Terminators were forced to follow his example and renounce their ranged weapons lupal managed to tear apart several zenos with his power claw and throw the orc boss from the top of the tower causing panic among the green skins and leading to their subsequent Annihilation by the lunar wolves however when Horus returned to the Jerin they were all found slain all but Ezekiel abidan who stood alone towering amongst the mountains of xenos corpses and broken bodies of Terminators as the great Crusade progressed across the Galaxy bringing more and new previously lost parts of humanity into the Imperium following the Anor Triumph the military Armada was led by Horus with his first Captain by his side fearlessly charging into any battle but also providing wise counsel to his genetic father during that period propaganda posters with portraits of abdon were encountered on every Imperium planet and amongst its inhabitants there was scarcely any who would not recognize the face of the greatest of the estares captains being a Space Marine he also as in his human past exceeded in size those similar to him removing his helmet abdon following the traditions of konia gathered his hair in a high tail making him even taller on the shoulders of the Warriors Terminator armor was worn a cloak made from the skin of a black wolf and the facial Shield over his right eye was adorned with an emblem of the full moon a mark of membership in the mournival the rest of whom bore the image of tera's satellite in other phases the first Captain enjoyed unlimited respect among his battle brothers with whom he could joke and even fool around Mortals considered abdon to be a cruel brute showing no respect for ordinary humans this opinion was partly Justified eeky had demonstrated his disdain for chroniclers in every way possible however at moments when he became aware of instances of admiration for his merits the first captain could not contain a beaming smile during the infamous mission to reconcile the interex civilization a highly developed Human Society existing in symbiosis with xenos abidan insisted on starting a war contrary to the Warrior's own opinion the captain allowed himself to yell at the primarch and even made an offensive gesture towards him in the presence of bystanders but Horus did not punish the warrior and later gave him an opportunity to beg for forgiveness which emphasizes the special relationship the lupal had with his son the further development of events only proved the primark's reasoning of his first Captain to be correct the traged story that occurred with the Warrior on Davin shook abon's resolve who did not hide tears out of fear for his father's life the confusion and horror of the legion's higher captains played a significant role in the Rebellion that soon erupted however driven by his own Panic abdon acted out of respect and Devotion to Horus which only intensified after his return Ezekiel began to defend the primarch even more fiercely now perceiving even harmless criticism from chroniclers as a threat even before turning away from the light of the emperor abdon sanctioned the death of a poet who blamed the mournival for the unintended killing of people who were in the path of the Warriors carrying the injured Horus the first captain no longer considered the defense of humanity as the main task of the aartis Space Marines were now opposed in his mind to ordinary people who did not deserve the blessings they received and in abon's opinion underestimated the efforts of the legionnaires such ideas previously smoldering in the hearts of aartis but now blazing in full force led to the bloom of a fullscale rebellion that nearly destroyed the Empire ezek became the one who first swore unconditional loyalty to Horus after he announced the start of the war against the emperor he was present at several major battles of the heresy including the purge of the 16th Legion of loyal warriors on istvan 3 abadan went to the battlefield where the mournival gathered for the last time and fought garal loan despite being wounded the first Captain left the battlefield Victorious and after some time once again crossed weapons with loan on board the vengeful Spirit near Molech Ezekiel fought in the battle at trolian where he witnessed the repentant monologue of Horus after being wounded by Leman Russ's spear the warrior temporarily regained his sanity and expressed regret for how much blood he had shed but almost immediately afterward ordered abdon to track down and finish off the sixth Legion on yant the Space Wolves managed to escape with the aid of sorax and ezekyle returned to the warm for a general Master of the traitor forces at enor his task in the Solar War turned out to be to capture the moon together with the word bearers led by zardu lak and the Thousand Sons under the command of iscandar Kion abdon destroyed the fleet of the White Scar he encountered and killed their Captain then dropped the Imperial fists battle barge onto the defensive ring around the Moon thereby opening a path to the surface for himself on reaching the Selena Laboratories eeky managed to find arguments convincing the matriarch of the heliosa 78 cult to break the emperor's order to destroy the genan seed samples and to swear allegiance to Horus abdon also took part in the siege of the Imperial Palace on terror taking a significant share of the war Master's Powers by that time lupal spent most of his time in an unconscious State claiming he was filled with the power of the dark Gods traveling through the war the first captain could not understand horus's Behavior seeing such displays as a sign of weakness the warrior feared that his genetic father might become a slave to chaos abdan felt no loyalty to the being the warm had become however when the primarch's consciousness cleared the captain once again felt his previous admiration loyalty to his father did not allow Ezekiel to blame him for what was happening he directed his anger toward those around him looking for culprits everywhere except in Horus the responsibility for lupal strange State abdon placed on zardu lak whom he nonetheless could not kill during one of the discussions the word Bearer explained to Ezekiel that by imbuing Horus with their power the dark gods were also consumed uming his soul meaning a countdown had begun in the life of the warm asked by abdon what would happen if lupal died before killing the emperor the Crimson Apostle suggested that the gods would simply find themselves a new Champion the first captain of the sons of Horus LED an attack on the Lion's gate Spaceport joining forces with khah the betrayer of the world eaters the iron Warriors Kroger and the word bearers zardu leak during the battle abdan saved Khan from the hands of rogal dawn making a move that was hardly rational its sole purpose being to protect the world eater Ezekiel understood that although Khan considered himself a mighty warrior in this scenario all he could do was to futilely sacrifice his own life seeing the gods turn a great Champion into a puppet of chaos was unbearable abidan saved his life believing that by doing so he was opposing the fate of a slave to the destructive forces the life life of Ezekiel himself at that time was saved by the Crimson Apostle who sacrificed himself to preserve the future of the chosen of the dark Gods by this juncture abdan had become utterly disillusioned with Horus who failed even to appear on the battlefield following the fall of the Lion's gate the first Captain managed to convince perturabo to assault a similar position which the primarch himself considered a voluntary step into Dawn's trap when abedin's idea ended in failure he swore to kill the iron Lord for allowing the catastrophe to happen during the battle between Horus and the emperor Ezekiel fought against the Terminators of the Imperial fists who were on board the vengeful Spirit along with their Primark however by the time abidan and his strongest Warriors breached the wall of Dawn's sons and reached the command Bridge Horus had already fallen running through the decks soaked in demigod blood aboard the vengeful spirit abadan lifted the slain father whose body he intended to protect from desecration he also took for himself the infamous lightning claw of the Warriors and swore that he would one day use this weapon to choke the emperor himself the claw with traces of sanguinius' and the Emperor of Mankind's blood was then sealed in stasis for hundreds of years after the Warrior's death abdon decided not to continue the conquest of Tera and along with the sons of Horus retreated to the eye of Terror all the other traitors repeated his action cursing the day of their defeat the remnants of the 16th Legion managed to build a tomb for lupal on the planet mum and even erected there a citadel for the few survivors however the shame and loss of the father drove them to make mistakes eventually leading to the final dissolution the sons of Horus were attacked by bands of former allies and the four gods to whom the Warriors turned one by one did not give Their Blessings when manipulated by the destructive forces all the traitor Legions turned against each other abidan left the sons of Horus broken by his father's death he set out alone into the depths of the eye of Terror aboard the former Flagship of lupal the vengeful Spirit the legionaries did not trouble him ezekyle believed that shedding blood for slaves and territories was the lot of Barbarians to which he did not belong even the sense of Brotherhood that abdan had felt throughout his life had left him at that moment he did not want to interfere in the conflict of The Trait allegion and had no intention of saving the remnants of the sons of Horus instead the captain embarked on a dark pilgrimage through thousands of Worlds of the eye of Terror where he fought unimaginable monsters and procured mysterious artifacts throughout his journey the warrior acquired wisdom that replaced his former cruelty and fervor for many years of solitude in the emerium Abida knew everything happening in real space and on the traitor planets but did nothing instead he gazed into the light of the astronomican thanks to which his eyes acquired the color of dead gold eventually he hid his ship in an inaccessible location at the border of Imperial space and the warp where one could only trespass through the semi destroyed passages of the Eldar webway to navigate the vengeful Spirit passed the fiery wave of the radiant worlds into the very depths of the elisian veil and land the unique Gloriana class Battleship model Silla on the surface required astounding resolve and incredible abilities however abdon managed to do this alone most worlds in this region were uninhabitable and covered with Ash deserts illuminated by the psychic light of the astronomicon but one of them Asal or gang Des hson was chosen by abdon as the Haven for the most famous ship of the great Crusade half of the planet was missing after a massive psychic strike yet it continued to exist drifting in its own orbit as a cloud of gray dust the remaining surface was ravaged by snow storms so intense they almost completely buried the Colossal siiz battleship in snowdrifts ezekyle spent an unknown amount of time on the Lost Planet engaging in various hermit activities until he finally felt the need to return the moment The Emperor's Children desecrated horus's tomb stealing his body for Fabius B's experiments abdon decided to leave the shelter on the Forgotten planet in the eye of Terror and summoned several Space Marines who became the first Warriors of the black Legion eeky was once again about to be within a Brotherhood this time founded not on blood but on firmer bonds of a different level the Warriors who found the vengeful Spirit on the Lost Planet were the captain of of the yerin falus kbra world eater leine ukis and the Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons iscandar Kon these Space Marines eventually became members of the ezek Carion an elite Inner Circle of the black Legion over all of them loomed a terrible guilt and shame for the failures of their genetic forefathers as well as a longing for past military achievements which the scattered War bands were simply incapable of repeating the former first captain of the sons of Horus offered the Space Marines a chance to prove that they were much more than mere copies of those who brought them into existence abdon welcomed the arrivals in battered armor fragments of which had been taken from Warriors of all nine Legions he no longer gathered his hair in a tail allowing Tangled strands to partially cover his face but despite the sorry appearance the former first captain of the sons of Horus had not lost his Vitality he even shared with the guests a strong alcoholic beverage of his own making created from mysterious ingredients including promethium and Demon blood abdon informed the Space Marines that he regarded the former disputes of the alliance as insignificant confident in the dawn of a new era he no longer considered himself a part of the sons of Horus as the name no longer resonated with pride in his soul Ezekiel found the notion that the genetic Legacy of the primar could compel the starties to repeat their mistakes and failures abhorent abdon proposed to Warriors from various Legions to Rise Against The Call of the weakened genetic lines uniting into an entirely new yet far more powerful black Legion the chance to cease experiencing humiliations and to feel the sense of Brotherhood once again was irresistible to the Estates Warriors especially when all of this was promised by a charismatic leader who had once commanded the elite unit of the most famous of the imperium's legions with the help of anamnesis a mechanicum project that merged the machine spirit with a woman once a sister to is and Arion abdon managed to revive the vengeful Spirit buried in the Snows Ezekiel managed to please the recalcitrant superintelligence placing it at the very center of the Command Deck after that to control the battleship a crew of thousands was no longer necessary as anamnesis having renamed herself ultio could manage the ship independently Gathering Al allies abadon headed to the coral City on the Demonic world of Harmony the domicile of The Emperor's Children was destroyed by a tactic previously tested on the moon the Devastator dropped a warship on the enemies but the main target of the attack was the laboratory of Fabius B located aboard his Cruiser abadan intended to prevent the potential cloning of the genetic father or destroy the already created surrogate not only to preserve the memory of Horus from desecration but also to prevent the Revival of past shackles he was fond of the idea of Legions in which the leader is chosen for personal qualities not appointed from above and abidan did not want to return to the way of existence he led as a son of the warrior the Space Marine took into this battle the lightning claw of the real Horus intending to add symbolism to the fight using the father's weapon to destroy the last chance of his resurrection the cloned Primark proved so strong that other Warriors could not stop him yet in the of the true creations of the emperor lay something greater than just a set of special genes standing behind Horus Ezekiel said enough even this single word spoken in a commanding voice was enough to shift the Clones attention from the less weak opponents to abdon the false lupal attempted to strike the warrior with a mace but he managed to Parry the blow with the claw and break the weapon which the emperor himself once created for Horus without delay Ezekiel pierced his opponent with the claws blades with whom he was so similar that others might have noticed the difference only in the wounds received only then did the Clone recognize the enemy and call him a son abdon finished off the copy of Horus with six shots from the combi Bolter to the chest and neck but a moment before the wounded body touched the deck he caught it in his arms he smoothly extracted the blade and before the light in the clone's eyes finally faded managed to whisper a sorrowful phrase I am not your son after victory over the Emperor's Children Ezekiel abdon proclaimed himself the new warlord and began the so-called long War at the very beginning of which he purged the newly formed black Legion ridding his force of traitorous elements some swore allegiance to the despoiler as they saw in him the legitimate successor to Horus others bowed before his might while some turned away from the call and were slain by their own bre if they did not manage to hide in the warp the black color into which all who joined abdon repainted their armor symbolized mourning and revenge as well as equality and unity regardless of the original Legion Ezekiel abidan managed to Breathe new life into the lost and lonely Warriors to resurrect in them the notion that no one would be able to stand in the path of the estares Legion especially if it was under the patronage of the will of the dark gods in the eye of Terror rumors abounded that any Warrior who bowed before abidan would be offered the chance to become part of the grand plan of Vengeance against the false Emperor some traitors scoffed at the despoiler for his arrogance and self assurance but those tired of the Endless Civil Wars and disillusionment were happy to find themselves in a legion again led by a leader who commanded respect some who joined dreamed of spilling the blood of loyalists again to avenge them for years of Shame others had no goals and simply reveled in the killings and screams of their victims along with this the fame of the despoiler spread chaos adherence who respected only strength cruelty and dark Majesty recognized him as a warlord worthy to rule all others individual commanders tried to use the black Legion for their own ends infiltrating it with false promises of loyalty hoping to destroy the Army from within punished such Space Marines disassembling their fortresses Stone by Stone and decorating his trophy shelves with the heads of traitors by the conclusion of the formation of the black Legion only Madmen could think to break the oath given to the chaos Warrior when the world eaters having promised to serve abdan left his forces to independently enter the battle at scalora the despoiler set aside all his Affairs for the sake of hunting the B zerkers he severed their limbs and cauterized the wounds with a flamethrower turning the Space Marines into those who would never be worthy of a place at the table of the blood God equally famous is the case when abidan punished The Emperor's Children who had raised arms against the higher members of the black Legion he blinded and deafened the sons of fulgrim then tore out their tongues and subjected them to sensory deprivation forever depriving them of any Poss Sensations on the crystal Planet leol lonak the Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons denied abidan his promised audience for which abidan inflicted upon them a mutagenic plague turning the estares into piles of revolting flesh and then subed them to lobotomies and Unleashed demonic hounds upon them kosan merath one of the captains of the sons of Horus who killed a messenger of abdon was given the opportunity to what as the black Legion p fiery rign upon 19,000 his Warriors corisan himself was crucified on a battle standard where he receiving injections of wastes from Mortal slaves lasted five humiliating months abon's vengeance is not limited to his brother traitors when a Wilderness Shrine upon Pluto refused to bow to his authority abdon killed every other human upon the planet before personally visiting the shrine and forcing the priests who maintained it to eat the bodies of those they had once prayed for the punishments of the despoiler are so severe and meticulously calculated that even The Unborn fear breaking promises given to him and yet abdon cannot be unequivocally called a cruel Tyrant he is a master of manipulation knowing which combination of fear greed vanity and reward can influence the minds of Space Marines or demons abdon leaves his followers the opportunity to earn their own Glory la launching attacks at any time against any opponents at their discretion he encourages these independent actions if they are carried out in the name of the black Legion and to the detriment of the Imperium furthermore it is no trouble for abadon to bring those who waver over to his side there are many known instances when commanders coming to meet the despoiler only so they could see with their own eyes what the chosen of the dark Gods looks like unwittingly began to repaint their armor in black and joined the ranks of abon's army as the legion grew more and more worlds of the eye of Terror were devastated by the United Fleet the despoiler ensured that his ships moved through the warp like a shadow not becoming easy targets for the many enemies abdon himself continued to be on board the vengeful Spirit from where he issued orders that soon gathered an army capable of opposing any other force in the galaxy in addition to the eukarion the the spoiler also formed a union called abon's chosen whose members are believed to play a role similar to that of horus's mournival the chosen are champions of the four dark gods and perform special functions defined by the warrior of chaos besides them abadon is surrounded by the Bringers of Despair bodyguards selected from the strongest and most ferocious veteran Terminator Elite many rightly believe that no warlord is capable of uniting the traitor forces for long let alone Inspire them to achieve a common goal an example demonstrating the validity of this statement is cited with Horus lupac car who being a primarch and chosen Champion by the dark Gods failed to achieve his goals having far more resources than abdon currently possesses however the despoiler unlike his genetic father is not seduced by the gifts of the destructive forces forgetting his own original tasks While most other chaos Space Marines are content with a Packa with one of the dark Gods relinquishing control over their lives for the sake of gaining power abdon behaves quite differently over the Decades of the great Crusade and the years that followed horus's uprisings Ezekiel noticed how destructive the influence of one who dominates over a warlord can be the example of lupal who suffered from the influence of the false Emperor and then the chaos Gods ended with the primarch's demise and abdon does not want to repeat the fate of his genetic father striving to avoid such a mistake the despoiler swore that while accepting help from the destructive forces he would never take on the role of their slave it is difficult to determine exactly how abdon manages to use the gods for his purposes while avoiding their Vengeance some believe the answer lies in the legacy of Horus lupal the first chosen of chaos whose blood flows in Ezekiel another Viewpoint holds that the despoiler was fundamentally broken at the moment of his primark's death and his mind was consumed by hatred and rage replacing all that was human in the warrier but whatever the real reason the destructive forces chose abdan as their champion and regardless allow him the freedom of Will and impress the gods with ever new demonstrations of audacity the first Black Crusade which began five centuries after the traitor Retreat from Terror led to the burning of numerous worlds and the extermination of parts of humanity that inhabited them the black Legion ventured into real space to write the first chapter in the history of the long war with blood through temporary alliances threats and Promises abdon managed to gather the largest assembly of chaos followers since the conclusion of the heresy and direct it towards the Imperium worlds closest to the eye of Terror dozens of planets were plunged into Despair and their inhabitants perished by by the blades of traitors and the claws of demonic hordes only cardia with its formidable defense continued to steadfastly protect the walls of its cities to counter The Invasion the Imperium was forced to recall many Space Marine chapters of the second founding and from missions across the entire segmentum obscurus the traitors relished their return from the eye of Terror bathing in the blood of innocent victims and filling the holds of their ships with New Slaves however the main victory of the black Legion was not in the killing of the population and Defenders of the Imperium but in that the traitor squads once again acted as a unified Army however the atrocities they committed were not out of a simple desire to perpetrate Cruelty but with the goal of pleasing the dark Gods as a toll for the feasting Despair and pain orchestrated by abdon the ruinous Powers disclosed to him the whereabouts of the world world uran where the Tower of Silence was located concealed within the eye of Terror the planet was rumored to be a focal point for demonic knowledge and the secrets of the Gods themselves following strands of Fate untangled by his Sorcerers the despoiler managed to reach uran and enter the Tower of Silence surrounded by Veterans of the black Legion almost immediately the squad was assailed by Guardians ancient constructs of dark dark energy that moved and shimmered tearing The Souls of the Space Marines with their claws after a fierce battle abdon descended into the mirror Labyrinth where Phantoms attacked him threatening to kill the estares and add him to their ranks after an eternity of confrontation with insubstantial foes the despoiler reached the center of the labyrinth where A Shard of changing Darkness was located the warrior reached into its emptiness and Drew forth the Demonic sword draan the origin of this weapon is closely linked with the fate of humanity as it is believed that the demon draan appeared on the day when one of the ancient humans committed the first murder of their kind this act was the Primal evil to which every life taken by force along with words of hatred whispered into the ear of the dying and thoughts of murders committed for selfish gains were added dren grew stronger with each passing day and roamed among humans in search of a suitable vessel the only danger to it was the anathema whom the demon sought to destroy their battle took place during the war in the webway where dasin Yen could take form without needing to inhabit a human host however it soon realized that in its true form it was much more vulnerable to physical attacks and the emperor assigned the Warriors of the legio custodes and the sisters of Silence to kill dracen Yen before it became a real threat but the order was not fulfilled severely wounded the demon hid among its lesser kin and decided to revert to its original plan to find a powerful vessel in these attempts it inhabited the prps of a Reaver class Titan and fought against other Imperial machines it managed to cause considerable destruction destroy a squad of sisters of silence and ultimately confront the Emperor of mankind himself turning into the ancient Barbarian who had once spawned it when the creature charged the emperor grabbed its shoulders and forced it to assume the form of a sword dra Yen managed to pierce the emperor's abdomen greedily drinking the Divine blood through the many mouths that opened on the blade the emperor pulled the sword from himself and drove it into custodian Rah andiman and then ordered the warrior to flee as far into the depths of the webway as he could without asking any questions the custodian complied and he was never seen again however abdon succeeded in uncovering the sword draenen after the acquisition of which the might of the despoiler increased to unprecedented scales and the stronger he became the more the dark Gods honored their chosen one it is difficult to say why draenen which can take any form prefers to exist as abdon sword however it is well known that no one other than the chaos Warrior can touch it according to Legend at the moment when the despoiler raises the sword over his next victim the screaming faces of those who have already perished from draion appear on the surface of the blades one of the factions that broke away unwilling to join the black Legion were the sons of the eye led by drar the sightless the despoiler was aware that drar had fled from the battlefield at the walls of mik but he was not bothered by this but by the sorcerer prophecies claiming that one day a former Legion brother would rise up in Revolt under the guise of a gesture of reconciliation abdon made an alliance with the sons of the eye and went with them on the sixth Black Crusade which began in the year 9001 of the 36th Millennium the despoiler intended to create a precedent after which no one else would think to challenge his power however to accomplish this it was necessary to ensure the correct conditions besieging the Imperial Forge World agria abidan offered Drear to split the spoils into two equal parts for several months the armies fought shoulder Tosh shoulder against the adeptus mechanicus until they finally crushed their great manufactoria and forged cities celebrating the victory drar extended his hand to abidan who seizing the moment impaled his ally with the Talon of Horus the despoiler made sure to inflict such wounds on the former brother that he would would live long enough to see how the sons of the eye kneeled before the chaos Warrior becoming part of his forces after that abadon tore out drear's skull and spine blessed with the power of chaos the black Legion gained Victory after Victory washing away the shame of defeat in the Horus heresy with blood in response the Imperium gathered Space Marines chapters and Titan Legions which were sent to fight against the traitors but even that did not save dozens of Worlds from destruction and millions of Mortals from the fate of slaves in the eye of Terror abdan proved that he is the chosen of the dark gods and even the Demonic primarchs could not ignore his new position according to unconfirmed data obtained from an interested Source even Magnus the red himself kneeled before the new chaos Warrior throughout the Millennium the despoiler many times tested the strength of the Imperium in a long War increasing his power after each victory during the 10th Black Crusade abon's forces along with the iron Warriors advanced in the Medusa system against the iron hand squads turning the homeland of Ferris Manus into ruins the warrior aimed to gain the Loyalty of the demon Primark perturabo in the 12th Black Crusade recorded in the Imperial archives as the gothic War the despoiler nearly brought an entire sector to its knees his Advantage was the newly built flagship Planet Killer equipped with the latest super weapon it was then that abdon managed to obtain two out of the six Blackstone fortresses mysterious space citadels most likely created by necrons in the ancient times in the finale of The Crusade the black Legion was able to inflict huge damage on the Imperial forces destroying and devastating several planets in a region isolated by warp storms and only the intervention of the Elder allowed the Defenders of the sector to stop the chaos Fleet the last and greatest 13th Black Crusade descended upon Cadia the most important Bastion of Imperial defense at the very borders of the eye of Terror in order for the forces to reach the scale capable of realizing abon's intentions he previously achieved the creation of several powerful alliances in the poisonous marshes of the plague Planet the despoiler exchanged help for mortarion on the chaos Relic known as the hand of Darkness thereby earning nurgle's blessing in the unfathomable worlds distorted by the presence of zch he had the opportunity to use the rubricator of the Thousand sons and in the red depths of the planet of corn the despoiler crushed with his demonic sword the best champions of angran after which he gifted the primar the artifact Hellfire Stone in the world of Flesh oenis the serpent Prince fulgrim agreed to exchange his help for a spanning hundreds of Worlds and significantly depleting the resources of the Imperium the despoiler was still able to break the heroic Defenders of Cadia the planet was destroyed by a well-known abdon trick he dropped a damaged spaceship on the surface this time performed by the Blackstone Fortress will of Eternity the strike destroyed cardia and the nekron's pylons located on it which had restrained the spread of the eye of Terror for Millennia although the planet itself fell the spoiler did not manage to capture control over the cadan gate if he succeeds a dark wave from the warp along the Crimson path will flood into the Imperium and Destroy holy Terror but even at this stage the blood spilled in the segmentum obscurus has already created the necessary response for the followers of chaos through which the Galaxy was pierced by A Great Rift its emergence opens up the possibility of dispatching black Legion squads ever deeper into the segmentum from solar sewing new villainy in the very heart of the Imperium the ultimate goal of abadon is to transform all of real space into a theater of escalating battles through which the eye of Terror could expand up to the throne world then the chosen of chaos will overthrow the false Emperor from his throne and create an empire of Madness in the name of the dark Gods there is an opinion that the black Crusades are seen as failures of the warlord as all of them albeit at the cost of high losses have been successfully repelled however each of abon's actions is merely a step on the ladder leading to the Triumph of chaos the task of the despoiler is to sever the emperor from The Golden Throne destroying the astronomican and plunging the Imperium into the darkness of Anarchy without the psychic Beacon planets will become isolated from each other and turn into a scatter of lonely worlds Each of which will become easy prey it is unknown how much more time abidan will need to enact the Final Act of his plan the despoiler is increasing his own power continuing to replenish the troops capable of challenging the Imperium When The War bands of the black Legion gathered a new Under the WTH Banner of abdon the despoiler the words of Horus were heard once more upon their lips let the Galaxy burn
Channel: Imperial Iterator
Views: 33,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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