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oh my goodness counted 25 30 20 kidding me thank you do the honors step you know what step I was looking like this and I thought there was a wall and I'm like this thing is empty oh wow and I'm video that we didn't do it you're like oh yeah it is delight you can have one bill tea oh my goodness but leave me chest allowed oh my oh you can have me booty you can have me baby but leave me chest these are adorable okay we got some signs I wish we could get more lighting in here yeah okay let's start with drag this stuff into the night and see what we got power cords hopefully that's a sign that there's tools but little tool box here feels light devil later yeah this is oh it's heavy I think it's for like you know do-it-yourself kind of get yourself kind of stuff so we will keep this alright so my bad it's don't got some useful stuff and these cords always coming ahead they might do camping or something could be alright grab another one it was let's just keep dragging them over here kind of a nice oh that's a big one I see some kind of control on top all right so this is a DirecTV box is gonna go straight to donate another one is probably straight for our house also DirecTV okay so these DirecTV things is that gonna be a donate box around okay don't find the end of it this is like a freaking spider web look first off we'll get this stuff that is some kids games right Scooby who is this one Dora this is the robot guy oh yeah how did they get this I can see what's left up like I'm out of here okay so this is a miss pac-man fun we got to pull the big chunk of this out and see if there's a game in there or something you know what I mean okay DirecTV we don't need that right I don't know how you guys came out of that there we go so we know I hope would so that's the Atari flashback console so it's tons of controllers there's no winning a p1 the push everybody got their own joystick yeah and then they just threw a bunch of look at this one what is this - Sony Playstation oh yeah fisher-price we're gonna take this and sort through yeah the ones we're sliding up here we're keeping okay good yeah we'll keep that when we go to the beach the grandkids at least we could have one of the chairs can have an umbrella a puffer jacket that's a cute one what brand is that okay that's really cute check the clothing that's a nice jacket yes we could sell it at a yard sale for all those are off what does that mean like anything that you yeah maybe will you just fill the pockets maybe that's nice to hold that up that's a good yard sale I don't who I like that I like the ear things even though it's summers upon us we'll do a yard sale with that so we do keep cool no wait does this sum all this together somehow I know what those are now yeah and these are curlers - okay all right I don't know what those are doing here you're curling you make a call on this is donate for sure we're gonna have to take you we have to take this to an expert and get it checked out stuff okay what kind of expert if you want to start with just get an expert I'm would yes here we'll see we're gonna keep these because we have to go to an expert what does okay that's neat like a shawl or whatever what is this dangerous life clothing okay then we got that's cute what is it a candle holder I think so thick elastic cord pack I'm keeping that for crafting alright you can sew it in things whatever you want check to make sure this elastic still not disintegrating yeah it's fine okay um this one said dinosaur oh no it's some kind of candle holder yeah that's cute Thanks close close I did bring a um I guess we can use the same box but he did bring some trash bags they're close little teeny sure where are they in the back of the van like I know Barry back in the back pocket in the door so you got some crayons clothes clothes clothes clean clothes no bugs no anything these are nice oh here's some stuff down here though okay what do we have here we used to be bad this would be a lot easier build up come back to close donate this is a wall mount for like a laptop or something that will definitely sell it can also be a TV but I'm not a laptop but a monitor oh this is a Black & Decker opener we have an exacto knife at home that's what we did that yes keep that that's clean hello house thank you okay hey Steph we've chicago cutlery oh listen what is that big piece there this is for killing people miracle blade it says oh that might be one of those blades that cuts nails it's me Oh donator clothing back whoa but here's a big it's a nice mirror actually a dresser that's really nice yeah well you're right it did go look like a win on top of a dresser okay yeah these are awesome sellers at flea market any pot like this in Southern California I'm gonna do well lots of demand for huge pots just like this that's nice this is not a bad little espresso machine cute little bar up top probably keeps it warm - pots pans bad box with their definitely sellers in a flu market Christmas tree Stan and I think popping yet all right Pepe bid yeah that's cute or maybe it's for a toy like dolls or something yeah that's cute line up some stuff yeah I don't know what you do with that just a like a ceramic thing yeah nothing you need gloves on there's broken things okay kids are there games yeah [Music] I think it's really in there I don't know but it's a neat looking kids let's shake it oh okay maybe a little dated or whatnot this actually will donate because somebody can use it okay it could be game here too huh these are sealed still that's kind of cool treasure chest yeah that's a neat little treasure chest okay James so am i nice for texting or a bowl yeah there's some kind of to hang man oh my goodness jeans nice true religion jeans yeah those are probably not cheap are you kidding seriously yeah I know are you kidding me I saw a couple fives and I saw one 20 so you saw are you serious there's no feel my heart seriously can you saw a 20 in a 520 I saw two five so I know for sure but there's a lot I'm gonna say $40 honey we just powders you found cash we found money we found how much did we find in the dumpster it's gonna be more than the dumpster we found five dollars cash in the dumpster and now we know we've got at least we got more than 25 because you saw a 2005 this was in the freaking pock you know people say to check the pockets I'm gonna keep why was it in their pocket anyway I was jacking I said much I'm saying 40 okay oh my goodness okay okay no wait five hundred five hundred ten dollars this is the unit's free now spread that out for me oh my goodness there was more than 120 in there yes guys we found five dollars in the dumpster and now 100 whatever on I need to break that like do it to where I can get it thumb no out of this this is crazy that is unbelievable we're stopping to take a picture to get a thumbnail that's this is so cool I can't I don't even know what to say I mean I am stunned and you know we have to check every freaking pocket oh my goodness unbelievable unbelievable we have enough clothes here that we could just save him for a yard sale these are correctly Hurley actually nice clothing yeah and those jeans are nice yeah we probably could do these in a in our yard so flea market this is gonna be real time-consuming now cuz we're we're not letting any these are nice clothes look this is a stew she don't know what that is but it's pair of shorts I'll help show them and steps gonna keep rattling through those pockets now whoa elite what is it something right elite yeah hold that up stuff these are nice alright everything now yeah we're definitely this it's gonna be yard sale okay so it's Fox and it's motocross pants our motorcycle here Fox usually is like the off-road stuff yep actually um you think that's cool sir I think it's girls right yeah yeah I checked all right felt these pockets if we we have to check every piece of clothing [Music] I'm Steph I am in shock oh my goodness this is the storage units are fun this is our second storage unit the first storage unit by the way change how fast did we flip the first storage in it if you haven't seen that video we we got lucky and flipped that storage into the next day and and now this is just man so good day tell me which decide to go to with them for our yard sale verse it's like this stuff okay you know what maybe we leave it in this tote we'll leave this and we'll go through real quick bitch call me a bitch that isn't nice yeah I have a chromium bitch you know what I'm gonna say like this tote if you take the cash whoa if you take the cash out of this tote and there's clothes that were in the tote we probably got at least a hundred dollars total if we sold it for a dollar each hey yo Queens are born in April huh you just told him when your birthday is you know what let's do this real quick like just feel first things with buckets cuz we're gonna move along we know we're keeping all the clothes we're under a yard sale and we'll sell them for a dollar each maybe the more expensive stuff like those motorcycle pants we're gonna we're gonna get these checked out by an expert come on light there's a motion sensor hearing and that light keeps going out but these I guarantee these are gonna be a pretty penny so we're gonna make sure there's no more pockets in here man it's freaking amazing I was dancing what does this say I thought it was like a corona or Sun but now I don't know Barringer's out away inning fight another toad up did you see this yes bless our maker we're donating that we're so tons of coffee maker to the liquidation yeah nice Christmas bags really nice actually this is a nice pile of yeah this puts lights and little a treasure chest oh there's little drawers oh yeah now we're thinking everything's gonna have so this was saying this is a big Christmas pile yeah this is a nice like we love totes he's Rubbermaid but I like okay what do we get hello okay so no gloves what I should get this to Dean cuz he's playing baseball he's gonna like these shoes are nice you know what this might just be something we just take and do a yard so also so you got your what is this oh yeah a little Bowl I know you can you can reuse it yeah okay we're just gonna keep this tote and that's just like a camera of mountable it's for what yeah you can mount this [Applause] we might have to set that aside and get it checked out by an expert Steph did you know we did this check out checked out pile just so we're never it'll be easy okay did you know that when you do storage units if you say hey I'm doing storage unit can you will you check this out for me experts will drop everything you're doing and they'll check it out always they will for free so all right so this is this thing's ready to do the yard sale and it's an awesome tote you know why steps doing all the work Wow cuz she's a woman okay put that aside that was probably like a computer drop everything and work on your problems when you go to take it this is what the experts they live by this motto yeah I'll drop everything fit your frame here yeah that's nice this is different that's old what is that does have any marking down the bottom apart oh for sure this is neat you see what the brand is that's old for sure telegram it's a telegram here let's give them a good look at it I think I think this what you know what we got to do get it checked out by next come on come on give us this we got Oh grandkids love searches some restaurants do that on their menus so this is whatever show that says VHS oMG mother was right about everything that's true that is true an order me an order maidens sake why don't I get second chance they did the second chance already Steph no got it fifty four or five hundred she's been she gathers these up from dumpsters and wherever yep four second chance entries what does this leap Rocky Patel decade hope open up slowly like it's know if it opens it does what that is cigars I've been ours yes box it's a nice one hmm the texture is cool - this is that's a yard sale I was funny torpedo maybe Honduras twenty torpedoes handmade in Honduras okay so we got a bunch of stuff that will this raid fogger we got here oh this is for inner tubes slime tube sealant okay so let's put let's put all electrics oh we use that all the time isopropyl I've got 70 and 91% at home I didn't know they had 50% days deaf is bringing out another totes and in addition to the what we're getting we're also getting totes which we love Shakespeare oh wow feather through the pages I'm so I'm gonna believe her now people do stuff and that's a nice book a real nice book stiff can't for a cup of tea do you want a cuppa Christmas cover well put it in Christmas over there MattyB don't know how that is me either might be famous but more close we end up oh there's a tote behind you with clothes we're just looking for pockets it's a Snuggie or whatever it's called isn't it oh that's a heavy robe this is a CEO robe chief executive officer steps checking the pocket like a art set Oh a laptop cooling snap-on cover well that's pretty it's Jeff definitely jumps out at you yeah nice where's my laptop oh there it is the Charlie Brown ghostly word puzzle Oh fiction Eraserhead Superfly searching for sugar man and beat girl that's some good good movies how do you fit 15 on there no we're just music the soundtrack songs follow the sound tracks okay what is this has this has got something this is not empty weird we found we found Allah clamour we're good we're gonna taste this crap it's not it's don't you age these Shelton a moderate or we'll give it to Amanda it's a la crema excellent did you imagine getting this bag full of Christmas stuff okay I don't look bad so here's the build-a-bear cheerleader real throwing in the clothes bin there build-a-bear Wow you see no he's Disney what is that that one Disney downtown yeah then that's neat we'll just blast through this as you're doing it you know what we gotta we gotta get these bit that's a cat oh yeah there's your pet cat these builder bears I know some of them can be worth you know what these guys we're gonna collect put all those bears we could sell all those in one lot that's an interesting stocking bear definitely Christmas somebody like bears yeah Christmas yeah that's new a tag yeah yeah because that's all bagged Christmas huh we know this why are you doing that have everything nicely totes label coffee things I know okay more cookware the kingdom maybe that's to that big pot over there the power that moves muscle there's some exercise yeah once again no personal items in there yeah well they said she took two everything's you wanted me yeah what is this great okay oh and it's a for making cocktails strain your flowers making shots in some envelopes oh yeah envelopes I think no tonight this is a nice nice locket we've seen a key we have the keys is it a combo key what's the key look like there's your exec another executive nice tote says Christmas on the tote so man they will organize what does it say up on there Western Electric one one litter a leader one leader oh beam Jim Beam maybe Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey hello hello okay so these baseball bats let's see we got someone worth a lot of money by the way Louisville Slugger and we'll have to check find out another Louisville Slugger definitely used but we can give these to our grandsons Louisville Slugger wow that's a curvy foot nice this is a time they're banned X right so these bets those bats will leave to be they're part of giving for a grandson let's see okay sit dude you're next 1699 yeah that's retort paper yeah I think so but actually it might not be it would get started you think it is though I think it's for snakes like the kind I think that's for a snake a lot of good stuff great stuff for yard sale flea market just stuff like that - that'll sell fast his clothing is nice there's clothes there's lots of little house where knickknacks that we were gonna maybe do but I think we should since we're gonna have to do a yard sale or something anyway we'll just grab a lot of those things that we stuck in the donate pile then we're gonna keep them so we can do a quick sort through grab the stuff that we're definitely donating which I don't think were gonna donate a lot I think a lot of this work in Italy it's a good unit to do yard sales with and hey it'll be fun too yeah and we might find some more stuff in some pockets that we hadn't made that we missed yes I'm checking every pocket can't believe with my gloves off people keep saying it so but if you if you don't believe it you better check pockets if you're doing this or even thrift stores whatever oh my goodness I'm excited all right it's only our second storage a second storage unit we flipped the first one we're not saying like we're so good we did that we got lucky we flip the first one and then this woman for the keys addition these things cheap if you can't have you haven't got them before so it's they're hard to get cheap but is there something about Hornets it's not it's not easy like we literally only buy what we think we can make some money off of and there's not a lot of them out there guys later yeah do I owe
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 651,440
Rating: 4.7467523 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT- THEY LEFT MONEY!, ABANDONED STORAGE, THEY LEFT MONEY!, MONEY, My wife and I Bought an abandoned storage, I Bought an abandoned storage, found cash money, cash money, cash, money, abandoned storage locker, storage locker
Id: 3ovi4HllJaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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