Abandoned Oz - Remnants of the Wynyard Station Refreshment Room

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone so I'm on uh I'm on George Street outside wyard station and there's something I've been intrigued about for quite some time I've seen a lot of photos onine lying about it lately is the wyard station refreshment room um basically was a biso area inside wyard station it's um quite extensive it was really cool looking a very impressive uh impressive room and uh so I decided to sort of ask around and sort of do a little bit of research about um whether any of this still exists and through a lot of um a lot of comments and a lot of posts saying no none of it exists I actually found a little bit of it so once these trams passed we'll head down into wyard station and uh show you what remains of the old refreshment room so if any of you want want to if if any of you remember the refreshment room here at wyard station I don't know when it closed um yeah let me know in the comments section it would be pretty cool to hear some stories about um I don't know what kind of food they sold um that kind of thing be quite interesting to to know so head down to wiard Station from George Street uh one of the people I asked was actually from the old Sydney album on on Facebook and um they said walk down um into wyard station from George Street aim towards McDonald's and I'll see a bit next to the Florest which is what we're heading towards now so um we've got McDonald's just up here to our right so I could just dodge a couple of people here and uh so Straight Ahead the escalators up to uh wyard Park and uh you got McDonald's to the right and a couple of doors up from McDonald's you have um you have the florist now I actually found out that some of what we're looking for is actually in the Florest as well and some of the footage you'll see very shortly is um is of the roof in the Florest so we've got this bit here just a little bit and a bit in the Florest so that's what you're about to see I've been looking around Ward station to see if I can find anything more uh but at this stage I haven't but if anyone does know of any remnants of uh I guess you could say old wyard station um if if yeah if any of you know where some of the remnants may be just let me know in the comments section um do know about the old wooden escalators you see around the corner um that kind of thing I already know about that uh but yeah let's have a look at some of this footage that I filmed a little bit earlier when it was less busy okay to start off with there's a bit of information here near the area where you can see a bit of uh a bit of what's left of the uh the old refreshment room there's information here you get my face out of the way uh the grill room wyard station was not designed to to be just an ordinary Underground Station it was a place where you could spend time in comfort you were standing in what was once the refreshment area it was it was stylish luxurious and extensive part of The Bistro's ceiling was uncovered and repaired during the 2016 upgrade Works to the station now here is a photo of uh of the of the dining room of the uh I guess the refreshment area uh um the refreshment room that I've seen photos of didn't look like this it had like a pretty big um big table area as you as you'll see now U I'll also now put a photo up of um oh this photo I'll put this photo up here so you can see it a bit clearer now what we're about to see is this all this which is just up here there a small part up here which you'll see clips of now followed by clips of in the florist here C station in the interest of your safety and to prevent injury like to so there you have it uh that's all of that part um just as a bonus for the end of this video we will go for a bit of a walk through the Station 2 where the old escalators were just to add that in we've also got the supports here some of them have the top uncovered so you can sort of see the style of work that shows on a couple of the supports here now we'll just head out this way very quickly and we'll a very quick look at the old uh what do you call it the old wooden escalators which have sort of been transformed into art Dodge this gentleman here and here we go I'm sure just after I finish this video that there will be something else that I find but yeah there's this here it's called interloop I've done a video about it just um just look up wyard station wooden escalators so you still got the wooden look here which is pretty cool so those uh wooden wooden escalator steps used to be here uh but when when the station was U modernized I guess you could say in was it 2016 something like that um yeah that artwork was sort of put together and yeah uh sorry the beginning bit of that video was sort of rushy how I was just sort of like you know slowly Ling something and then all of a sudden I'm there running like you say Bol through the station I was just sort of I guess trying to avoid a couple of the people um you can't you can't avoid just about everybody but um and sort of try and not throw the camera in everybody's face if I make a lick of sense but anyway that's all for this video thank you for watching please give the video a thumbs up subscribe to the Channel share the video you know the drill and we'll catch you very soon [Music] ciao you can see the riding on the pavement young kids that growing up in basement online a whole new generation I'mma make M so you better go take it always
Channel: Abandoned Oz
Views: 22,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oz, Sydney, Old sydney, Old sydney town, Old sydney album, Sydney trains, Wynyard, Wynyard station, Wynyard station refreshment room, Abandoned, Abandoned places, Abandoned building, Abandoned sydney, Abandoned oz, Abandoned australia, Urbex, Abandoned world, Urbex world, Urbex sydney, Urbex australia, Urban, Urban explore, Urban exploring, Urban exploration, Metro trains sydney, Sydney metro, Sydney metro west
Id: cDsQTBkzPI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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